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Bangladesh to launch its own satellite

I think it's the EU - India has used Ariane rockets to launch the ISRO series into space. India still does not have enough experience in Geo stationary launch capability. Just one successful geo-stationary satellite launch by ISRO. Bangladesh may want to look at more experienced operators for comm satellites - Europe is a good bet
I think Bangladesh will go for Chinese option...
Anyway congratulations to B.D :cheers:
al-zakir - Bangladesh should do what is in the best interest of Bangladesh. China and Europe have good satellite launch facilities.The EU space agency is used often by India as well.
India will throw it's hat in the mix - consider them as you will consider any other option
I think it's the EU - India has used Ariane rockets to launch the ISRO series into space. India still does not have enough experience in Geo stationary launch capability. Just one successful geo-stationary satellite launch by ISRO. Bangladesh may want to look at more experienced operators for comm satellites - Europe is a good bet

I like your approach and honesty. Thanks man :tup:
Bangladesh just announced about sattelite launch and indian did not spare a moment to advertise how ISRO is best choice and cheap etc and derailing the thread. If this is how indians want then same favor should be returned.

I guess now that BD is not moving to ISRO...all the Indian memebers of PDF would sleep with an empty stomach counting the stars in the sky...

and Wtf does.."If this is how indians want then same favor should be returned." mean??
nobody is launching your satellites for free.
I think it's the EU - India has used Ariane rockets to launch the ISRO series into space. India still does not have enough experience in Geo stationary launch capability. Just one successful geo-stationary satellite launch by ISRO. Bangladesh may want to look at more experienced operators for comm satellites - Europe is a good bet

there have been 3 launches now...the GSLV mark 2 is ready.
Why these indians are with begging bowls? This has nothing to do with ISRO or india. And Bangladesh will (if pressure tactics not used) will take its own deceision.

Congrats idune! That's the perfect reply for anyone humbly offering a help! You are cool man. :cheers:
By the way, if you go to ANY country for the launch except India, it will cost you half of your GDP (if not more). And keep a begging bowl in reserve, in case you go to Russia. However, India might just do it for free... as it did for many other (developed)nations during its Chandrayaan launch.

We don't charge anything for humanitarian projects. Then again, we don't want hatred in return for a favor, do we?
Mr. eastwatch, I have a very high regard for your posts, for your knowledge in history and all, now this is something which does not meet the standard.

Care to explain how India can bully you for launching the satelite? Once the satelite is launched isnt it your control room in your country that controls it? So once the satelite is on its orbit, how it makes any difference.

About quality, ISRO has one of the best success rate now. what sort of quality we are talking now?
Indians try to bully and always brag for tiny things. I can see many such people even in this forum, which I personally do not like.

By the way, US, Germany and China all have shown interest in the project. The news says, China is helping India in this field. I think, it is okay if any country with better technology in a certain field helps another country. But, if I have the authority to make a choice for my own country, then sorry to say, I will certainly prefer a country other than India.

The news below is in Bangla:

The Daily Ittefaq - November 27, 2009
^^^ Looks like indians even developed art in begging; now they come up with fiction that if Bangladesh does not use ISRO for satellite launch we will go bankrupt. Little holiday amusement.
Nice to see the progress of Bangladesh. Way to go.

But before launching a satellite, Bangladesh has to build a satellite. Could any member from Bangladesh confirm whether they had already built the satellite they want to launch or not? If any member from Bangladesh has the link of the agency in Bangladesh which is building this satellite please provide that.

Why Bangladesh should come to ISRO for launching of a satellite? They have better option. They should go to Nasa,Russia, EU, Japan, China.
Congrats idune! That's the perfect reply for anyone humbly offering a help! You are cool man. :cheers:
By the way, if you go to ANY country for the launch except India, it will cost you half of your GDP (if not more). And keep a begging bowl in reserve, in case you go to Russia. However, India might just do it for free... as it did for many other (developed)nations during its Chandrayaan launch.

We don't charge anything for humanitarian projects. Then again, we don't want hatred in return for a favor, do we?
Do not lose a sleep on our lack of fund. Govt knows it well and is considering to fund the communication satellite project with loans from other countries. The Daily Ittefaq report I posted above says so. The report also says that Indian technology is still a little behind. So, it has received technology help from China to send most of its satellites (not Chandrayan). I think,ultimately, BD will go after Chinese help, albeit paid help.
Indians try to bully and always brag for tiny things. I can see many such people even in this forum, which I personally do not like.

By the way, US, Germany and China all have shown interest in the project. The news says, China is helping India in this field. I think, it is okay if any country with better technology in a certain field helps another country. But, if I have the authority to make a choice for my own country, then sorry to say, I will certainly prefer a country other than India.

The news below is in Bangla:

The Daily Ittefaq - November 27, 2009

East watch I cant read whats in the link..
Can you please tell me why India will bully you for launching your satellite??Members here suggested that it will be financially viable for your country to lauch satellite from our country because we are launching satellites at cheap rates compare to other countries and we also launch some mini satellites from a University for free..and you guys take it a whole new meaning neither me or my Indian friends here are not the head of ISRO..So dont worry we are not going to bully you..You launch your satellite with what ever country you prefer..Its your country's satellite and your wish..any way good luck
^^^ Looks like indians even developed art in begging; now they come up with fiction that if Bangladesh does not use ISRO for satellite launch we will go bankrupt. Little holiday amusement.

Get a life dude you only see bad even if its a friendly suggestion..Its up to your country's head men to decide who they are gonna approach to launch the satellite..and i sincerely hope ISRO don't have any participation in it..Because men like you in that country even if your satellite failed to meet its objectives you will blame us..
yaaaaaaaaaaar why our indian members distreb them let them lunch there satlite its there own job why we have pain in BD satlite.any ways best of luck to BD.

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