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Baroness Warsi says the failed declaration was an 'oversight'



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Jun 3, 2011
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Baroness Warsi says the failed declaration was an 'oversight'

The co-chair of the conservative party, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, has admitted not fully declaring rental income from a flat she owns in West London.

It has emerged she failed to declare the income for around 15 months, from January 2011 until May 2012.

Party sources have not revealed the full amount she earned, but they say it is over the £5,000 annual limit before full disclosure is required.

Baroness Warsi said she took full responsibilty for the "oversight".

The baroness had declared the property on the register of ministerial interests, and it had been cleared by the Cabinet Office and HM Revenue and Customs.

But she failed to inform the register of Lords' interests that she was letting the property, after she moved to a new home closer to the House of Lords.

The Tory peer bought the flat in Wembley in 2007, but on the advice of security experts, moved closer to Parliament when she became a minister in June 2010.

Around six months later, with the approval of the Cabinet office and the leader of the House of Lords, she began to let the property.

Baroness Warsi added: "When the discrepancy became apparent this week, I immediately informed the registrar of Lords' interests of its omission.

"At all times my ownership of the flat and the fact that it was being let out was fully disclosed to Cabinet Office officials and HM Revenue and Customs, and was appropriately reported on the register of Ministers' interests held by the Government."

Conservative party sources have described the incident as a "**** up" which has been remedied, and that Lords authorities will not take further action.

BBC News - Baroness Warsi fails to fully declare rental income from London flat

The beginning of the end for big mouth appointed by Cameron as our unelected representative
I commend Sayeeda Warsi on her principled stand she takes from time to time even though it means riling up her own community there. She along with Shreela Flather know the black sheep existing in the UK and being plain about it.
She is a liar and i hope tommorow she is exposed for what she is in the Sunday papers. She doesnt represent or truly reflect Asians in Britain and exposing her as a liar and trying to defraud the British government will remove her from her post.
Whats been even more frustrating is she has achieved her status without EVER winning 1 election! Incredible....
She is a liar and i hope tommorow she is exposed for what she is in the Sunday papers. She doesnt represent or truly reflect Asians in Britain and exposing her as a liar and trying to defraud the British government will remove her from her post.
Whats been even more frustrating is she has achieved her status without EVER winning 1 election! Incredible....

She is a treacherous scum. She is a liar. You only have a bit of the story here. She has been staying with some bloke called Naveed at this flat rent free whilst claiming expenses for hotels. Just watch and see.

She has used her position to stab Pakistanis and Muslims in the back to please racists and others
She is a liar and i hope tommorow she is exposed for what she is in the Sunday papers. She doesnt represent or truly reflect Asians in Britain and exposing her as a liar and trying to defraud the British government will remove her from her post.
Whats been even more frustrating is she has achieved her status without EVER winning 1 election! Incredible....

Please don't say "Asians" as a whole like that politically_correct_to_the_point_of_Bullshit English media.

She represents Pakistanis there.

I hate it when both Indians and Pakistanis are clubbed together as "Asians" by the English. Ignoramuses.
I commend Sayeeda Warsi on her principled stand she takes from time to time even though it means riling up her own community there. She along with Shreela Flather know the black sheep existing in the UK and being plain about it.

She is a crook and you talk diatribe. I have noted how your posts support any anti Muslim ant Pakistani bullshit. She riles me up because she is appointed and used by a white man to lie about our community.

I predicted her demise last week on the forum.

Let me be the first to tell you she is a liability to British Muslims and British Pakistanis. She has become famous for making provocative statements that undermine the community she hails from. Unfortunately for her she has now become a liability for the Tory party. they will drop her unceremoniously very soon. I do not mean months or weeks I mean days. One weekend you will see her in the Sunday papers in the UK for what she is. I will come on here and post the news.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...-see-white-girls-fair-game.html#ixzz1w0yEwskX

I think I know this and other topics a bit better than you
Sayeeda Warsi has the courage for calling a spade as a spade and what happens in the meantime ? Some Nazi Muslims pelt her with eggs for touching a raw nerve by calling them as "their conduct not in accordance with Islam".

Please don't say "Asians" as a whole like that politically_correct_to_the_point_of_Bullshit English media.

She represents Pakistanis there.

I hate it when both Indians and Pakistanis are clubbed together as "Asians" by the English. Ignoramuses.
Don't worry ; Pakistanis are slowly self-correcting that mistake.
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Please don't say "Asians" as a whole like that politically_correct_to_the_point_of_Bullshit English media.

She represents Pakistanis there.

I hate it when both Indians and Pakistanis are clubbed together as "Asians" by the English. Ignoramuses.
Guy sitting in the USA thinks he knows who she represents over there in the UK. :rofl:

I doubt she even represents or stands up for Pakistanis. Seems more like a BNP supporter.
Sayeeda Warsi has the courage for calling a spade as a spade and what happens in the meantime ? Some Nazi Muslims pelt her with eggs for touching a raw nerve by calling them as "their conduct not in accordance with Islam".

Why do you talk about what you don't know? Watch what the Sunday Times says tomorrow they are doing a front page spread on her exposing her as a fraud. Does it not strike you as odd that I predicted it 3 or 4 days ago???
On 30 November 2009 she was pelted with eggs by a group of Muslims whilst on a walkabout in Luton. The protesters accused her of not being a proper Muslim and of supporting the death of Muslims in Afghanistan. Baroness Warsi told the BBC that the men were "idiots who did not represent the majority of British Muslims". She later continued her walkabout with a police escort.[16] In May 2010, British radical Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary warned that she could be in physical danger if she visited Muslim communities. He said she would be attacked by eggs every time she went near a Muslim community and some protesters may take the attacks further, because he did not view her as a Muslim and could not represent Islam or any Muslim due to her support of the military involvement of the British Army in some Muslim countries.

Sayeeda Warsi, Baroness Warsi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please don't say "Asians" as a whole like that politically_correct_to_the_point_of_Bullshit English media.

She represents Pakistanis there.

I hate it when both Indians and Pakistanis are clubbed together as "Asians" by the English. Ignoramuses.

Why do you feel that you have to resort to personal attacks to make your point. You have neither the education nor the intellect to debate nor are you wealthy enough to have the inside track

Please don't say "Asians" as a whole like that politically_correct_to_the_point_of_Bullshit English media.

She represents Pakistanis there.

I hate it when both Indians and Pakistanis are clubbed together as "Asians" by the English. Ignoramuses.

Why do you feel that you have to resort to personal attacks to make your point. You have neither the education nor the intellect to debate nor are you wealthy enough to have the inside track

We are often clubbed together whites couldn't give a rats ar$e whether you are Indian or I am Pakistani
Please don't say "Asians" as a whole like that politically_correct_to_the_point_of_Bullshit English media.

She represents Pakistanis there.

I hate it when both Indians and Pakistanis are clubbed together as "Asians" by the English. Ignoramuses.
Asians refers to anyone from South Asia in the UK. Whether it be a Pakistani,, Indian, Bangladeshi or Sri Lankan - They're asian. Simple as that.

Asian is basically the White word for Desi.

If you think that's offensive to you, you need a reality check.

Many programs in the UK are solely united among Asians - people from all backgrounds from South Asia work together to provide entertainment and news. e.g. BBC Asian Network.
Guy sitting in the USA thinks he knows who she represents over there in the UK. :rofl:

I doubt she even represents or stands up for Pakistanis. Seems more like a BNP supporter.

Exactly mate some India dim wit in America is gonna come and tell me what its about here in UK

Oh and Warsi mate she has no principles. She has no money either shire beds ltd her family companies accounts are available at companies house uk. Show its a loss making company. She went into politics cos she thought she could make money out of it. The problem is she is a bit dim go on youtube see some of her interviews she is a joker who talks out of her rear
Exactly mate some India dim wit in America is gonna come ad tell me what its about here in UK
I've visited UK so that's why I know the deal out there.

It's funny seeing these guys making claims about a place or society they've never witnessed.
Guy sitting in the USA thinks he knows who she represents over there in the UK.

I sure as hell know she doesn't represent all Asians , a politically correct bull **** term the British media uses to club Indians along with Pakistanis, especially while reporting some crime.

Exactly mate some India dim wit in America is gonna come ad tell me what its about here in UK

Dim wit ?

Does it take Euclidean genius to understand that she does not represent NRIs or British-Indians in UK ?

Please shove the politically correct term, Asians, aside. No one is buying that.
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