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Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

Huji-B is a serious threat. Now they are supplying automatic weapons to illigal immigrants. They were also responsible for Assam Blasts.

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Quite a pathetic attempt on the part of Pakistan to cheaply point fingers at another country. What's the difference between Pakistan and India that both resort to blame games? Pakistan needs to grow a pair and realise that shifting the blame won't help their cause, but only worsen the situation and fuel more resentment. We didn't do it and we should categorically deny it, but not shift the blame to another country. It's a dangerous precedent which could jeopardise our relations within the region.
Most of the terrorists operating in Bangladesh whether communist, Islamist or ethnic have weapons supplied from India. Maybe India should bomb itself and then pick on other countries.
So, Bangladesh is mentioned in the draft report, but will be removed in the final one? Wow - that's just one example of how politics dictates the findings rather than any real investigation.

Having said that, the report clearly has just one aim - to deflect the blame away from Pakistan and point fingers everywhere but at themselves.

Ohh please give us a break will you. The report isn't final yet and here comes our Indian experts raising all sort of nothing but hogwash. Your very own country India has on numerous occasions blamed BD was terror plots, as for us whatever we will come out, we will not come out just like that, there will be something to back it up and as suggested by GOP will not only be shared with India but also the rest of the world, so hold your horses till then. I know you guys have a zero believe in our findings and the feeling is mutual however the rest of the world, organizations are not fools and once we share the evidence, they too will look into our findings and if BD is involved, then definitely the name will be out.
Quite a pathetic attempt on the part of Pakistan to cheaply point fingers at another country. What's the difference between Pakistan and India that both resort to blame games? Pakistan needs to grow a pair and realise that shifting the blame won't help their cause, but only worsen the situation and fuel more resentment. We didn't do it and we should categorically deny it, but not shift the blame to another country. It's a dangerous precedent which could jeopardise our relations within the region.

What are you smoking?
Everyone with intelligence knows that the perpetrators were Bharatiyas themselves, and this ajmal guy had been arrested earlier and obviously planted.

To kill many birds with one stone, the HIndu fanatics also washed their hands off the Heroic policeman, Karkare, who was investigating Hindu Extremist and Military links to terrorist bomb blasts.

After that, fingers are pointed at Pakistan. And we are ajudged to be guilty, until proven innocent. What court of law would allow that? With flimsy evidence, we are indicted, and told to prove our innocence.

Something that would happen in a kangaroo court.

As for the 'International Community', we have no friends there. The economic clout of Bharat is enough to mitigate any pricks of conscience and notions of fairness that might enter their thoughts.
What are you smoking?

Truth hurts, doesn't it? If there is anyone smoking here it is certainly you. How can Pakistan afford to create more enemies? Instead of even reading or countering one of my arguments you're just throwing cheap one liners. Due to short-sighted people like yourself Pakistan has always suffered. The leadership and the people are all alike in Pakistan. An incompetent bunch.
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Truth hurts, doesn't it? If there is anyone smoking here it is certainly you. How can Pakistan afford to create more enemies? Instead of even reading or countering one of my arguments you're just throwing cheap one liners. Due to short-sighted people like yourself Pakistan today is suffering. The leadership and the people are alike thick.

well bro lets wait for the report to come out before pointin fingures at each other. even if pak think huji is involved, we still dont know what proof have they got which supports their claim. once the report gets public, we will know if they are only tryin to shift blame or is their really something there. so lets wait before comin up with any analysis
well bro lets wait for the report to come out before pointin fingures at each other. even if pak think huji is involved, we still dont know what proof have they got which supports their claim. once the report gets public, we will know if they are only tryin to shift blame or is their really something there. so lets wait before comin up with any analysis

The truth is that I couldn't really be bothered. I've just expressed my opinion on the matter. We all know that Pakistan has always managed to alienate itself from the rest of the world time and time again. Pointing fingers at Bangladesh as the news article suggests won't help Pakistan one bit. Some people are obliviously throwing fits and unwilling to accept the reality. Well, to those people keep on living in your fantasy world. Due to your inept thinking and complacency Pakistan lost East Pakistan in the first place.
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Most people also believe in some one or the other sort of imaginary guy who grants wishes if you talk to him.

In 3000 BC, everybody thought that the earth was flat.

Doesn't make it true, does it?

Many that time claimed it was round and they were termed "insane",today these people are called "conspiracy theorists".

Let's cut it man,its derailing the thread.
Truth hurts, doesn't it? If there is anyone smoking here it is certainly you. How can Pakistan afford to create more enemies? Instead of even reading or countering one of my arguments you're just throwing cheap one liners. Due to short-sighted people like yourself Pakistan has always suffered. The leadership and the people are all alike in Pakistan. An incompetent bunch.

Now hold on for a second Mr far sighted. The report isn't out there and yet you are hell bent on putting the blame on your country, you should be ashamed of yourself. With your location i believe you are somewhere in netherland and instead of protecting and making sure that the image of your country is made better, you are hell bent to prove it otherwise. Let me ask you what prove do you have that its a pathetic attempt on part of Pakistan to involve BD in it? What if any organization from BD is indeed involved? Can you say with 100% certainty that this cannot happen?
People like you are the main reason why the image of Pakistan is constantly declining in the west. Shame on you.
If that statement is made in official capacity ever , it is going to seriously piss off BD and ruin relations between the two countries which Pak does not want , so I highly doubt that this will be said in the official dossier whenever it is handed over to India.
Farhan Bukhari, is a mercentile journalist, if there is such a thing. He loves to write sensational stories, and touts them to international publications like the NT times, FT, and others.

One such scoop was "Doubts cast on Zardari's mental health".

Suffice to say, that in his journalistic endeavours, truth sometimes is the first casualty. Some of his articles are not worth the paper they are written on.
Now hold on for a second Mr far sighted. The report isn't out there and yet you are hell bent on putting the blame on your country, you should be ashamed of yourself. With your location i believe you are somewhere in netherland and instead of protecting and making sure that the image of your country is made better, you are hell bent to prove it otherwise. Let me ask you what prove do you have that its a pathetic attempt on part of Pakistan to involve BD in it? What if any organization from BD is indeed involved? Can you say with 100% certainty that this cannot happen?
People like you are the main reason why the image of Pakistan is constantly declining in the west. Shame on you.

Stop getting cocky Mr. not so cold. We're discussing the news article. That's the topic of this thread. The news article suggests that the dossier is most likely to contain the allegations. Have you even read the news article? Just shut up! Who the hell are you to judge me? Whether I live on the North Pole is none of your concern. I've the right to express my opinion regardless of my background, ethnicity or residence. I believe that it would be harmful for Pakistan to specifically blame Bangladesh. Can you with 100% certainty claim that the dossier won't contain the allegations made against Bangladesh? I fully support my country, but I'm also critical and fair. When I witness injustice or bad policies I will criticize them for the sake of betterment. That doesn't make me anti-Pakistan. Besides, I never express my political views in the open domain so stop being judgemental. You're not God...

PS. You have the right to disagree with me, but don't resort to low abuse... If you do, expect harsh a response.
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