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BD to Purchase Submarines

Pakistan could make Agosta's for Bangladesh. India already has Type 290 Subs so it already needs how to track it down. Whatever the submarine I hope Bangladesh will get Fuel-cell powered subs, as this makes them hard to detect even by the most advanced radars.
In case of hostilities with BD we just need to defend borders on 3 sides and put a navel blocade on the fourth side. And maintain it for a week.

Economy of BD will be crumbled within a week in that case with nothing to import and export.

Do not overdream, please. A naval blockade by a few Indian junks? It will leave your Bombay harbour to be taken by Pakistani bombardment. It is painful to imagine such a scenerio. Don't you understand that because of India's such a mind we are after buying naval helicopters and submarines?

We are also building a few hundred small patrol vessels fitted with missiles in our own shipyard. This venture was supposed to be with Pakistan initially. But, I do not know if it is now by BD alone or not. These small missile crafts will fly like bees around your junks and hit them with missiles.
Now do you think China will risk 60 billion trade with India for the sake of temporary blocade of 5 billion dollar anuual trade which will be stopped for a week? :smitten:

When our deep sea port is completed, China's international business through this port will surpass $200 billion.
So will it still be Type 209s built in Turkey. Also how is the Milgem Project going will Bangladesh be purchasing them ?
Is it so hard for members to understand that a progressing country needs improved arsenals for its security. When burma's developing nuclear warheads why should we be the sitting ducks? India may not be a threat but you never know what's gonna happen 20-30 yrs later. Does singapore need military power? I don't think so but still they have superb defense clusters.

I agree!!! Besides, its a moot point. BD is a sovereign country. Whether it is friendly to India or not is 'besides the point', as a sovereign nation, it has all the rights to pursue any military policy, be it posture or procurement.

India has no business telling BD what it can or can't do. As sovereign nations, BD does not dictate us our foreign policy. If BD feels it needs subs to protect its coast, then let buy it. Its their money, they can spend it as they deem fit.

To the dude who was harping that India would not allow it, well India DOES NOT have a say in this matter. All India CAN do is factor in the threat and make adequate attempts to counter it.

Do not overdream, please. A naval blockade by a few Indian junks? It will leave your Bombay harbour to be taken by Pakistani bombardment. It is painful to imagine such a scenerio. Don't you understand that because of India's such a mind we are after buying naval helicopters and submarines?

We are also building a few hundred small patrol vessels fitted with missiles in our own shipyard. This venture was supposed to be with Pakistan initially. But, I do not know if it is now by BD alone or not. These small missile crafts will fly like bees around your junks and hit them with missiles.

Good point. The gun-ho Indian posters don't realize its not that easy to make a military move just like that. Most of their men and machines are geared toward Pakistan and China.

A blockade is a declaration of war.

Any decent Indian military professional would conclude that its not worth sending naval assets to block Chittagong/Mongla port because BD decided to buy few submarines.
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I agree!!! Besides, its a moot point. BD is a sovereign country. Whether it is friendly to India or not is 'besides the point', as a sovereign nation, it has all the rights to pursue any military policy, be it posture or procurement.

India has no business telling BD what it can or can't do. As sovereign nations, BD does not dictate us our foreign policy. If BD feels it needs subs to protect its coast, then let buy it. Its their money, they can spend it as they deem fit.

To the dude who was harping that India would not allow it, well India DOES NOT have a say in this matter. All India CAN do is factor in the threat and make adequate attempts to counter it.


Finally a smart Indian...who talks straight, modest and to the point...


A question to the Pakistani members as well...what makes you think we cannot buy and maintain subz, as said by someone above...??

And also u should know by improving arsenal,u will also get enemies..

Just look at Iran,N.korea..

Oh Please....

Totally different scenarios. The *only* reason Iran is such an issue is 'cause US has no say over them and they are hell bent on creating nukes. Sanctions can't be placed on them thanks to Russia and China and US does not have the manpower or the resolve to start another war.

They already have had their hands burnt with Pakistan (No offense!), so they don't want another Islamic state with nukes. And if wikileaks are to be believed coupled with Israel or even Pakistan's position, they don't want Iran to have nukes either.

Now comes, N Korea, totally different matter, the state is being headed by a loony bin, who doesn't give a damn about their starving people and just want to hold on to some by gone visions of commi grandeur. China, who is bankrolling the entire country is also troubled by the nation 'cause its ruler have gone rogue.

BD is not building a nuclear arsenal, its just acquiring subs (If it acquires subs!), and that does not shift the balance of power in the region, so NO they will not make any more enemies...
Do not overdream, please. A naval blockade by a few Indian junks? It will leave your Bombay harbour to be taken by Pakistani bombardment. It is painful to imagine such a scenerio. Don't you understand that because of India's such a mind we are after buying naval helicopters and submarines?

We are also building a few hundred small patrol vessels fitted with missiles in our own shipyard. This venture was supposed to be with Pakistan initially. But, I do not know if it is now by BD alone or not. These small missile crafts will fly like bees around your junks and hit them with missiles.

Ah eastwatch bro...chillax...!! Its not our pain if they day dream...let them harp, be proud, think whatever they want of themselves, just sit and have the fun....:D

For history...a similar scenario happened when Israel underestimated Hezbollah and went for a smal 'party' inside lebanon....result - Israel lost with its "mighty army" and Merkava's pride going down the drain and multi-billion $ frigate Saa'r 5 being taken down from the land....

So you see....there is a saying right...."Ohhonkar potoner mul"....!

A war by India! A thief can steal when every one is sleeping. This is what India is doing in our border. Stealing fish and paddy. A war by India? I have never heard of it. Indians are basically BENIYA. People are also quite educated. Beniya and educated people do not like warfare. Our people are different. They are broad minded, but they are also warlike people.

So, don't say of adventurism. Read history. We all together will just destroy what is called India. It is with or without submarines.

Big words from a set of people who were handed over their nation by us. Say thanks and move on. Such big claims of grandeur are gone and are now being only used by nations like N Korea who actually start believing in these make believe fantasies of theirs

A nation can only defeat the other nation by overwhelming military or economic means, none and i repeat it NONE of which is even comparable with regards to India and BD.

Pakistani's also had the same misconception of 1PAK soldier = 10IND soldiers. It did not serve them well over the years.
Do not overdream, please. A naval blockade by a few Indian junks? It will leave your Bombay harbour to be taken by Pakistani bombardment. It is painful to imagine such a scenerio. Don't you understand that because of India's such a mind we are after buying naval helicopters and submarines?

We are also building a few hundred small patrol vessels fitted with missiles in our own shipyard. This venture was supposed to be with Pakistan initially. But, I do not know if it is now by BD alone or not. These small missile crafts will fly like bees around your junks and hit them with missiles.

What's the point of this silly post? You want to attack India now?

Good point. The gun-ho India posters don't realize its not that easy to make a military move just like that. Most of their men and machines are geared toward Pakistan and China.

A blockade is a declaration of war.

Any decent Indian military professional would conclude that its not worth sending naval assets to block Chittagong/Mongla port because BD decided to buy few submarines.

The highlighted part of your post is the one I am in agreement with. Wild_fire had it right. I don't think any Indian planner needs to go crazy about Bangladeshi intentions. I don't know what it is with Indian & Bangladeshi posters here. If you listen to them, you would probably think that India & Bangladesh are about to commence hostilities. If Bangladesh wants to buy submarines, that's your decision. It is difficult for me to inderstand why exactly & why now but I also realise that I can never know what the fears are in the minds of others. If Bangladesh feels that having submarines makes it feel more secure, then so be it. It's much easier to deal with a confident neighbour than a paranoid one.
which people she is pointing to???

I think, she is pointing both towards Burma and India. AL is assumed as anti-military, but every time AL comes to power it spends more money on military. Military killed Sk. Mujib, so there is a distrust.

For BNP it is the opposite. President Ziaur Rahman was a military general. He, his widow and BNP are liked by the military. Because BNP is trusted by the military, therefore, BNP does not have to spend much on military to gain their trust. Usually they pocket most of the money.

However, the plan to buy submarines was floated since the time of last BNP rule. It takes a long time for a poor country like BD to make such a big purchase. It also requires to build one or two expensive bases.

Site selection is also difficult in a plain land sea-shore without hardrock mountains that can act as natural barrier against a sudden bombardment. Now, probably BD navy has finalized a site. So, the PM has declared the matter now.

I hope, the base will be located under a mountain near the sea, and a tunnel will be cut to such a depth that deep sea water there allows movement of submarines when they are still submerged, so that spies cannot see them from any point.
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If assam issue gets serious do u think BD will get into war with india???
Don't come to wrong conclusions

I think, the GoB will not get involved in the Assam mess directly. However, some rogue elements in the military establishment may indirectly support some groups, Muslim or others, in assam. Our Jihadis are just waiting to join the Assam Jihadis when such a situation arises. GoB cannot get rid of these people in the midst of the country.

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