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Baroness Warsi says the failed declaration was an 'oversight'

On 30 November 2009 she was pelted with eggs by a group of Muslims whilst on a walkabout in Luton. The protesters accused her of not being a proper Muslim and of supporting the death of Muslims in Afghanistan. Baroness Warsi told the BBC that the men were "idiots who did not represent the majority of British Muslims". She later continued her walkabout with a police escort.[16] In May 2010, British radical Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary warned that she could be in physical danger if she visited Muslim communities. He said she would be attacked by eggs every time she went near a Muslim community and some protesters may take the attacks further, because he did not view her as a Muslim and could not represent Islam or any Muslim due to her support of the military involvement of the British Army in some Muslim countries.

Sayeeda Warsi, Baroness Warsi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would rather have Baroness on my side than stupid nut job like Anjem Choudhary..

But i guess he is hero to Pakistanis here as he talks about islamizing and killing britishers even though he eats and sleeps in britain...
I would rather have Baroness on my side than stupid nut job like Anjem Choudhary..

But i guess he is hero to Pakistanis here as he talks about islamizing and killing britishers even though he eats and sleeps in britain...

We Pakistani Brits reject both self appointed spokesmen or spokesmen hoisted upon us by Indians and others. Both Choudhary and Warsi are unelected and representative only themselves or those that give them time.

They are as representative of us as is A Roy of Indians
I think most of the Pakistanis are pi$$ed of with her because she had shown the true face of Pakistani muslim men, their true nature of lusting on non-muslim women, either white british or Hindu women. Their fascination with muslim psychopatic emperors who in the name of islam raped and murdered a number of non-muslim women and according to themse Pakistani men- this proves supremacy of muslims over non-muslims..

We Pakistani Brits reject both self appointed spokesmen or spokesmen hoisted upon us by Indians and others. Both Choudhary and Warsi are unelected and representative only themselves or those that give them time.

They are as representative of us as is A Roy of Indians

oh.. i did not knew that she is an elected representative of Indians..but u should know more than me as u are a Pakistani sitting in Ireland :rofl:
I think most of the Pakistanis are pi$$ed of with her because she had shown the true face of Pakistani muslim men, their true nature of lusting on non-muslim women, either white british or Hindu women. Their fascination with muslim psychopatic emperors who in the name of islam raped and murdered a number of non-muslim women and according to themse Pakistani men- this proves supremacy of muslims over non-muslims..

Not really. We couldn't care less. However what she says and does is her personal view. It is not rep of Muslims or people of Pakistani origin. If Cameron and or Indians want to appoint her its a matter for them

I think most of the Pakistanis are pi$$ed of with her because she had shown the true face of Pakistani muslim men, their true nature of lusting on non-muslim women, either white british or Hindu women. Their fascination with muslim psychopatic emperors who in the name of islam raped and murdered a number of non-muslim women and according to themse Pakistani men- this proves supremacy of muslims over non-muslims..

oh.. i did not knew that she is a elected representative of Indians..u should know more than me as u are a Pakistani sitting in Ireland :rofl:

According to Cameron he chose her as a rep of women, Asians, Pakistanis and Muslims. So although you Indians would like to think you are classified separately you simply are not in the UK
Not really. We couldn't care less. However what she says and does is her personal view. It is not rep of Muslims or people of Pakistani origin. If Cameron and or Indians want to appoint her its a matter for them

But Cameron is a representative of majority of British, so i would definitely take his word than some random PDF member :)
I think most of the Pakistanis are pi$$ed of with her because she had shown the true face of Pakistani muslim men, their true nature of lusting on non-muslim women, either white british or Hindu women.

I think its not wise to generalize about 1 million people.
I dislike her because in Pakistan we have enough corrupt politicos and she had an opportunity to be a shining example and beacon to all in the UK to show how to behave and to reflect most hard working peoples over here.
Instead she she shows that she has no morals by stealing a poor ladies husband who didn't even realize she was divorced and now she shows that she as bent as the rest of them. She has been caught out stealing. Thats why we hate her.
Do me a favor and before bunching us in the same category watch in the next few days to see how she has deceived and conned the masses in the UK and embarrassed us all by associating herself with us. She doesn't voice the majority nor does she share our values....
But Cameron is a representative of majority of British, so i would definitely take his word than some random PDF member :)

Cameron actually only commands a majority in the commons as the result of a coalition. He may represent the British people but he is not God and he has made mistakes even he would admit it.

I believe that it was a lapse on the part of his judgement to appoint Warsi. This mistake of Cameron is being now exposed in the British press.

I find some irony that Cameron appointed her as a token Asian yet Indians here try to justify her as something else
Cameron actually only commands a majority in the commons as the result of a coalition. He may represent the British people but he is not God and he has made mistakes even he would admit it.

I believe that it was a lapse on the part of his judgement to appoint Warsi. This mistake of Cameron is being now exposed in the British press.

I find some irony that Cameron appointed her as a token Asian yet Indians here try to justify her as something else

First of all i dont think any Indian in UK sees her as a representative of them. and why would they. There are number of British Indians least of all Lord Swaraj Paul and many others. But as u said iam not british, so i may be wrong.
My point is, is the hatred towards her result of her anti-pakistani men stand she has taken in last few days?
My point is, is the hatred towards her result of her anti-pakistani men stand she has taken in last few days?

Wrong again - she has been claiming rent expenses whilst living rent free. She also FORGOT that she had a flat in Wembley where she was profiting from the rent - that's why the press are having a field day. She was the first one to be on the "expenses band wagon" and now we realize she was defrauding the tax payer herself - that's why she has created the scenario as we see it today. Her view regarding "anti Pakistani men" has no relevance to her situation today - she has brought this on herself.
First of all i dont think any Indian in UK sees her as a representative of them. and why would they. There are number of British Indians least of all Lord Swaraj Paul and many others. But as u said iam not british, so i may be wrong.
My point is, is the hatred towards her result of her anti-pakistani men stand she has taken in last few days?

Mate she is disliked because she has not been appointed or elected by Asians, Pakistanis or Muslims.

At every turn she is rolled out to make anti Asian anti Pakistani comments that white people would not dare to make as they are racist and or untrue.

She is also a dishonest and duplicitous with no principles. I have no problem with her having her pov. But please not in our name
I sure as hell know she doesn't represent all Asians , a politically correct bull **** term the British media uses to club Indians along with Pakistanis, especially while reporting some crime.

Dim wit ?

Does it take Euclidean genius to understand that she does not represent NRIs or British-Indians in UK ?

Please shove the politically correct term, Asians, aside. No one is buying that.

You and your Indian mates who are supportive of white man and think they treat you in a very special way need to look at the videos on the OP of this thread. You will see as the white thugs kicked in the heads of Indians they did not ask them if they were Pakistanis or Indians. You should remember that.

The attack happened at about 45 seconds of the video and it did not matter to the whites that the Indians were supporting the same team as them


I think its not wise to generalize about 1 million people.
I dislike her because in Pakistan we have enough corrupt politicos and she had an opportunity to be a shining example and beacon to all in the UK to show how to behave and to reflect most hard working peoples over here.
Instead she she shows that she has no morals by stealing a poor ladies husband who didn't even realize she was divorced and now she shows that she as bent as the rest of them. She has been caught out stealing. Thats why we hate her.
Do me a favor and before bunching us in the same category watch in the next few days to see how she has deceived and conned the masses in the UK and embarrassed us all by associating herself with us. She doesn't voice the majority nor does she share our values....

Firstly I think Syeda Warsi is being made a scapegoat. Why the freaking **** would the tories not allow investigation into Jeremy Hunt but would let their Pakistani-descent chairwoman in the open? She did mess up with rent claims and that is a good enough reason for the British media and politicians to go after her. But it is not prudent of Pakistani-British to let go off their strongest political leader(despite the cr*p about her not being elected, she did climb the ladder politically and is at a position where no other Pakistani-British citizen will and can ever get). She is promoting a healthy image of Pakistanis in UK. Without her, Anjem Chaudhary is the face of Pakistani diapora. On any issue which does not conflict her Britishness, Syeda Warsi will and has been supporting Pakistani cause. What else can you hope for?

In essence Pakistani-British will do better if they 'do not air your dirty laundry in the public'. If you want to say 'No we follow principles. etc etc', well then look where principles got Pakistan to. We just have to use what God gave us for politicians.
Firstly I think Syeda Warsi is being made a scapegoat. Why the freaking **** would the tories not allow investigation into Jeremy Hunt but would let their Pakistani-descent chairwoman in the open? She did mess up with rent claims and that is a good enough reason for the British media and politicians to go after her. But it is not prudent of Pakistani-British to let go off their strongest political leader(despite the cr*p about her not being elected, she did climb the ladder politically and is at a position where no other Pakistani-British citizen will and can ever get). She is promoting a healthy image of Pakistanis in UK. Without her, Anjem Chaudhary is the face of Pakistani diapora. On any issue which does not conflict her Britishness, Syeda Warsi will and has been supporting Pakistani cause. What else can you hope for?

In essence Pakistani-British will do better if they 'do not air your dirty laundry in the public'. If you want to say 'No we follow principles. etc etc', well then look where principles got Pakistan to. We just have to use what God gave us for politicians.

You are talking rubbish as I predicted on the 24th May see below. On 27 May they were on to her:

Default Re: Warsi: Minority of Pakistani men see white girls as 'fair game'

Let me be the first to tell you she is a liability to British Muslims and British Pakistanis. She has become famous for making provocative statements that undermine the community she hails from. Unfortunately for her she has now become a liability for the Tory party. they will drop her unceremoniously very soon. I do not mean months or weeks I mean days. One weekend you will see her in the Sunday papers in the UK for what she is. I will come on here and post the news.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...-see-white-girls-fair-game.html#ixzz1wrBxN5Mq

She is not representative of British, Asian, Pakistani or Muslims. She has never won an election. She was used by right wing whites who appointed her as a token to show how inclusive they are. They used her to say things which they would like to say but if they had said them they would be termed racist.

Go check on you tube her performances. she is thick and well out of her depth. She has no principles and only joined the Tories cos labour wouldn't give her a ticket to represent them in elections.

Now to her current mess. she is a thief and she should and will be investigated by the police.
Firstly I think Syeda Warsi is being made a scapegoat. Why the freaking **** would the tories not allow investigation into Jeremy Hunt but would let their Pakistani-descent chairwoman in the open? She did mess up with rent claims and that is a good enough reason for the British media and politicians to go after her. But it is not prudent of Pakistani-British to let go off their strongest political leader(despite the cr*p about her not being elected, she did climb the ladder politically and is at a position where no other Pakistani-British citizen will and can ever get). She is promoting a healthy image of Pakistanis in UK. Without her, Anjem Chaudhary is the face of Pakistani diapora. On any issue which does not conflict her Britishness, Syeda Warsi will and has been supporting Pakistani cause. What else can you hope for?

In essence Pakistani-British will do better if they 'do not air your dirty laundry in the public'. If you want to say 'No we follow principles. etc etc', well then look where principles got Pakistan to. We just have to use what God gave us for politicians.

Im sorry to correct you but the expenses row is just the tip of the iceberg. Her past is coming to haunt her and bite her badly.
She didn't declare rental income from a property in Wembley.
She claimed more money than she was entitled to by staying in a cheap hotel and claiming the max.
She stayed free of charge at the Egyptian doctors premises - yet claimed for a room in a hotel.
She didn't declare her business interest in a company called Ruperts recipes and attempted to hide it.
She went to Saudi Arabia and got the Arabs to pay for her trip - and didn't declare it.
She took her business partner Abid Hussain to Pakistan failing to tell anyone they were on a business trip to benefit themselves at the tax payers expense.
She has an interest in a charity that the Sunday Times has exposed wrongdoings this week - (to use the name of charity and do this there is no defence of this.)
There is now a police investigation taking place regarding her misdemeanour's.

and you believe she is promoting a healthy image of Pakistanis in the UK? Give me a break every time i see this woman - i cringe and do a facepalm. She is rotten to the core and as shown to be corrupt.
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