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Banned Pakistani groups 'expand'

I'' agnore all the crazy replies from pious souls. Religion has done enough damage to them already, there's no need for me to look for reason where there's none.

BTT - Such news and indeed events like Mumbai attacks keep debunking Pakistan's claims that they have turned off the terrorist tap. It also debunks Pakistani claim of caring for the Kashmiris as its evident how much they care for the Kashmiris who are already 'freed'!

The Talib supporters don't care, but the rest of the Pakistan wants to be taken seriously? If yes, then they need to take this news seriously.
BTT - Such news and indeed events like Mumbai attacks keep debunking Pakistan's claims that they have turned off the terrorist tap. It also debunks Pakistani claim of caring for the Kashmiris as its evident how much they care for the Kashmiris who are already 'freed'!

Well in reality seperist movements continue to forge in Kashmir.Certinly They dont enjoy that kind of support the way they enjoyed in the Past. Having a UN banning an org dosent simply stops them from persuing their ajenda. The act like this simply makes them more stealthy . The examples are everywhere . Did Alqaida became weaker ? Are Taliban's Defeated despite the 40 nations fighting them in Afghanistan ? Is Jandollah stoping from carrying out sucide bombimgs inside Iran despite the US lables them as terrorist org.

I think its prety much clear that you cant stop a force which has developed itself over a conciderable timeperiod. You cant be hasty when dealing with such force. You ban them and try to stop them it would only make them stronger.
Before Floging of the young girl in swat the Talibans enjoyed a conciderable support but look wats happend to them.
You have to give room to evil inorder to eradicate it .

What abt the Kidnaped indian nuclear scientist and the Indian concerns regarding the Talibanic takeover of Pakistani Nukes. I think the whole programe has been shut down. :cheers:
Having a UN banning an org dosent simply stops them from persuing their ajenda. The act like this simply makes them more stealthy

The report I posted states the govt of Pakistan occupied Kashmir is not taking action against known groups, thats not stealth, thats patronage.
solve kashmir & then complain till then face the "FREEDOM MOVEMENT"

According to the report its the Kashmirirs from Pakistan occupied Kashmir who are facing the non kashmiri 'freedom fighters'
This part of the world was very peaceful before 71. it was "Fatih71" and co. who started terrorism in this part of the world. They trained mukti bahni and exported terrorism in East Pakistan{now Bangladesh}. Training camps were established all along the border with East Pakistan. May be they were trying to take revenge of 1000 years of occupation but Pl. keep in mind that the border between India and East Pakistan was an International Border, which they were violating,and east Pakistan was not a disputed territory , still Fatihs were violating and were exporting terrorism . In case of Kashmir it is a disputed territory and the line between the two countries is not an International border ,If Kashmirs ,who live in Azad Kashmir and other parts of Pakistan get together and want to librate their home land and an example of Mr. Fatih and co. is also there ,,,, how can anybody stop them?

I do hope you are aware that Pakistan was supporting separatist groups in India's north east well before 1971, even before 1965?

Who started it first is not an argument, its an excuse.
I do hope you are aware that Pakistan was supporting separatist groups in India's north east well before 1971, even before 1965?

Who started it first is not an argument, its an excuse.

Who ever started it. I thank them Now...;)
The report I posted states the govt of Pakistan occupied Kashmir is not taking action against known groups, thats not stealth, thats patronage.

Look the GOP is already adressing more complex challages . Currently they dont have room for this on their plate .However Most probably this issue will not simply be put under the blankets it will be adressed apropriately and at the right time .

Untill then ........
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