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Bangladesh Military Thread

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we need maritime aircraft,better frigates and better advanced off shore patrol vessels.The Navy and the Air Force needs to be revamped along with the Coast Guard and the Border Guard.

For air force we need Russian aircraft with western european avionics if possible.Something the Indians did.That was smart and better air defences.

Hey Leon,just some days back the Myanmarese drove away BD fishermen from our own waters and the Coast Guard did nothing.They were too scared.

and I don't think subs are viable for our waters.combat ships and vessels armed with anti sub techno and also maritime patrol aircraft should do the job.Please correct me if I am wrong.

Anybody knows about the restructure and strengthening of BDR???
we need maritime aircraft,better frigates and better advanced off shore patrol vessels.The Navy and the Air Force needs to be revamped along with the Coast Guard and the Border Guard.

For air force we need Russian aircraft with western european avionics if possible.Something the Indians did.That was smart and better air defences.

Hey Leon,just some days back the Myanmarese drove away BD fishermen from our own waters and the Coast Guard did nothing.They were too scared.

and I don't think subs are viable for our waters.combat ships and vessels armed with anti sub techno and also maritime patrol aircraft should do the job.Please correct me if I am wrong.

Anybody knows about the restructure and strengthening of BDR???

i think it would be better for bd to have a single command for airforce and navy considering the lack of proper maritime aircraft and not that big airspace............
you need some serious medication buddy,cant you give a simple and conspiracy free answer to any question!?......cut the crap

Either you are one of most Naive person I have ever encounter or something else ..

When Nepal bought 14 14mm anti aircraft gun from china without informing india, india sealed the border of Nepal and that country almost broke down. -- can you deny this ?

bangladesh has one special operation forces and before bangladesh raised that unit - It has to get clearence that this unit will never be equuiped with what it needed for its ultimate usefulness. Indian DA in Bangldesh attache had to give clearence. We are supposed to have three special operation unit but just happy with one as that is the wish of india. Same goes with the naval special op.

just see how arrogant the comment of the indian ambassador in BD about the Tipra Mukh dam - No respect for diplomatic norm.
May be the best way to live with india is being another Pakistan -Like it or not that is the reality. Too bad our politician are bought out by india mostly and much more corrupt than indian politician.

Saying the above - I still believe we should live respectfully side by side and look for the benefit of the people of two country.
Either you are one of most Naive person I have ever encounter or something else ..

When Nepal bought 14 14mm anti aircraft gun from china without informing india, india sealed the border of Nepal and that country almost broke down. -- can you deny this ?

bangladesh has one special operation forces and before bangladesh raised that unit - It has to get clearence that this unit will never be equuiped with what it needed for its ultimate usefulness. Indian DA in Bangldesh attache had to give clearence. We are supposed to have three special operation unit but just happy with one as that is the wish of india. Same goes with the naval special op.

just see how arrogant the comment of the indian ambassador in BD about the Tipra Mukh dam - No respect for diplomatic norm.
May be the best way to live with india is being another Pakistan -Like it or not that is the reality. Too bad our politician are bought out by india mostly and much more corrupt than indian politician.

Saying the above - I still believe we should live respectfully side by side and look for the benefit of the people of two country.

i think you misunderstood me,buddy........i wanted to say if bd had a single COMMAND(but well armed naval and air forces),it wd be easy for the navy and airforce to work together and react quickly..........with the small airspace of bd and a considerably long maritime boundary,bd can certainly try it,it doesn't mean weakning your force......but adding a extra tooth to your reaction time.......regards
you need some serious medication buddy,cant you give a simple and conspiracy free answer to any question!?......cut the crap

i think you misunderstood me,buddy........i wanted to say if bd had a single COMMAND(but well armed naval and air forces),it wd be easy for the navy and airforce to work together and react quickly..........with the small airspace of bd and a considerably long maritime boundary,bd can certainly try it,it doesn't mean weakning your force......but adding a extra tooth to your reaction time.......regards

Jako buddy,
My appology if I have offended you in any way. I totally agree with your openion here. I was not answering this. Please see my next reply.
Explanation is very simple. india is in control of stooge awami govt and according to indian wishes Bangladesh does not need even any regular defense forces. Sub and frigate comes much later in the equation. Rest for you as Bangladeshi citizen to figure out.

If those defense enthusiast can not figure out what is taking place in Bangladesh then indian Awami stooges must be running one good digital deception.

you need some serious medication buddy,cant you give a simple and conspiracy free answer to any question!?......cut the crap

I was reply to this. My applogy if I have over stepped my boundary.
Jako buddy,
My appology if I have offended you in any way. I totally agree with your openion here. I was not answering this. Please see my next reply.

no problem buddy,difference of opinion occur in a forum.......in the post that you quoted,i was talking to idune........coz,in each and every one of his post he insulted Sheikh hasina and the Awami League........i wanted to say,now that al is in power,its your govt too........why behave this way, as they are bangladeshis too......they wd also want the good of bd,maybe in a different way but still.......
we need maritime aircraft,better frigates and better advanced off shore patrol vessels.The Navy and the Air Force needs to be revamped along with the Coast Guard and the Border Guard.

For air force we need Russian aircraft with western european avionics if possible.Something the Indians did.That was smart and better air defences.

Hey Leon,just some days back the Myanmarese drove away BD fishermen from our own waters and the Coast Guard did nothing.They were too scared.

and I don't think subs are viable for our waters.combat ships and vessels armed with anti sub techno and also maritime patrol aircraft should do the job.Please correct me if I am wrong.

Anybody knows about the restructure and strengthening of BDR???

Our Coast Guards and BDR should be given top most priority,because they are our first line of defence.Unfortunately,they are neglected.The coast Guard needs better hardware to fend off the Burmese.

We do need subs,that will keep us one step ahead of Burmese.
Fast attack boats and the use of "swarming Tactics" like the Iranians is probably the best method for our cash strapped navy.These small and fast boats can scare the hell out of even destroyers.

As far as I know,BDR restructure is in process.Details are not made public so far.
Its nothing about being stooges,the plan for 4 subs were laid during BNP rule,and it is apparent that it was only a plan and nothing else.As they did not float any tender to buy subs.Some people just find politics everywhere.Craps.

Before getting sub navy personal had to be trained and infrstructure had to be built. And BNP did exactly that by sending personal to Turkey and building infrastructure. Could they do better? Sure. And I dont think BN or BNP govt had any plan to absorb 4 sub in 4 years.

Plan was to absorb gradually in longer period.

If '4 sub in 4 years' is the excuse Awami stooges and their masters in south block want to use for delaying and eventually not getting any sub then people should catch the new deception and lie Awami stooges are using.

Another point, BNP is not power, its indian Awami stooges who are ruling or misruling the country. Awami League came to power by telling the story that they are going to be far better than what last elected govt was. So its time to deliver; NO time to hide behind what BNP did or did not do. BNP is irrelevant now.
Another point, BNP is not power, its indian Awami stooges who are ruling or misruling the country. Awami League came to power by telling the story that they are going to be far better than what last elected govt was. So its time to deliver; NO time to hide behind what BNP did or did not do. BNP is irrelevant now.

Agreed. Didn't Awami dalal came to power with the promise of 'Din badal' crap so how come they haven't change a ******* bit rather became more ambitious to destroy it's opponent and interested to implement cow mata India's agenda than looking after interest of Bd that tolerating this left over bone chewing dogs...
Increased defence and home ministry budgets passed​

The defence and home ministry budget have been increased further than previously annouced to accelerate the pace of modernisation and expansion of the security forces of Bangladesh.

The defence ministry received Tk 8, 383 crore and home ministry Tk 5,880 crore.

According to our sources inside the Bangladesh government the increased budgets will accomadate procurement of modern hardware as well as mitigate personnel shortages in various undermanned units to meet the "Forces Goal 2020"..

While most of the defence budget will go towards the large Army the Bangladesh Navy and Air Force have been given special importance in the 2009-2010 fiscal year's budget.

The Bangladesh Army will receieve new main battle tanks, get funds to upgrade existing main battle tanks, procure anti-tank guided missiles, surface to air missiles, self-propelled artillery, sniper rifles, engineering equipment, modern communications equipment amongst other crtical hardware.

The Bangladesh Navy will procure state-of the-art frigates, corvettes, missile equipped fast attack craft, offshore patrol vessels, a fleet oil tanker, a modern hydrographic survey vessel, helicopters, maritime patrol aircraft, combat datalinks, anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.

Air power of the Bangladesh Air Force will also be increased with the procurement of modern advanced jet trainers, surveillance radars, network centric warfare electronics and air defence missiles though the procurement of fighter aircraft has not been finalised.

Increased defence and home ministry budgets passed​

The defence and home ministry budget have been increased further than previously annouced to accelerate the pace of modernisation and expansion of the security forces of Bangladesh.

The defence ministry received Tk 8, 383 crore and home ministry Tk 5,880 crore.

According to our sources inside the Bangladesh government the increased budgets will accomadate procurement of modern hardware as well as mitigate personnel shortages in various undermanned units to meet the "Forces Goal 2020"..

While most of the defence budget will go towards the large Army the Bangladesh Navy and Air Force have been given special importance in the 2009-2010 fiscal year's budget.

The Bangladesh Army will receieve new main battle tanks, get funds to upgrade existing main battle tanks, procure anti-tank guided missiles, surface to air missiles, self-propelled artillery, sniper rifles, engineering equipment, modern communications equipment amongst other crtical hardware.

The Bangladesh Navy will procure state-of the-art frigates, corvettes, missile equipped fast attack craft, offshore patrol vessels, a fleet oil tanker, a modern hydrographic survey vessel, helicopters, maritime patrol aircraft, combat datalinks, anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.

Air power of the Bangladesh Air Force will also be increased with the procurement of modern advanced jet trainers, surveillance radars, network centric warfare electronics and air defence missiles though the procurement of fighter aircraft has not been finalised.


Sir, with every due respect - how come you are posting from
This guy is so full of propaganda and immature that it is an insult to post any news update from there. But there are some members in that forum who are very knowledgeable. Unfortunately, I do not have access to there posting beacause of the moderator.

I guess I am going off the topics again.
Sir, with every due respect - how come you are posting from
This guy is so full of propaganda and immature that it is an insult to post any news update from there. But there are some members in that forum who are very knowledgeable. Unfortunately, I do not have access to there posting beacause of the moderator.

I guess I am going off the topics again.

Only for the sake of those knowledgeable members I am posting from Bdmilitary.Besides they are saying nothing new,its almost the same old news.

However,sometimes they do get their facts right.So you cannot ignore them completely.
Before getting sub navy personal had to be trained and infrstructure had to be built. And BNP did exactly that by sending personal to Turkey and building infrastructure. Could they do better? Sure. And I dont think BN or BNP govt had any plan to absorb 4 sub in 4 years.

Plan was to absorb gradually in longer period.

If '4 sub in 4 years' is the excuse Awami stooges and their masters in south block want to use for delaying and eventually not getting any sub then people should catch the new deception and lie Awami stooges are using.

Another point, BNP is not power, its indian Awami stooges who are ruling or misruling the country. Awami League came to power by telling the story that they are going to be far better than what last elected govt was. So its time to deliver; NO time to hide behind what BNP did or did not do. BNP is irrelevant now.

I think the BN sailors were sent during the caretaker Govt. rule not BNP.Anyways,as you mentioned BNP is irrelevant now,so be it.

AL can not buy 4 subs within 4 years,those who will fall for it are fools.They will probably buy one or two subs before their term is over.Just like they did with the Migs.Keep the military happy.

I won't even be surprised if they end up buying nothing.Because there is simply no fund.Look at the amount they dedicated to defence purchase,it won't even fulfill our ammunition needs.Just around 140 crore for total military purchase.Now how does navy gets from this?

And we are talking about subs.:tsk:

And Mr.Idune,no one talked about getting "4 subs in 4 years",that's impossible for us.Should go back and read my post again and then answer.Don't jump in the middle.
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To be honest I am not optimistic about getting subs.Because few years ago,there was a similar buzz that BAF was getting 16 advanced jets,Su-30 was a possibility.But at the end it turned out to be F-7BG.
Not that F-7BG are bad jets,but they are nowhere near to Su-30.
So only when the purchase will be confirmed,I will jump about it.
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