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Ban Pakistan from cricket, says Ian Botham

Who knows? Nobody is ready to take action against them surely mean that some one is making money on these bookies.

by going on your logic you should not shoot a terrorist, or put a theife in a jail because he dont work under your govt.

hate to bring this up..but with that logic, do you accept that pakistan the state is responsible for all the attacks in Indian soil as no action is being taken against them ?? I dont think so..so something which is out of your control, does not mean you are responsible...but if if someone under your charge is involved in those activities,then only you are held responsibl for that. infact read my very first post, even before quoting you.

Controlling our players is better option. Yes it is. Players should be controlled. And if found guilty should be punished with lifetime ban. Because some incompetent govt who cant control bookies so i think this is better option.

yes, controlling your players is better than blaming the bookies.

EDIT: didnt notice the ncompetent Govt part earlier,so replying now.....are you sure that if a govt cant control few bookies then it is incompetent ?? by that logic, what about few other nations not able to control so many terrorists ??

Same logic....You cant blame whole group because of few people. Be it Muslims, Christian, Pakistan, India, US, Or Pakistan Cricket team.

Not All Muslims are Terrorist Because of Few Nutcase

Not All Christian are Islam hater because one decided to burn quran

and so on.....

But your mentality from your post is that I applied the logic of blaming a whole group because of few people is wrong but when you did it you called it right........ Hypocrisy at its best.

so a guy calls your team corrupt because of its members involved in corruption with the number increasing everyday, you retaliate by calling whole nation corrupt as the bookie was from india ?? and thats what I said in that previous post..if we were here to decide which country is most corrupt on the paramters presented by you, then at the end of the discussion many nations including Pakistan will race much ahead of India.
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Now even a respected great like Ian Botham joins the " ban pakistan " bandwagon.....the PCB really needs to get its act together big time......no wonder Imran Khan , Wasim and the rest of the stalwarts look on helplessly.....

Ian Botham was great but a controversial player on and off the field. Take a look

Often controversial, Botham was suspended briefly in 1986 for smoking cannabis and was accused of racism and ball-tampering by Imran Khan. He also fell out publicly with other players, including Australian batsman Ian Chappell, England opener Geoff Boycott and Somerset captain Peter Roebuck. His private life has also made occasional dramatic appearances in Britain's tabloid newspapers, with at least one extramarital affair prompting a public apology to his wife Kathy. Botham was also sacked from the Queensland team after being arrested for assault of a fellow airline passenger.
Ian Botham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like he has again started smoking cannabis.:rofl:
hate to bring this up..but with that logic, do you accept that pakistan the state is responsible for all the attacks in Indian soil as no action is being taken against them ?? I dont think so..so something which is out of your control, does not mean you are responsible...but if if someone under your charge is involved in those activities,then only you are held responsibl for that. infact read my very first post, even before quoting you.

Lol They are banned, more than 100000 troops are fighting against them.

yes, controlling your players is better than blaming the bookies.

But why leaving bookies just like that.....Why no action?? Please explain. I never denied that controlling player is wrong. But why not control player PLUS take action against bookies.

so a guy calls your team corrupt because of its members involved in corruption with the number increasing everyday, you retaliate by calling whole nation corrupt as the bookie was from india ?? and thats what I said in that previous post..if we were here to decide which country is most corrupt on the paramters presented by you, then at the end of the discussion many nations including Pakistan will race much ahead of India.

Why you defending that calling whole team corrupt because of 3 (who are not proven guilty and the case is in progress not decided.) is fair but calling whole nation corrupt because of (More than 3) is not??

Plus these Parameters are not described by me but by an INDIAN. Please read the posts above.Now if these parameters are not correct then first the guy who asked Pakistani team corrupt on these basis should appologize. Then i'll think on my side.

I bolded few parts as you dont want to read the reality.
But why leaving bookies just like that.....Why no action?? Please explain. I never denied that controlling player is wrong. But why not control player PLUS take action against bookies.

Bookies are operating illegally in India because betting is banned. It's mostly controlled by the underworld including a famous gang headed by the father-in-law of Javed Miandad's son. Difficult to track people working in the shadows when compared to controlling a handful of players. It's why security agencies concentrate on protecting individuals like the Head of state, government etc rather than expending all their energy chasing everyone who might be a threat. It's just easier & more commonsensical to do that.
Lol They are banned, more than 100000 troops are fighting against them.

yes, controlling your players is better than blaming the bookies.

by saying they are banned, you mean they are identified as the evil of the society ..so sikmilarly, even the bookies in India are considered evil by Indian society and accordingly the police and the investigating agency concerned are already in process of hunting them down.

the original point was blaming the players before the bookies..which I am glad you agree to.

But why leaving bookies just like that.....Why no action?? Please explain. I never denied that controlling player is wrong. But why not control player PLUS take action against bookies.

its banned in India and govt has strict laws against them. police is always on a hunt against them.

Why you defending that calling whole team corrupt because of 3 (who are not proven guilty and the case is in progress not decided.) is fair but calling whole nation corrupt because of (More than 3) is not??

No am not defending him......Calling the whole team corrupt is undoubtedly wrong on basis of few players, but dragging the whole nation in as corrupt because of the common evils of the society is certainly a bad example. and I protest that...where you dragged India as a nation corrupt, instead of discussing within the issue of cricket and the match fixing.

Plus these Parameters are not described by me but by an INDIAN. Please read the posts above.Now if these parameters are not correct then first the guy who asked Pakistani team corrupt on these basis should appologize. Then i'll think on my side.

I bolded few parts as you dont want to read the reality.

parameters where you said that presence of bookies (an evil elemnt of the civil society) makes whole India corrupt.so in other words, evaluating a country's corruption by the presence of the evil elemnts of the society....I hope you remember who brought this first........and I am not bolding any part for you.
by saying they are banned, you mean they are identified as the evil of the society ..so sikmilarly, even the bookies in India are considered evil by Indian society and accordingly the police and the investigating agency concerned are already in process of hunting them down.

the original point was blaming the players before the bookies..which I am glad you agree to.

its banned in India and govt has strict laws against them. police is always on a hunt against them.

No am not defending him......Calling the whole team corrupt is undoubtedly wrong on basis of few players, but dragging the whole nation in as corrupt because of the common evils of the society is certainly a bad example. and I protest that...where you dragged India as a nation corrupt, instead of discussing within the issue of cricket and the match fixing.

parameters where you said that presence of bookies (an evil elemnt of the civil society) makes whole India corrupt.so in other words, evaluating a country's corruption by the presence of the evil elemnts of the society....I hope you remember who brought this first........and I am not bolding any part for you.
Quick Answer on the Topic as i have to go for now........I didnt read any post of you quoting that guy who called whole Pakistani team corrupt.I called your nation corrupt on the bases which i didn't brought but was brought here by an INDIAN. If you were so sensible and neutral you would have replied him first instead of start arguing with me. . SO Until that post is not removed my post will stay like that......

I think we as a nation should Sue the News paper's an Socalled "sir" ian Botham. I remembr this shitty sir Accused imran Khan for Ball Tampering, for That Accusion Imran Sued Him And Won the Case In British court.
ahhh yes; one Ian Botham talking about scandals and cheating when he was dumped by his mistress over a 2 year love affair outside of wedlock.

arrested for assault; smoking weed while being an active player, accused of racism and ball-tampering as well (not sure if those were proven true or not)

i would question his credibility on this matter

by the way, through an independent free & fair panel there should be determination of whether there was any further wrongdoing or not.....until then, people should just remain silent and enjoy the game without politicising things. This applies to Pakistanis as well.

We all do hope that cricket returns to the gentlemen's sport that it used to be; it never used to be so lucrative or have so much negativity attached to it.
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Quick Answer on the Topic as i have to go for now........I didnt read any post of you quoting that guy who called whole Pakistani team corrupt.I called your nation corrupt on the bases which i didn't brought but was brought here by an INDIAN. If you were so sensible and neutral you would have replied him first instead of start arguing with me. . SO Until that post is not removed my post will stay like that......


lol..I was not even expecting you to remove your post.

And when did I say I quoted that guy ?? I said read my first post,before quoting you.:lol:

good night. :D
lol..I was not even expecting you to remove your post.

And when did I say I quoted that guy ?? I said read my first post,before quoting you.:lol:

good night. :D
Thats what i said that you didn't quoted that guy.....

If you were so much against "blaming group because of few" policy you would have quoted him first. Instead your eyes caught my post to start arguing.Thats my point......
Thats what i said that you didn't quoted that guy.....

If you were so much against "blaming group because of few" policy you would have quoted him first. Instead your eyes caught my post to start arguing.Thats my point......

I didnt quote him because he was discussing on topic ..cricket,match fixing and cricket team.....and you dragged India as a nation and corruption so quoted you.you wanna blame Indian team ? BCCI ? go ahead !! :tup:
Ponting: Don't ban Pakistan | Cricket365 | Cricket News

Ponting has voiced not to ban Pakistan.

Botham's personal life is bad so he has no credibility to talk on things happening in the ground.

Symonds, warne and co has no voice to talk about cricket too.

What has personal life got to do with the subject under consideration? Imran Khan can talk, can he? Botham was one of the greats & his opinion must be accepted for what it is even if you don't (and you don't have to) accept his view point. Pointing has suddenly become god, has he? Get real Benny! Don't get carried away by all the talk of you being the most neutral Indian.:D
I didnt quote him because he was discussing on topic ..cricket,match fixing and cricket team.....and you dragged India as a nation and corruption so quoted you.you wanna blame Indian team ? BCCI ? go ahead !! :tup:
Wheres the policy of " Dont blame group on basis of few members) goes now?????
i know the personality of few individual, caught eating apple on the field and few people talk about the integrity of the botham.

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