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Bangladesh to observe one-minute blackout on March 25

It is sad reality that Bangladeshi people get killed by Indian BSF on borders but Bd can't do anything. India tries to do the same on LoC (not even an international border) and Pakistan dispatches Gangadeshis into hellfire and their media cries for weeks. I pretty sure before 1971, India would never dare disrespect the border.

Yes that was the reason that even with less military presence of PA these incidents were almost none in pre 1971 but who will tell this to our BD friends?
Mate, if you think that USA supported Pakistan in 1971, then I must say you are too naive. If USA supported Pakistan, there would be no Bangladesh.

I'm some of the Pakistanis who think we mishandled the situation but the kind of atrocities are being attributed are totally unbelievable and my heart never accepted that and then I read Ms Boss's account which confirmed my beliefs. Mukti Bahni committed most of those crimes and they used Pakistani army uniforms.

Do you have the slightest idea about the pressure that the US brought to bear, in support of Pakistan? And do the stirrings of your heart decide that what is cold recorded fact now becomes fiction? What makes you believe these stories about Pakistani Army uniforms being used by a Mukti Bahini that didn't exist before the crackdown, and what makes you think that the testimony of loyal Pakistanis was completely fabricated fiction?

If you want to defend the actions of those days, it is your choice; at least don't insult the testimony of those who recorded these horrors as they occurred, on the flimsy grounds of your heart never accepting it.
Do you have the slightest idea about the pressure that the US brought to bear, in support of Pakistan? And do the stirrings of your heart decide that what is cold recorded fact now becomes fiction? What makes you believe these stories about Pakistani Army uniforms being used by a Mukti Bahini that didn't exist before the crackdown, and what makes you think that the testimony of loyal Pakistanis was completely fabricated fiction?

If you want to defend the actions of those days, it is your choice; at least don't insult the testimony of those who recorded these horrors as they occurred, on the flimsy grounds of your heart never accepting it.
Unlike you, I don't believe in hearsay and fiction. Do you even care for the least amount of evidence? Where is the evidence USA put pressure on USSR and latter entertained it?
Since you have no evidence so better stay away...since you're not neutral rather a party and it is a debt we have to repay you with interest..so do not insult humanity and disgrace yourself if you don't have any evidence.
Unlike you, I don't believe in hearsay and fiction....do you even care for the least amount of evidence...where is the evidence USA put pressure on USSR and latter entertained it... Since you have no evidence so better stay away...since you're not neutral rather a party and it is a debt we have to repay you with interest..so do not insult humanity and disgrace yourself if you don't have any evidence.


Dude, please stop trying to refute actual facts.
I know the truth will hurt but it is what it is.
Unlike you, I don't believe in hearsay and fiction....do you even care for the least amount of evidence...where is the evidence USA put pressure on USSR and latter entertained it... Since you have no evidence so better stay away...since you're not neutral rather a party and it is a debt we have to repay you with interest..so do not insult humanity and disgrace yourself if you don't have any evidence.

I don't know what you call hearsay and fiction. Anthony Mascarenhas and the US diplomat Archer Blood were both present there. What else do you want by way of evidence? As for evidence of the US putting pressure, it was pressure on India, not on Russia, so please don't shift goalposts and try to improve on your obviously defective position. Since I have evidence, quoted, written evidence from Pakistani and from American sources, there is every justification for pointing out that you are making your statements based on pure emotion, and on complete denial of the facts.

Your debt repayment programme is none of my concern; there is a military to take care of it, and wars are not won or lost by Internet warriors. And spare humanity your constant invoking of it to justify your childish tantrums.
I don't know what you call hearsay and fiction. Anthony Mascarenhas and the US diplomat Archer Blood were both present there. What else do you want by way of evidence? As for evidence of the US putting pressure, it was pressure on India, not on Russia, so please don't shift goalposts and try to improve on your obviously defective position. Since I have evidence, quoted, written evidence from Pakistani and from American sources, there is every justification for pointing out that you are making your statements based on pure emotion, and on complete denial of the facts.

Your debt repayment programme is none of my concern; there is a military to take care of it, and wars are not won or lost by Internet warriors. And spare humanity your constant invoking of it to justify your childish tantrums.
Did they pass through any court...Did any court accept their testimony? Did they pass any test? If you have evidence then share otherwise don't shed your remaining feathers and down..
Did they pass through any court...Did any court accept their testimony? Did they pass any test? If you have evidence then share otherwise don't shed your remaining feathers and down..

Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission. Now shut up and go to sleep. You neither know the facts nor the interpretation of the facts.
Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission. Now shut up and go to sleep. You neither know the facts nor the interpretation of the facts.
Lolzzz see anger always gets better of you..
Facts are not what you only consider as facts, those must be recognised by others as well. Yes, I'm about to sleep :)
Good night...
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Yes, I find it very hilarious that Punjabi-pathan elite thought they can boss around Bengali people any period of time without any consequences. They don't know rebelliousness to foreign rules and injustice is in the gene of Bengali people.In the middle ages, when Bengal was under Delhi sultanate, this region was experienced so much rebellion, that the Delhi sultans called it 'Bulghaqpur' or House of strife. If we look at who ruled Bengal in the last 1000 years before the British than we can see that Bengal was independent for overwhelming majority of times.

Independent Pala empire from 750-1070 AD=320 years
Independent Sena dynasty from 1070- 1230 AD=160 years
Under Delhi sultanate from 1230-1338 AD=108 years
Independent Bengal sultanate from 1338-1576 AD= 238 years
Under Mughal rules from 1576- 1717 AD= 141 years.
Independent Bengal Nawabi from 1717-1757 AD=40 years.

So out of 1007 years of history, Bengal was under Delhi's rule for mere 249 years.Emperor Akber needed 30 years long campaign to finally subdue the Bengal and incorporate it to the Mughal empire.Bengal was also the first region to rebel against the British rules and anti British agitation was strongest in this region. And west Pakistani military junta deluded themselves that they can boss around Bengalis and can continue their exploitative rules without any consequences.:lol::lol:

That happened due to the shifting of the rivers and their main stream flow. Look up Richard Eaton.

Lolzzz see anger always gets better of you..
Facts are not what you only consider as facts, those must be recognised by others as well. Yes, I'm about to sleep :)
Good night...

Angry? Not at all. Just sorry to see such a waste of time and effort. What a sorry collection:
  • "...my heart never accepted that....";
  • "...if USA supported Pakistan, there would be no Bangladesh....";
  • "...where is the evidence that USA put pressure on USSR and latter entertained it....";
  • "...Did they pass through any court...Did any court accept their testimony? Did they pass any test?...";
Do you think people are fools and don't read your posts together? If you don't know, just say you don't know, don't put up these feeble arguments. And don't take facts that have been taken into account by your own country's commissions of enquiry and claim that you don't know that they have been used as evidence.

Ignorance is bad; wilful ignorance is wicked.

First of all those sens are from south india. 2nd, entire kingdom fell in front of 18 warrior. No wonder you west bengalis are the descendant of sens.

Cheap shot. Not worthy of you.

@Homo Sapiens


I find it very hilarious that Punjabi-pathan elite thought they can boss around Bengali people any period of time without any consequences.

With due respects, sir, and in spite of being a (Hindu) Bengali myself, I am willing to see how why the Punjabis and Pathanis have such a high opinion of themselves vis-a-vis Bongs. After all, they ruled us for several decade, is not centuries, not the other way round.


Nothing short of treason, that, siding with the Punjabis and the Pathans. I think you need to be reported to Didi.
That happened due to the shifting of the rivers and their main stream flow. Look up Richard Eaton.

Angry? Not at all. Just sorry to see such a waste of time and effort. What a sorry collection:
  • "...my heart never accepted that....";
  • "...if USA supported Pakistan, there would be no Bangladesh....";
  • "...where is the evidence that USA put pressure on USSR and latter entertained it....";
  • "...Did they pass through any court...Did any court accept their testimony? Did they pass any test?...";
Do you think people are fools and don't read your posts together? If you don't know, just say you don't know, don't put up these feeble arguments. And don't take facts that have been taken into account by your own country's commissions of enquiry and claim that you don't know that they have been used as evidence.

Ignorance is bad; wilful ignorance is wicked.

Cheap shot. Not worthy of you.

RIP logic and rationalism... :(:undecided:
@Homo Sapiens

Doyal bhai

Punjabi hold the gun in independent Pakistan due to British legacy. Which created problem.If Bengali hold the gun

Bongs never held the gun, nothing to do with the Brits


Nazrul. And many others. For your information, since we are on a defence forum, Bengalis go into the RajRif. Of course, Nirad Babu would have had none of that :p:

Historically they were much poorer then the Bengali people. Only due to British colonialism they remained little ahead

This makes no sense. Bengal was colonialised much longer than Al Bundab by the Brits; if British colonialism was a positive correlator, Bengal wud have been even richer than Al Bundab.

Not at all. You are Bong-bashing now. It was because the British colonised (where do you two get these neo-logisms, like colonialised?) Bengal earlier, and sucked out its prosperity earlier, did those others colonised later stay ahead.

Bangladesh has already overtaken them in terms of per capita gdp and many other field.
Many other fields- but per capita gdp certainly not. My dear friend @RiazHaq has already proven it over and over again.

So, to prevent Indian invasion. Pakistan army could master only 45k troops to defend East Pakistan? home to 55 percent population of entire Pakistan. Although Pak army was 4 lakh strong in that time. I have read that,even those three divisions were the strategic reserve, not the regular, active troops.This is how, Pakistani military junta valued the defence of East Pakistan.East Pakistan had enmity with India not because for it's own reason, but for West Pakistani obsession to wrestle Kashmir by force from India.After 1965 war, Bhutto declared that, East Pakistan was saved by China.West Pakistani military rulers outsourced the defence of 55 percent citizen of Pakistan to the whims of China.Can you blame the majority population of East Pakistan if they rightfully conclude that, there is no point maintaining relation with West Pakistan after that? There are some Bangladeshi here who regret the break up with the assumption that, it was better with living under Pakistani defence/security umbrella. They should be ashamed.

@Al-zakir @Centaur

First of all, the Army stood at 34000 not 45000. Secondly, it was such a less number because most of Bengal regiment soldiers joined lawless groups and turned their guns against their fellow Baloch regiment soldiers. I won't blame the soldiers or people, they were innocent and fell for Awami politicians. Isn't it shameful that Pakistan trusted Bengalis so much that they let Bengal regiment to take care of entire eastern wing by their selves, but got traitor behavior in return?

Can you post the source of Bhutto saying that. Even though I don't trust any Pakistani politician but still I would like to increase my knowledge by reading about Bhutto claiming something like that. What I believe is that Bhutto might've claimed that due to Chinese pressure from the north, India could not enter Bangladesh. These are military's tactics. Technically, there was no major threat in eastern region, only in Kashmir region. In 65, even a huge city like Lahore was undefended, which made Indians easily intrude deep into Lahore, until Pakistan Army realized and launch operation to repel them.
What industry and services is he talking about??

He must be mistaking us for Bangladesh circa 1971.....

I think you are watching too many movies while smoking the funny pipe....:disagree:

Touchy-feely 'I know in my heart that the books are wrong' kind of history is objectionable, irrespective of who wallows in it.

There were areas in Bangladesh where the Indian paratroopers didn't even dare drop, lest they raise the ire of local freedom fighters (Bagha Siddiqui's Tangail stronghold for example) .....

Try not to make up things as you go along. Paratroops were dropped wherever needed; there was relatively greater strength on the ground in Tangail, there was relatively less in other parts; that is all. Not a single part of Bangladesh was a no-go zone for the paratroops, except obviously right on top of PA positions.

Manekshaw was such a coward that he didn't even dare set foot in Bangladesh until things dried up considerably. He knew he'd get bogged down - literally.....1 to 50, yeah right.....

Muktis fought a war of attrition for 95% of the time and brought PA to its knees (PA were confined to a few cantonments only), then Indian incompetent army walks in to claim the full credit. Indians didn't hand us our independence, we earned it.

Not even your most self-assured Mukti Bahini commanders thought that they were winning; on the contrary, they had lost most of their safe havens within national boundaries by the time the IA intervened.

Why you think that deliberate and systematic preparation and planning was cowardice would be interesting to know. Not very interesting, so don't spend too much of your time creating back stories to justify your flourishes and brave talk.

Go read some history please.....

Great idea. You go first. We are at a Sir Philip Sidney moment.
Do you have the slightest idea about the pressure that the US brought to bear, in support of Pakistan? And do the stirrings of your heart decide that what is cold recorded fact now becomes fiction? What makes you believe these stories about Pakistani Army uniforms being used by a Mukti Bahini that didn't exist before the crackdown, and what makes you think that the testimony of loyal Pakistanis was completely fabricated fiction?

If you want to defend the actions of those days, it is your choice; at least don't insult the testimony of those who recorded these horrors as they occurred, on the flimsy grounds of your heart never accepting it.

Bhai you are a senior person and wasting your breath on these lot who possess neither the intellectual maturity nor the educational faculty to realize what you are trying to say.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

Mark Twain
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