its a sort of an own goal whenever its scored. what pride is there when we tease each other that we were invaded time and again from the hordes of Central Asia and then the West? please ignore such posts as they are made with a very minute understanding of our part of the world. at some point our fore fathers accepted the "polite request" of Muhammad Bin Qasim and accepted Islam when he came to plant Palm trees along the Indus highway and some were still killed even after accepting Islam because they accepted the "wrong" sect.
as much as we hate each other and deny that we have more blood and milk in common than we have with Arabs or central Asians.
that aside issue at hand is that we keep the sanity and I must give the credit where its due
bravo to my Indian and Pakistani friends that have kept the cool despite the difference of opinion.
there is no way of sugar coating the Kashmir conflict that turns bloody from time to time but lets show the world that it cant continue to dismiss us as the mindless primitives of African warlords who have claimed the lives of millions have nothing to eat but have enough ammunition to destroy each other ten times.