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Bangladesh bans 'Banglish' to protect local tongue

We too have this 'problem', that is if one considers it to be a problem. We have this Banglish in WB for a long time now, especially in Kolkata. We also have the Hinglish, the Pinglish (to be found in Punjab or Delhi which has a strong Punjabi influence). Every state in India has its own unique cocktail or mocktail! In a way, it is inevitable. People who are fluent in more than one language tend to mix words of one into the other to convey their thoughts. That in a way is what language is all about, it is a medium of communication. While talking, our focus is to say what we mean to say as accurately as possible. Certain words appear more appropriate to the sense we wish to convey and so we use them, without any conscious effort. At that point, the purity or the integrity of the language is not important to us. Does this cocktail of language used in the urban centres hurt the local language? Maybe it does. Maybe not. In India, the electronic media has very little to do with this phenomenon. Though sometimes, I feel that Hindi has taken a beating at the hands of the Hindi film industry. a lot of words used on the streets of Mumbai which are not to be found in any Hindi dictionary have found their way into regular Hindi usage. They would give nightmares to any Hindi professor but they make perfect sense when used. But then, that is why man invented language in the first place, to be understood, to communicate, no?
We too have this 'problem', that is if one considers it to be a problem. We have this Banglish in WB for a long time now, especially in Kolkata. We also have the Hinglish, the Pinglish (to be found in Punjab or Delhi which has a strong Punjabi influence). Every state in India has its own unique cocktail or mocktail! In a way, it is inevitable. People who are fluent in more than one language tend to mix words of one into the other to convey their thoughts. That in a way is what language is all about, it is a medium of communication. While talking, our focus is to say what we mean to say as accurately as possible. Certain words appear more appropriate to the sense we wish to convey and so we use them, without any conscious effort. At that point, the purity or the integrity of the language is not important to us. Does this cocktail of language used in the urban centres hurt the local language? Maybe it does. Maybe not. In India, the electronic media has very little to do with this phenomenon. Though sometimes, I feel that Hindi has taken a beating at the hands of the Hindi film industry. a lot of words used on the streets of Mumbai which are not to be found in any Hindi dictionary have found their way into regular Hindi usage. They would give nightmares to any Hindi professor but they make perfect sense when used. But then, that is why man invented language in the first place, to be understood, to communicate, no?

It is natural for any language to borrow words from foreign or relative languages and are very natural. This is also called healthy enrichment of language. We have many words from foreign languages in Hindi and bengali for instance english, farsi, chinese, protugese etc. I am not against it. But artificial, distortion by the media must be stopped which has nothing to do with common people. Artificial distortion includes, using complete sentences from foreign language in a conversation, changing pronunciation and accent of the local words to mimic the accent of English, and change the structures and usage of verbs etc.

How many times you see a English uses French or French uses English in communicating? This is only the phenomena of this subcontinent where English is considered as the symbol of aristocracy.
I dare an Indian court to produce such an idiotic judgment. I would personally petition against such thing. I promise. How could court decide what people of the country should listen to or heed to?
What's with captain planet, aazidane, farhan and zab stroking their ego? :P

Btw Banglish is awesome. Sometimes I can't even find Bangla replacements for certain English words. :lol:
Courts have too much time it seems, this judgement cannot be implemented.
If a politician said this, they I could understand it as a populist gesture.

About English medium students, I remember being jealous of them,(and talk **** about them in college) due to my vernacular schooling, but now I realize all I lacked was self confidence.
About English medium students, I remember being jealous of them,(and talk **** about them in college) due to my vernacular schooling, but now I realize all I lacked was self confidence.

Oh yes we were talking about English medium students.

Actually the National Curriculum has its own English medium schools here, so it's more about the Deshi education system (producing deshi murgis) vs British education system (producing farm'er murgis). :D

Students from these two systems do not mix. The cultural difference is profound.

I used to teach IELTS part-time right after taking A-Levels while I was applying to universities. Among my many students, the deshi murgis were very nice to me, but not to my farm'er murgi students. I think it has more to do with some sort of complex among the Bengali medium students than anything else.
Language evolves, there are many foreign words in Bengali, however they have been assimilated naturally. I don't like people speaking in a fake accent and horrible grammar.
Hey, English is a language that has borrowed heavily from dozens of languages from all over the world. It is becoming a common language for the world. Who knows how long this will take? Wouldn't it be good for the world to have a common language? Rather than fight it, join it. The sooner all nations adopt English as the international language of choice, the sooner we will all be able to understand each other. In the immortal words of the Borg: "Resistance is futile."
How do you ban a language when cant even ban drivers without license on the streets??

As long as kids get a good education in bengali and knows how to speak it properly, let them speak banglish with their friends. I am sure they wont use them when talking to elders or in formal occasions
First, make people learn to speak proper Bangla!

What's with captain planet, aazidane, farhan and zab stroking their ego? :P

Btw Banglish is awesome. Sometimes I can't even find Bangla replacements for certain English words. :lol:

It's an inevitable aspect of life these days.
Actually one of my friend in college, a Tiwari who was born and brought up in Kolkata, spoke very fluent Bengali rich of mellifluous words with whatsoever no accent and foreign words. He was also very proficient in Hindi and English. Usually people who master a language also able to master other languages as well and don't indulge in bastardization of languages.
Actually one of my friend in college, a Tiwari who was born and brought up in Kolkata, spoke very fluent Bengali rich of mellifluous words with whatsoever no accent and foreign words. He was also very proficient in Hindi and English. Usually people who master a language also able to master other languages as well and don't indulge in bastardization of languages.

That's so true!

I can relate to his talent in a way. (Oh no I'm bragging again! :P) Even though I'm from English medium background, I can read Bengali faster than anyone else. Even back in Germany I could read German faster than the German kids. The only language where my reading skills failed was Arabic. :cry:
That's so true!

I can relate to his talent in a way. (Oh no I'm bragging again! :P) Even though I'm from English medium background, I can read Bengali faster than anyone else. Even back in Germany I could read German faster than the German kids. The only language where my reading skills failed was Arabic. :cry:

Arabic!! :woot: ...a tough language indeed.

Courts have too much time it seems, this judgement cannot be implemented.
If a politician said this, they I could understand it as a populist gesture.

About English medium students, I remember being jealous of them,(and talk **** about them in college) due to my vernacular schooling, but now I realize all I lacked was self confidence.
your nation and my nation two are not the same ,how can you say what my law & adminastration will do or not.the court has made this law because people want this,yes ! ofcourse some are here not happy ..but 99% happy. because speaking a language in a funny/insulting manner is the insult of that language.
we want relief from these so called ppl who were wrongly represnting our trading ,so our court make this law to stop them.
yes,its not a crime to learn any foreign language but when one would do so he/she have to learn it correctly,not impurely.this law was to protect bangla from those falsy guys & their attempt.
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