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Bangladesh Hindu teacher sacked in Mohammed Prohpet dispute

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I have no problem with whatever crazy bangladeshi loonies do with the fool, just stop wearing that tolerant mask which you're not! Atleast Pakistan have a thriving "liberal fascists" community!
I am trying to add a new dimension, understand that with text there are no emotions.
teacher: you are a goat ( fool ). Student (angry for being called goat): a man cant be a goat. Teacher(trying to defend his comment, jokingly): both has beard. So both are goat. Student(maybe called rabindranath's name because he knew it is going to hurt the teacher): was rabindranath tagore a goat?? Teacher:(reacting to student) yes. And your prophet also.. (naujubillah)

I think the teacher should have controlled him, maybe student being from majority community was trying to insult the person whom the teacher worships. But Teacher should be more tolerant.

Lame excuses from you and other apologists for unethical attitude of the teacher. If he does not have self control, decipline and abuse students then he does not deserve to be a teacher.

kick him out hardly. as a teacher is suppose to teach respect for humanity, ethics and so on in this case the teachers is abusing the students and then by calling beareded people as goats this hindu teacher is insulting entire Sikh community too including your sikh Manmohan Singh.

anyway good decision he should never be restored as he does not deserve to a teacher.
I have no problem with whatever crazy bangladeshi loonies do with the fool, just stop wearing that tolerant mask which you're not! Atleast Pakistan have a thriving "liberal fascists" community!

Abir do you think a Teachers should be abusing students? in the west a teachers will be taken to task for such unethical, uncivilized stupidity. so stop being apologists because he is a hindu.

how can human be goats? was the hindu teachers lecturing the class on hindu mythology ? if yes then ok we can take his claim as somehwat justfied but again that is not belief of all there in the class.
Last I heard, "majority" Indian were offended by her work so she moved to Sweden or something. Even Salman Rushide got hounded out of India by them "majority" Indians. :disagree:

They were NOT hounded by Indians but keeping in mind your own govt took such steps to avoid any big clash . Otherwise just pick up orange indian media and read comments by Indian hindus and you will see the most dirtiest abuses and langauge use by these morons for our Prophet and Islam.
If people are to take words like goat seriously, then there is will be an obtuse situation everywhere.

Fortunately this is only known here on the PDF.

If minorities are treated shabbily, one would be playing into the hands of the bigots in the neighbourhood.

Then we all, yes we all, will be consumed!

It will be a case of what is sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.

I think it is time to calm down here and let genuine law take its own course.
Abir do you think a Teachers should be abusing students? in the west a teachers will be taken to task for such unethical, uncivilized stupidity. so stop being apologists because he is a hindu.

how can human be goats? was the hindu teachers lecturing the class on hindu mythology ? if yes then ok we can take his claim as somehwat justfied but again that is not belief of all there in the class.

He should be sacked and that's about it.

I been a hindu apologist, pseudo secular apologist, secular vulture apologist and italian mafia apologist in this forum so I'd just live up with the tag.
I am not aware of goats being a part of Hindu or any mythology.

Apparently, it tantamount to a pig in a poke.

A swan boat voyeurism?!
for you the whole conversation between teacher and student in a simple manner:

teacher: you are a goat ( fool ). Student: a man cant be a goat. Teacher: both has beard. So both are goat. Student: was rabindranath tagore a goat?? Teacher: yes. And your prophet also.. (naujubillah)

I dont think the teacher said something wrong, all he did was generalizing and compairing.....
this was surely the overreaction by the student.....

a student should be in school to learn , he should not seek moments to abuse and harass teachers......

some one said "a teacher is above the God and parents, as only they can show the path to Him"
I dont think the teacher said something wrong, all he did was generalizing and compairing.....
this was surely the overreaction by the student.....

a student should be in school to learn , he should not seek moments to abuse and harass teachers......

some one said "a teacher is above the God and parents, as only they can show the path to Him"

:no: A teacher is bound to follow ethics and NOT abuse students and harass them. and when we say a teacher is above the god and parents then its indeed NOT for uncivilized illiterate intolrent teachers liks this man.

he was NOT suppose to come up with moronic biased haterd like saying since goats have beared so all bearded human are goats. what a stupid person he is. who made him teacher in the first place. he needs edcuation himself.
I dont think the teacher said something wrong, all he did was generalizing and compairing.....
this was surely the overreaction by the student.....

a student should be in school to learn , he should not seek moments to abuse and harass teachers......

some one said "a teacher is above the God and parents, as only they can show the path to Him"

A laggard will always try to disrupt the class so that his ignorance is not exposed.

Notwithstanding, the teacher should not have been provoked to bring in religion.

There is nothing wrong in calling a goat like boy (intelligence wise), a goat, with or without a goat like beard.
Anyone know what exactly she said word for word?
Abir do you think a Teachers should be abusing students? in the west a teachers will be taken to task for such unethical, uncivilized stupidity. so stop being apologists because he is a hindu.

how can human be goats? was the hindu teachers lecturing the class on hindu mythology ? if yes then ok we can take his claim as somehwat justfied but again that is not belief of all there in the class.

Come on.. Your Pakistani teachers never verbally abused their students? That's hard to believe. I have been called a buffalo by a teacher on her every class.

That said, that guy should have had some commonsense. He is so ignorant of what is happening the world over for offending muslims? He should be punished, if not for his lack of sensitivity, at least for his ignorance and recklessness.
my dear friends, we all are humans first...... then we categorized ourselves in different sects/religions.....
it is our creation and we can amend it as per our respective interest.... we need to grow up....
Come on.. Your Pakistani teachers never verbally abused their students? That's hard to believe. I have been called a buffalo by a teacher on her every class.

That said, that guy should have had some commonsense. He is so ignorant of what is happening the world over for offending muslims? He should be punished, if not for his lack of sensitivity, at least for his ignorance and recklessness.

True. My teacher(s) preferred word was 'donkey', but I don't remember a single student who talk back to their teachers eventhough we all talk behind their backs.

I believe the teacher should be disciplined for offending Prophet and the student for disrespecting his teacher.
True. My teacher(s) preferred word was 'donkey', but I don't remember a single student who talk back to their teachers eventhough we all talk behind their backs.

Did your teacher justfy calling students donkey by saying since donkey has dk and you also has one so thats why a male human can be a donkey.?? just imagine if the teacher a Muslim and if he had remarked against Hindu god Hunuman being incarnation of monkey or even used the word then i am dead sure it would have been made a case of "Islamic bigotary"

I believe the teacher should be disciplined for offending Prophet and the student for disrespecting his teacher.

Yes this the main point which i am arguing because just see if the hindu teacher is so senstive about a common person like Rabindirnath who is not a god neither a sacred person then why cant one of the biggest religion Islam's followers be offended over insult to our Last Prophet.
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