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Barbaric Gujrat Massacre - The Truth Behind The Story

Remembering Babri Masjid

Who had even heard of it? A nondescript little used mosque somewhere in the city of Ayodhya in central India. On 6 Dec 1992, Babri Masjid became the mosque that no one in India would ever forget, a national wound that 15 years later, still throbs, still pierces the hearts of those who lost forever the security of being at home.

And yet, this should have been the last mosque to stand as a symbol of our inner khalish. According to the District Gazetteer Faizabad 1905: “up to this time (1855), both the Hindus and the Muslims used to worship in the same building. But since the Mutiny (1857), an outer enclosure has been put up in front of the Masjid and the Hindus forbidden access to the inner yard, make the offerings on a platform, which they have raised in the outer one�?.

Claims of a Ram temple under the mosque had persisted through history, many people believing that Babur had built the mosque after demolishing the temple. No specific mention was made of this in the Babur Nama though, and some historians believe Babur merely repaired the edifice, not built it. Regardless, on that fateful day, 75,000 – 200,000 saffron clad militants, mostly from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, climbed over the edifice to bring it down, to rescue the Janmabhoomi of the Gods.

My memories of the day are scattered. At the time, it seemed like some far away, alien happening on another planet. Did things like this happen in India? We heard about it and saw it on television, but it was still all very unbelievable. Who were all these people and what did they want? An old mosque? We had seen the rath yatra passing befire our house some days back, an exercise in sensationalism that had all looked very filmi to me.

It was a stark piece of reality to many others. In Ayodhya, Muslims were afraid and changed heir nameplates to avoid recognition. The air resonated with the sentiments one would associate with pages of ancient history.

“Every civil building connected with Mahommedan tradition should be levelled to the ground without regard to antiquarian veneration or artistic predilection.�? British Prime Minister Palmerston’s Letter No. 9 dated 9 October 1857, to Lord Canning, Viceroy of India, Canning Papers.”

People locked themselves in their home and uneasily peered outside. The kar sevaks were going through the streets of Ayodhya, mocking the fabric of Indian communal harmony, tearing it as they went. There was pain and disbelief on the faces I saw, shock at the demolition and the feeling of being abandoned and being betrayed by their countrymen. Houses were razed, people killed and maimed each other, Bombay was under curfew (!!Bombay!!). There were bomb blasts in the city, something that was not a common everyday occurrence at the time. I heard of a bearded man who had been burned alive, only later did they find out that he was Parsi, not Muslim.

Very very surreal to me. All this over a building?

My good friend at the time called and apologised to me for it. Why? Because she was Hindu. I was flabbergasted. What did I have to do with a decrepit mosque I had never seen? Why did she need to apologise for unknown strangers doing things un-Indian? I remember she gave me three hand embroidered handkerchiefs and a card about national Unity.

I was bemused and realised in her own way, she was showing her solidarity to our friendship and was upset over my perceived alienation by the incident. Cemented with chai breaks and crying over each others shoulders through five years of college, did we really need a card to tell us we’re okay? I hugged her and said, “It was just an old building I had never seen”. It has nothing to do with me. Truly, it was how I felt.

The Babri Masjid demolition was a pivotal moment in our history. It established firmly that fundamentalism had come home to stay, that religion, from that moment on, would be a defining factor in Indian politics and society, that rather than Indian, we were Hindus and Muslims. It ushered in the era of Hindutva and Islamic fundamentalism in India. The BJP and Shiv Sena became household names in all Bombay as well as the rest of the country. In Bombay, we lost our complacency that communalism was not for us. We became Mumbai and blended in, lost our spark, a recognition that whatever had happened to us those two months changed us forever. No longer could we boast of our cosmopolitan and secular nature. It wasn’t just us either, there was arson, looting, rape and destruction of temples in nearby Bangladesh.

Today, the site of the demolition is under the protection of the Supreme Court. Our interminably slow jusice system ponders and ponders over what should be done. The Liberhan Commission set up in 1992 to investigate the circumstances of the demolition has become the longest running commission in the history of the country. Bureaucracy and Politics plod on.

I hear many opinions on what should be done. The government should rebuild the mosque, say guilt stricken Hindus, with a temple nearby. A monument to Unity is needed here, say others. Muslims are curiously reluctant to offer heir opinions, the ones who care also feel they have lost the right to have a say, they have been evicted from their home. The ones who don’t care can’t see what the fuss is about. Build a school and educate the people, they say, offhandedly.

Speaking to many people on this issue this week, I was struck by something unusual. The lack of blame. Did Muslims blame the Hindus for the demolition. No, said the ones I spoke to, it was a momentary fanaticism. Even Hindus who recalled their support of the issue at the time admitted to a feeling of dismay, shame and disbelief that they could have ever been involved in this. “Just goes to show how easily people are misled,” they say, shaking their heads, as if to shake of the memories of their naivete.

To me, its all still surreal. Half a lifetime ago, on a different planet. Not my India.
Modi to appear for questioning on March 21 in Ehsan Jafri case- Hindustan Times

SIT team inquiring into 2002 Gujarat Riots has issued summons to Chief Minister Narendra Modi to appear before it for questioning on March 21, according to a TV report.
The summon follows a petition by Zakia Jaffrey, widow of the late Congress MP Ehsan Jaffrey who was killed in the Gulberg Society massacre in Ahmedabad on February 28, 2002. Total 69 people were killed in the massacre.
Ms Zakia Jaffrey had filed a 100-page complaint alleging conspiracy against Mr Modi and 62 others, including his Cabinet colleagues.
Something inside of me still hurts. I dont know and will never know the truth about Godhra but whenever this name pops-up I get into a state of hopelessness , despair and grief . I dont remember the events as I was too busy preparing for IIT. In college I saw the documentary that as been posted here as banned and as the little child uttered that he is going to kill hindus once he grows up something inside of me died a silent death.

I think as a nation India lost .After mumbai we can say the spirit of India is alive and such crap but we have to say that spirit of India lost on the day of Godhra. What are we people who cannot learn from our past failures. Were 1984 and 1992 not enough for us to learn our lessons? I feel like a culprit in being a hindu when I think of godhra because those a$$holes were hindus.

Mann karta hai in kutton ko line main khada karke zinda jala do... Dont know how right such treatment is but I dont want to be rational when I think about Babu bajrangi's.

What is there to write yaar... Godhra will haunt me for a very long time of my life...
Shock killed Naroda's Kausar Bano: Post-mortem report - dnaindia.com

Ahmedabad: The macabre case went on to become the focal point of the pogrom in Gujarat.

Victims and survivors of Naroda Patia still recount the story of Kausar Bano, who was allegedly raped, her womb torn apart and her eight- month- old foetus taken out in front of her and then slashed into two pieces and thrown into a fire.

However, in a new twist to the incident, Dr Jayant Kanoria who had done the post mortem of Bano, recorded in his statements before the designated court of judge Jyotsna Ben Yagnik, that Bano died due to shock and fear and her dead body bears no internal or external injuries.

According to defence counsel MN Kikani, "Based on post mortem report and during cross examination of witness, Dr Kanoria who had done the post mortem of several victims, it had come to light that Kausar Bano died due to suffocation, fear and shock and her
body bears no external or internal injuries."

Earlier, the prosecution had alleged that on the day of the incident, February 28, 2002, rioters entered Naroda Patia armed with deadly weapons and targeting property of the Muslim community. The mob, which was led by VHP leader Babu Bajranji and Guddu Charra, entered Kausar Bano's house and raped her. After raping Bano, Bajranji and Charra attacked her with swords and her womb was torn apart and the eight-month-old foetus was taken out in front of her and then slashed into two pieces and thrown into a fire.
During his deposition, Kanoria stated that Bano's body bore no internal or external injury; moreover, there was no sword injury on her body.

Kanoria, who is currently posted as district TB officer, Nadiad and was working at the Government Civil Hospital during the time of the riots, also gave statements that Kausar Bano's foetus was removed after the post-mortem was conducted. Kausar Bano's post-mortem was done on March 1, 2002 and her body had only burn injuries, Kanoria said.
See it for yourself what went on in India druing Gujrat Massacre.

YouTube - Gujarat- Getting Away With Murder (Tehelka Expose)

Absolutely shocked by listening to muslims being butchered by hindu extremists, not even sheep are butchered like they were as can be heared by the witnesses, absolutely shocking:frown:

Yeah absolutely rite...you feels so sympatheic to such event but just consider how the hindus must have been felt when many Hindus were brutally burned alive in godhra Incident by local muslims which started all these events...i've been living in ahmedabad for many years and i know wat happened..muslims are minority in India and hence there killings were highlighted for political gains...both Hindus and muslims died but as the hindus are in majority more muslims died and there is no need to create a major uproar..why so many innocent hindus were burned alive in Godhra and why the muslim culprits are repeatedly been saved...come to ahmedabad, surat, godhra or bharauch and ul see the local muslims and hindus living peacefully...tell me what will happen if the majority sunnis in pakistan were targetted by minority shia's...simple shia's will killed on a larger scale than sunnis....ive seen the images of a Hindu child burned alive and hung to a ceiling fan..what you say about that...
Yeah absolutely rite...you feels so sympatheic to such event but just consider how the hindus must have been felt when many Hindus were brutally burned alive in godhra Incident by local muslims which started all these events...i've been living in ahmedabad for many years and i know wat happened..muslims are minority in India and hence there killings were highlighted for political gains...both Hindus and muslims died but as the hindus are in majority more muslims died and there is no need to create a major uproar..why so many innocent hindus were burned alive in Godhra and why the muslim culprits are repeatedly been saved...come to ahmedabad, surat, godhra or bharauch and ul see the local muslims and hindus living peacefully...tell me what will happen if the majority sunnis in pakistan were targetted by minority shia's...simple shia's will killed on a larger scale than sunnis....ive seen the images of a Hindu child burned alive and hung to a ceiling fan..what you say about that...

Hindus are dhimmis according to islam so such small matters do not hold any weight for them.Anyway look at the percantage of hindus in pakistan over the last 60 years and how it has fallen but they will shameleely go on arguing bcause they have a agenda of their own.
What else do you expect from these hindus...this farce media...this fake image of largest democracy,secular,developing nation on earth....you have no idea what they do to muslims here in india.....every day is a battle.....we have to live in constant fear..many families like ours seek safe havens in saudia,uk,usa......countless stories of oppression and brutality the media has never shown.....if you dare to speak up you are labelled a pakistani............listen up you indians I AM A PAKISTANI.....cut open my heart and you will see the pakistan flag...PAKISTAN ZINDABAD
What else do you expect from these hindus...this farce media...this fake image of largest democracy,secular,developing nation on earth....you have no idea what they do to muslims here in india.....every day is a battle.....we have to live in constant fear..many families like ours seek safe havens in saudia,uk,usa......countless stories of oppression and brutality the media has never shown.....if you dare to speak up you are labelled a pakistani............listen up you indians I AM A PAKISTANI.....cut open my heart and you will see the pakistan flag...PAKISTAN ZINDABAD

:flame:hmmm..it is truely a botch on our history....
the govt shud have done more to curb the riots...

but ..thing is...there was already a lot of communal tension in the country at the time....

but when the muslims burned 60 kar sevaks alive....the hindu majority was undoubtedly angered beyond limit....

which is why the violence occured....CONDEMNABLE and BARBARIC though it was....

just goes on to show....that especially for minorities, protest through communal violence and crimes isn't a viable option as due to being heavily outnumbered , they are sure to face grave reppurcussions...

though the govt didnt stop the riots..i'm not sure it would have been effective even if it tried.....a large segment of the population was baying for blood in 2002..

those fanatics who made the desicion to initiate the violence in the godhra incident unknowingly condemned their fellow musilms....increasing communal disharmony to levels which led to killing of innocent muslims:flame:
gujrat, babri demolition & riots, 1984 these are some of darkest spots on india. i wish no such incident ever occur in india.
neither im a supporter of modi nor i support the massacre but just being neutral.
some real facts.
go in depth
1. a mob of more than 1000 muslims burned alive 56 hindu pilgrims returnin from holy visit in train................first condemn this....................................

this is to all people whatsoever religion they follow even my muslim brethren.........
what wud have u done if ur brothers or sisters wud have burned alive like this.

and just go to gujrat u will find muslims more prosperous than any part of india and even pakistan.
Hard reality those politicians who cry of gujrat gujrat....... they hvn't done anything for muslims in their constituencies.
The most Terrible Country for Minorities, India.

How do U say that???? Especially when a 100 Year Old Hindu Temple in Pakistan is Used as Auto Repair shop and an 87 year Old Hindu Temple was Demolished By Some Radicals In Pakistan, What do U have to say about that, Thinking that Your Country is the Safest place to Live with almost 370 Attacks Happened In 2010 alone
Facebooked and Twitted spread this video in all Muslim countries.
The most Terrible Country for Minorities, India.

Rich....coming from a person of a country that got split in half precisely because of alienationg and massacring its cultural and religious minorities ...........

dude trust me....the muslims who wanted to go to pakistan in 1947 went there...those who wanted to stay in india..did..stop bothering so much for our muslims...take care of your own

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