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Bangladesh to hounour Indira Gandhi for her support in 1971 war

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There is actually very little different now than when we East Pakistan. India treats us like dirt and exploits us and pretends to be our friend.
No actually the refugees were a pretext and a means to train,arm and infiltrate East Pakistan. Why do you think your army has lost all the 1971 war documents. You Indians have a lot to hide.

The way I see it....befor the creation of BD.....your lot was considered Pakistani.....NOT Bangladeshi....

So whatever the cause maybe for our intervention.....the result was a new country that you can call home and identify with....

Be grateful....the deaths of your people and ours in freeing YOUR homeland should not be trivialized in the manner you speak.....

Shameful you guys are so ashamed about the birth of your own nation....however it happened....
Clearly you have not heard about the seven point agreement that IG forced the BD government in exile to sign before India would go to war with Pakistan. That document literally gave away our sovereignty.

It was probably inevitable that East Pakistan would become independent sooner than later but Indian hijacked the natural course of events to achieve their own strategic goals at the cost of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

There aint nothing called a free lunch.....

Since the beginning of time, mutually beneficial trade....known then as barter system has goverened the relations between states.....
So why surprised that we laid down our demands before sending in our boys to the gallows?

Wasnt it enough that we were supporting millions of refugees from an enemy state? yet you think we should altruistically invest man and money into your cause?.....I think your demands exceed the returns you provide.....
YouTube - Indira Gandhi Interview 1971

YouTube - indira

We all know your 'reason' of obsession with India that "India wants to take over our country" but atleast do not try to sell this to Bangladeshis who are absolutely unwilling to buy your theory. Please let them decide what is good for them & what is not and keep both our countries out of it. Lets not waste this thread by start bashing each other.

We need more such strong leaders like her..!! I have never ever heard her speech now i have.. now i know why she was voted back even after the loss after the emergency period in india. Now a days we have a whole bunch of napumsaks in the politics now..
There is actually very little different now than when we East Pakistan. India treats us like dirt and exploits us and pretends to be our friend.

Wot the heck are you talking about!!! Forget friendship atleast we are neighbours.. you gotta love your neighbour just the way you love ursleves... havent you heard that..?? we have heard that learned that long time ago.. its time that you study those veruses from bible..!!!
This is ridiculous.....Im starting to think that the Bangladeshis on this forum are ashamed to be called Bangladeshi....

Yes I ashamed to call myself bangladeshi when I see my ******* country kissing *** to Bharati terrorist.

Have you ever considered.....what the West PA would have done to your lot had this woman not sent in man and moolah to help your cause?

Nothing. At least Bharati would not have the gut to bully us around. I rather stay hungry then bully by you kuffar enemy.

Seems you would have prefered to be a "slave territory" (as you put it) of Pakistan as compared to India....
Be glad you have a home called BD....For once look at the bigger picture!!

Get your fact straight. It was East Pakistan just like Baluchistan. You Bharati has played with this Bull crap for logest but none of buying this BS. So keep this BS and shove it.
Yes I ashamed to call myself bangladeshi when I see my ******* country kissing *** to Bharati terrorist.

Nothing. At least Bharati would not have the gut to bully us around. I rather stay hungry then bully by you kuffar enemy.

Get your fact straight. It was East Pakistan just like Baluchistan. You Bharati has played with this Bull crap for logest but none of buying this BS. So keep this BS and shove it.

Are we really kicking your *** that much that you hate us like an insane..!!!!
Are we really kicking your *** that much that you hate us like an insane..!!!!

I hate your presence in BD. But then again I hate Awami munafiq dalals more then you. ;)
Yes I ashamed to call myself bangladeshi when I see my ******* country kissing *** to Bharati terrorist.

If you're ashamed of who you are....No one can help you.....

Nothing. At least Bharati would not have the gut to bully us around. I rather stay hungry then bully by you kuffar enemy.

hmm....seems the definition of bullying is lost on you...

Care to do a numbers analysis on how many BDeshis us Kuffars have killed as opposed to your own kin and kith?

Or is being friendly to a Kuffar country beneath you?

The problem with BD is not AL....its people like you who look at everything from the prism of religion......coupled with a bad case of paranoia and insecurity

Best of luck Bengalis.....

Get your fact straight. It was East Pakistan just like Baluchistan. You Bharati has played with this Bull crap for logest but none of buying this BS. So keep this BS and shove it.

Clearly obsessed with fecal matter.....

They have rehab for your kind......I suggest a google search with your local area code would benefit in expeditibng help for your "fetish"
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Nothing. At least Bharati would not have the gut to bully us around. I rather stay hungry then bully by you kuffar enemy.

Then why are you paying your tax money to the biggest shaitan/Kuffar - US.?

Serioulsy you people gotta have atleast a bit more confidence in yourselves.
India has a beggar thy neighbour policy. India is a bad neighbour.
any civil war will cost dearly, and thats a fact. if we just let it drag on, W.P might have gained the upper hand, but they would have suffered a lot more. It would have cost them a lot to transport men and materials to E.P to conduct military operations. Also, once the number of body bags returning to W.P increases, there would have been widespread public opposition to the war.
There my frnd lies the catch. We were interested to get the genie of our back. We were not interested in having PK encircling us.
Secondly, may be IN leader had that in mind (i.e. prolonging the rife). But the golden opportunity was presented by PK, by opening the front in West. Without that no matter what the humenatarian crisis, IN couldn't have openly crossed the border. Apart from refugee, it was internal matter of PK.
You see this is what PK members have to understand. No matter how IN was helping MB, it couldn't have sent his men inside E.PK openly. PK Army thought that they can win considerable landmass in West to negotiate the E.PK situation. There calculation went wrong.

Also, international intervention was nowhere in sight. W.P was butchering Bangladeshis for a considerable time without anyone doing anything.
Pls read the declassified US documents of that time. PK was trying to get UN observers for E.PK\IN border. There contention was that IA is crossing border regularly and doing ops in side E.PK, which IN was denying too.
If there were UN observer than it would have been difficult for IN to help MB or to liberate BD. But again, PK was also hesitant of observer because they knew what they are doing there.
The point is, if hurting Pak was the ONLY aim we had in mind, we didnt have to do anything, except arm and train Mukthi Bahini. we could have just kept it going till either side won. Its because of our humanity that we let in refugees and we actively interfered and martyred our soldiers.

SU, just to clarify, its not that one fine morning we saw refugee at our border we decided that we need to do something abt it. It was well thought out plan. PK leaders were not able to understand. They played in the hands of IN planners.
I take creation of BD as golden chapter in history of our security establishment. By including the angle of humanitarian crisis and all, I think we are short changing our heroes.
India has a beggar thy neighbour policy. India is a bad neighbour.

And what you think whats CN's policy regarding IN? Or PK's policy for AF?

It does not matter what your neighbour;s policy is. It you are confident of yourself and work hard, you can stand up against that neighbour.

By constantly crying wolf won't take you any where.
yaar mujhe patha nahi PDF k har BD frndz aise kyun hain!!
how cum dey feel so much hatred abt us nd we feel none?
i've always thought BD as d best neighbour v hav aftr bhutan.
nevr felt nythng against dem
India has a beggar thy neighbour policy. India is a bad neighbour.

You are right India is bad cause it save its neighbor and make then Independent

I wish every one got bad neighbor like India
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