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Hmm...guys, don't you think it is like....extremely weird that in a poor, third world nation dependent on aid, and overwhelming Muslim majority; a bunch of bloggers write vile contents about Islam and Prophet Muhammad?

So Bangladesh's biggest problem is Islam in the midst all of the festering problems? How can anyone potentially conclude that?

Had it been in a non-Muslim majority, and wealthy, then it is possible and not unusual.

But this? :blink:

I'm dumbfounded. Seriously.....
Hmm...guys, don't you think it is like....extremely weird that in a poor, third world nation dependent on aid, and overwhelming Muslim majority; a bunch of bloggers write vile contents about Islam and Prophet Muhammad?

So Bangladesh's biggest problem is Islam in the midst all of the festering problems? How can anyone potentially conclude that?

Had it been in a non-Muslim majority, and wealthy, then it is possible and not unusual.

But this? :blink:

I'm dumbfounded. Seriously.....

I asked this question long time ago, how much rich people in BD have became that they are acting like Atheist.
How much developed are we now that our society can think like that?

Arabs are very rich, but they are turning into atheists, but sometimes a trend is noticeable in BD that as people are getting richer, they are getting far from the Imman. Funny poor people.

I think there are many atheists in BD, they do not admit in publicly.
I asked this question long time ago, how much rich people in BD have became that they are acting like Atheist.
How much developed are we now that our society can think like that?

Arabs are very rich, but they are turning into atheists, but sometimes a trend is noticeable in BD that as people are getting richer, they are getting far from the Imman. Funny poor people.

I think there are many atheists in BD, they do not admit in publicly.

i dont think so BD is 1 of the most religious country in the world

well rich people can get women n other pleasures easily maybe thats why holding Iman is hard for them :D

in old age we all become religious
I asked this question long time ago, how much rich people in BD have became that they are acting like Atheist.
How much developed are we now that our society can think like that?

Arabs are very rich, but they are turning into atheists, but sometimes a trend is noticeable in BD that as people are getting richer, they are getting far from the Imman. Funny poor people.

I think there are many atheists in BD, they do not admit in publicly.

Well, I can say that murdered blogger was certainly no rich boy. He came from a middle class family background.

What can I say, it's a very strange and eerie matter.

Even if they are rich, they are most likely a minority within a minority.

Most Bangladeshis consider religion as important by the way.
Well, I can say that murdered blogger was certainly no rich boy. He came from a middle class family background.

What can I say, it's a very strange and eerie matter.

Even if they are rich, they are most likely a minority within a minority.

Most Bangladeshis consider religion as important by the way.

Hmm, may be I have generalized, but I have a notion (may be wrong) that there is a relationship between becoming atheist with getting richer in BD.
Hmm, may be I have generalized, but I have a notion (may be wrong) that there is a relationship between becoming atheist with getting richer in BD.

I don't see much of a correlation really.

I've known plenty of rich people who are very religious-minded. Though, I've seen a few alcoholics too :D

Doesn't answer the question though :cry:
I don't see much of a correlation really.

I've known plenty of rich people who are very religious-minded. Though, I've seen a few alcoholics too :D

Doesn't answer the question though :cry:

Actually, the number of atheists are more in rich western countries, so I thought that.
@Loki , congrats bro. Why did U closed the congratulation thread? Any way U would make a great unbiased mod IMO.:)
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Hmm...guys, don't you think it is like....extremely weird that in a poor, third world nation dependent on aid, and overwhelming Muslim majority; a bunch of bloggers write vile contents about Islam and Prophet Muhammad?

So Bangladesh's biggest problem is Islam in the midst all of the festering problems? How can anyone potentially conclude that?

Had it been in a non-Muslim majority, and wealthy, then it is possible and not unusual.

But this? :blink:

I'm dumbfounded. Seriously.....


Although you claim to be dumbfounded, I think even you do have at least the slightest bit of hint about who is instigating all these blasphemous acts, which have never been tolerated in Bangladesh's history and runs against the grain of mainstream 90-95% Bangladeshi society.

Foreign hand is at play, a nonMuslim country is surely instigating things, and the only one that comes to mind for a long list of obvious reasons is BAL's closest partner.
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Hmm, may be I have generalized, but I have a notion (may be wrong) that there is a relationship between becoming atheist with getting richer in BD.

then wondering, if it is not money/getting rich, then what influences them to be atheist mostly in case of BD,

western influence
communist influence
Indian influence (atheist are increasing in number in India so fast)
Chinese/Japanese influence (they all are atheist, lol)
foreign agenda
showing up/fashion
going with trend
do not want religion restrictions or wants more freedom
development of BD
lack of knowledge in religion
promotion of secularism
terrorism by Muslims
failure of Muslim states

I know two persons who are acting like atheist, I need to know what influence them to do so.
then wondering, if it is not money/getting rich, then what influences them to be atheist mostly in case of BD,

western influence
communist influence
Indian influence (atheist are increasing in number in India so fast)
Chinese/Japanese influence (they all are atheist, lol)
foreign agenda
showing up/fashion
going with trend
do not want religion restrictions or wants more freedom
development of BD
lack of knowledge in religion
promotion of secularism
terrorism by Muslims
failure of Muslim states

I know two persons who are acting like atheist, I need to know what influence them to do so.

Dude, i was sent to study out of dhaka when i was in class 6 in dhaka. I was out right non religious, the older i got i was sort of a leftist than an anarchist then at one time i was an atheist and had great doubts. I think i found the answer to god a year and half ago, and with more days i am choosing the path of allah. I havent had a sip of alcohol in over a year and regular in jumma. I promised my dad this summer that ill pray 5 times with him. So lets see where everything goes.
Most big time businessmen in dhaka pray 5 times, the BNP ones. In fact khaleda zia's family members bar coco pray.Even in kurmitoal gold club they have namaz points in front of many holes and many stop and pray after azan. Awami leager businessmen i met, most dont pray. I know a big time awami league leader who hasnt gone to jummah over 10 years, i know cause i had fling with his daughter lol.
Given fluid situation and so many variables, all these are speculative at this point. That is all the comments one can make.

...Correct. Yet, since the boat---with all of us on-board----is rocking, against gusty gales of 'successive' waves of 'deadly events, full of fury, we need this 'educated' speculation, nevertheless. It is good to note that snugglepot has listed all relevant factors and aspects that have bearing on current & future events.

I feel that we still need to know or guess correctly about / on the followings:

1. Why ToI was allowed to float the report on 'Indian backing' to Shahbagis at this precarious moment ? Is it to incite a furious re-action to justify any 'more' furious retaliation to execute an 'already-drawn' plan?

2. Fact is JI and Ulema are not on the same line of ideology. The latter follow the foot-steps of 'sahaba' that you first focus on your self-rectification in order to attain 'relationship' with Allah by way of 'dawat' and 'amaal'. If Allah is pleased on your 'effort-for-relationship' HE himslef will had-over to you 'khilafa'---as promised in al-Quran. JI believes that with 'dawat' & amaal' you must focus on grabbing the 'state-power' (not 'khilafa'). That means JI can form shot-term 'loose' stratigical alliance with Ulema (as with BNP for different reason, though) but 'ultimately' JI is and will remain 'lone' warrior as they do not have massive follower-base as Ulema. It is from Allah that mass will emluate---on issues of Islam---more the ways adopted by 'sahaba' than any 'plan & idea' devised by any other human including JI. Here JI failed. The Question is how long JI will survive or sustain its firey resistance against a state-power or will they 'skillfully' lose a battle to win a war later Or Ulema / BNP will extend any umbrella to JI----realizing what also is coming to themselves---like the other grazing cows from the same predating tiger ( and its 'Guru') of highest skills of deception.

3. Does BNP &/or Ulema has the required stamina / resolution / skill / mind-set---even with a large base of their own ? Will BNP 7/or Ulema assist/support JI ? If not, at least themselves ?

Whoever has any thought / answer, please come forward, and speak-out in PDF to formulate jointly an 'educated' speculation to understand clearer what situation the country is drifting towards or being driving at by the 'driver-on-seat' & by foe and friend.

Having certain 'friend' you no longer need any 'foe'. With a wrong driver you may not reach the destination ever at all---not to speak of becoming a 'middle income country by 2020 or whatever.
Tomorrow there suppose to be protest against attack on Islamic value by Awami League and indian supported blogger and fascists. But Awami League regime using self declared Islam hater, Shameem Afzal blocked all entry to national mosque (except one) tomorrow using deception that politics will not be allowed around mosque. But at the same time Awami League ordered its terror cadre to act as regular mosque goer to watch and control people anger.

That is type of deception Awami League play when acting against Muslims and Islamic values in Bangladesh.

বায়তুল মোকাররমে সমাবেশে কর্তৃপক্ষের নিষেধাজ্ঞা
২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি,২০১৩
সামীম আফজাল আরও বলেন, ‘মসজিদ আল্লাহর ঘর, ইবাদতের স্থান। তাই মসজিদকে কেন্দ্র করে কোনো ধরনের রাজনৈতিক কর্মকাণ্ড পরিচালিত হতে দেয়া হবে না।’
সারা দেশের মসজিদে নজর রাখবে ক্ষমতাসীনরা আগামীকাল জুমার নামাযের সময় সারা দেশের মসজিদগুলোতে সতর্ক নজর রাখবে ক্ষমতাসীন আওয়ামী লীগ। মসজিদগুলোতে মুসল্লি সেজে নেতা-কর্মীদের অবস্থান করতে নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন হাই-কমান্ড।

Real-time News Network
then wondering, if it is not money/getting rich, then what influences them to be atheist mostly in case of BD,

western influence
communist influence
Indian influence (atheist are increasing in number in India so fast)
Chinese/Japanese influence (they all are atheist, lol)
foreign agenda
showing up/fashion
going with trend
do not want religion restrictions or wants more freedom
development of BD
lack of knowledge in religion
promotion of secularism
terrorism by Muslims
failure of Muslim states

I know two persons who are acting like atheist, I need to know what influence them to do so.

All of the reasons you have cited are irrelevant and bogus, if anything, I have seen greater public display of religiosity in the last few years than 10 years back.

The real reason that these criminals display their criminality and still walk free (protected by BAL cadres and police-RAB) is, of course, instigation from abroad. Which country is BAL's closest friend?
All of the reasons you have cited are irrelevant and bogus, if anything, I have seen greater public display of religiosity in the last few years than 10 years back.

The real reason that these criminals display their criminality and still walk free (protected by BAL cadres and police-RAB) is, of course, instigation from abroad. Which country is BAL's closest friend?

I have just found in a book by Muhammad Naseel Sharukh that the probable causes to be an atheists are:

1. Possessing unwillingness to obey God
2. Possessing anger about God
3. Possessing dissatisfaction about God
4. Possessing suspects about the existence of God
5. Possessing the feeling that religion is difficult
6. Possessing blind believe on a scientist
7. Fashion

More on Google search: Why Not Believe? Reasons Why Atheists Don't Believe in Gods

8. Contradictory Characteristics in Gods
9. Religion is Self-Contradictory
10. Gods Are Too Similar to Believers
11. Gods Just Don't Matter
12. Gods and Believers Behave Immorally
13. Evil in the World
14. Faith is Unreliable
15. Life is Material, not Supernatural
16. There is No Good Reason to Bother Believing

here some of reasons match with mine.
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