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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Yes OUR army officers were killed by OUR BDR in OUR country that was ruled by YOUR stooges, which was made elected by YOUR GOVT/RAW's scheming but by not our votes.

This is just a hopeless comments, out of context and irrational, and trying to prove your point no matter how... Sorry to say that... This is kind of comment is no differet than BDR killing their officers for rations...
Im quite sure, bangladeshi's are not as idiot's as your rants characterize them out to be. You are saying YOUR army personnel's were killed by YOUR BDR in YOUR country ruled by YOUR government which was elected by YOUR citizen's.

If you dont want to swallow the bitter fact that your armed forces let self interest take precedence over national interest and indulged in mutiny, then blame your government for it and straighten your house first before volleying your rant about my country. I really don't want to start the topic of discussing your Armed forces role in supporting terrorism in north-east part of my country. So take a hike.

When your soldier killed Indhira Ghandi, it was your soldier killed your PM, but that did not stop you to blaming PK for Khalistan and did not stop you to go and begin a killing spree of Shikh civilians. When your NE rebels blows your train or your soldiers rapes and murder your civilians in NE, that did not stop you blaming Bangladesh army. These are all yours.
Yes we Bangladeshi strongly feel that India has a hand in BDR massacre. And yes, you will see a lot of deals not going to go through with India which suppose to be in the final stages when AL came to power. AL is no indian party neither they are any stooge to India. Few of the ALegers are beneficiery of India but they will be marginalized soon as everybody started to realizing including me that we live is south asia and we have to live with all screwed up brains...:hitwall:
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When your soldier killed Indhira Ghandi, it was your soldier killed your PM, but that did not stop you to blaming PK for Khalistan and did not stop you to go and begin a killing spree of Shikh civilians.

Eh ....We blamed whom for Mrs.Gandhi's Murder? We blamed the terrorist org for this. They were prosecuted and hanged.

When your NE rebels blows your train or your soldiers rapes and murder your civilians in NE, that did not stop you blaming Bangladesh army. These are all yours.
Can you be little coherent here. Your previous govt supported terror activity directed against my country, they sheltered this terror camps. Anup Chetia is still lodged in your jail. So don't give me the usual BD junk argument of "Your soldiers do rape's , murder, etc". You want to talk about your army doing rape , here you go :

1. After the Mutiny, Questions About Bangladesh's Army - TIME
2. Rapes and Attempted Rapes

But this does not infer that rape is the adopted policy of BD army. I cant generalize this incident to malign the whole BD institution.

Yes we Bangladeshi strongly feel that India has a hand in BDR massacre.

Can't stop you from making judgments. But any conspiracy needs to have some valid entry points. This is a clear case of mutiny amongst your forces. Yet you blame us. This i believe don't serve any purpose of bringing truth in the open.
Massacre at Pilkhana: Propaganda and the Truth

Ahmad Ashiq-ul Hamid

The massacre at the BDR head quarters has become an issue of politics recently. The government and their supporters and patrons have started playing game with such a tragic event of our history. They are trying to establish that the Islamist and nationalist parties were behind the killing. The motive has also been `invented'. It has been alleged that the motive was to thwart the government's effort for trial of the so-called war criminals! With this peculiar and surprising `invention' they have started an all out propaganda against the patriotic forces of the country.

The nation has not yet been able to recover from the terrible shock of the so-called mutiny at the BDR head quarters on February 25th. A fast recovery is not possible in fact. Because the nation has lost its brave, brilliant and patriot sons- 67 army officers were brutally murdered in the so-called mutiny. Such an orgy of carnage was really beyond anyone's imagination, but nevertheless it has happened and the nation's Army has suffered an irreparable loss.

Unfortunately the people have not been allowed to know about what really had happened at Pilkhana, who had masterminded such a heinous and dangerous massacre and what their motive was. The people could not gather correct information from the media also. In the mean time, confusing debates and arguments between the government and the patriotic political leaders have become a major cause of sorrow and frustration for the common people. The government has failed in another way to fulfill the peoples' expectation. In spite of sincerely calling up on the political parties to be united and tackle the situation jointly, the government has, from the very beginning, rather started debating with the opposition political parties. The opposition parties too have become compelled to go in the path of confrontation. So the `battle' began and the blame-game has been going on while the people remained in the dark with much disappointment.

The `battle' began after the opposition political parties, especially the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Bangladesh Jamaat-E- Islami, raised some very important questions and demanded for answers. How the so-called mutineers dared to commit such a massive killing and why the government did not even try to prevent them, were the main questions. The government has presented an argument that they had `correctly' decided to resolve the problem `politically' and `peacefully'. But this has not satisfied any quarters, including of course the army officers. Begum Khaleda Zia, Leader of the Opposition in the Jatya Sangsad (National Parliament) asked the questions and strongly opined that since the so-called mutiny was a military problem, it should have been dealt with in the military way. But in spite of the Army's complete preparations the government did not allow them to carry out a military operation. It should be mentioned that the RAB had arrived at the Pilkhana gate at about 10 am. They sought permission to move in but the Home Ministry did not permit them. Two Battalions of the Army's 46 Brigade had also reached by 11 am. But they were directed not to move in. This time a big `no' had come from the Chief of Army Staff, General Moin U Ahmed, it was alleged. Sheikh Hasina also did nothing even after receiving an SOS request from the D. G. of the BDR, Major General Shakil Ahmad.

Begum Khaleda Zia in fact echoed the common peoples' sentiment in the Sangsad on March 1st. Bangladesh Jamaat-e- Islami and other patriotic parties and organizations have also expressed the same opinion. Even the retired Army Chiefs and Generals including the government's coalition partner H. M. Ershad have publicly said that had the government allowed the Army to move in, the so-called mutiny would have come to an end within 20 minutes to half an hour. On the other hand the government `tried' to resolve the problem `politically' and `peacefully'- as if it was something like a general strike in a garment factory! This particular decision of the government had almost directly allowed the so-called mutineers to kill as many army officers as they wanted to kill. The killers also tortured the family members of the army officers, ransacked their houses and committed heinous offences like rape. Not only that, the government's delay in reaching at a `peaceful understanding' with the representatives of the killers had allowed them to escape safely. This has been authenticated by the officers who could save their lives. They have said that most of the killings had happened within the first hours in the morning, which could be avoided had the government allowed the Army to move in. On the other hand in the name of `peaceful' and `political' solution the government took controversial steps. The government's steps made the situation more complex and the killers took full advantage of it. Thus the government totally failed to protect the lives, properties and dignity of the army officers and their family members.

It has been correctly alleged that the Prime Minister did not consult the military experts. In stead she depended utterly on Gen. Moin, whose real role and intention have been questioned by many. Sheikh Hasina's decision to send Jahangir Kabir Nanak, a State Minister and Juba League President, as the Chief Negotiator has also caused serious debate. Nanak's personal acquaintances and friendship with DAD Tauhid, a leader of the so-called mutiny, have been genuinely discussed in the news papers and TV channels. Being the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina allowed the leaders, Tauhid and 13 other armed killers to meet her, who were not properly dressed. They did not even wear their caps, which was a must. This and the subsequent events including the so-called dialogue had clearly indulged the killers. They were successful in buying necessary times from the Prime Minister and her negotiators to complete their mission. The argument of saving civilian casualties and properties could not gain any support, since the government failed to save the officers who mattered most during the event. A simple announcement could have vacated the adjacent areas and the Army too could have easily got in the BDR head quarters.

The experts and former senior army officers have confidently opined that the killers would not have even dared to confront the Army. They would have simply fled away and lives of many officers could be saved. It should be mentioned that the adjacent areas were astonishingly vacated on the second day by the local Awami League MP Barrister Fazle Noor Tapash, a nephew of Sheikh Hasina. But the motive was to create opportunity for the killers. The killers also utilized the opportunity and escaped safely.

On the other hand the government's reaction to various questions, allegations and explanations has been very sharp and aggressive. In her speech in the Sangsad on 1st March, the Prime Minister alleged that there was a `political instigation' in the events and the opposition parties were shouting because the `conspiracy' to topple her government could not succeed. Criticizing the Leader of the Opposition Sheikh Hasina said that the so-called mutiny was a `game' of those who have played with the army on various occasions in the past. It was a clear attack against the BNP and Begum Khaleda Zia. Sheikh Hasina also defended the government's decision of political solution and said that since it was not an occasion like her son's or daughter's matrimony, she did not consider it necessary to invite the opposition leaders for consultation or help.

The Prime Minister's speech in the Sangsad has come as another reason of doubt and disappointment. Such a harsh statement and attack on the opposition was not expected at this juncture. Her effort for searching any connection of the opposition parties in the events was seen as a tactic to divert the peoples' attention from the failure of the government. Her arguments too were not acceptable. The conscious section of the people had to remember the instance of the former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Bajpayee during the Kargil war against Pakistan. Mr. Bajpayee had called up on the leaders of all parties and the leaders too responded positively. Even during the recent terrorist attack on the Taj Hotel in Mumbai, political leaders of India stood by the government's side and resolved the crisis jointly. In Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina too could have created such an instance, had she called up on the leaders of all parties. But she did not, and acted unilaterally.

Another very significant point should be mentioned here. During the campaign involving the Islamist and nationalist parties of the country, it has been told that they organized the so-called mutiny to thwart and foil the process and effort to bring the so-called war criminals to justice. Even in her last speech on March 7th Sheikh Hasina has also repeated the same statement and alleged especially against the BNP and Jamaat-E-Islami. She said that the parties wanted to create a law and order situation, instigate a civil war and finally topple her government. It should be noted that Sheikh Hasina and her supporters have been using these points as `weapons' against the BNP and Jamaat.

Interestingly, the anti-Bangladesh forces of India are also using the same `weapons'. In fact the Indian media has launched a total war against the patriotic forces of the country. Dailies including the Anandabazar and the Telegraph have been playing the leading role since the beginning of the so-called mutiny. They too have `invented' the `hands' of the BNP and Jamaat leaders behind the killing. But the information they mentioned did not strengthen their claims. In stead it has appeared that in the course of events the Indian government had to do many things. For example, in the wake of the so-called mutiny none else but the Foreign Minister Pronab Mukherjee had received an `explicit request' from Dhaka and he instantly assured that India was `ready' to come to the `rescue' of Sheikh Hasina! India acted also very rapidly- the `Parachute Regiment' of the Indian Army was brought overnight to West Bengal from Agra and the Air Force was kept on `high alert' in Kolkata and Guahati of Assam. It should be mentioned that the `Parachute Regiment' had airdropped the Indian Army and fought against Pakistan in Bangladesh in December, 1971. According to the Telegraph, India uses such Regiments when neibouring countries are in turmoil.

These information regarding the Indian government's activities and preparations to come to `rescue' Sheikh Hasina have been seen as very significant. The Indian media has used their country's intelligence agencies as their sources of information. On the other hand, after the so-called mutiny was over and the killers escaped safely, `Guru' Nanak disclosed a very significant information which has bewildered every Bangladeshi. According to him not only lakhs but crores and crores of taka was distributed among the killers by the conspirators. A question was raised instantaneously- how did Nanak alone discover this information? The reason of the question was simple- it is possible only for him or her or them who had been involved in both the conspiracy and the murders.

Was it then a `slip of tongue' of `Guru' Nanak? The next question is also very important- why Nanak did not inform the government, especially his dear leader Sheikh Hasina? How could he come to know that the Prime Minister was going to make none but him the Chief Negotiator? Had Sohel Taj, State Minister for Home Affairs, to leave the country and go to America for creating the necessary `space' for Nanak? Sohel Taj has been staying in the United States since February 18th. This is really mysterious that the State Minister was not seen in a situation where his presence and actions were essential and where in stead of Nanak he should have played the role of the Chief Negotiator.

As time passed on the question about the real motives of the so-called mutineers has also come to the prominence. Because, besides killing, the so-called mutineers were seen spreading malice especially against the Army. The clear intention was to mobilize the people against the patriotic Armed Forces of the country. In fact they tried to weaken the nation and posed a serious threat to Bangladesh's independence and sovereignty. Hence the patriotic political parties have strongly opined that the so-called mutiny was a conspiracy to make Bangladesh a failed state. The effort in this regard has been going on for a very long time. A particular group of anti-Bangladesh forces have been trying to identify Bangladesh as a terrorist country. But they have failed so far. They wanted to use the land and water of the country for their expansionist purposes, but the patriotic political parties resisted.

After the consecutive failures they had decided to damage and gradually destroy the country's brave Armed Forces so that the people and the parties become compelled to fulfill their evil desires. The so-called BDR mutiny was a part of that anti-Bangladesh conspiracy and those foreign forces were involved in it, who are trying to identify Bangladesh as a failed state and a terrorist country. They wanted to destroy the BDR first to make the border a free zone. In the second phase they wanted to bring the Army in the streets. They thought that after seeing their officers' killing the Army would certainly react and topple the government. Had the Army really snatched the power the Indian Army would have come to `rescue' Sheikh Hasina and a war would have been inevitable. And as the superior power India would have won that war, it was assumed. The consequence can be easily imagined- Bangladesh would have become a vassal state of India.

But in spite of a well planned conspiracy India could not succeed. The brave and brilliant Army and the Armed Forces in general have foiled the conspiracy. This failure has made India and her friends and agents in Bangladesh mad and lunatic. They have even lost their common senses and started a serious campaign against the Islamist and nationalist forces. One can easily understand the reason of their propaganda. Because, the Islamist and nationalist forces have been struggling to keep the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh unharmed. The arguments like thwarting the so-called war criminals' trial, creating a law and order situation, instigating a civil war and finally toppling the Awami League government were in fact `manufactured' to divert the common peoples' attention. Every Bangladeshi should understand that the so-called mutiny was intrinsically linked with the country's independence and sovereignty and some foreign forces were involved in it. Fingers have correctly been pointed at India. It is high time to ensure that such a killing and mutiny do not happen again.

The following special points should be considered carefully to understand the conspiracy and to identify the real killers:

1. Sheikh Hasina was supposed to move to the old `Gano Bhaban' where renovation works are going on. But in stead she had suddenly moved from `Sudha Sadan' of Dhanmondi near Pilkhana to `Jamuna' recently.

2. Sheikh Hasina had refused to attend the annual dinner of the BDR scheduled for that night.

3. Sohel Taj, State Minister for Home Affairs was sent to America on 18th of March. If he was present then `Guru' Nanak would not have got the chance of becoming the Chief Negotiator. Did Sohel Taj deny to become a part of the conspiracy?

4. What Sheikh Rehana has been doing in Bangladesh for such a long time? Is she performing the role of the Chief Coordinator? It should be mentioned that India depends much on her than Sheikh Hasina.

5. The Indian High Commissioner Pinak Ranjan Chakraborti was not seen in public after the incident took place. On the other hand usually he talks too much on every issue of Bangladesh. Does his silence indicate anything?

6. What Jainal Hazari is doing after returning from India? For, his return and the so-called mutiny have coincided mysteriously.

7. Sheikh Hasina did not respond positively even after receiving an SOS from Gen. Shakil. Her Military Adviser Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Tariq Siddiqui also ignored many requests. But why?

8. In spite of going to Pilkhana or staying in Cantonment, why did Gen. Moin spend hours after hours at `Jamuna'- the Prime Minister's office? He did neither respond to any requests from the endangered army officers nor did he give any effective advice to Sheikh Hasina. He even ordered the Army not to move in Pilkhana. Was he then allowing the killers to complete their mission?

9. The Home Minister Sahara Khatun visited Pilkhana several times. But she never enquired about the army officers and did not try for their release. Why?

10. Who had made the `explicit request' to Pronab Mukherjee to help and `rescue' Sheikh Hasina?

11. Why the Indian Army had taken all preparations for a war?

12. Now it is a known fact that many killers spoke in their own languages, not in Bangla. Who were they?

13. Nanak was a friend of Tauhid, Mirza Azam was a brother-in-law of Shaikh Abdur Rahman and Col. Guljar was responsible for the arrest and death of this JMB leader. And Col. Guljar is still missing. Were the appointments of Nanak and Azam as negotiators pre-planned?

14. How could the Indian media echo the statements and allegations of Sheikh Hasina? Was it a result of the same plan?

These are the most important points which will provide the correct answers regarding the so-called BDR mutiny and killing of army officers. A large section of people even believe that a `Sweet Revenge' of 1975 has been taken through the Pilkhana massacre. We do not want to comment on that. But it must be understood that neither the BNP nor the Jamaat had anything to do in the events. The points mentioned above should be sufficient to authenticate it.

Daily Khabor @ Khabor.Com: [khabor.com] Massacre at Pilkhana: Propaganda and the Truth: worth reading
Care to inform us how many Private TV stations do you have in Bdesh? Once you have done that maybe you can explain how your TV media is censored by your Army. Lets debate with this data. Awaiting ...

I believe that by "your Country" you mean GoI. Can you let us all know the URL for this official statement by Govt of India on this subject.

here watch the dramatic clip

read the article "INDIAN INTELLIGENCE SAYS" http://www.hardnewsmedia.com/2009/02/2660 - is indian intelligence not part of your government?
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Care to inform us how many Private TV stations do you have in Bdesh? Once you have done that maybe you can explain how your TV media is censored by your Army. Lets debate with this data. Awaiting ...

More than you can think of.At least 11 channels and all of them broadcasts News.

If they were censored by army,then would not dare to telecast all those blatant lies by BDR mutineers.That says what is the level of censorship.

Again, how does this prove that my media knew about the attack hours before this happened in your country. If your point is that indian media was quick to blame ISI without proof, i accept it. If your contention is that indians were behind the mutiny by virtue of its media knowing about this mutiny hours before it actually happened, your stand remains unproven.

read the article "INDIAN INTELLIGENCE SAYS" http://www.hardnewsmedia.com/2009/02/2660 - is indian intelligence not part of your government?

I again repeat, give us official reaction from govt sources (including indian intelligence ). What you are quoting is a website which "claims" they got this from indian intelligence. If you claim that india's official stand is that ISI was behind this mutiny, then let me know any video/url where GoI or its Intelliegence has officialy quoted ISI to be behind the mutiny.
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More than you can think of.At least 11 channels and all of them broadcasts News.

If they were censored by army,then would not dare to telecast all those blatant lies by BDR mutineers.That says what is the level of censorship.

Fine. Now your contentions is that indian media posted news before any of this 11 channel could?
Once you have done that maybe you can explain how your TV media is censored by your Army.
haha those days are gone.There is corruption a certain level of influence but not like the "good old days".

Now your contentions is that indian media posted news before any of this 11 channel could?
Shakil's death was confirmed 1 day later.Heck not only his majority of the officers' come to think of that,including the top echelon ones.
More food for thoughts

The Dual Dictatorship
by Iftekhar Sayeed

Even 10-year-old girls were raped, murdered and interred. The paramilitary soldiers stripped the officers' wives and kicked them in the back and legs, and forced them to walk. The officers were pierced with bayonets into mincemeat.

On 25th February, the chief of the paramilitary organization, Major General Shakil Ahmed sensed that the 54th battalion was going to mutiny. Half an hour before the actual shooting began, he spoke with the newly-elected prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina; she assured him that the army was on its way. General Shakil then told his officers, waiting in the Durbar Hall, that the 46th brigade was coming. They never came.

These facts have been mined from MP3 files released on Facebook.com; vivid recordings of what transpired between the prime minister and the angry and bereaved army officers at an enormous hall known as the Senakunja in the cantonment.

"If the army chief had sent just one tank, or one platoon of commandos, they would have run like ants!" spoke Colonel Zaman in a voice choking with repressed tears. In fact, this was precisely what they did when the tanks turned up on Satmasjid Road, a couple of hundred yards from the scene – but the tanks arrived after 32 hours.

After General Shakil spoke with the prime minister, the army chief, the director general of the Rapid Action Battalion...they waited, in vain. However, the prime minister insisted that the army had been immediately deployed. One soldier died and another even received a bullet wound to his head, she said. "If it takes a long time to send the army, then tell the air force to send a helicopter so they'll be scared and won't do anything further," she recalled this instruction. She did deploy troops in the Dhanmandi area (some were right outside the author's apartment building), but – crucially – after the killings and even then far from Pilkhana, as the mutineers demanded.

The army objected fiercely as to why a military affair had been turned into a civilian one.

The prime minister maintained that she had worked with the army, and if it hadn't been made a civilian affair then many more people might have been killed. This claim sits oddly with the fact that the mere sight of the tanks sent the rebels – indeed the entire force inside headquarters – running for dear life.

And how did 7,000 to 9,000 personnel with their families manage to leave Pilkhana, an enclosed military area in the heart of the city (in fact, Pilkhana comes from the Persian words 'fil' and 'khana', the place for elephants, for during Mughal rule the place was used as a headquarters for the military). And why was there an opportune power failure at the time, cloaking the sprawling acres in darkness?

Colonel Zaman spoke at length on the politicization of the military. Military appointments, as well as bureaucratic and judicial appointments, have been made on political considerations by the two parties run by the two dynasties – Sheikh Hasina's Awami League (AL), inherited from her father, and Khaleda Zia's Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), inherited from her husband (readers will recall how the Pakistan People's Party was 'willed' to her husband by Benazir Bhutto).

In 1996, when the BNP tried to rig an election, senior bureaucrats took to the streets demanding the ruling party to step down. They were loyal supporters of the Awami League. This was a tocsin: the partition of the state had begun. After the government was forced to step down, it was Buggins's turn: the Awami league won.

Walter Mebane of the University of Michigan has crunched the elector figures and concluded that the election was neither free nor fair. According to The Economist: "The 1991 election showed no strange results. For the 1996 election some 2% of results were problematic. And fully 9% of the results in 2001 failed the test. The 2001 election was fiercely contested. Yet monitors from the Carter Centre and the European Union found the election to be acceptably, if not entirely, free and fair." The west has an agenda, after all: to spread democracy at all costs.

Having won, the Awami League rewarded the rebellious bureaucrats with plum ministerial positions. Then came Buggins's turn again, and the BNP 'won' the election of 2001. One of its first actions was to file sedition cases against the political bureaucrats (naturally, these have been withdrawn by the currently ruling Awami League). Another was to sack around seventeen Supreme Court judges who had been appointed as additional judges by the Awami League – the BNP naturally suspected them of being in league with the League (the case against them has also been withdrawn by the state under the Awami League).

Every public university campus, and even many public high schools, had become politicized quite some time ago: in fact, it is claimed, totally falsely, that student politicians had overthrown military rule and ushered in democracy. The role of western donor governments after the end of communism in bringing democracy to their client states has been discussed by the author elsewhere. They – not the students – were the 'heroes' who ushered in democracy after propping up dictatorship for years.

The next election was scheduled to be held on 22nd January, 2007. Every institution had been geared to secure a victory for the BNP. The opposition refused to participate, and people began to die on the streets in skirmishes. Western donors, fearful of another failed Muslim state after Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia, asked the army to take over. Now, the army chief, General Moeen U. Ahmed, had himself been a BNP placeman: it is alleged that he was promoted chief over the heads of senior officers for his loyalty.

Therefore, the scene was all set for a conflict between the army and the Awami League – but for the timely intervention of the United Nations. "The UN also warned the army against partisan intervention in politics, adding that this might jeopardize its lucrative role in UN peacekeeping operations. This threat helped sever an alliance between the army and the BNP". The same report adds significantly: "The BNP's leader, the previous prime minister, Khaleda Zia, is reported to have been taken aback by the state of emergency and disappointed in the generals." Thus, the UN preempted a situation where it would have had to send peacekeeping forces to, instead of recruiting any from, Bangladesh.

There followed two years of peace, unprecedented in the sixteen prior to the army takeover on 11th January, 2007. But the western donors insisted on democracy – it was George Bush's 'religion'. To quote Charles Taylor, who seems to have felt this intimately as well: "Post-Axial religions often suffer from a profound bad faith, even hypocrisy. But in this, they are not alone. They have been followed by some of the militant secular ideologies in this, as well as that hybrid phenomenon of our day, confessionally-defined nationalisms (BJP's Hindutva, George W. Bush's nation bringing liberty to the world, following God's will for humanity)." Whether democracy will again be suspended, thus preempting again something like civil war, will be decided, ironically, not by any section, let alone the whole, of the people of Bangladesh, but by a certain man in Washington, D.C.

Thus, fifty days into Sheikh Hasina's democratic reign (no doubt as spurious in its democratic credentials as the others), the revolting events at Pilkhana occurred. It seems transparently evident that politicians and certain military personnel were the architects of the episode. Was the motive revenge? Or was it a deterrent strike by the politicians-cum-military against any future takeover of the government by the armed forces?

The powers unleashed when military loyalty becomes split has been observed at least as far back as the dual generalships of Marius and Sulla, Caesar and Pompey, Octavian and Antony. But that tragedy had a happy denouement in the culmination in the Empire, with military and government at one, as one. Muslim history furnishes us with similarly happy endings. But there seems none of that beatific marriage of military and majesty in prospect for the people of Bangladesh.

As an aside, it should be observed that technological progress rendered transparent a cloak of conspiracy: selected sections of dialogue between the army and the prime minister, when she was grilled for three hours, were posted by some noble soul on Facebook .

When, on the night of the 26th February, Mrs. Moeen, the army chief's wife, came to Mirpur Cantonment to visit the female victims, she got an icy reception. Usually, the docile and respectful wives of the officers would rise, greet her and go towards her – not on this occasion. She left the premises silently.

What was it that prevented General Moeen U. Ahmed from sending tanks to the rescue of his officers posthaste? After the incident, the American ambassador, James Moriarty, has again and again lauded him for supporting the recently democratically elected government of Sheikh Hasina.

For these were the General's alternatives, his choices: (a) either to back the civilian government of Sheikh Hasina and abandon the officers to their fate or (b) to bypass the civilian government (that is, take over state power) and help his officers. He chose the former because he knew that the international community, especially America, would not tolerate such a move – remember those coveted peacekeeping operations?

Over the last sixteen years of two-party politics, every institution has been politicized: the bureaucracy was the first to go to the dogs, then the judiciary and the army. The most egregious example of the latter was when Sheikh Hasina took General Mustafiz out – yes, out – of retirement (he was on LPR – leave preparatory to retirement) and made him army chief again for his loyalty to the dynasty (he was, in fact, related to Hasina, and the whole family are rabid supporters of the League, Mustafiz's brother being well-known to the author). Apparently, the General was only 'slightly retired', as in 'slightly dead' or 'slightly pregnant'. The other leader – Khaleda Zia of the BNP – did exactly the same in office, as we saw.

So, when democracy was restored after a two-year military interregnum spearheaded by General Moeen and backed by the western donor governments, the army was more or less evenly divided between those loyal to Hasina and those loyal to Khaleda.

Now, Hasina has a greater following: she is regarded as a continuation of her father, Sheikh Mujib, the demagogue who inadvertently created Bangladesh. That is why the media have been obsequiously worshipful of her 'successful' handling of the crisis. Her followers regard her incarceration under military rule as an unpardonable act of lese-majeste. They were baying for blood.
And, it seems, they got it.

But the unholy alliance between the army and the two politicians has been forged under the watchful eyes of the western donors. They saw it happening: true, they tried to get rid of the two 'begums' (banshees, rather) in a minus-two formula (exile or jail), but such was the tenacious loyalty of the followers (especially of Hasina's), that it proved impossible. Where, prior to 1991, we had one dictator, now we were destined to be blessed with two. Instead of drawing the ineluctable conclusion, as the late Samuel Huntington would have done, that democracy here is a no-go, the west insists on elections.

In the process, they have ruined every institution that stands between civilisation and barbarism.
AL leader held over mutiny link

Rab yesterday arrested Awami League leader Torab Ali, also president of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) welfare association for retired BDR members, in connection with the February 25-26 mutiny at the BDR headquarters.

Members of Rab-2 arrested Torab, president of Ward-48 AL unit and the father of high-profile criminal Liton alias Leather Liton, at his Moneshwar Road residence at around 7:00am.

Col Reza-nur-Rahman Chowdhury, additional director general of Rab, told The Daily Star, "Since he is a former BDR member and resides near Pilkhana, he may have knowledge about the mutiny."

"He was arrested under section 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code. He would be interrogated to find out whether he was involved in the mutiny."

Rab-2 officials said they handed over Torab to Hazaribagh police at about 8:00pm after primary interrogation.

Sources said Torab's son-in-law Rezaul Karim Razu works as a contractor at the BDR headquarters while his son Liton, charged with the murder of film actor Sohel Chowdhury, has links with arms smugglers

Torab, who joined the BDR as a Subedar about 20 years ago, owns a sawmill in front of BDR gate-5 where BDR members often gathered.

The Daily Star - Details News
Fine. Now your contentions is that indian media posted news before any of this 11 channel could?

Isn't it surprising that Zee news,who were Showing footages from Channel-I of Bangladesh,but knew DG Shakeel and 14 other officers were killed within 2 hours.Care to explain how?
BDR mutiny: multifarious targets behind

By Mohammad Zainal Abedin
It is now unequivocally clear that the foiled abrupt munity in the BDR (Bangladesh Rifles) was a well-designed conspiracy against Bangladesh having various targets, political and military analysts and observers, alleged. The extent of mutiny uncovers the fact they it did not occur due to resentment or deprivation or anti-Army sentiment of the BDR personnel, rather those excuses were used to stage the munity what is unprecedented in the history of Bangladesh.

We lost over about hundred glorious sons of our soil who were committed to defend the each and every inch of soil. What happened in BDR Headquarters was not a spontaneous rebellion. It was a planted conspiracy of our foes to crush the Army and the BDR and the country itself as well. Who are those foes?

A proverb is widely in vogue in criminal justice that says that the criminals in most cases leave behind some evidence of crime. The masterminds of the debacle of BDR mutiny could not conceal the evidence of their involvement with it that caused such a great loss to us.

The masterminds of this mutiny were amply exposed in a report of ‘The Anandabazar Patrika’ (February 26, 2009), one of the leading Bengali daily of Kolkata. It reported that Indian foreign minister Pronab Mukharjee talking to Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina over telephone voluntarily and astonishingly put forwarded a proposal that India is ready to provide the required money to Bangladesh for BDR. While talking to the officials of Indian foreign ministry Pronob Mukharjee expressed India’s is ready to provide whatever assistance Bangladesh requires to normalize the situation.

My honourable and valued readers these two voluntary proposals are self-explanatory to justify that India was the mastermind of the debacle that rocked Bangladesh like Tsunami. Bangladesh never asked for money from any country for BDR. Why Pronob abruptly and unilaterally proposed to provide money for BDR? There are many rich countries in the world that can purchase India for hundred times. They did not offer such proposal. India is as poor as Bangladesh. 50 per cent of the Indians are poorer than many Bangladeshis. Why does such a poor country offer its readiness to provide money for BDR? Does India designs to buy the sympathy of the BDR personnel?

What does Pronab indicate saying that his country is ready to provide whatever assistance Bangladesh requires for normalizing the situation? Does he not indicate to send Indian Army to Bangladesh? What else is required to subdue an armed rebellion? Through this proposal Pronob Mukharjee uncovered the inner motive of India taking the advantage of BDR mutiny. ‘The Telegraph’ of Kolkata on the following day published a report that uncovers the real motive of India. Quoting a highly placed New Delhi-based official, ‘The Telegraph’ reported, India plans to send peace mission to Bangladesh. If Bangladesh agrees India will consider sending Central Reserve Police (CRP), Railway Protection Forces or BSF (Border Security Force) to oversee the security of Bangladesh-India Moitree train that runs between Dhaka and Kolkata. To justify the reason of sending India’s so-called peace mission to Bangladesh the daily said, earlier BDR were engaged to ensure security of the Moitree train. Now the Army does not have trust on the BDR. On the other hand, BDR have no faith in the Army. So India considers to send its forces at least to guard Moitree Train, ensure security of the passengers and protect engine and materials and languages, the daily informed.

The above reports of Indian dailies uncover the truth that Indian intelligence agencies planted and staged the munity in order to make a situation for sending Indian troops in Bangladesh. Meanwhile, a report was published in a section of Bangladeshi newspapers said that Indian BSF personnel sent SMS message to BDR personnel suggesting them to seek their (BSF) assistance. Instigating the BDR personnel during the mutiny, the BSF SMS says, “Army will take over your BOP. Please call us to help you.” What more evidence should I cite to justify that India planted this conspiracy and threw Bangladesh to another awkward situation.

It was directed primarily to cause heavy causalities to Bangladesh Army and BDR that would ultimately lead to even civil war. India had a plan to catch fish in the muddy water, i.e., to infiltrate Indian Army to Bangladesh who would never be withdrawn from Bangladesh. In 1971, Indian Armed Forces were withdrawn from Bangladesh against India’s intention and policy. Since then India is waiting to get an excuse to send its troops to Bangladesh to make Bangladesh totally its subservient State.

Indian policymakers strongly believe that Bangladesh Armed Forces is the only bar to bring Bangladesh under Indian fold. The clandestine treaty that India compelled the exile Bangladesh government to sign in November 1971 attached a pre-condition that Bangladesh would not raise any regular professional Armed Forces.

But Sheikh Mujibur Raham, the founder of Bangladesh, raised Armed Forces defying Indian intention and pressure. Since its formation Bangladesh Armed forces is an eyesore of India.

India repeatedly tried to create anti-Army sentiment and public opinion in and outside the country and bring the people and army Face to face to ruin it. India repeatedly failed to reach its goal, but did not shun its ugly design. The BDR munity was also directed to that end. The BDR mutiny though foiled, it was a heavy blow on Bangladesh Army. India succeeded in bringing two most essential establishment of Bangladesh face to face. So many army officials were never killed any country in the world in a peaceful time. It is an irreparable serious blow on our Army and the country.

Masterminds of the mutiny had the belief that it would spread like fire in all cantonments of army and BDR that would take the form of bloody civil war and the situation would go beyond the control of the government. It was assumed under that situation Bangladesh government would have no other alternative but to invite India to end the munity. But the prudence and tolerance, particularly chain of command of Bangladesh Army averted further bloodshed, even civil war and saved the nation from that fateful situation.

Government should launch in-depth investigation to identify the agents and allies of anti-Bangladesh evil power. Immediate steps are to be undertaken to reform BDR, take drastic action against those who caused this havoc on the nation and strengthened intelligence networks. Government should identify our friends and foes and remain vigil against the evil designs of our adversaries so that such suicidal event cannot cause any more.

Mohammad Zainal Abedin
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BDR Massacre: Ruling party leader arrested in Bangladesh

President of Bangladesh Awami League City Ward Committee [Dhaka], Haji Torab Ali Akhand has been arrested by the members of Rapid Action Battalion [RAB] on Wednesday evening from a sawmill named Madina Sawmill [which is located near the Bangladesh Riffles headquarters gate number 5] for his involvement in bringing out procession in favor of the killer BDR men during February 25-26 in Dhaka.

Ali is a former Subedar of Bangladesh Riffles and father of Harunur Rashid aka Leather Liton, a top terrorist in Bangladesh. Leather Liton is a former leader of the student wing of Awami League.

It is learnt that, Madina Sawmill owned by Haji Torab Ali was a regular gathering place of BDR men. His son-in-law Rezaul Karim Razu works as a contractor at the BDR headquarters.

Meanwhile, there are indications that a number of front-ranking figures in Bangladesh Awami League may also be arrested soon for their involvement behind the BDR Massacre in Dhaka. State Minister Jahangir Kabir Nanak, Parliamentary Whip Mirza Azam [brother-in-law of Islamist militancy kingpin Shaikh Abdur Rahman], Haji Mockbull, Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir, Abdul Jalil, Shamim Osman and several more are already in the suspect list of the investigators.

There is a specific eye of the investigators on Mirza Azam when the case of murder of Colonel Gulzar Uddin Ahmed turned public. Gulzar, one of the brightest army officers who were killed in the "armed rebellion", is best known for his efficient detection and operations against Islamist militants and terrorists. He was the man behind arrest of Jamaatul Mujahedin kingpin Shaikh Abdur Rahman.

Gulzar was known as one of the brightest army officers of the country. Because of his knowledge about the militants' network, Gulzar was a revered name in the country's law-enforcement and defence agencies.

Gulzar is a legend in the anti-terrorist and anti-Islamist drives. His skill, professionalism, knowledge and sincerity are beyond question. His commitment was unparallel. He was all along a resourceful and professional officer in regards to militancy, terrorism or any heinous acts. He was honest down to the core."

As the Awami League government's explicit commitments include a fight against terrorism and religious extremists, it was expected that the government would benefit from Gulzar's skills and knowledge on the matter. But he was transferred to BDR as the commander of Sylhet Sector at the end of January.

Colonel Gulzar’s voice was last heard by friends and colleagues over cellphone when the killings began inside the Pilkhana Headquarters around 9:00am.

Killers smashed his body. "Some of his relatives were too afraid to see the decomposing, ruined body," says a rescuer.

"Those who saw his body said his eyes might have been gouged out; his spinal cord was broken and his body bears the mark of terrible torture. Apparently, he was killed by gunshots," the rescuer adds.

A family member said his face was bloated. "It was impossible for anyone to recognise him from seeing that face."

On February 25, when the mutiny degenerated into a bloodbath inside the BDR HQ, Gulzar had no time to call his family. He last saw his family members at his Dhaka home earlier that morning.

In a frantic bid to resist the "mutineers", Gulzar called his former colleagues at the Rapid Action Battalion [RAB] repeatedly, seeking help.

Colonel Gulzar’s father Anwar Uddin Ahmed was killed by Pakistani occupation forces during the war of independence of Bangladesh in 1971.

Meanwhile, government is going to remove Home Minister Sahara Khatun from her position soon, for her severe failure in properly handling the BDR Massacre issue. State Minister for Home Affairs, Sohel Taj will also be removed from his post.

There is also indication of change in the Foreign Ministry. Barrister Anisul Islam Mahmud [Member of Parliament] may replace Dr. Dipu Moni. Barrister Mahmud is expected to be included in the cabinet soon.

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