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Bangladesh bid for closer ties with China irks India

We have adopted the Doctrine of Traditional People's Defense where:

a. We maintain a force level to absorb the initial thrust of the enemy who is massive in all respects. That's the First Phase.

b. Meanwhile we prepare our Second Phase. In this we take on the invader through a war of resistance relying on the reliance and intelligence of our people along with their total faith in Islam, their nationalist feeling and love of freedom. Our terrain and climate has always helped us fight any invader - the last one from Delhi being Gen Man Singh.

c. As we weaken the enemy militarily and drain his economy dry, he looses politically in internationally and nationally. On the other hand, we make gains in all those areas. We then launch the Third Phase where we unleash the conventional forces we have established in the meantime. Here we will take the war deep into the enemy territory aided by allies both external as well as from within the enemy territory.

Delusions of grandeur combined with ignorance of history ...
Unless Awami League is eradicated from BD politics BD would never be counted as a trusted ally by China, US or Pakistan.
Our airforce is weak. BAF wanted J-10, B or C series. Our pilots have flown this and the Air Chief had approved. But somebody does not want our military to acquire teeth. All this will change once we instal a patriotic govt. However,our ground based air defense is potent.
Ground based air defence is good enough to repel enemy AF, remember the Egyptian sams wrecked havoc on the IDAF to such an extent. That the were no where near the borev line before the IDF tookout the sam
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