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Bangladesh Air Force

Indians really want to push this flying samosa and a supply chain nightmare onto BAF. I mean why would someone choose a Tejas when they can get a J10 or Mig 35 in the same price range? From which angle does this joke of an aircraft looks like it cost around 50-60 Million a plane?
Rest assured we would waste more of our money buying trainers for amateur pilots to have a joy ride in and crash than buy Tejas
Rest assured we would waste more of our money buying trainers for amateur pilots to have a joy ride in and crash than buy Tejas

Bigger question is would you buy this jet for 57 millions a pop which is official price tag for recently signed contract with HAL. Funny thing is that it is even more expensive than SU 30 MKI which if supplied by Russian cost 43 million a pop whereas Indians build it for 70 million a plane under licence.
A full digital FBW unstable supersonic fighter is out of the knowledge realm for someone whose best slur is "Flying Samosa".
Quote me after you can design even a basic trainer.
Bigger question is would you buy this jet for 57 millions a pop which is official price tag for recently signed contract with HAL. Funny thing is that it is even more expensive than SU 30 MKI which if supplied by Russian cost 43 million a pop whereas Indians build it for 70 million a plane under licence.
40 million is an incentivized price for Russian airforce, 70 million sounds about right. Tejas manufacturer’s should first deliver to Indian airforce before thinking of selling to international customers
A full digital FBW unstable supersonic fighter is out of the knowledge realm for someone whose best slur is "Flying Samosa".
Quote me after you can design even a basic trainer.

It's hilarious to watch your holier-than-thou stance as an Indian selling this two-and-a-half-decade old loser of a plane which I personally have been following for a better part of decade for entertainment value and a lesson for -what-not-to-do with a fighter program. :lol:

'Flying Samosa' is rather appropo.

On a serious note, what is the indigenous Indian systems content for this fighter? I believe most of the systems (including the engine of course) are foreign made. The gandoos at HAL could not even integrate foreign systems into a coherent package, they failed at that too.

Fucked up package. Tried to make a modern Gnat and then failed miserably at that. Wings are too small even to carry a few long range AA missiles.

We buy a lot of things from India, fighter planes are not and will never be one of them.

Not even bullets.

Stop wasting your breath.
which I personally have been following for a better part of decade for entertainment value
I have also been personally following for over a decade for entertainment and know that here, there are a lot of East Pakistanis crossed with India for helping Bangladeshis.
Quote me if you have any knowledge and intent to discuss.
I have also been personally following for over a decade for entertainment and know that here, there are a lot of East Pakistanis crossed with India for helping Bangladeshis.
Quote me if you have any knowledge and intent to discuss.

I have no desire to engage in such a discussion, thanks for the offer however.

Indians themselves admit that the Tejas program was not a success outlined in golden letters. We have no desire to buy someone's effed-up gaffe and mistake.

When your High Commissioner in Dhaka presents pictures of Tejas to our Air Force Chief, it is seen as an image of an interesting oddity that cost the Indian Govt. thousands of crores of Rupees in lost revenue and time, and not something our Airforce covets or wants to operate.

One certainly hopes something was learned in India - in the two decades spent in developing it.

Compared to the Tejas, the JF-17 is a success, even viewed in neutral sense.

We in Bangladesh don't like to offer insults to anyone bringing Mithai, our background and training behooves us differently. The recent sweet-talk from your MEA and the frantic trials to patch up with duct tape and baling wire, won't salvage the failed relationship between Bangladesh and India, despite our patience of many years.

But it'd be a nice moment of introspection for Indian Baboos in the MEA in Delhi, on what led up to this state of affairs and who 'lost Bangladesh'. The recent CAA/NRC/Art.370 fiasco and calling us 'Ghuspetia' was the final nail in the coffin.

And now you want to sell us fighter airplanes. Yeh Zindagi Bahot Ajeeb Cheez Hai....

There are serious flaws in Indian approaches of foreign policy regarding Bangladesh, and India lost this on most counts against China.

Instead of concocting conspiracy theories about turncoats and Jamatis, the average Indian govt. functionary should find out on why the average Bangladeshi on the street is so anti-Indian-Govt.
When some ignorant people claim they won't even "import bullets" from India but fail spectacularly in realising that even critical parts like the wings and tail for their mainstay MPA are made in India.
Dornier has multiple manufacturing plant, not Indian tech or manufacturing processes... besides our dorniers are being made in Germany and we will take delivery from there. Speaking of bullets, your pathetic army may buy from us, even AR that works better than insas

Last year MBA was awarded a contract by the Bangladesh Air Force for the supply & retrofit of 69 Mk10 Ejection Seats into the F-7/FT-7 & K-8W Aircraft. One of the decisions that helped us win the contract was a commitment to construct a new Centre of Excellence for Aircrew safety

Although Bangladesh is still under Covid-19 lockdown, we were granted special permission from the BAF and other authorities to commence work. The pictures show the first foundation slabs being laid, the framework of the main building and work undertaken on the roof.
Last year MBA was awarded a contract by the Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) for the supply and retrofit of 69 x Mk.10 Ejection Seats into the F-7/FT-7 and K-8W Aircraft. One of the decisions that helped us win the contract was a commitment to construct a new Centre of Excellence for Aircrew safety.

Although Bangladesh was still under Covid-19 lockdown, we were granted special permission from the BAF and other authorities to commence work. The pictures show the first foundation slabs being laid, the framework of the main building and work undertaken on the roof.

This new centre will carry out the MRO for these new seats as well as the seats from future programmes like the new primary trainer and fighter aircraft competitions.

© Martin-Baker Aircraft Company


40 aircrafts of different varients f-7s are now operational with baf....with 14 k-8w...then what r those xtra 15/16 ejection seats for??
When some ignorant people claim they won't even "import bullets" from India but fail spectacularly in realising that even critical parts like the wings and tail for their mainstay MPA are made in India.

Those kind of hammered/riveted wings and tails are made in people's personal garages in the US.


That is the pinnacle of sheetmetal technology India has achieved so far in 2020 which the West pioneered some hundred years ago. Making riveted sub-assemblies for doors/wings/tails for utility aircraft...

Don't dig yourself in the hole any further - compare yourself to China and see where they have come in the last thirty years. The lack of any sense of shame is uniquely Sanghi...
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