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Bangladesh-Myanmar sea limits verdict Wed

How does two years old article s any matter? This article originally published in Newage and how that is questionable source?
Besides, india helping and instigating Myanmar is an open secret, even their legal team (lawyers) are same. So what count do you make these ignorant claim of your????

No one's instigating anyone. All three countries have rightful legal claim on the disputed area. Which is why they are solving the issue with the help of an international tribunal. Try reading the document in Post #4 to understand the issue.

No one is going to give up their claims on an area with potential oil and gas resources mind you, out of goodwill.
The verdit shall be final and their is no scope for apeal,
considering we are treading alone in this game, this sucks.

AL has done blunder in domestic policies, I hoighly doubt
their eifficiencies in international tribunals.
Go Mayanmar!! Show 'em some Budhhist Ninja tricks!

Ninjas are Japanese.

How does two years old article s any matter? This article originally published in Newage and how that is questionable source?
Besides, india helping and instigating Myanmar is an open secret, even their legal team (lawyers) are same. So what count do you make these ignorant claim of your????

I didn't claim anything :lol:

And what do you mean by instigation?

The verdit shall be final and their is no scope for apeal,
considering we are treading alone in this game, this sucks.

AL has done blunder in domestic policies, I hoighly doubt
their eifficiencies in international tribunals.

Agreed. Our diplomats aren't particularly well trained. Lets hope for the best.
They have a knight representing them....Who is representing us? it seems doom and gloom for BD.


this law firm
Foley Hoag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

led by

Paul S. Reichler

Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1973

Paul Reichler "is one of the world’s most respected and experienced practitioners of Public International Law, specializing for more than 25 years in the representation of Sovereign States in disputes with other States, and in disputes with foreign investors. He belongs to a select group of elite lawyers with extensive experience litigating on behalf of Sovereign States before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, and the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea in Hamburg," (Chambers Global 2010).

Among many other clients and cases, he was Counsel and Advocate for Nicaragua in the historic case of Nicaragua v. United States of America (1984-1986), regarding the illegal use of force in international relations, and for Uruguay in the landmark case of Argentina v. Uruguay (2006-2010), concerning international environmental protection and sustainable development.

He has particular experience representing and advising Sovereign States in land and maritime boundary disputes with neighboring States, including Bangladesh in its maritime delimitation case against Myanmar before the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (2009-present); Nicaragua against Colombia in the International Court of Justice (2007-present); and Bangladesh against India (2009-present) and Guyana against Suriname (2004-2007) in international arbitrations brought under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. He served as Mediator, appointed by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, in the land and maritime boundary dispute between Guatemala and Belize (2000-2002).

He has also represented Sovereign States in disputes over transboundary environmental harm, including Ecuador against Columbia, as well as Uruguay against Argentina, before the International Court of Justice.

He has successfully represented Sovereign States in disputes with foreign investors in the world’s principal arbitral forums, including the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), and the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), where his clients have included Ecuador, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Guyana, Venezuela and the Philippines. He has more than three decades of experience representing Sovereign States against foreign investors and other parties before the federal and state courts of the United States, and is one of the leading experts on litigation under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, which he has invoked on behalf of sovereign clients to defeat lawsuits against them on grounds of immunity from suit. These clients include Canada, Thailand, Chile, Kenya, Tanzania, Venezuela, Liberia, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Guyana.

He has also served as Consultant to various international organizations, including the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the African Development Bank and the former United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations. He is included in the Lists of Arbitrators of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes and the Arbitration Centre of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

Specialization in the representation of Sovereign States:

Before the International Court of Justice in The Hague
Before the International Tribunal on the Law of The Sea
Before the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
Before the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
Before Other International Arbitration Bodies in Latin America, Europe, Asia and the United States
Before Federal and State Courts in the United States
Before the Executive and Legislative Branches of the United States Government in Washington

Bars and Court Admissions

District of Columbia
Supreme Court of the United States
U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
List of Arbitrators, International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes
List of Arbitrators, Arbitration Centre of Kuala Lumpur

Representative Experience

The following is a brief summary of Paul's experience and accomplishments:

Litigation before the International Court of Justice in The Hague
Georgia v. Russia (Case Concerning Application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination). Counsel to Georgia (2008-present) in case concerning Russia’s participation in and support for ethnic cleansing aimed at expelling ethnic Georgians from areas occupied by Russian forces following Russia’s August 2008 invasion.
Ecuador v. Colombia (Case Concerning Aerial Spraying on the Border). Counsel to Ecuador (2008-present) in case concerning Colombia’s aerial spraying of toxic herbicides in close proximity to the Ecuadorian border, causing serious harm to human health, livestock, crops and the environment in Ecuador.
Nicaragua v. Colombia (Case Concerning Territorial and Maritime Dispute). Counsel to Nicaragua (2007-present) in case concerning disputed sovereignty over certain islands in the Western Caribbean, and the delimitation of the maritime boundary between Nicaragua and Colombia in those waters.
Argentina v. Uruguay (Case Concerning Pulp Mills on the Uruguay River). Counsel to Uruguay (2006-present) in case concerning Uruguay’s licensing of paper pulp mill as an environmentally-safe model of sustainable economic development and Argentina’s allegation that it could pollute the river shared by the two States.
Costa Rica v. Nicaragua (Case Regarding Navigational and Related Rights). Counsel to Nicaragua (2007-2009) in case concerning sovereignty over the San Juan River, which constitutes the border between the two States, the right to regulate navigation on the river, and the lawfulness of Nicaragua’s regulations.
Democratic Republic of Congo v. Uganda (Case Concerning Armed Activities in the Territory of Congo). Counsel to Uganda (1998-2005) in case concerning accusations against Uganda of armed intervention in the Congolese civil war and the unlawful occupation of Congolese territory.
Nicaragua v. the United States of America (Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua). Counsel to Nicaragua (1984-1986) in case concerning the legality of United States military, logistical and financial aid to counterrevolutionary forces attempting to overthrow the Government of Nicaragua, and the mining of Nicaraguan harbors by U.S. military and intelligence forces.

Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation of Territorial and Maritime Boundary Disputes
Bangladesh v. Myanmar. International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea, Hamburg. Counsel to Bangladesh (2009-present) in case concerning the delimitation of the maritime boundary in the territorial sea, Exclusive Economic Zone, and extended continental shelf in the Bay of Bengal.
Nicaragua v. Colombia. International Court of Justice, The Hague. Counsel to Nicaragua (2007-present) in case concerning disputed sovereignty over certain islands in the Western Caribbean, and the delimitation of the maritime boundary between Nicaragua and Colombia in those waters.
Bangladesh v. India. International Arbitration under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Counsel to Bangladesh (2009-present) in case concerning the delimitation of the maritime boundary in the territorial sea, Exclusive Economic Zone, and extended continental shelf in the Bay of Bengal.
Guyana v. Suriname. International Arbitration under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Counsel to Guyana (2004-2007) in case concerning the delimitation of the maritime boundary between the two States.
Guatemala and Belize. International Mediation under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States. Mediator appointed by the Secretary General (2000-2002) in facilitating a definitive resolution of the territorial and maritime boundary dispute between the two States.

International Arbitration On Behalf of Sovereign States Against Foreign Investors
ETI Euro Telecom International N.V. v. Republic of Bolivia. International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Counsel to Bolivia (2007-2009) in arbitration under bilateral investment treaty brought by Dutch investor whose interests in a Bolivian telecommunications company were nationalized by the government.
Murphy Exploration and Production Company v. Republic of Ecuador. International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Counsel to Ecuador (2008-present) in case challenging Ecuador’s application to U.S. investor of laws establishing the government’s share of unexpected and non-negotiated revenue resulting from the unforeseen rise in oil sales prices.
M.C.I. Power Group L.C. v. Republic of Ecuador. International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Counsel to Ecuador (2008-2009) in annulment proceeding before ICSID panel brought by Canadian investor in electric power sector seeking to annul arbitral award in favor of Ecuador.
Occidental Petroleum Corporation and Occidental Exploration and Production Company v. Republic of Ecuador. International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Counsel to Ecuador (2006-2007) in proceeding for provisional measures sought by U.S. oil company based on allegation that its investment in an Ecuadorian oil field was expropriated.
Vannessa Ventures Ltd. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Counsel to Venezuela (2004-present) in proceeding under the ICSID Additional Facility, based on a claim of expropriation brought by a Canadian mining company under the bilateral investment treaty between Canada and Venezuela.
Química e Industrial del Borax Ltda. v. Republic of Bolivia. International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Counsel to Bolivia (2006-2009) in proceeding under the bilateral investment treaty between Bolivia and Chile, concerning the Bolivian Government’s termination of a mineral concession.
Shell Brands International AG and Shell Nicaragua S.A. v. Republic of Nicaragua. International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Counsel to Nicaragua (2006-2007) in arbitration under the bilateral investment treaty between Nicaragua and the Netherlands, concerning a seizure of trademarks ordered by the Nicaraguan courts.
Republic of the Philippines v. Westinghouse Electric Corporation. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Counsel to the Philippines (1988-1992) in an arbitration in Lausanne, Switzerland over defects in the design and construction of a nuclear power plant.
Green Mining Company v. Republic of Guyana. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Counsel to Guyana (1992-1996) in an arbitration based in London against an Australian-American company, over claims that Guyana expropriated the company’s contract rights.
A.E.I Luxembourg Holdings S.ar.L. v. Republic of Bolivia. Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. Counsel to Bolivia (2008-2009) in arbitration under an investment treaty between Luxembourg and Bolivia based on Bolivia’s nationalization of a gas pipeline company.
Republic of Guyana v. Texas Ohio Corporation. International Dispute Resolution Center of the American Arbitration Association. Counsel to Guyana (1998-2003) in arbitration to obtain compensation for a U.S. company’s violation of contract to rehabilitate and operate a power plant in Guyana.
Neptune Mining Company v. Republic of Nicaragua. Arbitration by the former President of Venezuela. Counsel to Nicaragua (1980-1988) in an arbitration based in Caracas, Venezuela, to determine the value of gold mines nationalized by Nicaragua, and amounts owed to Nicaragua by U.S. mining company for failure to pay taxes.
ENABAS v. Cargill. Arbitration before the Rice Millers Association. Counsel to Nicaragua’s state-owned grains distributor (1993-1994) to obtain compensation from U.S. supplier for shipment of adulterated rice from Pakistan.
Devres v. Republic of Guyana. Arbitration before Sole Arbitrator under the Guyana Arbitration Act. Counsel to Guyana (1999-2003) in case brought by U.S.-based health care consulting company over termination of consulting contract by Guyana.

Litigation on behalf of Sovereign States before United States Federal and State Courts
Detroit International Bridge Corp. v. Canada. U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (2010) in lawsuit over alleged denial of right to build and operate a second bridge over the Detroit River connecting Canada and the U.S.
Community Finance Group v. Kenya. U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota (2010) in lawsuit over alleged interference in currency transaction.
Carpenter v. Chile. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Counsel to Chile (2008-present) in lawsuit over alleged human rights violations by Chilean government and officials, and appeal of judgment in favor of Chile on grounds of sovereign immunity.
Caromin v. Venezuela. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and District Court for the Southern District of New York. Counsel to Venezuela (2007-2009) in lawsuit over alleged expropriation of mining concessions in Venezuela, and appeal of judgment in favor of Venezuela on grounds of sovereign immunity.
ETI Euro Telecom N.V. v. Bolivia. U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Counsel to Bolivia (2008) in lawsuit to attach accounts of Bolivian government and state-owned telecommunications company in New York banks to secure claims against Bolivia arising from nationalization of the telecommunications company.
Tsunami Victims Group v. Kingdom of Thailand. U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Counsel to Thailand (2005) in lawsuit brought by families of victims of the 2004 tsunami accusing the Thai government of failure to provide timely warning or adequate relief to the victims.
Meridian Bank v. Liberia. U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Counsel to Liberia (1996-2000) in defense of lawsuit brought by international bank to collect on defaulted loan procured by bribery of senior government officials.
Atlantic Tele Network Corporation v. Guyana. U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Counsel to Guyana (2002-2003) in lawsuit by U.S. telecommunications company claiming that its contract rights had been expropriated and seeking attachment of all economic assistance to Guyana from U.S. Government and all loans from Inter-American Development Bank.
Global Index, Inc. v. Tanzania. U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Counsel to Tanzania and its President and Minister of Finance (2001-2002) in a lawsuit seeking redemption of promissory notes allegedly issued by Tanzania and guaranteed by its highest ranking officials.
Antares v. Nigeria. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and District Court for the Southern District of New York. Counsel to Nigeria and its Airports Authority (1986-1989) in lawsuit by a U.S. company alleging breaches of contract and false imprisonment, and appeal of judgment in favor of Nigeria on grounds of sovereign immunity.
De Sanchez v. Banco Central de Nicaragua. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and the Southern District of Florida. Counsel to Nicaragua (1980-1985) in lawsuit to collect on certificates of deposit issued by Nicaragua’s Central Bank, and appeal of judgment in favor of Nicaragua on grounds of sovereign immunity.
Alberti International, Inc. v. Nicaragua. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Counsel to Nicaragua (1980-1983) in case concerning alleged expropriation of slaughterhouse by Nicaragua government, and appeal of judgment in favor of Nicaragua.
Soundview Shipping Company v. Zambia. U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Counsel to Zambia (1982-1984) against a British company in case concerning the execution of an arbitral award.
We won't win for sure. :D

In case Myanmar wins, here's my plan:

1 - Boost our navy's capability with a 10-year plan.

2 - Covert diplomacy: offer both India and China a percentage of the resources, 25% each, from the area we're planning to capture.

3 - Fetch the disputed area while India and China looks the other way. :D:D

Now check to make sure he's a jew from both parents' side! :lol:

This man even looks like a big time douchebag...very important quality needed in a lawyer....jew + douchebag = winning recipe:victory:....already checked he is an argentenian jew who's parents migrated from nazi germany :P...same land of einstein, freud, jung...:P
This man even looks like a big time douchebag...very important quality needed in a lawyer....jew + douchebag = winning recipe:victory:....already checked he is an argentenian jew who's parents migrated from nazi germany :P...same land of einstein, freud, jung...:P

Wow you're a hardcore jew researcher. :P

Another 1.5 hours!! dammit!! Time, such an useless dimension!
Wow you're a hardcore jew researcher. :P

Another 1.5 hours!! dammit!! Time, such an useless dimension!

The hearing is going to go on till 4:30 PM. So you gotto wait much longer than that.

If Bangladesh looses this one, they will loose against India too, because both India and Myanmar claims are based on the same clause.
We won't win for sure. :D

In case Myanmar wins, here's my plan:

1 - Boost our navy's capability with a 10-year plan.

2 - Covert diplomacy: offer both India and China a percentage of the resources, 25% each, from the area we're planning to capture.

3 - Fetch the disputed area while India and China looks the other way. :D:D

this plan of #2 is stupidity at best, nothing better can be expected from you. We have maritime dispute with indian too. According to your plan india will have field day blackmailing Bangladesh and Bangladesh sovereignty over maritime boundary and then some.
Enjoy as time passes by:

Nothing else has worked so far
So I'll wish upon a star
Wonderous dancing speck of light
I need a Jew

Lois makes me take the rap
Cause our checkbook looks like crap
Since I can't give her a slap
I need a Jew

Where to find
A Baum or Steen or Stein
To teach me how to whine and do
my taaaaaxesss...

Though by many they're abhored
Hebrew people I've adored
Even though they killed my Lord
I need a Jew

Hi, my name's Max Weinstein,
my car just broke down,
can I use you phone?

Now my troubles are all through
I have a Jew!
Last edited by a moderator:
Lol eta harle dipu moni Ghar e R Gordan thakbena! Next day 2-1ta article pawa Jabe bharoter taka kheye echha kore hairaaaaaaa geloW Ambaaalig
So you came out from the verdict which was given against you. Hope it is a good lesson for you and from now on you will try to remain here as a good boy ... :lol:

Yeah life without PDF was pretty hard with a job that pays rather well, GF, FB profile and couple of other forum to troll on. :lol:
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