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Bangladesh Air Force


Lol just wait for defseca to milk this until the cow has menopause 😂😂😂
Not good enough. BAF has a policy of keeping fighters up to 2 generations obsolete in service at any given time (F-7MBs at present).
I do not think 6.5 generation fighters will be mainstream by 2060. Leonardo is failing to live up to BAF's standards.

On a serious note:
Leonardo is quite serious about selling their products in Bangladesh which is why they are one of very few major Western military suppliers to set up shop in Bangladesh. However, as per existing regulations, they still need to use local agents enlisted with DGDP to be able to sell stuff.

I need to find out who the DGDP-enlisted local agents of Leonardo are. The quality of connections of these agents to BAL will determine the prospects of EFT.
Hint: The agents most likely do not sell Thai t-shirts online as a side gig.
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BAF has been a spineless organisation since Zia sent airmen en masse to Forces Gaol 1977.

BAF needs administrators installed from BA and BN to revamp its organisational culture; this will weed out most of the inefficiencies.

Now the below is a good post from DEFSECA on the origin of BAF's spinelessness (I am a fair person. I see good work, I give credit.) as I was discussing above. This will rub the BNP/Jamat shills the wrong way but it is the truth.

Zia overeacted in his response to the mutiny and destroyed BAF. BA was already a mess under his leadership.

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Now the below is a good post from DEFSECA on the origin of BAF's spinelessness (I am a fair person. I see good work, I give credit.) as I was discussing above. This will rub the BNP/Jamat shills the wrong way but it is the truth.

Zia overeacted in his response to the mutiny and destroyed BAF. BA was already a mess under his leadership.

This is far too much back to say BAF is still suffering from what Zia did.

Remember in the late 1990s BAF wanted 27 F-16s and then when USA refused it ordered 16 Mig-29s and options for 16 more.

This is little to do with BAF but BAL's priorities since it came into power in 2009. If you want to see why BAF is useless, look at the AL government and not the BAF leadership.
Now the below is a good post from DEFSECA on the origin of BAF's spinelessness (I am a fair person. I see good work, I give credit.) as I was discussing above. This will rub the BNP/Jamat shills the wrong way but it is the truth.

Zia overeacted in his response to the mutiny and destroyed BAF. BA was already a mess under his leadership.

Nah can not agree.... spinelessness did not come from that.... what about the army....they mutinied more and many faced similar fate.

This was too long ago for the impact to remain.

As the other forces professionalised these guys went backward and have let the team down. An airforce of a maritime country very rarely call the shots as they are usually the smallest contingent.... but a skilful leader would navigate the pitfalls and make the case for a strong airforce.

BAF has failed completely and it is its managements fault. Have they been politically sidelined...probably. politicans are also to blame for its current state but for me the stark differences are too great. BD bought 16 F7 BGI for mere $116m .... why not buy more? Why not take up the chinese offer of relocating F7 plant to bd. Why prepare a tender focusing on russians and then fail to conclude the purchase. There is no justification blaming the russians, if the whole thing was so open why prepare a tender that excluded others? After that debacle why buy Yaks?

Failure compounded by failure... look at navy, cost guard, army, BGB, they are making steady progress and doing so sometimes with less money than the airforce... it lacks imagination.... its not about money....if we can not afford jets why is it not developing drone capabilities, why is it not developing surface to air missile capabilities to keep our skies safe?

Bottom line the failure is too deep and long. Give BAF benefit of doubt would be to do them a great disservice. Tough love is the order of the day i am afraid.
This is far too much back to say BAF is still suffering from what Zia did.

Remember in the late 1990s BAF wanted 27 F-16s and then when USA refused it ordered 16 Mig-29s and options for 16 more.

This is little to do with BAF but BAL's priorities since it came into power in 2009. If you want to see why BAF is useless, look at the AL government and not the BAF leadership.

The incident destroyed the organisational culture. The damage still persists.
BAF has lost its ability to negotiate with bureaucrats.

Despite approval in principle by the cabinet, there are many bureaucratic hurdles (MoD, MoF, etc..) the military has to go through in procuring big ticket items which requires a lot of persistence.
There are things like options analysis, financial feasibility, etc. that require sign off by senior bureaucrats.
Unlike BA and BN, BAF is too weak and pathetic to clear the hurdles despite "desiring" various things at different times like F-16s in the 90's (Not getting F-16s was no their fault on that occasion, however)

While the PM is willing to spend the money, she will not spoonfeed BAF through the steps as fighter jets are not at the top of het agenda for obvious reasons.

Ultimately, however the PM/BAL is responsible for not reforming BAF the organisation.
Nah can not agree.... spinelessness did not come from that.... what about the army....they mutinied more and many faced similar fate.

This was too long ago for the impact to remain.

As the other forces professionalised these guys went backward and have let the team down. An airforce of a maritime country very rarely call the shots as they are usually the smallest contingent.... but a skilful leader would navigate the pitfalls and make the case for a strong airforce.

BAF has failed completely and it is its managements fault. Have they been politically sidelined...probably. politicans are also to blame for its current state but for me the stark differences are too great. BD bought 16 F7 BGI for mere $116m .... why not buy more? Why not take up the chinese offer of relocating F7 plant to bd. Why prepare a tender focusing on russians and then fail to conclude the purchase. There is no justification blaming the russians, if the whole thing was so open why prepare a tender that excluded others? After that debacle why buy Yaks?

Failure compounded by failure... look at navy, cost guard, army, BGB, they are making steady progress and doing so sometimes with less money than the airforce... it lacks imagination.... its not about money....if we can not afford jets why is it not developing drone capabilities, why is it not developing surface to air missile capabilities to keep our skies safe?

Bottom line the failure is too deep and long. Give BAF benefit of doubt would be to do them a great disservice. Tough love is the order of the day i am afraid.
For the blue bit, see my reply above to UKBengali.

I fully agree with the rest.
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This is far too much back to say BAF is still suffering from what Zia did.

Remember in the late 1990s BAF wanted 27 F-16s and then when USA refused it ordered 16 Mig-29s and options for 16 more.

This is little to do with BAF but BAL's priorities since it came into power in 2009. If you want to see why BAF is useless, look at the AL government and not the BAF leadership.
Bruh BNP basically handicapped the airforce. Now there’s a maximum of around 35 pilots every year and this is a mixture of all sorts of aircraft
Not nearly enough to expand... just replacing the retirees every year
But yes, 15 years is enough to get a decent amount of squadron inducted
Bruh BNP basically handicapped the airforce. Now there’s a maximum of around 35 pilots every year and this is a mixture of all sorts of aircraft
Not nearly enough to expand... just replacing the retirees every year
But yes, 15 years is enough to get a decent amount of squadron inducted

BAL has been in power for 12 years now

It is time to stop blaming BNP, Zia etc and look at who has been power for over a decade and the airspace of BD is completely undefended at this time. They are so useless they have not even inducted a single battery of MRSAM.
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