Europeans preach secularism, but they are not secular. Can someone tell me then what is the meaning of secularism? England has Protestant church, other european countries are Catholic. It is same all over the continent. The Pope of Rome is regarded as the legal guardian of the Christian society. Even, people of england say, Tony Blair has kissed his hand, although he is a Protestant. So, secularism bears no fundamental change in a society whose population believe in their respective religion.
These european countries can be termed moderately Christian, but their leaders would say they are secular. These westerners change the meaning of many words to suit their own interest. Take the word 'Terrorist' used very frequently now-a-days by the non-Muslims. Only a few years ago the word was 'Freedom Fighter.'
If UK is secular, then why their Monarch is the Head of Protestant Church? Also, why then there was and is a North Ireland issue there? People of that part of Ireland are Protestant, and the independent Ireland is Catholic.
One group in the North want their land to be a part of a greater Ireland because lingustically they are Irish. But, majority people in the north want to remain part of UK because they are `Protestant. So, there are clashes of religion still in this age in the so-called secular countries.
Only India needs a kind secular image, because they want to hide the reality on the ground. India's society is full of JATPAT. They are divided into many sects, they cannot marry among each other without considering which JAT he or she belongs to, even they cannot share food with each other. India is a total mess type of society and they need to camoflage it from outside by proclaiming themselves as secular.
BD does not need to brand itself with SECULARISM like India. BD was always and will always remain a moderate Muslim country. A country is what its people think of it. People have to understand that Christian and Jewish political establishments do not want an Islamic movement that re-instates a Khalifa, under which Muslims will be united. And now, our woman FM, who has not probably read a page of history suddenly comes here to proclaim SECULARISM.