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Bangladesh bans film over villain's dress sense

Sorry chaps, but I am deeply disturbed.

Shell shocked at the sad manner how one had defiled your country with crass comparison to countries who had no democracy and were known for violent and unchallenged ways to stifle and snuff out dissent, just because one hates the political party running the Govt.

I may hate the political parties of my country, but I will not demean the country with contrived 'facts' and falsity because I hate the ruling party.

The ruling party is not the country.

They are merely governing for a set period of time and nothing more.

They will have to go if they don't deliver.

That is democracy.

Bangladesh has followed this democracy.

Not so with Iraq or Egypt who were barbaric in their approach to statehood and dissent.

Dissent is commonplace in Bangladesh and none are subject to midnight knock and then they disappear from Planet Earth!

To compare Bangladesh and imply that Bangladesh is a midnight knock and disappear from Planet Earth type of a country, to my mind, is shocking and a falsehood.
Just as I was replying the electricity went
blank, so much for digi BD!

Well everyone has his own perceptions regarding his surroundings.
Its common psychological phenomena that makes us human.
And also because of this critical thought process we have
a vibrant albeit aggressive political environment. No one
has their last say in this country.

When their were autocracy it was uprooted
then came military regime which fell into the same play
and the equation is being orchestrated once in a while.

A good debate as well as convictions keeps the
system at sync par my view. And year by year
its getting stabilized, within 10-15 yrs we shall
have a really strong political membrane in our society
which I'm sure about.
Just as I was replying the electricity went
blank, so much for digi BD!

Well everyone has his own perceptions regarding his surroundings.
Its common psychological phenomena that makes us human.
And also because of this critical thought process we have
a vibrant albeit aggressive political environment. No one
has their last say in this country.

When their were autocracy it was uprooted
then came military regime which fell into the same play
and the equation is being orchestrated once in a while.

A good debate as well as convictions keeps the
system at sync par my view.

That is democracy. Don't perform and you are out!

It is not what happened in Iraq or Egypt!

They were ruthless countries with the outer veneer and gloss of a government.

Surely, Bangaldesh is not like them at all!
It is not what happened in Iraq or Egypt!

Pardon me
but uncle sam is far worse then
uncle mustache. The WMD ploy
was a mere eyewash with the later
ones resulting more casualties.
How pathetic.

Adding insult to injury!

Comparing Bangaldesh to Egypt and Iraq?!!!! :what: :eek:

They (Iraq and Egypt) had a democracy?

Or a façade?

Say what you want, but Bangladesh has a democracy, even if with warts and all.

If Bangladesh was like Egypt and Iraq, then Khaleda or Hasina would have been exterminated, depending who on was in power.

Therefore there would have been no scope of hartals and other ways to harass or bring the govt down. Heard of any hartals or demonstration in Iraq or Egypt before the Tahrir Square?

How many times through elections have govt of Egypt and Iraq changed?

Has the govts of Bangladesh not changed many a time?

Please don't insult Bangladesh or its citizens any more. Even I, as a foreigner, am getting embarrassed at your ludicrous portrayal of Bangladesh as if it were a cesspool and in the pits as Iraq and Egypt were as far as democracy was concerned!!

I have serious doubts if you are a Bangladeshi, since no one can slander one's own nation with falsehood that decry the nation!

You do not live under the AL regime so it is easy of you to pretend at offence. You are basically commenting from a position of utter ignorance and have no personal interest in the matter which makes you a hypocrite. It is easy to pretend to hold a principled position when you do not have to face the consequences or the reality.

The 2008 election was a sham and was rigged by the military in connivance with the Indians. If Bangladesh wishes to restore its dignity it must recognize this reality and that India is our nemesis. The Indian mindset does not allow for an independent and sovereign Bangladesh to exist. This is why it is possible for Manmohan Singh to make such comments. Could Sheikh Hasina make any such comment about India? Clearly not. This is not a relationship of equals. Bangladesh will have to fight for every advantage.
I maybe anything, but I am not a quisling as you have displayed yourself to be and I will not interact on this issue with you since it is derailing the thread.

I will criticise my government if it is wrong, but unless my country is as reprehensible as Iraq or Egypt, I will not compare my country with them and sell my country to merely win an argument.

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------

You do not live under the AL regime so it is easy of you to pretend at offence. You are basically commenting from a position of utter ignorance and have no personal interest in the matter which makes you a hypocrite. It is easy to pretend to hold a principled position when you do not have to face the consequences or the reality.

The 2008 election was a sham and was rigged by the military in connivance with the Indians. If Bangladesh wishes to restore its dignity it must recognize this reality and that India is our nemesis. The Indian mindset does not allow for an independent and sovereign Bangladesh to exist. This is why it is possible for Manmohan Singh to make such comments. Could Sheikh Hasina make any such comment about India? Clearly not. This is not a relationship of equals. Bangladesh will have to fight for every advantage.

I maybe anything, but I am not a quisling as you have displayed yourself to be and I will not interact on this issue with you since it is derailing the thread.

I will criticise my government if it is wrong, but unless my country is as reprehensible as Iraq or Egypt, I will not compare my country with them and sell my country to merely win an argument.

Thank you.
Pardon me
but uncle sam is far worse then
uncle mustache. The WMD ploy
was a mere eyewash with the later
ones resulting more casualties.


Uncle Sam is like that to others.

Egypt and Iraq were to their own people.

Bangladesh is still a democracy, even with all its problems.

The comparison of Bangladesh with Iraq and Egypt, to my mind, is odious and shameful since it gives a very incorrect and false image of what Bangladesh is. Such comparisons only makes the Bangladeshis appear to be an illiterate rabble that is struck with morbid fear and are as manipulatable as puppets in a Punch and Judy show.
Next election will be very interesting one. AL wins by rigging if they are not pushed out of power before the election.

If Khaleda comes back what do you guys think she will go after first ?

1) Hasina's hair ?

2) House on Rd 32 ?

3) Charge the thick lady's kid with corruption ?

I know the airport will be renamed zia, all mujib names will be reverted.

Uncle Sam is like that to others.

Egypt and Iraq were to their own people.

Bangladesh is still a democracy, even with all its problems.

The comparison of Bangladesh with Iraq and Egypt, to my mind, is odious and shameful since it gives a very incorrect and false image of what Bangladesh is. Such comparisons only makes the Bangladeshis appear to be an illiterate rabble that is struck with morbid fear and are as manipulatable as puppets in a Punch and Judy show.

A quisling is someone who sells out his nations interests. I am defending Bangladesh against quislings in the AL. The only thing odious is your insincere love for Bangladesh. Its stinks of hypocrisy and crass opportunism.
I do not love Bangaldesh as a bangladeshi would.

But I sure uphold the desire that the land of my ancestry does well. Call it sentimental if you wish.

I am not hypocritical at all.

I find it very unfortunate that a person who claims to be a Bangaldeshi, lets down his country because he does not like the political rulers.

Your comments remind me of a book I read long time ago - The Man Without a Country.

The protagonist of the story is a young United States Army lieutenant named Philip Nolan, who develops a friendship with the visiting Aaron Burr. When Burr is tried for treason (historically this occurred in 1807), Nolan is tried as an accomplice. During his testimony, Nolan bitterly renounces his nation, angrily shouting "Damn the United States! I wish I may never hear of the United States again!" Upon conviction, the judge icily grants Nolan his wish: he is to spend the rest of his life on warships of the United States Navy, in exile, with no right ever again to set foot on U.S. soil, and with explicit orders that no one shall ever mention his country to him again.

The sentence is carried out to the letter. For the rest of his life, Nolan is transported from ship to ship, living out his life as a prisoner on the high seas, never once being allowed back in a home port. None of the sailors in whose custody Nolan remains are allowed to speak to him about the U.S., and his newspapers are censored. Nolan is unrepentant at first, but over the years becomes sadder and wiser, and desperate for news. One day, as he is being transferred to another ship, he beseeches a young sailor never to make the same mistake he made: "Remember, boy, that behind all these men... behind officers and government, and people even, there is the Country Herself, your Country, and that you belong to her as you belong to your own mother. Stand by her, boy, as you would stand by your mother...!"

Deprived of a homeland, Nolan slowly and painfully learns the true worth of his country. He misses it more than his friends or family, more than art or music or love or nature. Without it, he is nothing. Dying, he shows his room to an officer named Danforth; it is "a little shrine" of patriotism. The Stars and Stripes are draped around a picture of George Washington. Over his bed, Nolan has painted an eagle, with lightning "blazing from his beak" and claws grasping the globe. At the foot of his bed is a dated map of the old territories. Nolan smiles, "Here, you see, I have a country!" Nolan dies content after Danforth finally tells him all that has happened to the U.S. since his sentence was imposed. Nolan asks him to have them bury him in the sea and have a gravestone placed in memory of him, at Fort Adams or at Orleans.
I do not love Bangaldesh as a bangladeshi would.

But I sure uphold the desire that the land of my ancestry does well. Call it sentimental if you wish.

I am not hypocritical at all.

I find it very unfortunate that a person who claims to be a Bangaldeshi, lets down his country because he does not like the political rulers.

Your comments remind me of a book I read long time ago - The Man Without a Country.

You are making the same mistake as Sk. Mujib in thinking that a country's leaders are synonymous with the nation. I despise the so-called leaders of Bangladesh but that does not take away a single ounce of loyalty or patriotism I have for the country.
It shows that you either do not read the posts or you are being sly.

I have repeatedly said political leaders and politics do not matter.

They will come and go (unlike Egypt and Iraq).

The country does matter and the country is above politics and political leaders!
It shows that you either do not read the posts or you are being sly.

I have repeatedly said political leaders and politics do not matter.

They will come and go (unlike Egypt and Iraq).

The country does matter and the country is above politics and political leaders!

So basically you agree with me but are in denial.
So basically you agree with me but are in denial.
MBI Munshi,

I do not remember to have responded to your posts earlier, but after going through many of them, including this one with Tiki Tam Tam, I assume you to be a bitter man, bitter for not having BNP or a more radical political party, ready to confront India in whatever just/unjust reasons you deem correct. All I can tell you is, we all, as citizen of one country or another are at times bitter about the ruling elites, however, we also should consider one's own democratic powers that one can utilize to oust a government, if found at incongruity to the nation's supreme interest. Above all, individual bitterness apart, one whould shed every iota of bitterness one has unreasonably nourished for his/her nation state. To this I find you onerously culpable.

Aside: Even I'm not a Bangladeshi by citizenry, but would not desist from ripping apart any insidious allegation, comparing BD to those freaking M.Eastern nutcases.
Must be a major loss for the producers as the filming was done in thailand.
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