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Bangladeshi electrocuted while damaging border fence lighting

He was found near fence doesn't mean that he was trying to illegally migrate. Your BSF might have arrested the poor guy from inside Bangladeshi boarder and tossed him to the electric fence to kill him like Felani.

If this is about speculation, then your jamaatis might have killed him to the slogans of allah hu Akbar and then thrown his body near the fence.

There, that was as good an argument as any, albeit without any evidence, but hey this is BD section, the gutter of PDF, who needs evidence?
If this is about speculation, then your jamaatis might have killed him to the slogans of allah hu Akbar and then thrown his body near the fence.

There, that was as good an argument as any, albeit without any evidence, but hey this is BD section, the gutter of PDF, who needs evidence?

All of you are speculating.

Truth is he was returning from India and got electrocuted while crossing the border fence.
The Daily Star said:
Babu Mian, 30, son of Abdul Majid Sarker of Chaigharia village under Sadar upazila, came in contact with the electric wire while returning to country at around 8:00am.
Indian police recovered the body and sent it to Badartala Hospital in Bashirhat in Paschimbanga for autopsy.
Father of the deceased, Abdul Majid, said Babu went to India illegally about two weeks ago. He was electrocuted when he touched a snapped electric wire on Koijuri border of Bashirhat.

There's no proof he went to India to migrate - you can call that a speculation as well. Maybe he was simply returning after visiting some relatives on the other side. We'd never know.

The @Roybot troll is doing what he does best - opening troll threads. Congrats on getting unbanned, though. ;p
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All of you are speculating.

Truth is he was returning from India and got electrocuted while crossing the border fence.

There's no proof he went to India to migrate - you can call that a speculation as well. Maybe he was simply returning after visiting some relatives on the other side. We'd never know.

The @Roybot troll is doing what he does best - opening troll threads. Congrats on getting unbanned, though. ;p

So whatever the Bangladeshi news channels say is the truth and whatever the Indian one claims is false? Since the incident happened in Indian side of the border, people will tend to believe the Indian version of the story.

Avoid giving troll fatwas. 9/10 threads in Bangladesh section end up being about India, BSF, Felani :blah:. So this is an important issue and its important to highlight the problem BSF is dealing with. Not my problem if you juvenile Bangladeshis can't discuss the issue rationally.
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So whatever the Bangladeshi news channels say is the truth and whatever the Indian one claims is false? Since the incident happened in Indian side of the border, people will tend to believe the Indian version of the story.

No one's denying it's happened on the Indian side. Don't post in haste. ANd believe whichever version you want - I'm just discrediting speculations.

Avoid giving troll fatwas. 9/10 threads in Bangladesh section end up being about India, BSF, Felani :blah:. So this is an important issue and its important to highlight the problem BSF is dealing with. Not my problem if you juvenile Bangladeshis can't discuss the issue rationally.

Lol man, 9/10 threads in BD section are not about India.

More like 11/41 threads, if you care to look at the list of threads in the first page of the BD section.

Only 3 among the 41 relate to BSF/Felani/etc (with 1 posted by yourself) and I wouldn't call the other 2 troll threads, especially the one alerting Bangladeshis to BSF's cross-border rape incidents.

Don't worry. On the day of eid, our pussies BSF will be rounding up 20 bangladeshi pole vaulters and send their bodies to your uncle, like they do every year. No need to waste your money.

Didn't know you have to pay to murder someone, no pun intended.
All of you are speculating.

Truth is he was returning from India and got electrocuted while crossing the border fence.

There's no proof he went to India to migrate - you can call that a speculation as well. Maybe he was simply returning after visiting some relatives on the other side. We'd never know.

The @Roybot troll is doing what he does best - opening troll threads. Congrats on getting unbanned, though. ;p

Sir you own article says he crossed the border illegally two weeks ago. Even if we believe your own claims for arguments sake then it only highlights the issue india faces and BSF must deal with and Bangladeshis must stop defending. Good fences make good neighbors.
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Sir you own article says he crossed the border illegally two weeks ago. Even if we believe your own claims for arguments sake then it only highlights the issue india faces and BSF must deal with and Bangladeshis must stop defending. Good fences make good neighbors.

We all know he crossed the border illegally. How else would he return from India? Lol.
Point is, we are all speculating, and Indian forumers claiming he "migrated for economic reasons" might as well be wrong. In that case he wouldn't return would he? So let's not reach such conclusions.
We all know he crossed the border illegally. How else would he return from India? Lol.
Point is, we are all speculating, and Indian forumers claiming he "migrated for economic reasons" might as well be wrong. In that case he wouldn't return would he? So let's not reach such conclusions.

If you are talkig about that specific point then I concur. However the real issue should be the breach of law and the human suffering and the state level acrimony it causes.

It would be nice if bangladeshi posters realise indian sentiment regarding the issue of illegal crossings, similar to how indians should understand bangladeshi feelings regarding border shootings.
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