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Bangladesh wants to introduce ferry service, read to play cricket in Pakistan

Actually you guyz are missing the most important point. Bangladesh team is ready to play in Pakistan

A friend in need is a friend indeed


forgive him yaar, he doesn't know the importance of both country's relationship. Ignorance is indeed a bliss :D

stupidity is indeed prevalent. :smitten:
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Ok, ferry all these Bengalis to Pakistan so they can see what? Talibans, MQM, and MR.10%?

Lets fix our nation first before we invite any guests (Bengalis or anyone for that matter) shall we!

And i also agree with Sparten80, we need jobs for our own citizens, we need jobs in Balochistan and other poverty stricken areas of Pakistan instead of providing jobs to illegal immigrants from Bengladesh!
Where does it say in the article that Pakistan will be recruiting Bangladeshi labors?

How hard is to understand promote trade?

Bangladesh wanted to introduce a ferry service between Karachi and Chittagong to promote the bilateral trade and we had agreed in Saarc conference to develop the free trade among the member countries and relaxing the visa restrictions.

If you are not into trade then just say so. We will go to next country.
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Where does it say in the article that Pakistan will be recruiting Bangladeshi labors?

How hard is to understand promote trade?

If you are into trade then just say so. We will go to next country.

yeah thanks for clearing that out brother! Don't take my words wrong or anything, Bengalis are our brethren but we need to help our own countrymen first!

And Trade would be a good way to start as it will benefit both of our nations economy! Allowing the Bengali team to play in Pakistan is also a good start as it will promote a positive image of Pakistan into Bengladesh!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
promote a positive image of Pakistan into Bengladesh!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

I am a good defender of Pakistan because I happen to know many and I know there are few bad apples in every country. Same Bangladeshi hate Pakistanis to gut.

After reading some nice posts by some of you will increase the number and negative image will be reduce.
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I am a good defender Pakistan because I happen to many and I know there few bad apples in every country. Same Bangladeshi hate Pakistanis to gut.

After reading some nice posts by some of you will increase the number and negative image will be drawn.

I'm glad we're on the same page:agree::tup:
Al-Zakir replied well - let me just add my two cents please

I seriously hope that this ferry is not made. Bangladesh has the highest population density in the world and millions are leaving that country every year setting up slum colonies wherever they go.
Bangladesh is a soverign country like us. Peoples in Bangladesh are not Afghan refugees who consider Pakistan as Dubai. Read the world index, Bangladesh's Dhaka is ranked above Karachi by "quality of living". So why Bangladeshi's need to come and inhabit in Pakistan?

Pakistan already has an estimated 1.5 million illegal Bangladeshi's just in Karachi's.

1.5 million is a huge population, I disagree, Source please

They have brought their poverty, sicknesses, are competing for Pakistani jobs against the native (as they work for a fraction the cost of native Pakistani's), they have been easily manipulated by terror groups,criminals and crime syndicates, and act as a parasitic economy, funneling all the money (illegal/legal) back to Bangladesh and out of Pakistan.

Source please - otherwise i will take it as a rumour

We havent even started to deport the current large illegal population back to bangladesh. Adding this ferry, will likely increase the problem. I hope our government and people in general have the right sense of mind to do the right thing and say Nooooo!!! If anything, Pakistan should set up ferry services to other more developed nations so that our own workers can go there! and help increase the foreign remittance back to our beloved Pakistan

You mean if Pakistanis go to work in a better developed countries...... that is ok and if Bangladeshi's migrate to find better resources and improve their lives - that is not OK? :confused::cry:
You mean if Pakistanis go to work in a better developed countries...... that is ok and if Bangladeshi's migrate to find better resources and improve their lives - that is not OK? :confused::cry:

As I said, there are some Bangladeshi hate Pakistanis to gut. Perhaps he should meet with them........:lol::rofl:

Al-Zakir replied well - let me just add my two cents please

Bangladesh is a soverign country like us. Peoples in Bangladesh are not Afghan refugees who consider Pakistan as Dubai. Read the world index, Bangladesh's Dhaka is ranked above Karachi by "quality of living". So why Bangladeshi's need to come and inhabit in Pakistan?

Thats a question you should ask them, not me, Im a native Pakistani, and i see the lack of jobs available in Pakistan. Bangladeshi dont have the same excuse as Afghan refugees(war, civil wars, bombings etc..), so I dont understand why these Bengali's have crisscrossed and been smuggled illegally outside of their own country, often times into india(that has its own bengali problem) into Karachi. They work for less than Afghan refugees (go to any chowk where you see workers standing and ask the going rates) and what index are you talking about ? I think thats nonsense, Bangladesh has the highest population density in the world. And still does not take away from the fact that there are many illegal Bengali's in Pakistan.

1.5 million is a huge population, I disagree, Source please

Disagree on what basis, infact, mine is an understatement, most reasonable estimates give figures of 3 million +
IRIN Asia | PAKISTAN: Unofficial healthcare discrimination against Bengalis | Asia | Pakistan | Health & Nutrition Human Rights | Feature

Source please - otherwise i will take it as a rumour

I dont have time for rumours lol, just facts

You mean if Pakistanis go to work in a better developed countries...... that is ok and if Bangladeshi's migrate to find better resources and improve their lives - that is not OK? :confused::cry:

Ya, because Im Pakistani, and Im concerned about my country, and anything that impacts it negatively, so yes, I have that right to say that as I want decisions to be made in the national interest of my country. Why dont you ask Bengali's why they are deporting Rohingya and Burmese migrants back to Burma

Someone mentioned better trade and commerce with Bengladesh, I think that is definately a step in the right direction. I dont want my comments to be misconstrued in any way, I would ask a Bengali to put themselves in my position and see the problems Pakistan already has and the delicate economic, and ethnic balance/tensions we are already dealing with especially around the city of Karachi.

Furthermore, ontop of being unwelcomed, a ferry service is impracticle, not feasible economically and the seafaring route doesnt make any sense. Hence a big No.

Trade, increase commerce and flow of goods is in the interest of both our countries. Furthermore, Pakistan and Bengladesh have strengthened military ties in recent years to. Infact, PAF may be gifting over several of its planes to the Bengali air force.
no dont want this scheme at all !!!bangladeshi are all over the world as illegal immigrant they are infamous for that.... then if they come to pakistan with already VERY high population then we will be FLOODED with people!! no ferry service at all between bangla and pakistan PLEASE....
We have some similar arrangement with Malaysia and I was surprised to find out that it is so cheap to ship out container to Malaysia. I believe consular did not mean passanger carrying ferry rather direct connectivity for container ships to Karachi and Chittagong. It will benifit Pakistan a lot as we do import a lot of cotton and yarn from as far as Africa. Our trade with Turkey going to cross 1 bln this year. Why not Pakistan?

Regarding illegal migrant, I bet PK would be the last in the list for any migrant from Bangladesh now. :coffee:
Why dont you ask Bengali's why they are deporting Rohingya and Burmese migrants back to Burma[/B]

Bangladesh is not deporting Rohingya but pressing Myanmar to take back the refugee who are already ousted from their own land. Is it not the right thing to do?

Ya, because Im Pakistani, and Im concerned about my country, and anything that impacts it negatively, so yes, I have that right to say that as I want decisions to be made in the national interest of my country. Why dont you ask Bengali's why they are deporting Rohingya and Burmese migrants back to Burma

Someone mentioned better trade and commerce with Bengladesh, I think that is definately a step in the right direction. I dont want my comments to be misconstrued in any way, I would ask a Bengali to put themselves in my position and see the problems Pakistan already has and the delicate economic, and ethnic balance/tensions we are already dealing with especially around the city of Karachi.

Furthermore, ontop of being unwelcomed, a ferry service is impracticle, not feasible economically and the seafaring route doesnt make any sense. Hence a big No.

Trade, increase commerce and flow of goods is in the interest of both our countries. Furthermore, Pakistan and Bengladesh have strengthened military ties in recent years to. Infact, PAF may be gifting over several of its planes to the Bengali air force.
P.S- Bangladesh is being increasingly being recognized for their population control efforts as well as for being a stable and long term growth oriented nation (which Pakistan accutely lacks).

I just can't understand where people get so much arrogance from
P.S- Bangladesh is being increasingly being recognized for their population control efforts as well as for being a stable and long term growth oriented nation (which Pakistan accutely lacks).

I just can't understand where people get so much arrogance from

and how are we being arrogant?, elaborate please?
Its impossible to even list obvious stupidity .. I usually end up writing a huge explanation and then just delete it because I would end up just getting worked up even more. Beating a dead horse most of the time.

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