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Bangladesh to China ordered 16 F-7BGI light fighter

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This bold part of your post deserve a reply... Are you a kid? This is the most moronic post I have ever came across with..

Now By applying your logic pertaining speed of a jet I am going to outclass many jets...

Max speed of J-7(Mig-21): Mach 2.0 (2,200 km/h, 1189 knots, 1375 mph)

Now... Following aircrafts stand no chance in front of J-7 (Mig-21) when it comes to speed

Max speed of F-18: Mach 1.8 (1,190 mph, 1,915 km/h) at 40,000 ft (12,190 m)
Max speed of HAL Tejas: Mach 1.8 (2,138 km/h) at high altitude
Max speed of Su-30 MKI: Mach 1.9 (2,120 km/h, 1,317 mph) at altitude; 1,350 km/h, 839 mph near ground level
Max speed of Rafale:High altitude: Mach 1.8+ (2,130+ km/h, 1,050+ knots),Low altitude: 1,390 km/h, 750 knots
Max speed of JF-17: Mach 1.8 (1,191 knots, 2,205 km/h)

Seriously do you even know difference between a Turjet and a Turbofan engine?
Holy sshit. Talk about nonsense. In order to shoot a jet, you need to catch it in the first place. How are you going to shoot a jet going away from you at an angle greater than 90 degrees? Magic?
Your JF-17s speed is 1.6. Latest info from farnborough.

If your AoA is less than 28 you are gone unless you have TVC... Post stalling you know? BTW I never knew J-7 (Mig-21) had a TVC engine, thankx for such valuable information..
"If your AoA is less than 28 you are gone unless you have TVC"

T/W ratio! Mig-21 variants have ratio ranging from 0.69 to 0.74..... And JF-17 has 0.95.. How does it beat JFT?

Hahahaha.... I can't believe you...

And yeah 3rd generation fighter is much much better than a fourth generation fighter..... In fact IAF must order a couple of more Mig-21 squadrons...

P.S..... I really love F-7
And it gets worse, if NATO method of half fuel and 2 aams are considered, MiG-21Bis beats your love-toy JF-17.
Holy sshit. Talk about nonsense. In order to shoot a jet, you need to catch it in the first place. How are you going to shoot a jet going away from you at an angle greater than 90 degrees? Magic?
Your JF-17s speed is 1.6. Latest info from farnborough.

"If your AoA is less than 28 you are gone unless you have TVC"

And it gets worse, if NATO method of half fuel and 2 aams are considered, MiG-21Bis beats your love-toy JF-17.

So can I say Mig-21 will get MKI, Hornet, Rafale, Tejas at first, after all it has speed more than mentioned competitors? Leave JFT apart for a while...

My bad pertaining AOA...
Bangalis = an Indic race

Pakistanis = Arabs (or so they think)

re-run of the 60`s i might say....sad to say perceptions havent chnaged....trully sad that senior members are commenting on race when met with conclusive arguments...
Calm down folks.

We're not here to force BD to buy anything. They chose BGI. Good for them. Nevertheless, to say JF-17 is an F7 or 'junk' = BS. F7 is good but JF-17 is modern and offers much more.
and stealth also you forget to inform :rofl:

look at you guys behavior your junk is gold and others still non mature platform is junk 3gen . no wonder your air force is nothing but a junkyard its from GOD .

Did you mean old aircraft!! then look at yours first. Just check, which air force in the world bought the most 2nd hand aircraft so far. I think no one can beat PAF there ever. PAF is the world's largest old crap aircraft junkyard.

PAF has a total of 180 second hand air craft inventory:
50 Mirage-3 ex-Royal Australian Air Force, 25 Mirage-3 ex-Spanish Air Force, 9 Mirage-3 ex-Lebanese Air Force, 16 Mirage-3 ex-French Air Force, 48 Mirage-5 ex-!, 20 T-37 ex-USAF delivered in 2008, 4 IL-76 ex-Ukrainian Air Force, 2 C-130(L-100-20) ex-PIA, 6 C-130 ex-Australian Air Force, 2 C-130B ex-USAF.
I ask you a question。Now ChineseAirForce still enjoy J7 very much and buying due to J7 is very easy to maintain and fly. Why can not your Bengal get J7.Bengal is a rich developed country or has plenty of oil??

So, what do u suggest? Buy JF-17 for $20mln and ditch it after receiving SU-30/Mig-29/F-16/Gripen!!!! Good Idea. So, can you explain, why PLAAF is not interested in JF-17!! If they want they can buy 300 of them replacing J-7 and reducing unit price to $8-10mln easily. And that can definitely help them getting customer as well.
and stealth also you forget to inform :rofl:

look at you guys behavior your junk is gold and others still non mature platform is junk 3gen . no wonder your air force is nothing but a junkyard its from GOD .

However, no one can claim that JF-17 is any higher than 3++ generation fighter.
they forget there original place even PAF sold them used jets in past .

Yes, it is true what you have stated. But, do not forget PAF was also our airforce and our hard currency bought you those planes. Most of your military and civilian infrastructures were built at our expense. Do not forget these and do not brag. Do not spit at the sky like a stupid because it comes right on your own face. Within the next 10 to 15 years we will take our position in the world stage and will certainly beat the hell out of Pakistan in every sector, that includes military. Your country is just limping and depending upon US pity.
Huh... those mighty F-6 could never fly and were washed away by floods and we never bothered to pick them up. Probably ended up in our reroll steel mill. :smokin:

It was idiot Ershad who accepted those for no reason...

Pakistanis should come to Dhaka to see their F-6 aircrafts hanging at the military gates and museaums. They should not also forget these were paid by the Bangali taxpayers' money. Pakistan should pay us back all the money they have stolen from us in the name of islamic brotherhood. Any of their present jealously will only embolden us and we will beat them in every sector except bombing the mosques.
oyeee dafa kero now we will compare ourself with bagalis? have some shame yaar.

You are becoming too racist. What the hell do you think of Bangalis. We have beaten you guys in heroism in the 1965 Pak-India war. East Bengal Regiment received the maximum number of medals for sacrificying in the Khemkaran sector. Do not forget EBR saved your Lahore from being taken over by the IA in 1965 war by giving their lives.

You messed with us in 1971 and our armless people have shown EXIT to you . They fought valiantly in 1971 and made your troops POW at the hand of HINDU India. You should have committed suicides instead of being taken prisoners by IA. You guys are shameless. How could your 93,000 troops of PA had given up so easily? You must be a very shameless nation. But, you are trying to downgrade our image, instead, here in this forum.
Calm down folks.

We're not here to force BD to buy anything. They chose BGI. Good for them. Nevertheless, to say JF-17 is an F7 or 'junk' = BS. F7 is good but JF-17 is modern and offers much more.

Who denies that JF-17 is a little better than F-BGI? But, at the same time JF-17 is not also a proven plane. Look at the T/W ratio of JF, it is 0.82. For BGI it is 0.76, while Mig-21 has 0.74. JF is only a little ahead in the T/W ratio, too.

BAF wants to buy another sq. of BGI only as a stop gap measure. we paid less than $8 million for this, but JF costs more than $20 million. Why to spend so much money for a JF platform when we alreday have better planes like Mig-29s and we intend to buy a few sqs. of 4.5++ generation fighters as our mainstay plane in the very near future?

By the way, how many countries have so far bought JF-17 from Pakistan? None. Then, why should we volunteer for this plane by paying such a big price?
So, what do u suggest? Buy JF-17 for $20mln and ditch it after receiving SU-30/Mig-29/F-16/Gripen!!!! Good Idea. So, can you explain, why PLAAF is not interested in JF-17!! If they want they can buy 300 of them replacing J-7 and reducing unit price to $8-10mln easily. And that can definitely help them getting customer as well.

you like to disparage jf17 very much , which is already a undisputed 4 gen fighter in world. But you guy still claimed that JF17 is only a 3rd +++ crappp fighter,copyyyy ,which is only a derivative of the J7/mig21.
well ,you need a out-of-date bird,then my opinion is that you should buy USA F35 ,it is the most modern 5gen figher ,
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