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Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

For those who have not been keeping a track of things in recent months HuJi (B) was originally a RAW outfit to keep BD under pressure but it has recently been taken over by Mossad.

So basically Pakistan is using RAW propaganda so New Delhi hits Bangladesh on the basis that a Islamist group (HuJi (B)) formerly funded by RAW and operating in its neighbours territory (again at RAW's behest) is allegedly behind the Mumbai attacks.
All the terrorist infrastructure existing in bangladesh should be destroyed as soon as confirmation of their involvement..

You say this even when you have a pro-Indian government in Dhaka. Who needs enemies when you have friends like these ......
For those who have not been keeping a track of things in recent months HuJi (B) was originally a RAW outfit to keep BD under pressure but it has recently been taken over by Mossad.

So basically Pakistan is using RAW propaganda so New Delhi hits Bangladesh on the basis that a Islamist group (HuJi (B)) formerly funded by RAW and operating in its neighbours territory (again at RAW's behest) is allegedly behind the Mumbai attacks.

Oh so now Pakistan has sided with it's biggest enemy to bring down Bangladesh.

RAW has to be in the picture, even when Pakistan is blaming Bangladesh.

Any proof about RAW's involvement in Huji-B, except Ahmed Qureshi??
You say this even when you have a pro-Indian government in Dhaka. Who needs enemies when you have friends like these ......

The pro-Indian govt is newly elected. Just little into the future and results will start to come out. Let's be patient.
even if attacks were not planned in pakistan,indians would not WAN,T to believe it
For those who have not been keeping a track of things in recent months HuJi (B) was originally a RAW outfit to keep BD under pressure but it has recently been taken over by Mossad.
Yeah ok, keep telling yourself that.
i hope bangladesh doesnt come into the equation coz otherwise we all will be blamin each other. lets see when the report is made public or given to indian officials coz its more or less the same thing
Yes lets wait for the report to come out. Things are messy enough for the Indians why make it easier for them to establish a flimsy case against Pakistan or Bangladesh.
I interpret this as an indication of just how far Pakistan is willing to manufacture evidence to exonerate itself from the Mumbai attacks. If Pakistan persists in this approach, the world's respect for the Pakistani justice system and for Pakistan itself will certainly plummet, distancing Pakistan further from its natural allies.
Have you seen the investigation results?

Of course not, yet that doesn't prevent you from making uninformed allegations without an iota of supporting evidence.
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no...it's not about that...even if bangladesh has 'elements' operating from it's soil..they have ISI backing...but now it looks as though the ISI is passing the muck...no bangladeshi was directly involved...that was what our investigations revealed...

I think this is an FIA investigation primarily, not ISI.
I interpret this as an indication of just how far Pakistan is willing to manufacture evidence to exonerate itself from the Mumbai attacks. If Pakistan persists in this approach, the world's respect for the Pakistani justice system and for Pakistan itself will certainly plummet, distancing Pakistan further from its natural allies.

Quite a useless interpretation coming from you.
Pakistan has been willing to co-operate from day one, it has admitted that Pakistan(i) non state actors were involved, however, it seems that this attack was very well planned and also outside of Pakistan, it seems as if elements from India were involved, and now possibly from Bangladesh aswell?
Does this mean Pakistan is trying to shift the blame? No, Pakistan is investigating it and untill we hear anything else on this, we better just take it easy and not jump to conclusions.
Your post is a typical pro-American view on Pakistan, couldn't expect anything less.

Oh and for the Indians constantly saying: "Destroy the terror infrastructure in Bangladesh or Pakistan", be realistic and get off your high horses, since when did you Hindus think you have the right to conduct strikes in another country at your will? How big is your ego? Keep it low and don't become all too emotional.
All you Indians became so emotional during the Mumbai drama, that you actually forgot to use your brains and forgot to think clearly on the subject at hand, how to solve this and what needs to be done, that is the real question instead of imperialistic warmongering thoughts.
I interpret this as an indication of just how far Pakistan is willing to manufacture evidence to exonerate itself from the Mumbai attacks. If Pakistan persists in this approach, the world's respect for the Pakistani justice system and for Pakistan itself will certainly plummet, distancing Pakistan further from its natural allies.

who in your opinion is pakistan's natural allies?
Huji-B is banned in bangladesh...they banned the group long back...this shows their intent.
the phrase 'non-state actors' somehow seems more apt in bangladesh's case...there are many in bangladesh who are pro-india(the bangla forum members might be of a different opinion)...so their sponsershp is very limited.mumbai required massive intel gathering and immaculate planning...Huji-B is not known to be that capable primarily because of lack or limited support in bangladesh itself.

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