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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Five rebels remanded, quizzed by CID
Another army officer's body identified, BDR soldiers who did not return are now fugitives

Towhid and other BDR mutineers being taken to court yesterday.
Staff Correspondent

As the Operation Rebel Hunt enters the fourth day, the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) started interrogating five BDR mutiny suspects including suspected ringleader Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) Syed Towhidul Alam after a Dhaka court had placed them on a seven-day remand yesterday.

The other suspects being grilled are DAD Abdur Rahim, Habilder Azad Ali, Nayek Mohammad Firoj Ahmed, and Jawan Zakir Hossain.

Meanwhile, another victim of the mutiny was identified in Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) morgue yesterday, by matching of fingerprints provided by the victim's family members and colleagues. The victim is now identified as Lt Col Elahi Manzoor Chowdhury.

With the identification of Lt Col Elahi, only two bodies of victims remain to be identified in DMCH morgue, which were recovered from a mass grave in Pilkhana.

Twelve family members of five missing army officials yesterday gave samples of their blood and saliva to the DNA testing lab of DMCH. DNA tests are being carried out to identify the two remaining unidentified bodies kept in the morgue.

"I hope we will be able to complete the tests in seven days," chief of the lab, Sharif Akhteruzzaman, told reporters yesterday.

Till filing of this report late last night, 74 bodies of victims were recovered including of 55 army officers who had been in the service at the time of their slaying.

The two investigation committees, formed by the government and the army, visited BDR Pilkhana Headquarters yesterday.

CID investigators collected some more evidence from the crime scenes all day long, but none in the probe committees and investigation teams disclosed anything to the media about the findings.

Fire Service and Civil Defence personnel also continued their search for missing army officers in Pilkhana sewers.

Our court correspondent reported that five suspects including Towhidul Alam, arrested by Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) the day before, were produced before the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate's (CMM) court yesterday afternoon in bullet-proof vests and helmets with their hands cuffed behind their backs.

Metropolitan Magistrate Abdur Rahim sent them to a ten-day remand.

No lawyer appeared for the defendants during the hearing of the remand prayer by CID.

During the hearing, Nayek Firoj told reporters that he was not arrested, rather he surrendered, while Habildar Azad Ali said he was arrested from Rangpur on February 27.

Of the five arrested suspects, DADs Towhid and Rahim are mentioned as principal accused in the case.

BDR personnel who did not report back to their stations within the stipulated time announced by the government, will be considered fugitives and will not be allowed to enter the BDR headquarters until they are proven innocent.

As the Operation Rebel Hunt goes on across the country many BDR personnel, who had not returned to their stations within the deadline, began thronging police stations and the BDR headquarters out of fear yesterday.

"I will not allow those to enter the headquarters, who did not return within the deadline. Our job does not tolerate violation of discipline," BDR Director General Brig Gen Md Mainul Islam told The Daily Star.

"In my view they are fugitives, as they violated the code of conduct of their profession. Now they may either surrender to police stations, or get caught in the Operation Rebel Hunt. They will be allowed to enter the headquarters once they are proven innocent,"
Mainul added.

The BDR DG yesterday also issued a notice for all sector commanders and acting sector commanders to attend a combined meeting at 9:00am on March 8 in Shena Kunjo of Dhaka Cantonment.

He, however, could not confirm how many of the deserters are still out, as many of them returned to respective units across the country.

The 6,124 returnee BDR personnel so far allowed to enter the BDR compound are tasked with jobs of sweeping the compound except the crime scenes.

Meanwhile, uncertainty looms large over family members of BDR personnel, who accompanied the returnee deserters to Dhaka from different parts of the country. They are waiting outside the headquarters to know the current status of their family members inside Pilkhana compound.

Besides, about 100 BDR personnel who had been on different types of leave, before the mutiny started, thronged the headquarters yesterday to join back.

Sources said, they were kept waiting outside the headquarters till filing of this report.

The Daily Star - Details News
Oh Please,will you stop there.

NDTV was among those who reported that ISI is involved on the very first day when everyone was thinking about the extent of damage.That shows its professionalism,it followed other news channels too.

CNN-IBN,if they fail to prove SAQA chowdhury was behind the attacks and had ISI link,then they will have to pay 100 million dollars to him.As he sued the channel for defamation.

NDTV,CNN-IBN,Star news and Zee news all are of same category.
I am tking on an Indian perspective. Here in India we rate NDTV as a very reliable news channel and don't care what people around the world thought of this channel.
CCN-IBN will pay 100 million dollars..is that so!!! Where the case has been filed against them..in India court or International Court..:)
I am tking on an Indian perspective. Here in India we rate NDTV as a very reliable news channel and don't care what people around the world thought of this channel.
CCN-IBN will pay 100 million dollars..is that so!!! Where the case has been filed against them..in India court or International Court..:)

I think in USA the case was filed,go back few pages you will see the news reports of it.

I know NDTV is award winning channel,especially for Tsunami coverage.But without knowing much about the incident on the very first day blaming ISI,I would call it very "Irresponsible",don't care what Indian people think.
I am tking on an Indian perspective. Here in India we rate NDTV as a very reliable news channel and don't care what people around the world thought of this channel.
CCN-IBN will pay 100 million dollars..is that so!!! Where the case has been filed against them..in India court or International Court..:)

This is Bangladesh internal matter. There is NO indian perspective period. Yet India not only accused Bangladeshi politicians but also 3rd country. That shows how desperate indians are with their agenda. Shame is not a word in Indian vocabulary.
BDR mutiny to raise govt expenditure
Fears Muhith
Staff Correspondent

Finance Minister AMA Muhith yesterday said there will be a pressure on the budget for current fiscal year because of the bloody mutiny at the BDR Headquarters.

The government expenditure will increase for providing the mutiny victims with compensation, Muhith told journalists after a meeting with Bangladesh Corrugated Carton and Accessories Manufacturers & Exporters Association at his secretariat office.

He said the amount of expenditure is yet to be estimated.

The sluggishness in business and economic activities following the mutiny would go away within a week, added the finance minister.

The home ministry will estimate the expenditure for compensations for the mutiny victims and send a proposal to the finance ministry soon, said sources.

The finance division will finalise the revised budget for the current fiscal year by this month.

Although only 24 per cent of the development expenditure was met in the first six months of the current fiscal year, 33.3 per cent of the revenue budget was spent in the first five months, finance ministry sources said.

The Daily Star - Details News

A side effect of the "so-called mutiny".Just wondering was this in the minds of conspirators too?
FBI agrees to help probe BDR carnage
Unb, Dhaka

US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has agreed to help Bangladesh in forensic investigation into the BDR carnage.

Acting Deputy State Department spokesman Gordon Duguid told a regular press briefing in Washington Tuesday that they have received a request from the Bangladesh government for the FBI help in forensic investigation.

“I believe the FBI has agreed to do that,”
Duguid told a correspondent. He, however, could not give further details about when, where and how the FBI will work.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina sought the FBI assistance during telephone conversation with US Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Richard Boucher on March 1.

Boucher spoke on behalf of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and offered the US assistance.

The Daily Star - Details News

Hold on mateys!Feds are coming!!:police:
BDR mutiny to raise govt expenditure Fears Muhith
Staff Correspondent

The government expenditure will increase for providing the mutiny victims with compensation, Muhith told journalists after a meeting with Bangladesh Corrugated Carton and Accessories Manufacturers & Exporters Association at his secretariat office.

He said the amount of expenditure is yet to be estimated.

The Daily Star - Details News

A side effect of the "so-called mutiny".Just wondering was this in the minds of conspirators too?

In real term compensation would be nothing that is even worth mentioning (few cr). But if govt take steps to replenish BDR arms and go for upgrade there may be some cost but still something very negligible in terms of budget and capability.

Real cost here is psychological, human and officer loss.

Fact the Awami finance minister using this sad event as an excuse for budget constraint is really pathetic and goes with Awami League anti defense establishment agenda.
An extract from Zee news report,showing involvement of outsiders.

Bangladesh investigators probing the mutiny said that they had gathered clues that outsiders in uniform took part in the massacre of army officers as BDR personnel claimed "masked" soldiers forced them to join the revolt.

Newly appointed BDR chief Brigadier General Mainul Islam told the Daily Star that video footage taken during the massacre inside the paramilitary force's headquarters at Pilkhana in Dhaka showed movement of "some unknown people wearing BDR uniforms"

For full report:
BDR mutiny suspects remanded in 7-day police custody

I can read Hindi a bit,they were showing this as headline today around noon.
In real term compensation would be nothing that is even worth mentioning (few cr). But if govt take steps to replenish BDR arms and go for upgrade there may be some cost but still something very negligible in terms of budget and capability.

Real cost here is Psychological, human and officer loss.

Fact the Awami finance minister using this sad event for budget shortfall is really pathetic and goes with Awami League anti defense establishment agenda.

It will cost to replenish and upgrade arms,but not to give the compensation.
Roughly calculating:75 officers x 10 lakhs,that's very low.
I saw the news report,he later said it will not effect much as it will be given through pension,not at once.
these politicians have crores of money maybe they should give some from their own coffers.
those "unknown people" could have been anyone.Sigh 62 officers.....damn.
5 BDR soldiers captured trying to cross the border, BTV reported... :coffee:
Few things I heard from some unconfirmed sources. Your comments are welcomed..

1) Sohel Taj has a role in it with Indian linkage.
2) Tapos distributed money in Palashi point to the locals at the time of mutiny.
3) Vehicles and boats were ready to help flee the rebels.
4) Army indicated that India has a hand in it (when 18 BSF soldiers died in the hand of BDR, BSF directors said at that time as they will take the avenge by having BDR soldiers to kill their officers. This is on the record and were placed before Hasina).
5) Army asked Hasina in what protocol Rehana is attending all the ministerial level meeting and whether she herself is a spy or not???
6) Army wants MUA to extend his tenure for two more years.

Here is the news from preliminary investigation implicating Awami leaders and activites.

::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::
More proof points to Indian involvement and Awami govt derailing the investigation

1) During the massacre mission using Peelkhana (BDR HQ) towers there were about 350 calls to and from India.

2) There were hundred of SMS messages also found to and from India, during that time.

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3) There is also news from mobile company insiders, Awami League govt is pushing Norwegian govt and others not to provide any call data record (CDR) to army and other investigators.

For those who does not know,Grameen phone largest cell phone company in Bangladesh is majority owned and operated by Telenor, a Norwegian company which majority owned by Norway govt.
Leon and others,

Seems like the big chicken is divulding the truth after its SANAS have come home as roasts.. As I have always said that without MUA gang's sheer contribution, RAWAMY LEAGUERS couldn't have come to power, it just has been echoed by no one other than Bishwa Behaya Ershad. Is that a realization or frustration for not getting enough CHORER MAALS?

Did anyone hear about state minister for home affairs Sohel Taj otherwise known as pizza Taj? Apparently, Bangladesh mission in US could not find his whereabouts and Awami league govt is mum about it.

For those who does not know, Sohel Taj is son of late Awami league leader Tajuddin Ahmed who once conspired with India to sideline Sheikh Mujub. From Mujib close circle who are familiar with the conspiracy, told that Mujib came to know about the Tajuddin-Indian conspiracy after Chinese had tipped him off. What an irony, now Tajuddin son is doing his father line of work with Indians and conspiring again after 35 years.
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