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While Hefazat man were slaughtered by Awami League genocidal force, BNP folks despite KZ call to come out and help Hefazat did not do so. Simple fact is KZ is surrounded by opportunist who wants to be in power but riding on others shoulder. As Zakir bahi and Loki indicated, these are good for nothing bunch and need to be get rid of. I am sure these opportunist within BNP will now looking for deals from regime. Bangladeshi majority people need new leadership and BNP aint it.

What is your opinion of Dr. Yunus? Do you think he can form a party to lead the nation? He recently wrote a good article regarding Bangladesh's RMG industry.
What is your opinion of Dr. Yunus? Do you think he can form a party to lead the nation? He recently wrote a good article regarding Bangladesh's RMG industry.
He can surely try but it wont do any good, trust me. People are too obsessed with BNP and AL. They cant think anybody else. However I have a different suggestion but wont talk about it to you. You called him a strange camel.:angry:
While Hefazat man were slaughtered by Awami League genocidal force, BNP folks despite KZ call to come out and help Hefazat did not do so. Simple fact is KZ is surrounded by opportunist who wants to be in power but riding on others shoulder. As Zakir bahi and Loki indicated, these are good for nothing bunch and need to be get rid of. I am sure these opportunist within BNP will now looking for deals from regime. Bangladeshi majority people need new leadership and BNP aint it.

lol do you know how expensive is to get out of jail? how many bnp activists are in jail? how many have fake cases against them? do you know the amount of harassment bnp leadership faces by the police? moin u ahmed broke the backbone of bnp's fight...........without firepower you can't do much, thus they have resorted to backing jamaat....why don't you go on the street and show whos the boss and become the answer to bangladesh's answer?

While Hefazat man were slaughtered by Awami League genocidal force, BNP folks despite KZ call to come out and help Hefazat did not do so. Simple fact is KZ is surrounded by opportunist who wants to be in power but riding on others shoulder. As Zakir bahi and Loki indicated, these are good for nothing bunch and need to be get rid of. I am sure these opportunist within BNP will now looking for deals from regime. Bangladeshi majority people need new leadership and BNP aint it.

lol do you know how expensive is to get out of jail? how many bnp activists are in jail? how many have fake cases against them? do you know the amount of harassment bnp leadership faces by the police? moin u ahmed broke the backbone of bnp's fight...........without firepower you can't do much, thus they have resorted to backing jamaat....why don't you go on the street and show whos the boss and become the answer to bangladesh's answer?
While Hefazat man were slaughtered by Awami League genocidal force, BNP folks despite KZ call to come out and help Hefazat did not do so. Simple fact is KZ is surrounded by opportunist who wants to be in power but riding on others shoulder. As Zakir bahi and Loki indicated, these are good for nothing bunch and need to be get rid of. I am sure these opportunist within BNP will now looking for deals from regime. Bangladeshi majority people need new leadership and BNP aint it.

I remember KZ asked BNP members to stand aside HeI at 8/9pm without any prior notice. It always requires time to get prepared. Besides, as you guys said bunch of opportunists are there who don't care this especially Chatra Dal is a complete moral less organization. I think if BNP or anyone could imagine the Awami genocide plan, they would have taken a step to at least capture it to use later. Unfortunately, no one in home or abroad could even think of such a brutality which only BAL can think of.
While Hefazat man were slaughtered by Awami League genocidal force, BNP folks despite KZ call to come out and help Hefazat did not do so. Simple fact is KZ is surrounded by opportunist who wants to be in power but riding on others shoulder. As Zakir bahi and Loki indicated, these are good for nothing bunch and need to be get rid of. I am sure these opportunist within BNP will now looking for deals from regime. Bangladeshi majority people need new leadership and BNP aint it.

lol do you know how expensive is to get out of jail? how many bnp activists are in jail? how many have fake cases against them? do you know the amount of harassment bnp leadership faces by the police? moin u ahmed broke the backbone of bnp's fight...........without firepower you can't do much, thus they have resorted to backing jamaat....why don't you go on the street and show whos the boss and become the answer to bangladesh's answer?

While Hefazat man were slaughtered by Awami League genocidal force, BNP folks despite KZ call to come out and help Hefazat did not do so. Simple fact is KZ is surrounded by opportunist who wants to be in power but riding on others shoulder. As Zakir bahi and Loki indicated, these are good for nothing bunch and need to be get rid of. I am sure these opportunist within BNP will now looking for deals from regime. Bangladeshi majority people need new leadership and BNP aint it.

lol do you know how expensive is to get out of jail? how many bnp activists are in jail? how many have fake cases against them? do you know the amount of harassment bnp leadership faces by the police? moin u ahmed broke the backbone of bnp's fight...........without firepower you can't do much, thus they have resorted to backing jamaat....why don't you go on the street and show whos the boss and become the answer to bangladesh's answer?
He can surely try but it wont do any good, trust me. People are too obsessed with BNP and AL. They cant think anybody else. However I have a different suggestion but wont talk about it to you. You called him a strange camel.:angry:


lol do you know how expensive is to get out of jail? how many bnp activists are in jail? how many have fake cases against them? do you know the amount of harassment bnp leadership faces by the police? moin u ahmed broke the backbone of bnp's fight...........without firepower you can't do much, thus they have resorted to backing jamaat....why don't you go on the street and show whos the boss and become the answer to bangladesh's answer?

So, any replacement for BNP? :pop:
মতিঝিল গণহত্যা : সরকারি ভাষ্য বনাম প্রকৃত ঘটনা
মতিঝিলের শাপলা চত্বরে গত ৫ মে দিবাগত রাতের অন্ধকারে হেফাজতে ইসলামের ব্যানারে জড়ো হওয়া ধর্মপ্রাণ আলেম ও নিরস্ত্র সাধারণ মানুষের (যার একটি বড় অংশ বয়োবৃদ্ধ ও মাদরাসার শিশুছাত্র) ওপর আধুনিক অস্ত্রশস্ত্রে সজ্জিত পুলিশ, র্যাব ও আধাসামরিক বাহিনী বিজিবির ১০ হাজার সদস্যের চালানো নৃশংস হত্যাযজ্ঞকে বিশ্ববাসী ‘গণহত্যা’ বলে আখ্যায়িত করলেও বাংলাদেশ সরকার তা বেমালুম অস্বীকার করছে! ঘটনার পরদিন ক্ষমতাসীন আওয়ামী লীগের মুখপাত্র ও দলের যুগ্ম সম্পাদক মাহবুব-উল আলম হানিফ সংবাদ সম্মেলন করে জানিয়ে দেন শাপলা চত্বর থেকে হেফাজতকর্মীদের ওয়াশআউট অভিযানে কোনো ‘হতাহতে’র ঘটনা ঘটেনি। নিহত হওয়া তো দূরের কথা, কেউ আহতও হয়নি। ডিএমপি কমিশনার বেনজীর আহমেদও বুধবার সরকারের পক্ষ থেকে আনুষ্ঠানিক সংবাদ সম্মেলন করে একই কথার পুনরাবৃত্তি করলেও কৌশলে আরেক জায়গায় প্রশ্নের জবাবে বললেন, ওইদিনের সংঘর্ষে নিহত ৪টি লাশ শাপলা চত্বরের মঞ্চের কাছ থেকে এবং আরও ৩টি লাশ ঘটনার পর তারা রাস্তা থেকে তুলে নিয়ে এসেছেন ওই রাতে। ৫ মে দিনে সংঘর্ষের ঘটনায় আরও ৩ জন নিহত হওয়ার কথা স্বীকার করেন তিনি। একজন পুলিশ ওই রাতে মারা যাওয়ারও কথা বলেন। ডিএমপি কমিশনার তথা সরকারের আনুষ্ঠানিক বক্তব্য অনুযায়ী ৫ মে সকাল থেকে ৬ মে ভোর পর্যন্ত সর্বোচ্চ ১১ জন নিহত হয়েছেন। অথচ সরকারের বশংবদ মিডিয়ায় (পর্যবেক্ষকদের মতে, দেশের মিডিয়ায় আগে যাও কিছু ছাপা হতো, এখন দৈনিক আমার দেশ এবং দিগন্ত ও ইসলামিক টিভি বন্ধ করে দেয়ার পর ভীত হয়ে সরকারি ভাষ্য ও ইচ্ছার বাইরে তেমন কিছু ছাপে না) সর্বনিম্ন যে সংখ্যাটি ছাপা হয়েছে, তাতে ওই সময় ২২ জনের মৃত্যু ও পরে ওই ঘটনায় আরও একজনসহ ২৩ জনের মৃত্যুর কথা বলা হয়েছে (সূত্র প্রথম আলো)। অবশ্য ৬ মে দিনের বেলায় ঢাকার অদূরে নারায়ণগঞ্জের কাঁচপুর, সিদ্ধিরগঞ্জসহ বিভিন্ন স্থানে, হাটহাজারী ও বাগেরহাটে হেফাজতকর্মীদের সঙ্গে পুলিশ ও সরকারি দলের ক্যাডারদের সংঘর্ষে আরও ২৮ জন নিহত হন। নিউ এজ সম্পাদক নূরুল কবীর তার রিপোর্টার ও সূত্রের বরাতে বলেছেন, শাপলা চত্বরে কমপক্ষে একশ’ লোক নিহত হয়েছেন। ওই রাতে পুলিশের সঙ্গে ফকিরাপুল পয়েন্ট থেকে শাপলা চত্বর হয়ে হাটখোলা পর্যন্ত ছিলেন এমন একজন ফটো সাংবাদিক জানিয়েছেন, তিনি ৫১ জনের বডি রাস্তায় ও বিভিন্ন ভবনের বারান্দায় পড়ে থাকতে দেখেছেন, যার অধিকাংশের ছবি তার কাছে রয়েছে। তবে অভিযান হয়েছে অনেকগুলো রাস্তা দিয়ে, বহু অলিগলিতে। সেসব জায়গায় কী হয়েছে তা তিনি দেখেননি। তার ভাষ্যমতে, অপারেশনের সময় লক্ষাধিক লোক শাপলা চত্বরে অবস্থান করছিল। এরমধ্যে শিশু ও বয়োবৃদ্ধ লোকেরাও ছিল, যাদের অনেকে পদদলিত হয়ে মারা গিয়ে থাকতে পারে। (continue.........)
?????? ??????? : ?????? ????? ???? ?????? ????


What is your opinion of Dr. Yunus? Do you think he can form a party to lead the nation? He recently wrote a good article regarding Bangladesh's RMG industry.

I don't agree with all of his points but I liked his article. It's appreciable at least for a boneless nation like us who seek pity and will continue doing this. However, peoples' lives are main concern and if our workers lives are secure, it's just fine.

Plz stop dragging Dr. Yunus type people to our dirty play ground, he already has had enough...we all have seen how to value an honorable person.
So, any replacement for BNP? :pop:

U need time for replacement. Is there any leader in sight capable of bringing out BD from facism? The answer is a big NO. BNP is still the leseser evil and currently the 18 party allaince is the best bet for BD to get out of the crisis IMO. BAL has been giving sings since the last 4 years that they wouldn't leave without spilling blood and they are rigidly keeping up with their reputation as a facist party.
I hoped BNP will find its path under the leadership of Abdul Mannan. But kicked off by every end and Allah atlast taken him.
Now no future for BNP :coffee:
. .
lol do you know how expensive is to get out of jail? how many bnp activists are in jail? how many have fake cases against them? do you know the amount of harassment bnp leadership faces by the police? moin u ahmed broke the backbone of bnp's fight...........without firepower you can't do much, thus they have resorted to backing jamaat....why don't you go on the street and show whos the boss and become the answer to bangladesh's answer?

So what the hell were you saying before? Either case, Bd is doomed. It's in the process of becoming unofficial province of India. Taklu matal finance minster already declared to use Indian currency over dollar. Congratulation. Bangladeshis will be 5th class citizen of first class India. Purpose of 71 is on final stage. .

So, any replacement for BNP? :pop:

:cheers:khaleda zia desho netri, may she live for 50 more years to lead bangladesh to great heights.

Midnight Massacre in Dhaka by Security
Forces of Bangladesh


brother, your link is not working.

So what the hell were you saying before? Either case, Bd is dumed.

it certainly does not look bright, i hope jei and hei does not pick up arms.
In every nation there is check and balance. In Bangladesh the fire power of Gopalganj Police, BGB, RAB and Awami goons, can only be balanced and checked by Armed forces, which has a bigger fire power. But Armed forces have become a "mercenary" force due to the UN Peace Keeping duty. I have a feeling that the West now controls our Army decision making, more than anyone else, because our Army will never want to loose this money source of personal incomes (around US$200-300 million) that they receive from these UN duties. And India has convinced the West that unless Bangladesh remains under Indo-Awami thumb, Bangladesh will become the next Afghanistan. The irony is that precisely this arrangement by the West at India's instigation of keeping Awami dictatorship is turning Bangladesh towards an eventual path of extremism. A wiser path for the West would be to rethink their policy about Bangladesh and decouple India from this policy in the very near future. If West wants it, they can instruct the Army to take over and hold an election under their control. My question to concerned Bangladeshi's in the forum, if Army takes over and removes the AL-India leaning officers, is it possible to have a free and fair election under 100% Army control, ballot centers under Army control, ballot boxes collected at Army centers and ballots counted by Army personnel?

If the West does not listen, then they should not blame us later if we dump them forever and go for China, when the time comes to choose between the West and China. And they should not blame us also, if because of the stupidity of their policy, we have a new Afghanistan developing in Bangladesh.

Hefajat members who died, there is an effort to collect information about them, but Awami goons have been busy trying to intimidate the Madrasa students and even reached some of the victims family to shut their mouth, with money and threats against their life.

And BNP shares some blame, but it was a tactical mistake by the entire opposition alliance, BNP-Jamaat-Hefajat. They did not coordinate enough and they did not consider the worst case scenario, if they did, they could minimize the loss of life. But every bad situations have silver lining, from this incident, it is now crystal clear where every one stands whats strengths or weaknesses each have:

- Armed forces
- AL with its police, RAB, BGB, goons etc.
- BNP-Jamaat, Hefajat

From now on all political activities must take into account Indo-Awami hatred of Muslims and looking for opportunity to kill and massacre and hide evidence at every opportunity they get. This is no longer a democracy, it is now a situation just like Syria.
:cheers:khaleda zia desho netri, may she live for 50 more years to lead bangladesh to great heights.


Additionally, KZ would be able to clone herself in future generations I'm sure she can afford it :tup:

In the meantime, I shall have my own army of genetically enhanced clones and make fantastic bio-mechanical contraptions for conquest.


it certainly does not look bright, i hope jei and hei does not pick up arms.

That is a very dangerous possibility. I also hope it doesn't happen.

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