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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

BREAKING NEWS - BDR mutiny spreading in the entire country

BDR revolt spreads in the entire country

Mutinous troops of Bangladesh Riffles [BDR] killed Director General Major General Shakil Ahmed Chowdhury along with his family members. During the first hours of revolt at least 86 army officers, who were on deputation in BDR had been killed alongwith their family members. Mutinous troops threw deadbodies inside a swearage tank, which flows out at Buriganga River. The mutinous troops are demanding General Amnesty for the mutiny and murder.

The mutinous troops assassinated Major General Shakil Ahmed Chowdhury and other members of his family. An unconfirmed source said, General Shakil’s deadbody was first placed inside a vehicle and set on fire. Later the burnt body was removed and the mutinous troops might have burried secretly somewhere within the compound.

Another source said, the mutinous troops were chanting slogans against Bangladesh Army and were attacking each and every members of Bangladesh Army who were on deputation in Bangladesh Riffles. Many of the family members of these officers were also brutally tortured and killed. Even the mutinous troops did not spare the children from such atrocity.

Earlier, on Wednesday afternoon, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina offered a general amnesty to the mutineers who held more than 100 top officers hostage. Although the delegation of the mutinous troops promised to the Prime Minister and to the media that, they would immediately surrender arms and return to barrack as the PM has offered general amnesty, the situation never changed. The firing and audacious actions of the mutinous BDR men continued. As the situation remained almost unchanged even hours after the amnesty had been announced, Home Minister Sahara Khatun accompanied by Fazle Noor Taposh MP led a team of government negotiators to a meeting with representatives of the mutineers in Amabala Inn restaurant right next to the Rifles Square shopping mall [BDR Head Quarters] around 10:00pm. After the meeting, Taposh told reporters that the mutineers would surrender their arms, but it might take another hour or an hour and a half to initiate the process. Then the home minister and the rest of the government delegation entered the headquarters. While the government delegation was inside the headquarters, gunshots were still being fired, and the mutineers were threatening that they would not surrender, until the army is withdrawn, and if their demand was not met they would blow up the entire BDR headquarters.

Bodies of the two officers -- Col Mujibul Huq and Lt Col Enayetul Haq -- were recovered from a sewage system outside the BDR headquarters on Wednesday. On Thursday morning five more deadbodies of army officers were also recovered from the same sewarage line. It is believed that, mutinous BDR men might have thrown several deadbodies inside the sewarage lines.

Colonel Gulzar Uddin Ahmed, who had joined the BDR early this month following his illustrious stint as the additional director general of Rapid Action Battalion [RAB], frantically phoned his former colleagues for help from inside the headquarters. But at one point his cell phone went dead. It is believed that, Colonel Gulzar is also one of the victims of Wednesday’s mutiny of the BDR troops.

Meanwhile, another source confirms that the mutinous anti-Army troops of Bangladesh Riffles were not only mercilessly killing the army officers and their family members, but some of the troops were seen stabbing the dead bodies with bayonets and chanting anti army slogans.

It is also learnt that around 4,000 soldiers took part in the mutiny while, the remaining 2,000 troops opposing the mutiny are also apprehended to have either been killed or wonded or made hostage by the revolting section of BDR. Bodies of the slains were dumped through the manholes of Pilkhana sewers.

Earlier, two deadbodies of army officer were recovered from the same place on Wednesady. One of the victims were Colonel Mujibul Huq. Meanwhile, according to a newspaper report, a SMS from Colonel Mujibul Huq's son, sent from the BDR compound at noon, Mujib's house was set on fire and he [son] could not come out fearing death by gunshots. No information about Mujib's son, daughter, and wife could be gathered after that. It is highly apprehended that mutinous troops might also have assassinated them.

The mutiny apparently had no specific leader, although the rebels named one Nayek Shahid as their leader in their television interviews. Sources said they were acting as sparse small groups. Following a circulation of leaflets by the rebels on Tuesday, tension prevailed in Pilkhana throughout the night between officers and sepoys.

The mutineers began by speaking out at the Darbar Hall against the BDR high-ups, accusing them of misappropriating 'profits' made from the Dal-Bhaat programme, where 12 BDR sector commanders, many battalion commanders, and headquarters officers had gathered.

However, the headquarters are seized by the mutineers in such a way that the rest of the world was not getting any clear information about what was going on inside.
Even the army and Rab personnel, who were deployed with firearms and cannons around the headquarters, also could not fathom the situation.

The news of the mutiny spread through mobile phone calls, apparently triggering unrest in other BDR stations in Chittagong, Rangpur, Jessore and Khulna. However, violence was averted in those stations.

The mutineers seized control and took positions at the five gates of Pilkhana, the Rifles Square market, and at other points inside the compound with machineguns, light machine guns, mortars, anti-tank rifles, armoured vehicles, and rocket launchers.

They were so violent that they fired machineguns at military helicopters around 12:30pm, when choppers were being sent there to quell the situation. As they missed the targets, the choppers retreated.

Hundreds of BDR soldiers wearing red bandanas or helmets and partly covering their faces, were seen staging armed processions in front of the gates since 10.30am. They chanted slogans saying, "We have been deprived for a long time, we have deep grievances."

According to the rebels, over 3,300 soldiers belonging to battalions 24, 36, 13, and 44 in Dhaka and 3,000 more coming from various battalions of the country, gathered in Pilkhana on the occasion of the BDR Week, and ended up participating in the mutiny that went almost unchallenged inside the compound.

There are 46 battalions in the country, each having 826 soldiers totalling to nearly 40,000 soldiers in the entire BDR. The number of officers in BDR is between 250 and 300, they added.

The mutiny caused countrywide tension as all feared a peaceful ending of the situation would be very hard to ensure. During the BNP rule between 1991 and 1996, the lower tier of BDR had staged mutinies in Dhaka, Chittagong, Feni, Jessore, Khulna and Naogaon, expressing similar grievances. Those mutinies did not witness bloodshed and the jawans were assured of measures addressing their issues which were ultimately shelved.

The mutinous BDR soldiers started turning in their arms, which is mostly a token surrender to police in presence of Home Minister Sahara Khatun around 2:30am after about two hours of negotiation with the minister. Soon after the surrender of arms began, heavy gunshots were heard from inside the BDR headquarters. Only sixty arms were surrendered out of thousands of arms already in action.

Following the day long atorcity inside the BDR Head Quarters by the mutinous BDR troops, tension prevails in the entire country. Many of the colleagues and family members of the army officers, who were inside the BDR Head Quarters are passing through extreme horror.

It is now a big question as to what will happen to the command of this para millitary force in the country, as one of the key demands of the mutnous troops is to withdraw members of armed forces from its command. Some of the mutinous troops were raising demand of placing civil bureacrats or police officers in command. There is no doubt that, with the till unresolved ongoing problem within BDR, country’s security remains at stake.

Weekly Blitz l Most Influential Newspaper in Bangladesh
I now hear the real fighting is imminent and the mutineers are taking up their weapons again in preparation. It seems that there might really be 10000 still inside.
Mutineers surrender arms
Star Online Report

The rebellious members of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) this afternoon started to surrender arms, hours after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged them to go back to barracks.

Earlier, Home Minister Sahara Khatun said the BDR mutineers in the Pilkhana's BDR Headquarters have already surrendered their arms, ending nearly a two-day tension.

Several army officers along with their family members, who were kept hostage by the mutineers, were released in phases today after the armoured army encircled it.

Incidents of sporadic gunshots also reported from the gate No 2 and 3 of the headquarters.

Negotiations between the mutineers and government have been going on since yesterday to calm down the agitation that claimed 11 people.

Tensions have still been running high in and around the BDR Headquarters that spread across the country.

The prime minister yesterday verbally pardoned the BDR rebellions but it could not make any immediate breakthrough.

At least 50 people were feared killed in Wednesday’s BDR revolt, UNB adds today quoting State Minister for Law Advocate Quamrul Islam.


Gate 2 and 3,where the army tanks are placed,as far as I know.
The HQ is huge,almost 200 acres and I think there are two groups within the mutineers,one that is surrendering and the other still with arms on.Its just my thought,nothing concrete.
I now hear the real fighting is imminent and the mutineers are taking up their weapons again in preparation. It seems that there might really be 10000 still inside.

Yes you are right and this is spreading across the country.As I told before,BAF is also ready for close air support.
These BDR guys are risking their lives unnecessarily. Some one is provoking these guys otherwise they would have come out of rebellion when they were given amnesty.
Television saying everything back to order, that BDR surrendering and depositing weapons. I am hearing otherwise. I hope the TV is correct and my sources wrong.
Police take control of Peelkhana

Dhaka, Feb 26 (bdnews24.com) — Police officers have entered the BDR compound and taken control of the main entrance, apparently ending a 33-hour mutiny.

Home minister Sahara Khatun, who entered the compound at around 4:45pm for a second time to negotiate a full surrender with BDR rebels, state minister for local government Jahangir kabir Nanak and the police commissioner were still inside the headquarters.

Armed Police Battalion has taken control of the armory at the BDR headquarters, the prime minister's deputy press secretary Nakib Uddin Ahmed told reporters at 7pm.

bdnews24.com correspondents at the BDR main gate say they saw two police trucks and a pick-up van enter the compound, known as Peelkhana, at 6:33pm.

Police brought out a dejected-looking BDR officer major Quamruzzaman after a while.

Earlier, a top aide to the prime minister said all the rebellious BDR personnel surrendered and that the situation was under control.

"The situation is under complete control of the government," the prime minister's press secretary Abul Kalam Azad told reporters.

"BDR members have completed arms surrender."

Tanks and other military vehicles moved further up Satmasjid Road towards the main entrance to the BDR headquarters at 5:30pm as the standoff over rebel paramilitary troops lingered on to the second day.

bdnews24.com correspondents said the armoured vehicles, which moved up from Dhanmondi Road 12A onto Satmasjid Road to the intersection of Road 15A, were each carrying five army personnel in black uniform.

Tanks and army trucks had earlier taken position at Abahani sports field at Road 12A in the capital's Dhanmondi residential area.

The tanks took position in and around the sports field, where convoys of army soldiers were also setting up a temporary camp, less than a kilometre from the main gate of the BDR Headquarters.

At least eight armoured vehicles were seen moving up Road 27, around 4pm, closing in on the Bangladesh Rifles Headquarters in the heart of the city where hundreds of armed rebels were holding on.

Army troops had been asking people by loudspeaker to move out of the areas around the sprawling BDR complex from early afternoon.

We never forget those of our Army Officials whom we have lost in this brutal event.

May Allah give more strength to BANGLADESH ARMY.
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Yeah right. It is Indian bullshit that ISI has sponsored all of this. How is ISI supposed to sponsor 70,000 BDR to a revolt all around the country? Nor can RAW do this. Everything the BDR are saying is true.

The Army is not an angel, remember. They have (rightly in most cases) massacred coups and rebels before, they can do so again any other day.
It's time General Moin to get off from command and be vanish from BD to some place else. He screwed up Big time. May Allah put some senses to all of us after this dreadful event.....
Here is what I have learned from close circle what is going on on ground:

So far steps PM and her office taken are steps in right direction BUT it seems she is not in full control of army actions.

Section of army is now full with emotion pushing to take revenge for loss of their fellow officers. Some commanding officers also have interest to deflect corruption charges that came out against them by taking revenge attack in BDR HQ. All of which are against supreme national interest. Any action by army at the moment will put existence of BDR as a national defense institution in question. And what and who's purpose that will serve? At this hour if army takes any action they will be putting their personal and group interest above the national interest. And that is NOT what they have taken oath for.

I would once again reiterate this mutiny was not done based on simple grievances of pay and benefit and dal-vatt corruption. Rather REAL instigators planned for demise of BDR and weak national defense. Unfortunately section of army apparently run by same instigators pushing the nation to that grimmest eventuality. May Allah give us understanding and save us from loss of more lives.
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Here is what I have learned from close circle what is going on on ground:

So far steps PM and her office taken are steps in right direction BUT it seems she is not in full control of army actions.

Section of army is now full with emotion pushing to take revenge for loss of their fellow officer. Some commanding officers also have interest to deflect corruption charges that came out against them by taking revenge attack in BDR HQ. All of which is against supreme national interest. Any action by army at the moment will put BDR as a national defense institution in question.

I would once again reiterate this mutiny was not done based on simple grievances of pay and benefit and dal-vatt corruption. Rather REAL instigators planned for demise of BDR and weak national defense. Unfortunately section of army apparently run by same instigators pushing the nation to that grimmest eventuality. May Allah give us understanding and save us from loss of more lives.

I have similar feelings.Tonight is very important,let's hope we don't see a genocide of mutineers.

Our commerce minister Colonel(rtd)Faruk already said there may be a foreign hand,but its too early to say that.

Definitely some instigation was going on.And this is total failure of DGFI and BDR intelligence.
These BDR guys are risking their lives unnecessarily. Some one is provoking these guys otherwise they would have come out of rebellion when they were given amnesty.
The only party that seems to gain something from this uprising is India. So yes, that 'some one' appears to be Indian RAW.
well, 15,000 is too much. I think they'll come out though soon. No point risking ones life over milk and eggs.
It wasn't JUST milk and eggs it was more than that.and they would need an entire division to handle this I am afraid.Plus the borders are now unguarded....sigh....**** BD will be finished more or less if BDR and Army end up fighting.
I believe restraint should be shown by both sides now that enough has happened.
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BD army is a professional army, they have been there even before BD was created and has served well, how come such unprofessional ism came up their way. If raising salary was the only issue, perhaps they should have realized that BD is a poor country and no one forced them to join the army, they did so on their own and if they think pay is not enough, perhaps better approach was to just resign and find a new job, why all the killing, a deed of few men have hit hard on the moral of the whole army and the way the world is going to see this. IMO mutineers should not be given a pardon, they have committed a serious crime and hence should be made an example so that next time people think twice before raising arms against their own.
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