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Bangladesh minister says Islam is not our state religion, will revert back to 1972 constitution

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Jul 30, 2015
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State Minister for Information Dr. Murad Hasan says to press meet that Islam is not our state religion. We will revert back to 1972 constitution soon offered by our father of the nation Bangabandhu.

Minister Dr. Murad Hasan also says if Mullahs start shouting we will not listen to them. They keep their fraudulence by giving reference to some Ayats and Suras. They can shout but we will make sure Islam is no longer state religion of this country.

Listen to the video.


Will revert to 1972 constitution; bill to be placed soon: Murad
15 October, 2021, 06:55 pm
Last modified: 15 October, 2021, 06:58 pm

State Minister for Information Murad Hassan has said Bangladesh is a secular nation and will return to its 1972 constitution offered by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Military dictators tried to undermine Bangladesh's core ideal of secularism by declaring Islam as the state religion, he said.

"We'll soon return to the 1972 secular constitution that founding father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave to Bangladesh after independence," he said in a video post, also while visiting a Puja venue last night.

Murad said Islam is not state religion and he does not believe in that. "We'll return to the 1972 constitution. We'll get that bill passed in parliament under the leadership of the Prime Minister (Sheikh Hasina)," he added.

Murad Hassan said they will table a bill soon in Parliament. "I don't think there's anyone in parliament to oppose it."

He came down heavily on former military dictator HM Ershd and Ziaur Rahman for incorporating Islam as state religion in the constitution and lashed out at the BNP-Jamaat for unleashing violence and creating divisions in the country in the name of religion.

Earlier, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the people irrespective of caste, creed and religion celebrate all festivals together in Bangladesh, adding: "Religion is for individuals and festival is for all and we enjoy every festival together."

But there are some cliques who are out to destroy the spirit by staging some communal incidents, she said.

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Well done. Keeping state and religion separate is one of the keys to success of Bangladesh in building a more tolerant, inclusive, and progressive society. On the other hand there is us, going deeper into the rabbit hole with each passing day. Na independence per yeh maulviyon nai chora tha, pakistan ko bech kay hee sans lengay mullah log
Bangladeshi people follow Hanafi Deobandi madhab but sooner or later Bangladesh will be religiously as divided as Pakistan. In recent years Saudis have promoted Salafi Ideology in Bangladesh and British is investigating in Badati shirk version of Sufism with grave warshiping. I didn’t see that before but Western forces want to use all resources to destroy every Muslim country. Just like in British India, British used certain Islamic scholars to destroy Muslim Unity. They gave fatwa against those who wanted independence from British.
This is just talk the talk. Election is coming up and at this moment Awamileague will not do anything to alienate the people who are mostly Muslim and hardly there is support to remove Islam as state religion from constitution. If I am not mistaken the same guy has said it in the past as well.
Bangladeshi people follow Hanafi Deobandi madhab but sooner or later Bangladesh will be religiously as divided as Pakistan. In recent years Saudis have promoted Salafi Ideology in Bangladesh and British is investigating in Badati shirk version of Sufism with grave warshiping. I didn’t see that before but Western forces want to use all resources to destroy every Muslim country. Just like in British India, British used certain Islamic scholars to destroy Muslim Unity. They gave fatwa against those who wanted independence from British.

Here is a perfect example of why state and religion should be kept seperate. Awam is illiterate, intolerant ...

The actor in your avatar is sufi, so is the character he is portraying. Maybe you need to change it to reflect one of your own heroes, like Tariq Jameel, or Taliban.
Apart from identity as Muslims , people don't really follow any concept of Islam.. outside home & when imposing Islamic concepts on other they are the best Muslims but when it comes to themselves they want to avoid
Apart from identity as Muslims , people don't really follow any concept of Islam.. outside home & when imposing Islamic concepts on other they are the best Muslims but when it comes to themselves they want to avoid

Believe me, Bangladesh is secular country. Our ethnic cultural identity is Hinduism but our religious identity is Islam. As a nation we are not Islamic at all. We are Hindu by culture but Muslim by faith.
if he had said that a state should have no religion but islam is the dominant religion hence islamic traditions have to be respected then we could argue.

BUT this minister is a hindutvadi. Mentioning islam by name and targetting it proves it.

I would love to ask this hindutvadi if he refutes the two nation theory. If bangladesh refutes the 2 nation theory, the state of bangladesh cannot exist.
if he had said that a state should have no religion but islam is the dominant religion hence islamic traditions have to be respected then we could argue.

BUT this minister is a hindutvadi. Mentioning islam by name and targetting it proves it.

I would love to ask this hindutvadi if he refutes the two nation theory. If bangladesh refutes the 2 nation theory, the state of bangladesh cannot exist.

"Awami Muslim League" name was changed to "Awami League" in 1953 when Sheikh Mujib became party secretary general. He was an ultra secular leader. The state religion Islam was added by military dictator Ershad who was a drunkard and a womenizer. He included Islam in constitution to Islamize the nation. Later due to public sentiment Awami League never bothered to remove state religion from constitution but if challenged in high court this clause will be considered unconstitution as court declared Bangladesh will be run by four principle. Secularism is one of the principle. It conflicts with the state religion part. So, by today or tomorrow state religion will be removed from constitution.

Awami League is trying to restore 1972 constitution but due to public sentiment over Islam it is very sensitive to change constitution. So they are taking time.

To be honest, as a party Awami League has issues with Islam and state together. It promotes Bengali secularism , not Islamic principles but due to vote bank politics they can not say it openly. For hardcore party men Bangabandhu is their prophet. They will die for him. Some even go to an extent to call him Hazrat Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (RA). Such obsessed they are for Bangabandhu.

Awami League wants to remove Islam from constitution and wants to demolish BNP's founder Ziaur Rahman's grave from parliament complex by anyhow but they are waiting for right time to do it.
Lol......12 years in power without a democratic mandate did F all......BAL will fall the following day....

Keep dreaming hindutva troll.....BAL knows when to make the right noise...they are on a knife edge and know only ignominious downfall lies ahead
Here is a perfect example of why state and religion should be kept seperate. Awam is illiterate, intolerant ...

The actor in your avatar is sufi, so is the character he is portraying. Maybe you need to change it to reflect one of your own heroes, like Tariq Jameel, or Taliban.

Sufism had many branches and Turks never worshiper graves. Even if you read their Tribal history, they make sure their children will learn Quran and practice Islam. Even today you won’t find Desi style URS, Qawali and un Islamic actives on the Mazhar of Auliya Ikram in Turkey.

I mainly blame Deobandi Ulemas for the Bidat and Shirk practices. Had they got the evidence from the books written by British for all the favors Ahmed Raza Khan done for British Indian Government, wicked Sufism would have been destroyed from Pakistan. Having respect for Auliya Ikram is one thing but worshiping their graves, doing Sajad to them and asking help from them is Shirk. And same people claim that Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) who follow hambali madhab is more power than a prophet ISA (a.s) and more powerful than Allah Azawajal.
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1971 was a blessing.......for Pakistan.
Otherwise with such a large population of Bangladesh, their atheism would have been imposed on us.
Thanks Mujeeb and Bhutto for your greedy infighting for power, which caused the death of millions and separated Bangladesh from "Islamic Republic of Pakistan ". Loud and proud Islamic Republic.
This is never happening lol. AL knows this will sign their death contract. Just big talk.
Well done. Keeping state and religion separate is one of the keys to success of Bangladesh in building a more tolerant, inclusive, and progressive society. On the other hand there is us, going deeper into the rabbit hole with each passing day. Na independence per yeh maulviyon nai chora tha, pakistan ko bech kay hee sans lengay mullah log
Only way you can keep religion out of government in religious societies is through fascism and bigotry.

Juda ho deen siyasat say
Tu reh jaati hai chengezi
Sufism had many branches and Turks never worshiper graves. Even if you read their Tribal history, they make sure their children will learn Quran and practice Islam. Even today you won’t find Desi style URS, Qawali and un Islamic actives on the Mazhar of Auliya Ikram in Turkey.

I mainly blame Deobandi Ulemas for the Bidat and Shirk practices. Had they got the evidence from the books written by British for all the favors Ahmed Raza Khan done for British Indian Government, wicked Sufism would have been destroyed from Pakistan. Having respect for Auliya Ikram is one thing but worshiping their graves, doing Sajad to them and asking help from them is Shirk. And same people claim that Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) who follow hambali madhab is more power than a prophet ISA (a.s) and more powerful than Allah Azawajal.

If you Biddah police types can find me a single person who says they worship the graves or the dead I will let you name your own reward.

This is why you fitnabaaz log are disliked everywhere you go. Your sole contribution to society is fitna. You spread lies about people, create strawmans and then argue against them.

It should not come as a surprise - your jahil scholars have ascribed human characteristics to Allah swt and even argued Allah can lie. If this is how you honour Allah, other humans have no hope.
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