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Bangladesh garment workers offered Tk 6,360 minimum wage, want Tk 16,000

Why is GDP from service sector being 56% is hard to believe? India's is also above 50%. Besides, wether agrarian or service based isn't depended on how much share of GDP it produces but the percentage of people working in the sectors. Of course service sector adds much more to GDP because it needs much fewer people to produce high GDP compared to agriculture.

40% of Bangladesh's workforce are employed in agriculture but contributes only 14% of the economy. Or do you actually believe BD agriculture contribution should be 50% because BD is a poor agrarian country and because of that can never have only 14% of agricultural share? That would mean either over 350% Bangladeshi workforce work in agriculture or the GDP of Bangladesh is less than $100 billion.

Bro, why are you bothering spending so much time explaining to a retard?
Why is GDP from service sector being 56% is hard to believe? India's is also above 50%.
BD is a country that has not yet even initiated industrialization. India is already 200 years ahead of us in terms of industrialization. Is it not the reason why Indian Bajaj, Hero, TATA and hundred others come to set factories in BD hinterland. Is it not India that supply BD the railway locomotives and trains? India builds its own dams, barrages and power stations. Can BD people build anything like these?

India is quite developed in industries but remains a comparatively poor country with a mix of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. BD is basically a poor agrarian society living in the traditional past without any industrialization to speak of. Even the sewing machines are imported.

Now, tell me what industries BD has built so far for claiming huge secondary and tertiary sectors? BD tertiary sector (service sector) at 56.35% is just a hoax. This figure is good for a moderately developed country. But, BD is an LDC. Please read the internet link below about the Russian service sector:

Russia's GDP Composition
"Russia’s GDP is largely made up of three broad sectors: a small agricultural sector that contributes 4% to GDP followed by its industrial sector and service sectors, which contribute 32% and 63%, respectively, according to the 2016 World Bank data".

If Russia has 63% in the service sector how do you think the Golden Bengal can have a 56.35%? This sector can be above 50% for only the moderately developed countries. BD data is a hoax to blind the population.

Bro, why are you bothering spending so much time explaining to a retard?
Idiot, what are you doing here instead of studying proper English? How about studying a few sentences from the compositions of William Wordsworth? Stop grouping and know from others who happen to know better than you. PDF has become a nesting ground for many ignorant and evil BCL activists. You are one of them. Learn the basics of economics and do not misguide people, idiot!!
Why is GDP from service sector being 56% is hard to believe? India's is also above 50%. Besides, wether agrarian or service based isn't depended on how much share of GDP it produces but the percentage of people working in the sectors. Of course service sector adds much more to GDP because it needs much fewer people to produce high GDP compared to agriculture.

40% of Bangladesh's workforce are employed in agriculture but contributes only 14% of the economy. Or do you actually believe BD agriculture contribution should be 50% because BD is a poor agrarian country and because of that can never have only 14% of agricultural share? That would mean either over 350% Bangladeshi workforce work in agriculture or the GDP of Bangladesh is less than $100 billion.

Its hard to believe because India exports 184 billion dollars in services (2017), and Bangladesh is under 4 billion in service exports.

That is about 6 - 7 times more per capita for India....and you want to claim similar % of service sector in GDP (esp USD nominal which is largely dictated by that which is transacted in USD...i.e foreign trade). I'm not even going to bring up the huge disparity from things like goods export diversification, govt revenues, private sector revenues, quality foreign investment, outbound investment and energy consumption found in Bangladesh....all which are atrociously low compared to the claimed GDP and service GDP %.

So yeah like @bluesky said, there is something fundamentally wrong in the propaganda that BAL uses. Service sector is just where you can dump the most inflation easily and launder it as GDP (esp in stock market and financial sector where there is much bubbles and volatility and persistent lack of basic reforms in BD) compared to physical goods (where agriculture and industry are dominant) because of plethora more CPI weightage (with at least some level of 3rd party verification as provided by the ICP) in the latter.

BD is increasingly a scam-based economy when it comes to nominal GDP measurement. It will need hard set reform with somewhat more honest govt running the country to make a change to that.
Its hard to believe because India exports 184 billion dollars in services (2017), and Bangladesh is under 4 billion in service exports.

That is about 6 - 7 times more per capita for India....and you want to claim similar % of service sector in GDP (esp USD nominal which is largely dictated by that which is transacted in USD...i.e foreign trade). I'm not even going to bring up the huge disparity from things like goods export diversification, govt revenues, private sector revenues, quality foreign investment, outbound investment and energy consumption found in Bangladesh....all which are atrociously low compared to the claimed GDP and service GDP %.

So yeah like @bluesky said, there is something fundamentally wrong in the propaganda that BAL uses. Service sector is just where you can dump the most inflation easily and launder it as GDP (esp in stock market and financial sector where there is much bubbles and volatility and persistent lack of basic reforms in BD) compared to physical goods (where agriculture and industry are dominant) because of plethora more CPI weightage (with at least some level of 3rd party verification as provided by the ICP) in the latter.

BD is increasingly a scam-based economy when it comes to nominal GDP measurement. It will need hard set reform with somewhat more honest govt running the country to make a change to that.

Dude, Indian service sector exports are less than 10% of It's GDP and so that little statistics means zero.
Economies like BD are mainly internally driven.

Like I say get a life and let people like IMF decide whether BD GDP figures are credible.

I cannot really be bothered writing a long post that gives ample evidence of BD GDP growth figures.
Like I say get a life and let people like IMF decide whether BD GDP figures are credible.
IMF, WB, ADB, and others only follow what a country's government announces or insists. It is not their function to dictate the level of GDP. Is Bangladesh even a developing country? It is not. Is it an industrially developing country? No, it is not. It cannot even produce the sewing machines.

How come the service sector can develop so high when even the secondary sector is almost nil in a country of 160 million? BD is not even a tourist destination to contribute to the service sector.

Yet, its service sector shows a % that resembles an almost matured developed country like Russia at 63%. The Service Sector data at 56.35% is a fallacy. It is no more than 25% at best. Agriculture still is the top contributor to BD GDP. All these means that the total GDP value shown by the government is inflated.
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Dude, Indian service sector exports are less than 10% of It's GDP and so that little statistics means zero.
Economies like BD are mainly internally driven.

Like I say get a life and let people like IMF decide whether BD GDP figures are credible.

I cannot really be bothered writing a long post that gives ample evidence of BD GDP growth figures.

You are welcome to show if PMI (or similar multi-source, multi-input survey of producers and buyers) exists for Bangladesh in Manufacturing and Services for starters (thus preventing the easiest route for a corruption/propaganda dependent chetona-stronk govt from dumping inflation there as growth).

You are in GDDS standard for a reason you know.
We have good textile industry because of low labor cost. I think best thing to do is relocate all factories to village areas so workers can have an easy life.
We have good textile industry because of low labor cost. I think best thing to do is relocate all factories to village areas so workers can have an easy life.

That will not work as the textiles need to be exported and transport cannot be done efficiently from village areas.

A large percentage of the textile industry should be moved to Chittagong over time as then it will be even quicker and cheaper to ship the items all over the world via Chittagong port. Of course BD government should phase this in over 5-10 years to allow workers in Dhaka to find alternative employment or even move to Chittagong area. With cheaper transportation costs, then the factories could afford to raise their wages while keeping their items competitive.

You are welcome to show if PMI (or similar multi-source, multi-input survey of producers and buyers) exists for Bangladesh in Manufacturing and Services for starters (thus preventing the easiest route for a corruption/propaganda dependent chetona-stronk govt from dumping inflation there as growth).

You are in GDDS standard for a reason you know.

Like I say dude, please get a life.

Your obsession with BD is unhealthy and you just keep coming back ban after ban. Have some shame and/or pride.
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