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Barack Obama's secret offer to Pakistan over Kashmir, claims book

The Chinese brand Tibetian nationalists as terrorists. So in their view India is a terrorist supporter as well. And I am not blinded by jingoism or hate to not acknowledge that Pakistan has and does to an extent support/allow terrorism to breed on its soil. But that takes guile and honesty , do you have that? 

That is quite relevant as well, but the issue of trust is another matter that does prevail in US Pakistan relations and so perhaps the decision was a mix of both. After all, as such the International community cannot do much regarding Kashmir other than ask for India to promote greater transparency. Yet Pakistan continues to make efforts to bring attention onto the issue which means that there is a policy statement that sees some benefit(unbeknownst to me) of keeping international attention on Kashmir.

This could be one of the reasons:

Zhan Lue, in his article published by the China International Institute for Strategic Studies on 8 August 2009 titled “If China takes a little action, the so called Great Indian Federation can be broken up”. The writer has tried to identify various fault lines that have existed in India, based on religion, caste, region and languages for centuries. He suggests that a China Centric Asian strategy should be there to exploit these and split India into 20 to 30 smaller countries. Outrageous, nonetheless let us discuss in the present day’s milieu.

We witnessed intrusions in the Depsang valley and few others in Chumar and Arunanchal Pradesh in quick succession supported by their all weather friend “Pakistan” flaring up the situation on LOC in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The message was clear; don’t try to change the status-quo, just stay perched up on the Himalayas since the South China Sea is a bit too far and far too risky.


I would say it's a nexus between China and Pakistan to keep fueling insurgency movements and restive borders both to the north and to the west of India.
Indian leaders have never had the guts or the moral accountability to accept their own failures especially when it comes to Kashmir all they keep harping is the same overused statement with no interest to improve the situation in terms of solving the issue. All we can expect is that the issue would be still ripe in the coming decades while Indian governments would still accuse Pakistan over sponsoring terrorism while overlooking their own acts.
What was there in the promise? An offer to make India, post 26/11, open to negotiation on Kashmir? That would have done what? Most Pakistanis don't seem to get it that if the U.S. is unable to get Pakistani to do what it(U.S.) wants in Afghanistan, on terror groups, what realistic chance would the U.S. or anyone else have of influencing a much larger India? Pakistanis keep harping on 3rd party mediation , on international pressure on India, without being able to comprehend this simple fact.
Indian leaders have never had the guts or the moral accountability to accept their own failures especially when it comes to Kashmir all they keep harping is the same overused statement with no interest to improve the situation in terms of solving the issue. All we can expect is that the issue would be still ripe in the coming decades while Indian governments would still accuse Pakistan over sponsoring terrorism while overlooking their own acts.
Question is not of the offers. Question is whether they are trustworthy. 
P.S Learn where to post threads already.. this is a Kashmir related issue and belongs in that section.
Our Real Enemies who is really hurting us Economically, Deceptive Terrorism, Manipulating our Election Results, Manipulating our Establishments and Political Govts., Judical System is only 1 True Enemy and that is United States of America and their Shadow Zionist Illuminati Facist Nazis Crusaders Jewish Alliance Govt. In fact this Enemy is the Big Shark Whale who wants to Destroy Pakistan but also all Arabs and Muslims around the World, Obama is also Crypto Jew deceiving Whole World and Pakistan, No Independent Govt. in USA come in power unless bless by Zionist, Nazis, Supremacist, Crusaders Jewish Alliance and NWO Illuminatis plus Free Massons, they run whole world and printing Fake US Dollars through Federal Reserve Bank, Which is in reality mostly own by Jewish and Zionist Christian Alliance and International Jewish World Bankers, If US as a country goes down then that day will be a Day of Celebration not only for all Muslims but Whole World as US alone consume 80 percent of World Resources, All Americans including Blacks, Spanish, Indians and others support Endless Wars on Pakistan and Arabs for Oil, for their Resources and Nukes
If Zionist will not able to take out Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan using American Armed forces and NATO through Afghanistan and Pakistani Taliban then Jews and Zionist American Christians in India will use India to Suprise Nuke attack and Invasion of Pakistan to get Pak Nukes through India
so Zionist can never be destroy unless US as a country remain alive and Thanks to Allah, if US $ loose its value then it will begin End of US as Civil War in US will begin, Black killing Spanish, other Immigrants, Whites and vice versa InshAllah and Ameen
if only US will get destroyed then it will be end of Economic Terrorism on Whole World and most of Wars which happen in every few years regularly, Also Advice to all muslims start buy Gold, Silver, Food, Agriculture lands and Illegal Guns as time of Fitna and Dajjal is NEAR! and start moving out of Big Mega Cities like Karachi, NewYork, Dubai etc and move to live near Mountains, Jungles, Lakes, Rivers and Small towns and villages to survive Time of Dajjal - Anti Christ - 666 and also time of Gog Magog ( Yajooj Majooj) is very Near, In my estimates just 40 - 50 years, but Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala knows all Truth, Remember me in your Duas, prayers and Best wishes

Your Bro. and Sister in Islam

Our Real Enemies who is really hurting us Economically, Deceptive Terrorism, Manipulating our Election Results, Manipulating our Establishments and Political Govts., Judical System is only 1 True Enemy and that is United States of America and their Shadow Zionist Illuminati Facist Nazis Crusaders Jewish Alliance Govt. In fact this Enemy is the Big Shark Whale who wants to Destroy Pakistan but also all Arabs and Muslims around the World, Obama is also Crypto Jew deceiving Whole World and Pakistan, No Independent Govt. in USA come in power unless bless by Zionist, Nazis, Supremacist, Crusaders Jewish Alliance and NWO Illuminatis plus Free Massons, they run whole world and printing Fake US Dollars through Federal Reserve Bank, Which is in reality mostly own by Jewish and Zionist Christian Alliance and International Jewish World Bankers, If US as a country goes down then that day will be a Day of Celebration not only for all Muslims but Whole World as US alone consume 80 percent of World Resources, All Americans including Blacks, Spanish, Indians and others support Endless Wars on Pakistan and Arabs for Oil, for their Resources and Nukes
If Zionist will not able to take out Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan using American Armed forces and NATO through Afghanistan and Pakistani Taliban then Jews and Zionist American Christians in India will use India to Suprise Nuke attack and Invasion of Pakistan to get Pak Nukes through India
so Zionist can never be destroy unless US as a country remain alive and Thanks to Allah, if US $ loose its value then it will begin End of US as Civil War in US will begin, Black killing Spanish, other Immigrants, Whites and vice versa InshAllah and Ameen
if only US will get destroyed then it will be end of Economic Terrorism on Whole World and most of Wars which happen in every few years regularly, Also Advice to all muslims start buy Gold, Silver, Food, Agriculture lands and Illegal Guns as time of Fitna and Dajjal is NEAR! and start moving out of Big Mega Cities like Karachi, NewYork, Dubai etc and move to live near Mountains, Jungles, Lakes, Rivers and Small towns and villages to survive Time of Dajjal - Anti Christ - 666 and also time of Gog Magog ( Yajooj Majooj) is very Near, In my estimates just 40 - 50 years, but Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala knows all Truth, Remember me in your Duas, prayers and Best wishes

Your Bro. and Sister in Islam
bhaiyya, you need a life. thats my only hindu prayer for you.
bhaiyya, you need a life. thats my only hindu prayer for you.
You need to Truth to oPEN YOUR hEART AND mIND, yOU need the Truth of Today World Politics and also Truth of Islam to save your self from Hell for Eternity.......My Muslim Prayer for you, all Hindus and Kafirs of Our World!
This is hogwash. Nothing more than sensationalization of a situation which the US does not want to get involved with. The reason for the latter is the stupid assumption that India with its current economic boom(inspite of the current downturn) and buying US goods with hard cash when the US is genuinely cash strapped would be influenced by US into giving up territory to the Locals and open up a Pandoras box of various regional forces wanting the same . The KAshmir problem will never be solved by diplomacy and you dont have the balls to take India on!!!!
You need to Truth to oPEN YOUR hEART AND mIND, yOU need the Truth of Today World Politics and also Truth of Islam to save your self from Hell for Eternity.......My Muslim Prayer for you, all Hindus and Kafirs of Our World!
thanks. hindu and muslim pray for each other. truth is there in Hinduism and maybe in Islam too.
What was there in the promise? An offer to make India, post 26/11, open to negotiation on Kashmir? That would have done what? Most Pakistanis don't seem to get it that if the U.S. is unable to get Pakistani to do what it(U.S.) wants in Afghanistan, on terror groups, what realistic chance would the U.S. or anyone else have of influencing a much larger India? Pakistanis keep harping on 3rd party mediation , on international pressure on India, without being able to comprehend this simple fact.
US has more influence in India then in Pakistan. There is reason why it supports u blindly. 
Whether US honours it's promise or not, but supporting terrorists group is, how do i put it, cowardice... Any way, thanks for acknowledging that pakistan supports terrorist groups...
Kid even yr country does it in Pakistan and has done more then what we have supported.
You need to Truth to oPEN YOUR hEART AND mIND, yOU need the Truth of Today World Politics and also Truth of Islam to save your self from Hell for Eternity.......My Muslim Prayer for you, all Hindus and Kafirs of Our World!
no thanks. we have our swarg.
What's the credibility of Mr. Haqani who was famous as American diplomat rather than country who appointed him, but even IF true than
1- Pakistan don't have control over Talibans, So - logically rejected. :coffee:

2- We have seen Obama's red line drawn and than erased --- so again good decision :coffee:
By UN. All members of the UN (including China) made the standards... 

Aside from this immature comment, do you have anything else to say?

Nope. The UN has not declared any one terrorists apart from Al-Qaeda in its resolutions and its list only links to Al-Qaeda. The main lists are country dependant. The United States has its own list, India has its own.. etc
And it is these countries by which you judge so resolute that have dubious standards on terror. for e.g. the US had put Nelson Mandela on its terror list. Suggest you first read up on these standards before making definitive statements.
Back in the 1960s when the United States offered biscuits to Pakistan's hapless military dictators (Iskander Mirza, Ayub Khan and Yahya Khan), Pakistan ended up losing half of the country ten-years later.

Its understandable why President Asif Ali Zardari declined the offer.
Nope. The UN has not declared any one terrorists apart from Al-Qaeda in its resolutions and its list only links to Al-Qaeda. The main lists are country dependant. The United States has its own list, India has its own.. etc
And it is these countries by which you judge so resolute that have dubious standards on terror. for e.g. the US had put Nelson Mandela on its terror list. Suggest you first read up on these standards before making definitive statements.
http://www.un.org/sc/committees/1267/AQList.htm#alqaedaent. See for yourself how may pak supported terrorist organisations are listed (LeT is QE.L.118.05). Now show me where any of the Tibetan organizations supported by India are listed as terrorist organisation.
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