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BD to buy 44 armored vehicles from China

I am not familiar with the terrain between you and Burmese.

Burma is the only possible cause of your concern; the other option is just plain and simple Unthinkable.

@ What you are talking Tshering !!!!! We are always concerned with India. Even the baby which is still inside the belly of any Bangladeshi women he or she is also concerned.

@ The Bangladeshi women thinks twice whether she should give birth the baby ??????

@ What ever we are doing is for our existance and it is not mere existance. We started with only one regular Brigade and now we have more than 25 Brigades. We did not had single tank. We started with two adondoned Pakistani Sherman tank which had no breeze block and firing machnism most probably the Pakistani troops destroyed it or thows it some where else. Soon we started searching and fortunately we got it inside a pond. With this two tanks we started our journey. Other Pakistani tanks were taken away from the Indian. Some were destroyed. Soon we received a gift of 44(not sure)T-55 (not sure) from President Nasser from Egypt.

@ Initially from some querter it was advocated that there is no need of tank in Bangladesh due to the train condition. But the war history does not tells so. And today we have more than 300 tanks. In 1971 the Pakistan Army had only one lone Tank Regiments(44) in East Pakistan. Our defence capability is increased in many fold. And now even who are thinking for overhauling of these tanks and its upgrading. Hope so in future we might be able to even produce tank and its ammunition. If Pakistan can do it why not we ??????The technology know how of Pakistan may come to Pakistan any time any moment. Remember, "Enemy's enemy is my best friend ", whether you like it or not. Only thing that we need some time.

@ Thanks to Pakistan they have also gifted one or two Regiments and others we bought it from them at a leverage rate. Even we had an unwritten practice with Pakistan that all phased out Tanks to be given to Bangladesh as gift.

@ We also received lot of tanks from Gulf War as gift. And presently whatever tanks we have it is more than enough and hope so for the next 10/ 15 years tank threat from our great beloved neighbour is to a greater extend is neutralize.

@ You see in practice a war or battle may not take place but it is the threat perception which is always being analysised and basing on this the war strategy is planned and executed.
I am not familiar with the terrain between you and Burmese.

There is a whole lot of difference in the terrain on our side of the border and the other side.

Burma is the only possible cause of your concern; the other option is just plain and simple Unthinkable.

Well this is you DP right,


Thats where the concern is, actually.
No other nation thinks as bigoted as the ones in India.

It seems you'e painted even Malaysia,Singapore burma in saffron.

Anyways heres a starter for you to chew on, greater Bengal....
moreover india has fenced all over bangladesh, u have more BSF troops then our BGB.

Had there been no illegal immigration , which has changed the demography of the adjoining areas , there would not have been need for a fence ....

Now its very much needed to keep the rats out .... the more early we get that fence up and running , the better !
Had there been no illegal immigration , which has changed the demography of the adjoining areas , there would not have been need for a fence ....

Now its very much needed to keep the rats out .... the more early we get that fence up and running , the better !

1. Till today India has only been yap yapping about so called BD illegal entering their poverty ridden nation where people find no jobs. This has resulted in an average 1 mlln Indian illegal Indians flooding developed nations causing a causing nuisance. We ourselves officially employ 100,00 Indians in our factories. Much more than that are coming in as illegals.

2. No Muslim will ever like to shift into a nation where Muslims are persecuted. No Low Cast likes to settle in a country where the Brahmonic rule pervades every segment of society.

3. This is a bogus stunt created by Bal Thakery Sr and Jr and some Assam political leaders for creating an issue to please Delhi masters. We have asked India a million times to identify these so called "illegals", but they cannot - because they are not there.

and I told you that uniforms changes from place to place. Now for your satisfaction and exposing your lies and half knowledge here is a photo of BSF IG Mr.P.K.Mishra wearing similar uniform as Indian Army (as shown in your photos) and with BSF emblem on it. I suggest you should concentrate on your homework instead of lies and propaganda. I know about my country and its armed forces better than any Bangladeshi national on this forum.

please do not argue without proper knowledge on camouflage uniform.

indian army use four colour camouflage uniform ( gray.green,brown,black ) and BSF use three colour(khaki, green, brown ) camouflage uniform.

yes it has similarities but two r different.

i am showing a example of different colour camouflage uniform...

see woodland camo..

see another camo..

see more differences..

all r combat woodland camouflage uniform but not fully same.

so dont try to b very funny....:rofl:

i am showing a example...

Man both Indian and Myanmar Army chief's must be shivering in their pants.

Even the BSF has anti tank weapons for crying out loud.


How about india? Will not India shiver when we purchase another 400 MBTs? Indian Army troops shiver at the thought of facing our BGB, and BSF fires only at the innocent teenage girls and banana trees.
The news report below gives a little more details of the MBT and other purchases.

Army to get 44 tanks

Monday, June 27, 2011Front PageArmy to get 44 tanks
2 helicopters also on purchase list
Hasan Jahid Tusher

For the first time in the country's history, the government will purchase 44 new tanks and three armoured recovery vehicles (ARV) for the army as part of its plan to modernise the armed forces.

The government will also buy two brand new helicopters for the army to ensure necessary logistic support for the UN peacekeeping activities.

The Main Battle Tanks (MBT-2000) and the ARVs will be bought from China, and the helicopters from France through government-to-government deals, which were recently signed. According to the deals, the cost of the tanks will be around Tk 1,201 crore, and the helicopters Tk 174 crore. Besides, a process is on to buy 18 brand new cannons.

The purchases would be done from the budgetary allocations for the army, said government sources.

The government increased the allocation for the armed forces to Tk 12,134 crore in the proposed budget for fiscal 2011-12 from Tk 10,918 crore in the current fiscal year.

"The tanks will be bought through a government to government deal ensuring maximum transparency," Master General of Ordnance (MGO) of Bangladesh Army Maj Gen Abdul Matin told The Daily Star yesterday.

"The purchase is being done as a part of modernisation of the Bangladesh Army," he said adding that the tanks will be delivered in phases over a span of 27 months. In the first phase 24 tanks will come within 20 months, and the rest will come in the second phase over the next 7 months.

The payment for the purchase will be made in phases over the next eight years, said the major general.

Maj Gen (retd) Amin Ahmed Chowdhury told The Daily Star that through this purchase, the military of the country will definitely get a boost.

“If the authorities concerned that would supply the tanks share transfer of technologies then it would work.”

Mag Gen Abdul Matin however said the Chinese government will provide training to technicians of Bangladesh Army in China and in Bangladesh for a good period of time so that the tanks and ARVs could be maintained properly. The training will be free of charge, he said adding that the China would also give adequate spare parts of the tanks.

The government in 2003 took initiatives to buy tanks for the army, but that initiative did not see the light of day due to budgetary limitations, said the sources.

The government was supposed to buy seven tanks last year and seven more this year. As only a Chinese company took part in the tender, the government cancelled it, and re-invited tender in which four companies from China, Russia, Ukraine, and Pakistan participated. Chinese company Norinco was selected as the lowest bidder.

Later the army requested the government to buy 44 tanks instead of 14.

A five-member committee headed by Maj Gen Abdul Matin signed a deal with the Chinese defence ministry on June 14 to purchase the tanks. According to the deal, China North Industries Corporation (Norinco) will deliver the tanks.

Matin said Eurocopter, a global helicopter manufacturing company in France, will supply the two helicopters by July next year.

The two helicopters will be used in UN peacekeeping missions, he said.

The committee chief said they have signed a draft deal with the countries concerned to purchase 18 new cannons. The agreement will be finalised next year, he added.

Bangladesh first got tanks in 1974 during Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's trip to Egypt. The then Egyptian president Anwar Sadat presented Bangabandhu with 44 tanks that were in good shape, said government sources.

Some refurbished tanks have also been bought for the army over the years.

Man both Indian and Myanmar Army chief's must be shivering in their pants.

Even the BSF has anti tank weapons for crying out loud.


Indians do not have to shiver and wet their pants, but, with the addition of a total of 44 units of MBT-2000 tanks, the gross total tanks in BA arsenal are more than 800. India, of course, has about 3,000 tanks. But, 90% of these Indian tanks are not fit for use in BD terrain. But, do not get panicked, my dear fellow Indian. Our military is not after your necks, but, our Mullahs are.
Indians do not have to shiver and wet their pants, but, with the addition of a total of 44+7= 51 MBT-2000 tanks, the gross total tanks in BA arsenal are about 850. India, of course, has about 3,000 tanks. But, 90% of these Indian tanks are not fit for use in BD terrain. But, do not get panicked, my dear fellow Indian. Our military is not after your necks, but, our Mullahs are.
Why would India panic. As long as bangladesh manages itself and does not become a failed state(which is unthinkable now) we dont have much to worry.
India can use other resources to keep bangladesh friendly, we dont need to use force.
2. With Burma we have two issues:
a. The perennial Rohingya influx.
b. The recent false claim of Burma on a our part of the sea.

3. With the other neighbor we have endless issues created by her. Our planners must allot priority to any possible threat emanating from this massive power. It is quite "thinkable" and as a a nation we are not unprepared.

Many thanks for your reasonable response to an Indian's query. I believe you are speaking from the mind of a soldier with some insideous knowledge of our own preparedness. A bullying or a war can be avoided by two ways. One is submitting to the wish of a neighbour with a stronger force. Another is to prepare oneself, with a limited resource, to a level that the stronger neighbour thinks twice before bullying into submission.

BD is certainly not a country of 1971 when only 90,000 troops of PA caused us so much of pain to our unarmed population. Today, to say the least, we are not unarmed, nor we are unprepared. Based on our economic development we will do five times more in the next ten yrs than what we did during the last forty years. Considering the recent purchases for all the forces that we will continue for the years to come, the military of BD will become a force an enemy will certainly learn to respect.
Many thanks for your reasonable response to an Indian's query. I believe you are speaking from the mind of a soldier with some insideous knowledge of our own preparedness. A bullying or a war can be avoided by two ways. One is submitting to the wish of a neighbour with a stronger force. Another is to prepare oneself, with a limited resource, to a level that the stronger neighbour thinks twice before bullying into submission.

BD is certainly not a country of 1971 when only 90,000 troops of PA caused us so much of pain to our unarmed population. Today, to say the least, we are not unarmed, nor we are unprepared. Based on our economic development we will do five times more than what we did during the last forty years. Considering the recent purchases for all the forces that we will continue for the years to come, the military of BD will become a force an enemy will certainly learn to respect.

Bullying is not exactly the right word. I dont see there is much misalignment between Indian and bangladeshi interest, in near future. Good war machinary is important for bangladesh.
From India's point of view, its interest is better served in exerting economic/diplomatic/subvertive influence than war(frankly war with bangladesh will show us in really poor light, we are defeated in world opinion even before war starts)
Why would India panic. As long as bangladesh manages itself and does not become a failed state (which is unthinkable now) we dont have much to worry.
India can use other resources to keep bangladesh friendly, we dont need to use force.

You are right on both the counts that you have raised. However,

1) A failed state is what some our political Mullahs want. They want to prove, even if needed by destroying its infrastructure, that BD, as an independent country, is a failed state. This will create a situation whereby the Mullahs will raise their ranks with many new recruits from the population. As a result of these political upheavals, BD will become a more failed state. The GoB is trying to develop the country fast so as to get rid of these fundamentalists.

2) India is indirectly assisting the fundamentalists by way of demanding many unreasonable things from BD. India must show its worthiness by not fueling the discontent of the population against the two main conservative Parties of BD. A friendship is not established with unusual demands to a country ruled by two conservative parties alternately.
You are right on both the counts that you have raised. However,

1) A failed state is what some our political Mullahs want. They want to prove, even if needed by destroying its infrastructure, that BD, as an independent country, is a failed state. This will create a situation whereby the Mullahs will raise their ranks with many new recruits from the population. As a result of these political upheavals, BD will become a more failed state. The GoB is trying to develop the country fast so as to get rid of these fundamentalists.

2) India is indirectly assisting the fundamentalists by way of demanding many unreasonable things from BD. India must show its worthiness by not fueling the discontent of the population against the two main conservative Parties of BD. A friendship is not established with unusual demands from a country ruled by two conservative parties alternately.

I dont think India is demanding unreasonable things. Transit is not unreasonable nor is building a dam. The issue is the disconnect between bangladeshi leadership and its population.
May be bangladeshi leadership should have gone slow in agreeing with everything that India wants.

In case of India, there is hardly any disconnect between GoI and people of India. Teesta deal stopped because wb CM opposed it. GoI cannot move faster than this, and it has to take people along. Should not Bangladesh be doing the same?

There is a concern among some policy makers that India has taken more than what it is capable of giving, which may hurt the relationship with bangladesh. Bangladeshis can blame it on lack of any concern for bangladesh. I would blame it on general slow moving GoI, it is slow in every decision making. That is a given, you cant make the elephant move faster.
Without sounding like I am blaming, I wish bangladeshis moved slower on the relationship, else it becomes creepy, and may lead to breakup/

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