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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Why U can't think of Al-Qaida?......As far as FBI is concerned,it will invesitgate as things lead them to.......

Please use some 'plain thinking'; in many cases it works wonder like herbal:

Don't you think that----Dhaka would buzz within 72 hours with flocks of US officers to identify, catch & uproot the perpetrators---if truly AQ/JMB or any Islamic Militant Group/Network would prove themselves so strong in Bangladesh as being capable & efficient of fooling Bangladesh PM, HM, CAS, MPs & entire BAL for long 33 hours, and then killing 50+ brilliant Army officers and rendering BDR handicapped and yet melting out in thin air with so many arms missing---all that, too, in one single brilliant stroke ?

Such above Islamic elements did not require to show similar talent in Afghanistan &/or Iraq to attract US staff there.

The same dog is not howling yet enough because who ever have intruded in this BDR event is previously acquainted with it or alreday known to-be-other-than JMB/AQ.

Think it over, and just use the above measuring stick: US rushes to where presence of AQ or similar Group is strongly involved and already proven.

Then you will immediately know whether those including you and Trade Minister Faruk are truly implicating JMB/AQ with sincere knowledge or, instead, fraudulently covering their own buddies or simply making another mistake.

If you find US is more-than-usual concerned and active, then scent of JMB/AQ is there for sure. But do you really think only a initial fact-finding prelim team of 2 persons is more-than-usual ?
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No decision yet on BDR's 55000: Gen Moinul
Fri, Mar 13th, 2009 11:37 pm BdST

Abu Noman Sajib
bdnews24.com correspondent

Dhaka, Mar 13 (bdnews24.com) – The new BDR chief, battling to reorganise the border force, says a government decision is still awaited on whether some 55,000 members will be assimilated or new soldiers recruited.

"We'll start implementing what the policymakers finally decide upon, which may take a little time," said Brig Gen Moinul Hossain, the director general, speaking exclusively to bdnews24.com Thursday night.

"A new force is a must," Gen Moinul said and added there was no alternative to restructuring the BDR after the Feb25-26 mutiny by renegade members at their headquarters in Dhaka.

A senior army general recently said the government had already decided to rename the border force.

The mutiny killed at least 57 army officers, including its director general Maj Gen Shakil Ahmed, deputed to the paramilitary border force.

"The border guards have been completely spoilt," he said. "Their morale, ethics and sense of discipline have been shattered."

"Nothing good or meaningful can be expected from them any more. There's no alternative to raising the border troops afresh into an effective force."

"We have the morale and capability of rearing these riflemen afresh and we're working in that direction."

Gen Moinul said they were now busy screening the soldiers who were returning—a process seen crucial to the efforts digging into the horrendous genesis to the Peelkhana massacre.

"We are not rushing, because haste might destroy valuable alibis and evidence."

"The force has to be nurtured and reformed so that its members get back their old life."

Asked about the name or uniform of the reorganised force, the general spoke of listening to 'people's wishes', hinting the change was almost a certainty.

"I don't think Bangladeshis will like to hear the name 'BDR' or see the familiar uniform again after what happened there in late Feb."

He dismissed reports that the army officers already deputed to different battalions across the country were now feeling insecure to return to their posts.

"This is a total lie. A number of media outlets have published wrong news…All officers have actually joined their new postings Wednesday and Thursday. The rest are on leave. [We wonder when Bangladesh media run-by so called 'buddhijibis' will learn to act patriotic and responsibly ?]

"Journalists should verify before they report."

On rumours that the BDR soldiers were starving or getting insufficient food inside the Peelkhana, he said, "The Peelkhana residents are being given food regularly."

Gen Moinul, who was appointed DG on Feb. 27, said, "Salaries have already reached those units of which the commanding officers have not been killed."

"Those units who lost their commanders are late in receiving the salaries due to change in command and related banking formalities."

Asked if anything can be done to allow more families to see the detained BDR members inside the headquarters, the chief said, "This is not a civilian concern, you got to understand. We are currently allowing the soldiers' pregnant wives and mothers to see the soldiers inside."

"Besides, people can connect with each other through telephone, intercom and letters. I'd love the relatives to meet their dear ones inside the Peelkhana and urge them to disclose whatever they know of the atrocities."

Asked if an account of the looted arms and ammunition has been possible to draw so far, the DG said, "It will take little longer to ascertain the number of arms lost. The ammunition loss may be possible to gauge in a day or two."

On the number of BDR members present at Peelkhana during the killings and of people present there now, Gen Moinul said, "A lot of documents and evidence were torched during the massacre. There are about 7,000 troops residing in the Peelkhana now."

That day I was watching the tremendously astounding smart performance of BDR personnel in BDR Parade 2009. It appeared that very few Armies of the world can perform so smart and with precision. So far, BDR fought with BSF very effectively. Finally, most of 55,000 members were not involved in rebellion either---but yes; were adversely affected in many ways.

In view of above, would not it be proper that the innocents (though adversely affected to some varying degrees) of the 55,000---to put in Brig Gen Mainul's own words---be nurtured and reformed so that its members get back their old life of past valor and dedication ?
Bangladeshi army officers blame prime minister for mutiny

By Urmee Khan and Dean Nelson in New Delhi
Last Updated: 5:01PM GMT 13 Mar 2009

Angry Bangladeshi army officers shouted down Sheikh Hasina, the country's prime minister, at a private meeting, and blamed her for the murder of more than 70 of their comrades by mutineering border security guards.

The ferocity of the army's anger was revealed yesterday when ministers lifted a ban on secret recordings of the clash on YouTube.

Ministers had initially banned the recordings amid fears they might further destabilize the country following the February 25th mutiny.

Sheikh Hasina was praised when she persuaded the leaders of a revolt by security guards of the Bangladesh Rifles to lay down their arms. But she was later fiercely criticized when the scale of the massacre emerged.

The revolt began when security guards forced their way into a meeting of all the regiment's senior officers at their headquarters in Dhaka and opened fire with automatic rifles. The bodies of more than 70 officers were later discovered in a number of mass graves and sewage tanks.

Sheikh Hasina had refused to send in the army to put down the revolt in its early stages and instead invited the leaders to present their demands. At the meeting, she offered the mutineers a general amnesty and an inquiry into their grievances.

Senior officers, who lost friends and family members in the massacre, said they believed the delay costs dozens of lives.

"You are responsible for all the deaths because you did not allow the army to intervene and we want explanation from you," demanded one officer. "Had we been allowed to intervene there would not have been so many bloody baths. We could have rescued a lot of officers from the camp." Another said:"You didn't call the army and that's why so many officers were killed." Several officers repeatedly demanded to know why she had not visited the scene of the carnage. "Why didn't you go and see? Why did you send the interior minister?" they asked.

Charges have been filed against more than 1000 BDR guards and 36 have been arrested on suspicion of leading the mutiny. Ministers said the mutiny was part of a plot to destablilise Sheikh Hasina's recently-elected government.

Zia Ahmed, chairman of the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, said the government had lifted the ban on the secret tapes because tensions immediately following the mutiny had now eased.

Bangladeshi army officers blame prime minister for mutiny - Telegraph
JMB links to BDR mutiny

The commerce minister Lt Col Faruk Khan (Retd), responsible for coordinating various investigations into the BDR disaster, has on 12 March stated that links between the JMB and the BDR mutiny have been found. Lt Col Faruk Khan also mentioned that many militants were recruited in the forces during the BNP-Jamaat regime of 2001-2007. Lt Col Faruk Khan's comments are causes of worry on many different counts.

The first cause of worry is that various investigations are ongoing and have not reached any conclusive ends and any definitive public comments by persons in positions of authority such as the commerce minister may push the rest of the investigations into directions inimical to a search for the truth behind the facades of an apparently deep-rooted conspiracy. We have seen in the past that similar incidents of mass violence also elicited similar comments from ministers and powerful political figures, driving inquiries and investigations of those incidents into dead-ends. The most glaring such incident, still in the memory of people is the August 21, 2004 grenade attack on Sheikh Hasina which killed dozens of people. Ministers and politicians of the BNP government, than in office, immediately claimed that the attacks were the result of Awami League intra-party feuds which led the entire investigation up the wrong track, stymieing any attempts at ensuring justice. That case is still hanging in the courts, 5 years after the incident. It would therefore, behove ministers and politicians of AL not to make any pre-mature comments which might in anyway influence investigations and enquiries of an event which turned into a national tragedy.

The second cause of worry is Lt Col Faruk Khan's second comment that "many militants were recruited in the forces during the BNP-Jamaat regime of 2001-2007". Whether true or not this statement is likely to create a sense of uncertainty and concern among members of the Armed Forces, already severely buffeted by the BDR massacre of over 60 officers. Additionally, this comment might encourage and initiate a "witch-hunt" within the Armed Forces to root out the so-called militants and many rank and file as well as officers might be victimized by such politically motivated "cleansing operations". Such measures, if they occur, would destabilize the entire structure of the Armed Forces, weakening them as well as national security.
It needs no emphasis that uncertainties and instabilities within the core institutions of the State, such as the military and the system of national security, will invariably lead to a chain of actions-reactions and backlashes, which in all likelihood will involve violence of different magnitudes. Consequently the entire structure and foundation of the State will be further weakened leading us all to a "failed-state" like situation. That must be avoided at all costs and the first step towards such avoidance is to be extremely circumspect in stating opinions publicly by public figures of influence.

One more extension for Bangladesh army chief?

Chief of Bangladesh Army, General Moeen U Ahmed is set to get one more year extension when his tenure finishes on 6th April this year.

A highly placed source in Awami League, on condition of anonymity said, the government decided to extend the service tenure of General Moeen.
Meanwhile, there are indications of massive changes in the army administration following the post-massacre situation. Two of the Generals were already sent on retirement on Thursday.

Bangladesh government also on Thursday, withdrew ban on Youtube site, which was blocked few days back for posting a content titled 'Sena Kunja Exclusive', which contains audio conversation of the meeting between the Prime Minister and members of the armed forces. Although the Bangladesh government lifted the blockade, the contents were not removed from the site. Due to the blockade, the content issue got maximum exposure in the international media. According to sources, number of hits in the specific files have increased several folds.

Another source told that, list and details of the aggrieved officers, who were vocal during the meeting are being secretly prepared by a quarter at the verbal instruction from the ruling party. Reason behind such steps are yet to be understood.

Weekly Blitz l Most Influential Newspaper in Bangladesh
This is a RAW conspiracy theory -


Bhaskar Roy

Had the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) mutiny on March 25-26 been successful, it would have brought the BNP rightists and Jamaat-e-Islami (JEI) Islamists coalition back to power in the country. That would have plunged Bangladesh into a new political and social crisis, and lighted new militancy fires in North-East India. The mutiny was a meticulously planned conspiracy in which disgruntled BDR men were used cleverly as a foil for a much larger game plan.

The political threat to Indian security from Bangladesh’s soil if the BNP-JEI combination returns to power can be understood from the confessional statements of the main accused in April 2004 arms landing case, Hafizur Rahaman. Rahaman has told the new Investigating Officer (IO) of the case that four different IOs during the BNP-JEI government (2001-2006) declined to take down his statement and asked him to change it.

Parts of Hafizur Rahaman’s on going statements to the case IO and Chittagong Metropolitan Magistrate Osman Gani, as reported in the Bangladesh media, are explosive and incriminates top functionaries of the BNP-JEI government, if not the entire government yet. Rahaman, a known smuggler of the Port city of Chittagong, has revealed that he was first contacted in 2001, by a person in Dhaka who called himself Zaman at first but later identified himself as ULFA Commander-in-Chief, Paresh Barua. It is known that Barua holds a Bangladeshi passport in the name of Kamruzzaman which he uses for his travels to Pakistan to meet his ISI handlers.

Paresh Barua started developing Hafizur Rahaman from January 2002, paying him 50 to 70 thousand Taka a month. In March, 2004 Barua gave Rahaman Taka 50 lakhs to arrange for the landing of smuggled machinery. According to Rahaman, Barua assured him that the Chiefs of the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI), and the National Security and Intelligence (NSI) were on board. The then NSI Chief Maj. Gen. Rezakul Haider Choudhury, was a close confidante of Tareque Rahaman, the elder son of Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia. Tareque was also the Senior Joint General Secretary of the BNP and reputed to be the most powerful and corrupt man in Bangladesh through sheer muscle power. Maj. Gen. Haider is reported to have accompanied Tareque and businessman Giasuddin Al-Mamun for a meeting with Indian underworld don Dawood Ibrahim in Dubai in 2006. The meeting was allegedly to procure arms for the elections and also had to do with some property in Dubai.

The then DGFI Chief Maj. Gen. Sadiq Hasan Rumi was Tareque intermediary with the extreme Islamist International Katme Nabuwat Movement (IKNM) Chief Maulana Noorani. Tareque’s contacts with the out lawed Islamic terrorist group, Jamatul Mujahidin Bangladesh (JMB), were handled by two BNP Ministers Amin Huq and Ruhul Quddus Talukdar Dulu. These information have been authenticated by Bangladeshi terrorism experts.

It is also alleged that following the arrest of six top JMB leaders in March 2006 under pressure from the USA in which President George W. Bush took a leading role a top JEI leader met Prime Minister Khaleda Zia to advise her not to harm the JMB leaders as they would be useful in the

Parliamentary elections. The JMB was also being pruned to launch terrorist attacks in West Bengal.

It is evident that the BNP-JEI government was planning to wage a terrorist attack against India on the one hand, and radicalizing Bangladesh on the other. Awami League leader Sk. Hasina survived three terrorist attacks by terrorists under BNP-JEI instructions.

It is, therefore, of concern if about one hundred JMB women terrorist suicide cadres have entered Dhaka, as reported by the reputed daily, Janakantha. Their target is obviously the top level of the ruling party, especially Sk. Hasina. It would be impossible for the JMB to continue their activities if they did not have support from BNP-JEI supporters inducted in critical sections of the administration, police and intelligence.

These developments were, however, pieces of a much more fundamental political and ideological war that goes back to 1971 and even earlier. This involves the break up of Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh for which Pakistan still blames India, as reiterated by former Pak President and army Chief Pervez Musharraf at the recent India Today conclave in New Delhi.

A Bangladeshi security investigator who is examining intercepts of telephone conversation of the BDR mutineers, told the press that the conspiracy was planned at least two months in advance. That would set the date approximately the time when the Awami League won the December 29, 2008 Parliamentary elections with more than two-third majority, giving it the numbers to amend the constitution.

A senior army officer, Lt. Col. Shamsul, and the leader of the BDR mutiny Deputy Assistant Director (DAI) Towhid Alam, have separately talked about involvement of outsiders.

DAD Alam is reported to have confessed that outsiders were involved. Full details may come out only after the special commission’s investigations are over. But what is evident is that a core group took advantage of the disgruntlement in the force. Some joined in the heat of the moment not fully realizing what they were doing. Some left the station and ran away.

According to Bangladesh media reports, the investigators are looking into a number of small processions taken out in the vicinity of the BDR headquarters after the mutiny started shouting pro-BDR and anti-army Chief Gen. Moeen U. Ahmed slogans. Knowledgeable observers in Dhaka say these processions were taken out by the JEI to encourage the mutineers and bring them into a confrontation with the army to create a highly unstable situation. These observers also say tensions remain very high, and the government is being extremely careful with information to prevent a public outrage. Bangladeshis are highly volatile people emotionally, especially where Bengali heritage and nationalism are concerned.

Two developments which may hold the key to the intentions behind the BDR mutiny are being debated. One, why did the 14-member BDR delegation led by DAD Towhid Alam meet Prime Minister Sk. Hasina for negotiations on February 25 and assure her that the BDR Chief was safe when they had already killed him and his wife, and most other army officers? Were they buying time for other forces, political and security, to join them?

Two, why did the Pakistani government send a Special Envoy, Pervez Ishpahani, to Dhaka two days before the mutiny to persuade Sk. Hasina not to pursue with the trial of the 1971 war criminals? Why did Pakistan take such a serious view with an internal issue of Bangladesh so as to send a Special Envoy?

With an unchallenged majority in Parliament, Prime Minister Sk. Hasina is determined to bring the war criminals to justice, try the 1975 killers of head of the nation Sk. Mujibur Rahaman and Awami League top leaders, and promised to eradicate the menace of terrorists using Bangladesh as a spring board. Her proposal for a South Asian counter-terrorism force did not go down well with Pakistan. It is also for the first time that an army Chief has given full and open support to the trial of war criminals.

Almost the entire top leadership of the JEI stands to be indicted as 1971 war criminals. They stand to lose the most, and their political legitimacy and social acceptability would get a serious battering. The party would be in danger of being banned, as happened after 1971 till President Zia-ur-Reheman, the Chief architect of the BNP, retrieved them. President Zia is the late husband of Khaleda Zia. Some top BNP leaders cannot escape the trial either. BNP leader and Advisor to Khaleda Zia, Salauddin Qadar Choudhury, headed the dreaded Al Shams created by the Pakistani army in 1971.

The other major party that could be affected will be the Pakistani army. A preliminary list of war criminals compiled by the freedom fighters include the names of twelve Pakistani senior army officers including generals. Today, with the activations of the International Criminal Court (ICC) even old war crimes cannot be wished away. It would also be a serious blow to the reputation of the Pakistani army.

The trial of the 1975 “killer majors” as the coup leaders are popularly known, could open up a veritable Pandora’s box. It could even incriminate Zia-ur-Reheman whose role, covered with killings and closed door executions, still remain questionable. Did Pakistan have a role in 1975 carnage in which even Sk. Mujib’s nine year old son, and Sk. Hasina’s youngst brother, Russel, were not spared ?

Eradication of terrorism from Bangladesh will seriously affect the ISI operations against India from the eastern wing. The ISI has been working with elements of the intelligence apparatus and the army in Bangladesh. Their best period was 2001-2006, when the BNP-JEI led alliance was in power. And that was also the worst period of Bangladesh’s relations with India. Sk. Hasina had already started re-organizing the intelligence agencies and the army.

That the stakes are very high is no in doubt. The JEI and the BNP stand to be severely damaged by Prime Minister Sk. Hasina’s policies. The ISI stands to lose one of its most important operational arms against India. Pakistan’s influence in Bangladesh is also challenged.

Sk. Hasina and the liberal and pro-independence forces are acutely aware that unless the events of 1971 and 1975 are conclusively put to rest the religious and political turbulence will continue to haunt the country’s progress.

Dhaka, today, is in the grip enormous tension. The people there say anything can happen at any time as the forces against the bifurcation of Pakistan are very much alive and have ingrained themselves in the arteries of the government and sections of the society. This is an ideological and historical war.

Prime Minister Sk. Hasina has handled the situation with great political astuteness and sagacity. But she will be making a grave error if she stops mid-way. If she makes truce in the interest of short time stability she may be signing her own death warrant and that of her country, as her father did. Compromise would be a sign of weakness, and the weak have no place in Bangladesh as the BDR mutiny conspirators have signaled. For them, it is a matter of survival. Hence, nothing in beyond the realm of any act.

The writer is an experienced analyst who is familiar with the developments in Bangladesh

The Great Bangla Conspiracy:
Boy, these Indians sure spin some yarn don't they? I'd really like to see where the investigations actually go. I think the BDR needs to be disbanded, and yet the BDR soldiers cannot be left unemployed as this will create a bigger headache later. Perhaps the best should be screened out and most of the rest given other jobs elsewhere.

Eventually whatever force takes over, needs to be focused only on border security and other internal matters handled by a separate force. Further, both these forces need to have their own officer cadre. I wish i was in the Bangladesh Army right now!
Boy, these Indians sure spin some yarn don't they? I'd really like to see where the investigations actually go. I think the BDR needs to be disbanded, and yet the BDR soldiers cannot be left unemployed as this will create a bigger headache later. Perhaps the best should be screened out and most of the rest given other jobs elsewhere.

Eventually whatever force takes over, needs to be focused only on border security and other internal matters handled by a separate force. Further, both these forces need to have their own officer cadre. I wish i was in the Bangladesh Army right now!

If BDR has its own officer cadre,then we will have to remove the word "para-military" from BDR's description.Its only because Army,BDR is well trained and many army officers often says "one BDR jawan equals 10 BSF jawan" and rightly so.

Moreover,giving them their own officer would be like bowing down to their demands,which can not and should not happen.Off course Pay and other facilities needs to be improved.

BDR will join the army during war time,so it is important that army looks after their training,so that they are always prepared for resisting foreign invasion.

BDR will be renamed,but disbanding will be unjust to 40000 innocent BDR jawans who were not part of this genocide.
If BDR has its own officer cadre,then we will have to remove the word "para-military" from BDR's description.Its only because Army,BDR is well trained and many army officers often says "one BDR jawan equals 10 BSF jawan" and rightly so.

Moreover,giving them their own officer would be like bowing down to their demands,which can not and should not happen.Of course Pay and other facilities needs to be improved.

BDR will join the army during war time,so it is important that army looks after their training,so that they are always prepared for resisting foreign invasion.

BDR will be renamed,but disbanding will be unjust to 40000 innocent BDR jawans who were not part of this genocide.

I agree it would be rewarding BDR if it had its own officer cadre. What i meant was having a new force, that uses remnants of the BDR and has an officer cadre. A paramilitary force would not function properly without having the blind trust and mutual respect that officers and jawans can never have again between the bdr and the bm officers.

One solution may be to create two different paramilitaries and giving these forces their own officer cadre. (one for border security duties of the bdr and another for its other activities). This does not mean a completely separate officer training program, but one that is closely integrated with the army's officer training programs. This could be supplemented by some level of deputation between all services.

Certainly, there will be no "BDR". but going forward from that, I think it would be foolish to lay off any significant number of them, as they could easily get employed in criminal activities at this point. Let us not make the mistake that the Americans did with the Iraqi army. This is too big a force to just dismiss.
maybe we should create a National Guard comprising the Ansars,VDP and the Rifles.
Nah it's the best army officers being deputed to the force but it should be given a thought,BDR having their own officers.Maybe officers trained in the BMA army officers' pipeleine can be assigned to the BDR.
maybe we should create a National Guard comprising the Ansars,VDP and the Rifles.
Nah it's the best army officers being deputed to the force but it should be given a thought,BDR having their own officers.Maybe officers trained in the BMA army officers' pipeleine can be assigned to the BDR.

If you are talking of something like US marine corps. then army will have to train the first few batches of Border guard officers and this has to continue for few years before they can take up responsibility of recruiting and conducting of their own.One more thing,BDR should be taken away from home ministry to Defence ministry I think.As during war time they are the first line of defence.
On who is behind BDR Carnage: JMB or India+ ?
Please ponder on the below:

Pilkhana massacre: not butler, but maidservant did it!

Well, it wasn't the butler - ie, the JMB. Suppose the JMB did it:

Why then didn't the prime minister send the army right after the first call from General Shakil, when he sensed a mutiny in the ranks?

Second, why did it take the tanks 32 hours to get from Savar to Dhaka?

Third, how did 7,000 people escape the precincts of the BDR?

Fourth, who turned off the lights so they could escape?

Fifth, when the officers grilled the PM, they said nothing about the JMB - they are not fools, you know. They blamed only one person - the prime minister (and General Moeen the previous day).

Sixth, Director General of RAB, Hasan Mahmud Khondoker, when asked about possible militant involvement firmly dismissed the idea: "Religious militancy in Bangladesh is under control of law-enforcing agencies at the moment (Bangladesh Observer, 12 March 2008, p 8). However, a Daily Star report of the same day, by its journalist Anwar Ali ("back from Bagmara, Rajshahi") says: "At least four of the mutineers of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) are believed to have been active members of Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) before they joined the paramilitary force."And according to the Hindustan Times, Commerce Minister Lt Col (Retd) Faruq Khan said: "...some JMB connections have been found.

And the Daily Star, in the same issue, was quick to confirm the militant's hand in the article: "Terror struck back at its buster" (the Star covers up its poor syntax and grammar with exuberantly mysterious headlines). Translation: Colonel Gulzar, who had been instrumental in subjugating the JMB, was among the officers dead and so mutilated that it took a DNA test to identify his body; ergo, the JMB did it.

Yet in the 4th March issue, the Star had already said: " 4 more bodies identified: 3 others await DNA test; 5 army officers still missing; investigators rummage through BDR HQ for evidence." Indeed, in the 12th March issue, after describing how Colonel Gulzar's father had been killed in 1971 by the Pakistan army, the report goes on to say: " There were five unidentified bodies rescued from mass graves or sewers. These bodies bear the marks of severe brutality. Only a DNA test could confirm who is who. Gulzar's family could not say if one of those bodies was his."Organic samples from these bodies were collected and close relatives of the missing army officers also gave blood samples for the DNA testing. Samples were cross-checked with Gulzar's 14-year-old daughter Zahin Tasnia's genetic imprint."

On Tuesday, two of the DNA test results popped up, one identifying Lt Col Elahi Monjur Chowdhury and the other Gulzar."Therefore, Colonel Gulzar's body wasn't the only mutilated body found – therefore, the killers did not single him out for special mutilation. To sum up: we have the DG Rapid Action Battalion categorically denying any militant involvement (Observer, March 12, p8); the Daily Star observed: " When asked about the involvement of Islamist militant outfits and the United Liberation Front of Assam (Ulfa) in the mutiny Rab DG averted the query and said the Islamist militants are now under complete control of the law-enforcement agencies.(12th March, p1)."

But, the Commerce Minister insinuates that there were "some" JMB links. Why was he speaking about a pending investigation in the first place? As to intelligence failure, that's no surprise. A few years ago I was speaking to a government officer, and I was told that the intelligence branches were now totally occupied in assessing the loyalty, not only of army officers but even junior level government officers, to the two political parties. "When would they get the time to do any intelligence work?" he asked me, rhetorically.

Many of the army's top brass are Awami League loyalists: they are leaning hard on the investigators to cover things up and lead the inquiry into another direction. Like every institution, the army is highly politicized: those loyal to Sheikh Hasina will never allow an open investigation, so it is alleged. Hence the JMB red herring, which, in fact, started off in the Indian newspapers.

"The Jamaat-e-Islami, which would suffer the most in any 1971 war crimes trial, is believed to be the main conspirator with the shadow of Pakistan, whose president has appealed to Hasina to defer the trials, lurking. ..."If Jamaat's role in the massacre is conclusively established, Islamic radicals will risk the army's wrath. That's not bad for Hasina. Hopefully, the mutiny won't make her back out on the war crimes trials and cases related to the Sheikh Mujib murder and Chittagong arms seizure. If she doesn't go all out to decimate her Islamist rivals politically, she could be looking at another conspiracy." This was published in – of all papers – the Times of India (TOP ARTICLE Clear and Present Danger, 10 March 2009 )

So, the JMB-militant-Jamaat theory emanated from – where else? – India, and that's the direction the Awami League, aided by its generals and newspapers like the Daily Star, in turn backed by the western donor community, will take us – up the garden path (or is it down?). Meanwhile, the army so despises General Moeen that even majors are reluctant to salute him. If he resigns in the next few days, he will retire with a modicum of honour. Otherwise he'll go down in ignominy in the sorry annals of this sorry nation.

It wasn't the butler that did it, though – it was the maidservant.
I just love his comment. True yet very funny...:lol::rofl:.....

Crazy Faruk and unwanted comments from foreigners!

Saturday March 14 2009 09:44:16 AM BDT

Nazrul Islam , Bangladesh

Some called Col Faruk as ''ghar kata faruk",he is really a piece of work.When a high profile person expresses his assumption a civilized society would like to see some prove of that.

Mr Faruk is heading an investigation of the ' BDR crime 'I won't call it a mutiny, committed on 25th and 26th of Feb, before investigation is completed he has already concluded his opinion about the sources !?.

Why would a sane person leak information of a very important investigation especially if he chief organizer.Two reason that comes to mind.

1. He is drinking foreign made daru or smuggled phensidyl during his meditation time off .

2. He is intentionally doing it to screw up the whole case to cover some important clue which can adversely affect his Govt 's image.

My next point is writing of some Indian in our forum ,the way they are expressing to insult our nation with vulgar words is unacceptable.

Whatever we say or do about the BDR incident is our internal matter they have no business to comment on that in our forum.

Have we already become apart of India that we have see this south Indian crook write whatever they want.?

To those Indian one simple response " India is better off with Divided Pakistan and they had ulterior motives to break Pakistan which India was trying for 24 yrs.

Although we struggled to defend our cause and wanted a legitimate help from a neighbor it doesn't mean we automatically become a slave to India,

Maybe South Indian may be treated as slaves by North Indian who are the mainstream Indians unofficially .

Let Kashmir get Independence, we will see how long your perverted dynastic democracy last after disintegration into 100 mini states.


Nazrul Islam


I was thoughtful when I noted that many BAL member or BAL-minded intellectuals---at home and abroad---are telling us Bangladeshis that it as clear as sun-light that JMB / Al Qaida / similar Islamic Groups had been the master mind behind BDR carnage. To some it is and had been always crystal clear---even before the carnage took place----that these are the enemies of Bangladesh, democracy, BAL to create all kinds havoc of similar crime. By implication, they are also trying us to believe that the other available party for this distinction is RAW / India---the greatest all time friend of Bangladesh as believed by BAL----can never play such role.

But have you considered that if we believe them (that the master-mind is any or few or all of JMB/AQ/any other Islamic Militant Group (let us call them JMB) then a very disturbing and more sinister set of questions would have arisen as below:

1.How PM thought in the first place that Nanok Ajam will succeed in pursuing JMB (to meet PM) whom even RAB had to work very hard to diminish them to present state ? And look, more astounding, Nanok-Ajam did it smooth as silk making even the Piper of Hamilton jealous.

2.Why PM / SSF would allow leaders of dreadful JMBx to enter her office without proper check/registration/procedure ? Who is then fooling whom ? Is it not she who told NYT that grenades and bullets are chasing her ?

3.Why PM so gleefully and confidently presented them with General Amnesty even without asking for any proof of life of those---in return of whom alive the ‘amnesty’ was being dispensed to? One need not become a PM to have that kind of practical requisite of wisdom. More baffling is how she trusted leaders of a bunch of JMB that they will loyally abide her ?

4.Then happened the 8th wonder of the human history. When Sajeda (Dy Leader in house), Sahara (Home Minister) Nanok, Ajam, Taposh etc.---all unarmed---entered the death valley of BDR---infested with JMB as now being claimed--in the twilight hours of 25th Feb, and stayed there long hours, their alleged life-long bona-fide enemies who are after their blood since time immemorial, did not harm them even by a scratch. They even came out of BDR HQ---happy, bright & shining---and so confident and trusting on those JMB elements---that they even wielded a bunch of keys as solid proof that all arms are returned and stacked away neatly and even under lock & key. How this unthinkable ‘peaceful existence’ with JMB / AQ leaders &/or cadres materialized ? How some 15 village youths---without any good education or training but with only the dreadful benefit of company of Bangla Bhai---a killer himself---inculcated so much smartness in them as to make our great leaders so helpless fools ?

5.In addition, those sinister JMB were even anointed with ‘Son and I am your mother’ like soothing address. Then after long 20 hours, they were given a ‘said; but not said’ type of nervous speech---while they were known to be from among so-called Islamist bunch who killed Bangabandhu, hurled grenade to PM in BAL meeting, attacked Iraq and Afghanistan, and are always after the blood of PM, and every one of BAL, and secularism & democracy, peace & progress etc.

6. Further, all media arranged talk-shows in support of them. All ‘buddhijibis’ supported the cause—invented by them. Every buddijibi who could talk---whatever be the numbers of words---talked to their hearts’ content spitting fire all along against Army---on radio, TV, to national & foreign press, and to anyone who will care to listen. What a chance of a life time for ever-hungry budddijibis !!

7. Good time for JMB/AQ, too. Remaining always in hide-outs being chased by RAB as are beasts chased by in jungles----now JMBs were found leading a mutiny in BDR HQ in style---without even slightest disadvantage of being suspected, and under immunity from Army assault.

8. JMB must had a field day of their own too by :

(I) Befriending ever-young MPs like : Nanok & Ajam
(II)Enjoying son-like affection & trust from PM, HM
(III)Getting full coverage in printed/electronic medias with heat-felt support of editors and ‘buddijibis, and backed by even a sizeable procession supplemented with ‘fast food’ Oh boy! What else they need !!’
(IV)Putting the threat of any Army onslaught away from the periphery of BDR HQ
(V)Betraying PM ‘the surrender promise’ earlier made, and perpetrating more killing, looting & rape. By the way, did by then PM already also betrayed any promise of ‘help-on-the-way’ to any one ? Is that called poetic justice !!
(VI)Finally when the ferocious Army really was seen to advance with ‘tanks’, JMB / AQ returned to better sense, and wanted to escape as fast as possible. Still they were provided with clear-passage-to-freedom with as many BDR arms can be carried with----all by courtesy of MPs announcing to vacate 3 km radius around BDR HQ to facilitate honorably the great escape of JMB / AQ/ IMG.

So no matter how much entire BAL and their flock of Indian friends blame JMB / AQ now---even before the probe is over---over all that 33 hours, it was JMB that was honored and pampered by current great leaders of our democracy. What a shame in doing that to JMB !!!

or Did JMB mockingly fool PM, HM, TM, MPs, and entire BAL----every second of 33 long hours-----just to alert whole Bangladesh as if to say :Look at whose hands you have put the rein of your country ?

They fooled our great men & women and killed our most valued Army Officers over long 33 hours---the world can be traversed twice in a plane in that much of time----yet we never thought or if thought, not whispered to anyone that they are JMB/AQ. Is it not little bizarre ? Yet we worked further to allow them escape, even with BDR arms.

Over 33 long hours---during all these mingling, talking, meeting, amnesty, fleeing----none disclosed their identity. Now when they scooted away, every BAL member / supporter, Ministers / Buddijibis announced to every one that we knew them all along---they are JMB / AQ. We are so impatient that even a BAL minister could not even maintain the ethics of “no comment while several high-powered probes are on-going”.

Is it always the same syndrome: An accomplished fool or bunch of them try always to fool others but seldom succeeds ? .

I must confess in the end that I do not know for sure whether the master-minds are/were JMB/AQ----or RAW or else, instead. Nevertheless, I observed that:

(1) JMB---as claimed by great people in BAL, local media & ‘buddijibi’ circle and in India, successfully cultivated ‘friendship’ too quick with our great leaders despite all heinous crimes they did earlier;
(2) JMB felt quite comfortable in perpetrating all those heinous crimes till they knew that Army is advancing;
(3) For some reasons—best known to JMB or WHOEVER they were, though---they surely disliked and were fearful of Army.

My salute to Bangladesh Armed Forces, then.

Who do you think best fit in the scenario : JMB or, for that matter, anyone other than RAW or RAW themselves ?
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Bangladesh arrest 27 for anti-govt leaflets:police

DHAKA (AFP) — Twenty-seven Bangladeshis have been arrested for distributing leaflets criticising the government's handling of a savage mutiny by border guards against top military officers, police said Saturday.

The men were taken into custody following the February 25-26 revolt in the capital in which more than 70 people were slain by rank-and-file guards, Masudur Rahman, a senior official of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police, told AFP.

"The men arrested are members of the Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir. They have been distributing leaflets that contained provocative statements which were anti-government about the mutiny," Rahman, assistant deputy police commissioner, said.

"They were arrested at 14 locations throughout the capital. They have not been charged with treason and we don't believe they helped stage the mutiny."

Hizb ut-Tahrir is a worldwide group which wants to combine all Muslim countries in a unitary Islamic state or "khilafat". It is banned in some countries but not in Bangladesh.

Most killed in the mutiny were senior army officers and the incident has exposed deep tensions between elected leaders and the military and raised fears about the survival of the government, according to political analysts.

The government said this week some border guards arrested in connection with the mutiny appeared to have links with banned Islamic group Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB).

AFP: Bangladesh arrest 27 for anti-govt leaflets:police
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