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Bangladesh will soon Cease to be an Islamic Nation

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i am not questioning it, i am saying what i think it is. there is definitely a political motivation, and I think its a good idea. especially the bit where he allegedly said that he is the last prophet. actually originally he never said this, but after he got cometition from some other prophet claimants, he killed them and added the last prophet bit. masterstroke i must say.

i am not demeaning or disrespecting the followers of islam and islam itself. but this is the reality. imo.

It doesnt make any sense!! So his aim was to build empire to hand it over to His companions?? So he rejected power in mecca, lost all his property, fought all his life to create an empire for others?? He gave his last sermon long before falling ill. Search for it.

well, you know nothing about Islamic history!! No one claimed prophethood when Muhammad PBUH was alive! You are wrong, debating about it to a prejudiced like you is waste of time! Show us who claimed prophethood when he was alive.

And you said because of Hajj mecca gets revenue, But prophet's city was Medina! He returned to medina after Conquering Mecca, He died in Medina. Medina was the capital , not mecca. Later capital was transferred to Iraq!! you have no idea of Islam, so Just Shut up!!!
Hi saim was to create an empire. he used religion (islam has chrisitanity and judaism has base and only some toppings have changed) as tool to implement it, spread and conquer lands. there is no necessity for him to say that mecca or medina is sacred and have haj as one of the pillars. because of haj, the empire of mecca gets unlimited revenue over time.
again, religion when it pokes its nose into govenrment , it becomes a political entity and so undivine.

for many people, power gives a bigger high than money.

I feel like to vomit after hearing above trash repeatedly by Bharat Rakshaker. Now listen to this, Islam is not a religion but Deen/A complete code of life, which provides the guidance of the entire perimeter (Here even Here After) of human's journey. Secondly, it claims that the only sovereign is Allah/Almighty but not God as God is gendered to have Goddess but Allah doesn't have Ilaha/partner or son or past or present or future; simply mankind hasn't been awarded any aptitude to think about Allah's will but Allah's creation. OTH, God's will/perimeter of power has been reduced by affiliating a man as His son. So, sovereign concept in Islam isn't contained by Godliness but Allah's might thus Islam has nothing to do with God. Thirdly, Hajj/Pilgrimage in Mecca had started at the time of Abraham/Ibrahim ((The story of Ibrahim (alaihi as-salaam) is greatly associated with Hajj because the origin of Hajj is old as the Kaa'ba, which was built by Ibraheem (alaihi as-salaam) and his son, Isma’eel (alaihi as-salaam). [Soorah al-Hajj (22): 26-27] Every act of Hajj reminds us of the noble family of Ibraheem (alaihi as-salaam) since every act of Hajj refers back to the righteous actions and struggle of either Ibraheem (alaihi as-salaam), his wife Hajrah or his son Isma’eel (alaihi as-salaam). The Story of Ibraheem - (alaihi as-salaam))), I.E. long before Mohammad (PUBH) was born. So, how did Mohammad start to claim the holiness of Mecca first? And finally, there isn't any concept of 'Empire' in Islam either let alone building it. Caliph or Shahabah or Tabeyin is simply representative or companion or follower. So, cut the BR's BS short here before getting further exposed.
it's all bloody propaganda by non muslims against ISLAM ,
we all should be proud to be Muslim and have our state as Islamic state ,
no need to pay heed to these cheap propagandists who are using every source to malign the name of our peaceful religion

BD is developing state, It has 2 options, either go Turkey/Indonasia way or follow afghan/pakistan way. Choice is yours, you want peace or destruction.

If Turkey and Indonasia can be proud of Islam instead of having secular nature of govt, then why to follow Pakistan way???
Taliban should dictate BD too.

Talibans need not come from Afghanistan or Pakistan. It is always there waiting for an opportunity to strike back at those who are conspiring to make BD away from its core identity. BD should not be declared an Islamic republic as Iran does. But, Islam should remain our guide in this world. Was it not the reason for our forefathers to struggle and die in 1946/47 and 1971.

The people of Bangladesh fought against (west) Pakistan domination, but it was not against Islam nor it was against the two nation theory. No Awami Leaguer ever told before 1971 that they want to get rid of Islam. They would have received less than 10% votes in 1971 had they ever uttered this. Now, after so many years after independence AL people talk against religion only to please India.

People will certainly resist this AL ill effort. When AL should heed to the voters opinion, India is forcing it to talk on wrong issue like religion. Let AL say whatever it wants, but, they should not expect a return to power in the next election.
on child deaths a higher percentage of children die in Pak and Pak is even more poor than india. so you are not the right person to make the comment

One thing I must tell you. Whatever the GDP figures show the land comprising today's Pakistan is rich in food and other essentials. People are not that dirt poor as you can find in India. I have seen people begging, but they were clad with moderate clothes not seen in India. So, do not compare your own shortcomings with that of Pakistan, whose only shprtcoming is extremism.
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India: Religion, terror and the majority



However brave these Indian Shiv Sena acts in front of movie cameras, they would quickly hide inside their house when it is time for Muharram. Who cares about these coward Achyuts?
However brave these Indian Shiv Sena acts in front of movie cameras, they would quickly hide inside their house when it is time for Muharram. Who cares about these coward Achyuts?

Coming face to face with one would show who is the coward. And Bangis who got butt probed by the West Pakistanis should be the last to speak about bravery.
Coming face to face with one would show who is the coward. And Bangis who got butt probed by the West Pakistanis should be the last to speak about bravery.

lets take away your nukes and your guns,tanks and ships and lets see you guys not get butt probed by west pak :)

there is nothing brave about fighting unarmed people or when the numbers are in your favour .

we are the brave ones. we had no weapons or military training ( initially) yet rose up for our freedom and rights .

just my input . jamatis and shiv senas. i am supporting neither. Both of you are bad for your society's .


1.No one in BD ever hears / reads what this fatso says. She is a Miss Nobody. She must cling to her post by making such statements to please her Indian patrons and her boss SHW. Please disregard what comes out of her large mouth.

2. BD is a nation of Bengalee Muslims. BD was achieved to correct the Lahore Resolution which called for Muslim states after the Brits left. No, Mrs Gandhi, the Two Nation Theory never died. Pakistan and BD are the outcome of that theory.

3. However, it is to be noted that Kashmir, Assam and other Muslim majority zones remain in Dar ul Harb. Even Hyderabad, though not Muslim majority, had been cultural center of SA Muslims and should have remained out of Hindu India.
3. However, it is to be noted that Kashmir, Assam and other Muslim majority zones remain in Dar ul Harb. Even Hyderabad, though not Muslim majority, had been cultural center of SA Muslims and should have remained out of Hindu India.

lmao and all the muslim majority nations of the world are dar ul aman I guess? You guys are still stuck in the 1940's and 70's. Sub continent will be a much better place once all the hate mongering old geezers die out.
With Allah's Blessings, Bangladesh will Stop being an Islamic Nation. :lol:
People in BD doesn't even understand the word secularism. The Aawami fagots who always spout secularism BS uses the word "dhormaniropeckhota" and they don't use the word in rural areas. People here are very religious with significant mosque attendance every 5 prayers/day. Even the current amendment of the constitution was not done legally & constitutionally. These fagots have 2/3 seats in parliament but yet they opted to bypass the parliament while amending the constitution via their Kangaroo supreme court , a first of its kind non-sense in any parliamentary democracy which is inturn invalid. They obviously did this so as to not agitate the masses and give us excuse of a supreme court verdict. That's the kind of shameless hypocritical mentality these fagots have. They have made a mess of the constitution with state religion being ISLAM while one of the founding principle being secularism. This joke of a illegally constitution and any new amendment done to it will readily be thrown out legally by the next BNP gov even if they hypothetically not win 2/3 seats .

And finally ,a muslim can never be secular nor he/she can bow down to a secular constitution since it with be akin to accepting man-made laws being superior than Allah(swt) law. A muslim will never to that and neither would bangladeshi muslim.

We still believe in Bengali nationalism, secularism, democracy and socialism which were the basic tenets of the country's constitution that was adopted in 1972. Later, this constitution was amended and Bangladesh was converted into an Islamic nation.Those who kill in the name of religion and torture women do little else but drag a nation backward.

Socialism in impractical in today's age and BD is now a open market economy. While the Chakmes and other ethnic groups which make up 2% of the population will never agree to this awami fart of bengali nationalism, an indian sponsored alien ideology that robs us of our ISLAMIC identity. Even after awami illegal amendment of the consitution they couldn't include the above 2 principles in their fart off constitution and neither will they ever be able to do that.Consitution still have Bangladeshi nationalism in it as a founding principle. We have bangladeshi nationalism as our unique identity different from hindu west bengal and India. This country is for bagladeshis not for awami minded thagore loving suckular dalals.

The fact that sajeda choudhury spouted such BS sitting in kolkata speaks volumes about their indian dalali.

Journalist and human rights activist Sahariar Kabir noted how Sufia led the secular and democratic forces in Bangladesh even during Gen Ayub Khan's regime. During her stay in Kolkata, she was commended by Rabindranath Tagore for her writings. According to him, if Sufia is to be shown respect, Islam should not remain the state religion of Bangladesh.

Not only was the word secularism removed from the constitution, from 1975, efforts started to convert Bangladesh into another Pakistan and later into a Taliban-ruled state.The people were never in favour and this is where Sufia played an important role as a lighthouse. She even led the committee that identified the people involved in war crimes. These people are being tried in Bangladesh now," Kabir said.

Shariar kabir.:cheesy: SO this retard is a human rights activist according to Indians.:lol: He is an indian sponsored bigoted bootlicking dalal devoid of all rationality. But the noted aspect of this article is that these dalals are spouting the same propaganda $hits as the saffron colored Hindutva clowns from across the border. These lunatic dalals want to show BD as an extremist state or something suiting the fairytail myths of their masters. Bunch of shameless low life clowns.
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