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Banned at home, Murree Brewery seizes Hollywood moment

logic applies to everything including faith, there is no reason to follow a blind faith without logic, its like the chinese ancestors believed in moon god or dragons, its simply illogical for chinese to follow such faith in modern times, they cant follow the fairy tales, so most of chinese are already atheists

How would you feel if a Chinese were to say the following? (Only a hypothetical question, so please do not be offended.)

"Logic applies to everything including faith. There is no reason to follow a blind faith without logic. Its like the Muslims still believe in heaven and hell and afterlife and that Muhammad did the Meiraj astride the Buraaq without any scientific or logical proof. It is simply illogical for Muslims to follow such faith in modern times. They can't follow the fairy tales, so most of Muslims are simply lost in the modern world."

The point is that all faiths must be respected without demanding, or pretending, that any faith needs to conform to logic or science.
Only Hindus and Christians and Sikhs and Parsis can drink legally in Pakistan.

I had started a thread about Muree some time ago (Is alcohol legal in Pakistan?) which was delightfully informative.

Btw, Muree is Parsi owned and run.

Here is the present head, Isfanyar Bhandara.


Every Tom Dick And Hery drinks in
Pakistan even some Molvi ji drinks too Muree distil ets about 12 million littres of spirit PA that,s not included Beer products. Who do u think drinks that?
Lolz, what a hater.

And now you will tell me you like Amstel.

Nigga, please.
Its personal taste, some people may like the same sh*t.
I like bud and corona, but people here laugh at me. :)
One of my Muslim friends (when I was a kid and innocently offered him a sandwich during recess break) told me that Allah (or Mohammad - I forget who) trapped the Devil in the pig and since then it is forbidden to eat pork.

I don't know if he was yanking my chain. He is a devout Sunni muslim, though he loves dogs and used to have a lovely tan doberman when we were kids.

Obviously that's stupid bull$hit.

Four types of meat are forbidden to eat according to the Quran:

Say, "I do not find in what was revealed to me anything prohibited for any eater unless it is (1) carrion, (2) running blood, (3) the meat of pigs, for it is unclean, and (4) meat blasphemously dedicated to other than God." If one is forced to eat these without being malicious or deliberate, then your Lord is Forgiver, Most Merciful. [ 6:145 ]

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