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BD to Purchase Submarines

Though its off-topic...but would still like to share it as we are talking about our navy...


It is quite confirmed that the petrol crafts with China are being jointly constructed....if you see the banner at the background, you can see that clearly and the deal was signed in May 2010...

Thus my guess is the work has already been started...this shall be a good experience for BN....

Its probably these types...



Wow great...

I hope after fullfiling our requirement we should export some of those beauties to India with concessional price. But ofcourse with our Chinese friend's consent.
I see! Tigers, pythons & crocodiles? Just one problem. How are you point to point out to them who should be eaten & who not? Seems that they might pay you guys regular visits since you are the food source always available as opposed to "enemy commandos" who may or may not turn up.:lol: Your submarine would soon progress to becoming an unmanned one.:D

Crocodiles, tigers and pythons are not something you can see in the internet. Instead of rediculing these in the internet, you will have to send your commandos to know what these are. Anyway, I think Sundarbans will be the best choice for at least one of our submarine bases.
There is no question of allowing Bangladesh to get a sub.

India will use all her influence in preventing it and if Bangladesh still manages to get hold of one then its gonna be a WAR.

You are surrounded by India on 3 sides then its quite obvious this sub is meant to be against us which cannot be allowed.

A sub is too strategic an asset to be allowed to fall in Bangladesh's hands.

i give u many thanks for making me laugh and also i tried to post a reply but unfortunately clicked on thanks button.fortunate for u indeed:lol::lol:
and also please note that this is seikh hasina...so be assured guys...if india complains navy will opt from submarine as long as the mir zafars in powers
Even couple years back talk was BN will try to get U-209 from Turkish navy that will be retired. But Turkish navy is retiring ATILAY class U-209 Type 1200. These only have 4 torpedo tube and earlier version of U-209. Considering Sub is expansive purchase and long term investment these early versions of U-209 will not be good choice. Rather BN should look other attractive option perhaps South Korea can provide. South Korea had gained extensive know how in U-209 and U-214 and done quite some modification and assembly of these sub. South Korea recently ordered “material packages” for six U-214 with AIP system that will be modified to be better than original German package. These will be built in South Korea with significant Korean input. U-214 is highly customizable platform and considering all facts BN should go for U-214 and upgrade if older South Korean one available.

We are modifying the 1200s. It was approved recently that the periscope, ESM / ECM and communication systems will be upgraded and the torpedo tubes(4 of them) modified to fire Mk48 ADCAP Mod6 AT heavy weight torpedoes. So they may still be viable options though they will require a mid-life refit to remain in service beyond 2020. Also these have 8 torpedo tubes not 4.
Neither Kaptai nor Patuakhali was selected for base. I would not say it here but what I learned from my source it is somewhere in jungle where it will be hard to detect from above.

A submarine base in jungle ? in my knowledge it can be in kutubdia too.:undecided:
Acquisition of submarine by Bangladesh should not be viewed as a hostile act on the other hand if Bangladesh acquires U-209s..as having operated these submarines for last 26yrs ...Indian Navy should offered BN.. maintainace expertise and training facilities.

No thanks we don't need your assistance .we a have lot of friend out there to help . :yahoo:
Thats very unfortunate that you dont speak for BD navy.:whistle:

what do you mean ? indian assistance is essential for bangladesh navy's modernization ? where your fellow country man are voicing concern about bangladesh's possible submarine purchase and you are offering assistance . we have train our navy commando in south korea and britan submarine crew are going training in turkey and so on, there are no room for indian assistance infact . equipment we are getting from south korea china and britan .
what do you mean ?

Thats very unfortunate that you dont speak for BD navy.:whistle:

indian assistance is essential for bangladesh navy's modernization ?

No, and I dont think any body else said its essential.

where your fellow country man are voicing concern about bangladesh's possible submarine purchase and you are offering assistance .

So, its a bad thing to lend a helping hand. Plus they dont speak for GOI, they are saying GOI "SHOULD".

we have train our navy commando in south korea and britan submarine crew are going training in turkey and so on, there are no room for indian assistance infact.

Good on BD navy for exploring more avenues, but hardly I would say there is no room but than again thats not up to you to decide.:coffee:

equipment we are getting from south korea china and britan .

Again good move by BD, diversify.
Acquisition of submarine by Bangladesh should not be viewed as a hostile act on the other hand if Bangladesh acquires U-209s..as having operated these submarines for last 26yrs ...Indian Navy should offered BN.. maintainace expertise and training facilities.

Its a long shot. First to get the Subs and then its the decision of the Navy what to do about maintenance. Thanks for the offer though. It would be great if you could put a dollar amount on your offer.

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