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Baluchistan included in Indo-Pak joint statement.

yousuf raza gilani show his weak personality and to top it off Pakistan never discuses Kashmir issue.
Pakistan discuses baluchistan problem which will be problem for Pakistan in long term, So far Pakistan stand for Kashmir is that the people of Kashmir do n t want to live with Indians. Now by bring baluchistan issue Indian will make stand by saying baluchi leader do n t want to live with Pakistan. This is good tactics by Indian moving the point of focus from Kashmir to baluchistan.

Indians now make stand by saying that baluchistan should be librated .1971 is again in front of Pakistan.
Pakistani better act fast.
ure damn rite sir...!my residence is in balochistan and the way hatred is spreading among the people of balochistan against pakistan,its hard to avoid another 1971(allah na kare).my all mates,they jst all hates pakistan.whn i say that balochistan is a part of pakistan...they refuse to accept it...!they says not for long..so the government needs to act fast here.give priority to balochistan issue.:pakistan:
why is india so interested in balouchistan issue???
india should not poke her nosy nose in pakistan's internal affairs!!!

How balouchistan is pakistan's internal affairs,

J&K is a part of India why you Poke ur nose there:enjoy:

we done election and above 75% people is voteing in the election. if they dont want to be in the part of india, then why soo they are voteing???:enjoy:

How balouchistan is pakistan's internal affairs,

J&K is a part of India why you Poke ur nose there:enjoy:

we done election and above 75% people is voteing in the election. if they dont want to be in the part of india, then why soo they are voteing???:enjoy:


The officers of RAW hold secret meetings with Mengals and Bugtis in india and afghanistan.
Baynazir govt. helped india on various occasions but you indians are blasting hotels and girls schools in Pakistan.
India must be held accountable for their terorrism.
In held Kashmir it is your army which is raping the locals and indian media has always down played such news and this is one reason why you are so far away from facts of Kashmir and this 75% out come is also your illusion, which you want to belive.
Why we do not poke our nose in Assam? because it really is your internal matter apart from human rights voilations which will never come on surface because agains free media is not allowed.
J&K was not part of india in 1947 and the formulae to conclude its destiny is clearly agreed upon by Nehru in UN. Which every following indian govt. has defied openly.
How balouchistan is pakistan's internal affairs,

J&K is a part of India why you Poke ur nose there:enjoy:

we done election and above 75% people is voteing in the election. if they dont want to be in the part of india, then why soo they are voteing???:enjoy:


Really! when did that happen? Because last time we checked its still disputed and waiting for a time India backs down from its stubbornness and addresses the issue according to the wishes of Kashmires and not Indians.
he officers of RAW hold secret meetings with Mengals and Bugtis in india and afghanistan.
Baynazir govt.

i think officers of ISI are holding meeting and supporting and training kashmiri terrorists and whole whole world knows that.
two face talk wont work - lets resolve the baluchistan and kashmir with same perspective, lets decide the fate of baluchistan - by the wish of baluchistanis ?????

helped india on various occasions but you indians are blasting hotels and girls schools in Pakistan.

If you have proof show us - but indians did show u proff that pakistan was indeed involved in most attacks in indian killinf innocent civilian

In held Kashmir it is your army which is raping the locals and indian media has always down played such news and this is one reason why you are so far away from facts of Kashmir and this 75% out come is also your illusion, which you want to belive.

in kashmir - the situation is similer to tibet or baluchistan . people in kashmir are suffering because of both side - the fight is between terrorist and bsf - but kashmiri are suffering tis all political.
media is indeed reporting all on kashmir - just watch some indian news channel - like ndtv n stuff.
Why we do not poke our nose in Assam? because it really is your internal matter apart from human rights voilations which will never come on surface because agains free media is not allowed.

because assam is no way in stratagic intrest of pakistan. and pakistan will not gain nothing out of helping assam terrorists.
there are so many news channel in india and even though you are pakistani you can easily go to assam and take video there.

J&K was not part of india in 1947 and the formulae to conclude its destiny is clearly agreed upon by Nehru in UN. Which every following indian govt. has defied openly.

Its as simple as - indians dont give a damn about nehru and - india will fight till the end of world for kashmir - if it comes to that. and kashmir was always part of india infact the kashmir in pakistan was also part of india . :cheers:
Right on mate. By including the Balochistan issue in the joint statement, there is now scope for India to raise issues of human rights violations, custodial killings, rapes, economic exploitation and military action by the Pakistan Army in Balochistan province and internationalizing the Baloch freedom movement. Paksitani diplomats may have got it wrong here. India still regrets taking the Kashmir issue to the UN in 1948.

I don't think its good for India but its a big victory for Pakistan!!! Kahsmir and Balochistan cannot be compared , Kashimir is a disputed territory but Balochistan is not.There is no scope for India to raise / interfere in any internal problems of Pakistan. This is blunder mistake by India and would even prove a point that India felling insurgency in Balochistan . India is being projected as peace loving country to world and its a hit for our foreign policy.
i think officers of ISI are holding meeting and supporting and training kashmiri terrorists and whole whole world knows that.
two face talk wont work - lets resolve the baluchistan and kashmir with same perspective, lets decide the fate of baluchistan - by the wish of baluchistanis ?????

If you have proof show us - but indians did show u proff that pakistan was indeed involved in most attacks in indian killinf innocent civilian

in kashmir - the situation is similer to tibet or baluchistan . people in kashmir are suffering because of both side - the fight is between terrorist and bsf - but kashmiri are suffering tis all political.
media is indeed reporting all on kashmir - just watch some indian news channel - like ndtv n stuff.

because assam is no way in stratagic intrest of pakistan. and pakistan will not gain nothing out of helping assam terrorists.
there are so many news channel in india and even though you are pakistani you can easily go to assam and take video there.

Its as simple as - indians dont give a damn about nehru and - india will fight till the end of world for kashmir - if it comes to that. and kashmir was always part of india infact the kashmir in pakistan was also part of india . :cheers:

MOD EDIT: Don't get personal.

The issue in Balochistan is between aggressive modernisation (backed by military force) and the Baloch people's demands for their rights. Force has not yielded good results in the past. It is unlikely to do so in future. The government therefore would be better advised to seek a consensual mode of implementation of the mega-projects the poor people of Balochistan desperately need to overcome decades of neglect and deprivation of rights by bringing the nationalists on board through a fair distribution of the benefits of development and modernisation.

Soon the demand would be fullfilled.
two face talk wont work - lets resolve the baluchistan and kashmir with same perspective, lets decide the fate of baluchistan - by the wish of baluchistanis ?????

Baluchistan is Pakistani territory as per international protocol, Kashmir is not Indian territory anymore than Gaza or the West Bank is.

Its as simple as - indians dont give a damn about nehru and - india will fight till the end of world for kashmir - if it comes to that. and kashmir was always part of india infact the kashmir in pakistan was also part of india.

I am disappointed in the low quality of posts from some of you. We expect challenging and intellectually stimulating debates from all members, but as you can see this is not it. Telling us "all Kashmir belongs to India" along with an emoticon does not make it so. It does not even merit a reply, all it does is lower the quality of the discourse and of the forum. Please substantiate, elaborate and think about what you post, this is not a chat room. The Senior Members should be setting a good example in this regard.
I am disappointed in the low quality of posts from some of you. We expect challenging and intellectually stimulating debates from all members, but as you can see this is not it. Telling us "all Kashmir belongs to India" along with an emoticon does not make it so. It does not even merit a reply, all it does is lower the quality of the discourse and of the forum. Please substantiate, elaborate and think about what you post, this is not a chat room. The Senior Members should be setting a good example in this regard.

Appologies brother, infact - i never said all kashmir belongto india neither do i support that thought, it was just a way to respond to a bad non intellect post, and i agree i shouldnt go to same point.

I personally being a kashmiri - have a emotional point of view about my land. which is - i dont want it to be a issue between india or pakistan - we just want what we all deserve proparity and development first. first we want our bread and butter then we think of - our stand point. things have changed alot in past many years and looking at current scenario - we need peace between these two countries -a good dialougue system but not atthe cost of kashmir or kashmiri.
---- anyways - i request people to not make it - kashmir oriented post. and stay on topic. :cheers:
this is is a baseless argument....

pakistan can also say that ASSAM doesn't want to be with INDIA....so i guess if INDIA tries to get involved in balochistan issue then both the countries will be losing out.....

smartest thing to do is leave ASSAM 7 BALOCHISTAN out of discussion discuss only KASHMIR.....
Threads merged.

Please limit discussions on this thread to the implications of the inclusion of Baluchistan in the joint statement, and do not delve into arguments of the veracity of the claims that India is supporting the insurgency in Baluchistan, or analogies to kashmir - there is another thread for the latter.
Right on mate. By including the Balochistan issue in the joint statement, there is now scope for India to raise issues of human rights violations, custodial killings, rapes, economic exploitation and military action by the Pakistan Army in Balochistan province and internationalizing the Baloch freedom movement. Paksitani diplomats may have got it wrong here. India still regrets taking the Kashmir issue to the UN in 1948.

The context of the inclusion is not that Baluchistan is disputed, but that there is trouble being fomented in Baluchistan, ostensibly by India.

Kashmir's inclusion in the UN was in the context of Kashmir being disputed territory, with two nations fighting a war over it, and the UNSC issued resolutions based on what the GoI, Mountbatten and the rules of accession themselves stated - that in case of a disputed accession, there would be a resort to plebiscite.

It was the latter that India today regrets. Nothing like that exists on the Baluchistan front. The accession of Kalat and other states is done and over with, and was undisputed. The UNSC cannot issue resolutions akin to Kashmir just because it feels like it, there have to be justifications (as I pointed out there were in the case of plebiscite in kashmir) for that to happen.

If RAW is helping the insurgents, then there is a possibility of CIA, Israel, Russians, Afghans also being involved. American defence analysts and think-tanks prefer a free non-nuclear Balochistan, which can then be used to encircle Iran, gain access to transit trade routes and exploit the natural resources. Any intelligence information provided by Pakistan government will not stand in the eyes of the international community, since it doesn't fit into their interests.
The GoA is likely involved, Pakistan has complained about that to the US. However, the demographics of Baluchistan just do not allow it to become an East Pakistan of sorts.

The Baluch population is extremely small by Pakistan standards.

According to the 1998 census, the Baluchi speaking population was 54.76% of the total population. The total population was 6565885, which means that the total Baluch population was 3595479 - so about 3.5 million.

Now while there may be many baluch who do harbor serious grievances against the center, there are also many who do not, and then there are the tribes whose Sardars are loyal to the State, so the actual population that woudl be supportive of a violent militant movement shrinks considerably.

This demographic limitation makes Baluchistan outright independence completely nonviable without direct and massive military intervention by either the US or India. Only such intervention would allow for the breakaway of the province through force. Since Pakistan would never accept such a breakaway, that would mean that the country that did intervene would have to maintain a very large military presence for many many years to stop Pakistan from taking control of the territory again - until such time as Pakistan officially accepted the breakaway.

How many nations would be willing to commit to such military intervention and then maintain a large presence over several decades, and for what gain?
ure damn rite sir...!my residence is in balochistan and the way hatred is spreading among the people of balochistan against pakistan,its hard to avoid another 1971(allah na kare).my all mates,they jst all hates pakistan.whn i say that balochistan is a part of pakistan...they refuse to accept it...!they says not for long..so the government needs to act fast here.give priority to balochistan issue.:pakistan:

can you put light on it why this hatred spreading?
whats wrong with these people what they want?
can you put light on it why this hatred spreading?
whats wrong with these people what they want?

Most of the people there are uneducated and just follow what their elders say. FATA and Balochistan are two areas in Pakistan run by tribal elders. And this situation is entirely different from 1971. Balochistan is connected literally to all the other provinces of Pakistan, and our army and ISI know exactly whats going on there.
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