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Bangladesh PM visits Turkey, seeks to boost economic cooperation


Oct 19, 2010
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Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina received a warm welcome from officials in Ankara during her visit to Turkey to boost economic cooperation between the countries.

Hasina met with President Abdullah Gül at the Çankaya presidential palace on Thursday afternoon. Then, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hosted Hasina in his office. The two leaders held talks about regional issues as well as bilateral relations and focused on how to bolster the trade volume, which reached $1 billion in 2011.

In November 2010, Prime Minister Erdoğan became the first Turkish prime minister in 21 years to visit Bangladesh. A high-level delegation of ministers and businessmen accompanied him during the two-day visit to the South Asian country to further bolster growing trade ties.

The trade volume between the countries has substantially increased during the Erdoğan era. While it was only $47 million in 2002, it reached $658 million by 2009. During his visit, Erdoğan said they have increased the previously set $1 billion goal for 2015 to $3 billion. “There should be more, not less,” Erdoğan underlined, adding, the increasing trend in trade volume proves that Turkey and Bangladesh can achieve that target.

Turkey and Bangladesh are also in the Developing-8 (D-8) -- an arrangement for development cooperation among Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey -- that enhances dialogue between the countries. The establishment of the D-8, an organization aimed at fostering economic cooperation among its Muslim developing country members, was announced officially by a summit of heads of state and government in İstanbul in June 1997.

Hasina said in a joint press conference with Erdoğan that it would be pleasing to see Turkey-Bangladesh trade volume reach $3 billion by 2015.

She said her trip to Turkey was very fruitful and beneficial following talks with Erdoğan and added that Bangladesh attaches high importance to its relations with Turkey.

“We evaluated cooperation in the cultural, agricultural and educational fields. We will continue to work with Turkey in diverse projects,” Hasina stressed. She noted that trips of Turkish President Abdullah Gül and Erdoğan to Bangladesh in 2010 strengthened the relations between the two countries. “I call on Turkish businessmen to come and invest in Bangladesh,” Hasina said.

The visiting official said Bangladesh is happy by the fact that the trade volume between Turkey and her country would reach $3 billion by 2015. Erdoğan said current $1 billion trade volume doesn’t reflect the true potential of the two nations, which have 225 million people combined.

Hasina said Bangladesh is pleased to welcome Turkish businessmen and investors. “We especially expect investments in the energy sector. We are pleased to receive investments in transportation, food, carpets and other fields," she added.

She also said it was a source of great happiness to see that the Turkish government increased the amount of scholarships offered to Bangladeshi students and that Bangladeshi students receiving education in Turkey will have a serious role in bilateral relations in the future.

Speaking about the direct flights to Dacca, Bangladesh’s capital, she said Turkish Airlines' direct flights between İstanbul and the capital city will bring two nations closer to each other. Direct flights, she continued, will also help develop commercial relations between the two countries.

According to Hasina, visa liberalization with Turkey will also increase opportunities for cooperation and abolishing visa requirements will pave the way for cultural and social relations.

source: Bangladesh PM visits Turkey, seeks to boost economic cooperation
I think Bangladesh already offered a Free Trade Agreement with Turkey the first of its kind from Bangladesh with any country.The potential is huge in defence, investment and trade.

Bangladesh and Turkey also agreed that they will back each other in every international forum including UN.
I'm thinking of big constructions, infrastructure primarily, and most definitely electronics too. boosting defense ties won't really benefit the population right off the bat, but it's a good idea too. maybe some artillary too, since I think your land border is quite long.
I'm thinking of big constructions, infrastructure primarily, and most definitely electronics too. boosting defense ties won't really benefit the population right off the bat, but it's a good idea too. maybe some artillary too, since I think your land border is quite long.

exactly! Economic Co-operation is must, defence co-operation is only optional. personally i am huge fan of all D-8 countries Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria and want strong brotherly relation with each of them .... as it is a defence forum and Bangladesh has been thinking seriously about type 209 and milgem for last couple of years... I was expecting a deal... link below proves that they had defence related talk in the meeting...........

World BulletinTurkey and Bangladesh can take joint steps in defense industry | Diplomacy |

Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday said that they planned to increase Turkey's trade volume with Bangladesh to 3 billion USD by the year 2015.

Speaking at a joint press conference with his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina Wajed in Ankara, Erdogan said that Turkey and Bangladesh could take joint steps in the defense industry.

Turkey has a special place in the defense industry. Turkish contractors can assist Bangladesh in infrastructure and superstructure projects. There could be joint steps we can take with Bangladesh in the energy field as well,
Erdogan said. While we may be geographically far from each other, we are friendly and brotherly countries with Bangladesh. They have shown how close they are to Turkey by sending 1 million USD as aid to victims of the recent earthquake in Van province. I thank them for their assistance on behalf of my nation and myself. We have also not forgotten the support Bangladesh extended during our War of Liberation, Erdogan stated.

The total population of our countries is 225 million. The current trade volume of 1 billion USD does not represent the actual potential. We aim to have a mutual trade volume of 3 billion USD by the year 2015, Erdogan underlined.

We are currently working on the issue of visas and hope to conclude a visa liberalization with Bangladesh soon, Erdogan stressed.

Our meetings today were fruitful. We discussed various issues including the developments in the Middle East, Erdogan noted.

Meanwhile, Turkey and Bangladesh signed cooperation agreements in seven different fields prior to the prime ministers' press conference.

"Pleasing to see Turkey-Bangladesh trade volume reach 3 billion"

Bangladeshi Premier Sheikh Hasina on Thursday said that it would be pleasing to see Turkey-Bangladesh trade volume reach 3 billion USD by 2015.

Speaking at a joint press conference with Erdogan, Hasina said that her trip to Turkey was very fruitful and beneficial. Bangladesh attaches high importance to its relations with Turkey, Hasina said.

We evaluated cooperation in the cultural, agricultural and educational fields. We will continue to work with Turkey in diverse projects, Hasina stressed.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Premier Erdogan's trips to Bangladesh in 2010 strengthened relations. I call on Turkish businesspeople to come and invest in Bangladesh, Hasina noted.

"We are happy by the fact that our trade volume with Turkey would reach 3 billion USD by 2015. Bangladesh is pleased to welcome Turkish businesspeople and investors. We especially expect investments in the energy sector. We are pleased to receive investments in transportation, food, carpets and other fields," Hasina noted.

It was a source of great happiness to see that the Turkish government increased the amount of scholarships offered to Bangladeshi students. Bangladeshi students receiving education in Turkey will have a serious role in bilateral relations in the future, Hasina stressed.

Turkish Airlines' direct flights between Istanbul and Dacca will bring our peoples closer to each other. Direct flights will also help develop commercial relations, Hasina indicated.

Visa liberalization with Turkey will increase opportunities for cooperation. Lifting visa requirements will pave the way for cultural and social relations, Hasina also said.


I thank them for their assistance on behalf of my nation and myself. We have also not forgotten the support Bangladesh extended during our War of Liberation, Erdogan stated
i didn't know about it... googled and found answer in Turkish embassy to Bangladesh website....Wanna share with everyone....

The bilateral relations between the peoples of Turkey and Bangladesh are time-tested and all weather relations. The memories of the symbolic donations raised from almost every single household on this land and sent to the liberation forces of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk during Turkish War of Independence in 1920s are still fresh. It is worthmentioning that, although it is more than 70 years that He passed away, the Bangladeshi parents still pick Mustafa Kemal as a favourite name to give to their newly borns. Since 1982 one of the major avenues in capital Dhaka and since 1998 another avenue in Chittagong, the second biggest city of the country have been named after Kemal Atatürk. It is known that there is not a second foreign dignitary whose name was given to an avenue in Bangladesh.There exists not a single political issue between Turkey and Bangladesh.
Who Did Turkey Support in 1971?

Pakistani Army or the Bangladeshis?
Who Did Turkey Support in 1971?

Pakistani Army or the Bangladeshis?
They were neutral and recognized Bangladesh very quickly just after her independence with Indonesia and Malaysia in 1972. Most other muslim countries recognized Bangladesh after pakistan's recognition in 74.....
Rice and tropical fruits, Bangladesh is world’s third-largest clothes-export industry, 75% of the exports are textile.
Islam was introduced by the Turks in this land and Turkik ruler established Bengal Sultanate which ruled this land for more than 400 years. The land was considered as the extension of Ottoman empire by the people. There were always a connection since the day Islam came here and lots of Turks settled here in the last millenium.

Rice and tropical fruits, Bangladesh is world’s third-largest clothes-export industry, 75% of the exports are textile.

Bangladesh is the 2nd largest exporter of Textile after China. Pharmaceuticals, Jutes, Ship Building, Ceramics, Glass, Cements, Steel, Sugar, light engineering, home appliances, electronics, footware and leather, chemicals and fertilizer are the main industries. Ship Buildings are shown strong potential recently.
Free trade should be our main agenda by that both of us can be benefited.

Cultural & technical exchange is also necessary.
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