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Bangabandhu's Men - on August 15 and After

Seeing the contradictions in his actions/convictions the only conclusion I can reach: Mujib was a clueless leader of a clueless nation and till to this day we bear the legacy of cluelessness- always the pioneers decide the tradition by their own example.
1.Tofael was responsible for National Security. JRB was under him. Officer entries into JRB used to be personally vetted by him. On that fateful night he was only 30 years of age, quite inexperienced in affairs of state. The crucial man DG, JRB Nuruzzaman as well as the CO of the Armored Regt were away. Nuruzzaman was abroad, and Momen was on leave.

2. I shall like to come back later on this.
As I recall Yahya Khan did in fact meet with Mujib on several occasions and even came to Dhaka .......

Thanks for the information. But, could you double-check the matter that Yahya met Sk. Mujib in the jail. He came to Dhaka to make an arrangement with the anti-liberation forces. Any negotiation without the participation of the then PAL and Sk. Mujib was bound to fail.
What and who are we talking about? Bongoboltu;sheesh.
1) Sheikh Mujib was at best patron of Awami League looting in post independence period.
2) Sheikh Mujib gave consent to start Farrakka dam for which millions of Bangladeshis had been suffering and will be suffering.
3) Sheikh Mujib was the person who signed 25 years slavery treaty with india which completely undermine Bangladesh independence.
4) Today Sheikh Mujib at best is poster child for Awami league looting today. For any awami league looting and extortion Sheikh Mujib name is a must. And that is how he should be remembered - sysmbol of Awami repression and looting.
What and who are we talking about? Bongoboltu;sheesh.
1) Sheikh Mujib was at best patron of Awami League looting in post independence period.
2) Sheikh Mujib gave consent to start Farrakka dam for which millions of Bangladeshis had been suffering and will be suffering.
3) Sheikh Mujib was the person who signed 25 years slavery treaty with india which completely undermine Bangladesh independence.
4) Today Sheikh Mujib at best is poster child for Awami league looting today. For any awami league looting and extortion Sheikh Mujib name is a must. And that is how he should be remembered - sysmbol of Awami repression and looting.

No, his only guilt was not to punish and hang the Razakars by putting into action the Islamic law. When these razakars are supposed to remain grateful to him for giving them another lease of life, but, in reality, as your current post shows, they are abusive and show disrespect to him. Seems, a dog's tail cannot be straightained.
4) Today Sheikh Mujib at best is poster child for Awami league looting today. For any awami league looting and extortion Sheikh Mujib name is a must. And that is how he should be remembered - sysmbol of Awami repression and looting.

Here Awami League looting scheme in the name of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib

Bangabandhu space satellite tender III
Family links raise further questions about tender
New Age | Newspaper

Bangabandhu space satellite tender
Sufficient evidence to trigger FBI corruption probe: US lawyer
New Age | Newspaper

While we are at it we should also discuss Sheikh Mujib heritage, where he is from and his family background.
Thanks for the information. But, could you double-check the matter that Yahya met Sk. Mujib in the jail. He came to Dhaka to make an arrangement with the anti-liberation forces. Any negotiation without the participation of the then PAL and Sk. Mujib was bound to fail.

During negotiations Mujib was not in jail. Why would Yahya visit him in jail when he was not in custody? Mujib was only taken into custody after the crackdown and he surrendered meekly while everyone else fought except the senior AL leaders who escaped to India and had a great time which Zahir Raihan wanted to expose before he was killed by the Indians/AL.
During negotiations Mujib was not in jail. Why would Yahya visit him in jail when he was not in custody? Mujib was only taken into custody after the crackdown and he surrendered meekly while everyone else fought except the senior AL leaders who escaped to India and had a great time which Zahir Raihan wanted to expose before he was killed by the Indians/AL.

Every one knows that yahya came to Dhaka on 15th March 1871 and pretended to negotiate a settlement while he was reinforcing troops from the west. But, in my initial post I said Yahya did not care to talk to Mujib for a negotiated settlement while he was in the govt custody in Rawalpindi after the crackdown.
How about Yahya Khan? He died just a drunkard with millions cursing him. He is another Meer Zafar Ali khan. He should have talked with the politicians of both wings about a possible confederation between the two wings when the war broke out. Instead, he went to such a distance that there was no point of return. Sk. Mujib was in the west Pakistan jail, but, he never cared to meet and talk to him about the country's future. His role, along with that of Z.A. Bhutto were dubiuous in nature.

Dr. Kamal Hossain was also in the west in his father-in-law's house during the war waiting probably for an invitation to meeet and talk with the President. But, treacherous General Yahya wanted to divide Pakistan, but, with an Indian intervention so that people would blame India and not him or west Pakistan for the resulting division of the country. However, he blamed Bhutto for the war and division after his fall from power. He did not blame Sk. Mujib for the outcome of the war.

totally agreed , in fact the best solution would have been a mutually accepted separation between the two wings with some sort of defense pact , i throughly condemn operation search light but the fact remain that the 1940 resolution called for "states" (plural) Muslim league should have reciprocated the enormous support & sacrifice of the people of Bengal for the Pakistan movement by accepting the proposal given by late sarat chandra bose & hussain shaheed suhrawardy of an independent united Bengal by rejecting this i think Muslim league made the biggest mistake it should have been two independent countries from the beginning
If Mujib were alive today, I'm sure he'd be sorely disappointed in the way his daughter is handling things.

No, it was the CIA who provided covert backing.

Man like Mujib are not Nelson Mandela. Mujib saw himself as the answer to all the issues back then. It never occurred to him that the he was the issue.
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