It has nothing to do with Islam or Pakistan, unless he wishes to club all people who follow Islam as terrorists and that Pakistan is a terrorist country.
behind the lines, american policy, now visibly very influenced by zionist perspective (as opposed to potential christian neutral) means that.
islam, like all other religions, is theocratic in essence. it is very true for judaism (israel as an entity, laws, nationality, internal politics etc...), it is less true for christianity since the anti-christian forces imposed anti-religious secularism in europe, and then usa, it is true for japan (emporor legitimacy is based on the shinto mythologies and japanses culture is heavily influeced by the shinto and japanese budhist eligions) etc...
basically, the problem of secularized anti-religious west is islam itself.
the west/usa want to do to islam what they did to christianism, i.e INVENT a new religion labelled islam, but that is "tolerant in the name of Allah" to homosexuality, pornography, and anti-religious ideologies. this is failing and will fail, simply because the christianity , at the contrary of islam and judaism, have been attacked (intellectually, and then physically, by the WWs and communism that destabilized demography and social order) inside its homelands and could not responde. for islam, there are stron,ghold that cannot be touched (in this context at least), and for judaism, the ethno-religious nature of this religion make it strong.
behind her "pacific" declarations, usa is very conscious about some typical carachteristics of islam that make it difficult to "defame". this is amplified by the fact that the majority of muslims happen to live in poor countries, where they have only religion to survive.
so in order to accomplish her interests, usa (based on zionist vision) needs to have other religions as allies against islam. it is easy to have the "westernism" religion as an ally against any other religion, it is easy to have chritianity as an ennemy gainst islam, for objective reasons (the imperialist history of islam, the perception of islam as a near threat to europe, surrounding europe and even INSIDE europe) and subjective reason (the myth of islam-the-bloody religion, that generalizes and use selective-memory and double standard to "hollywoodize" , forgotting that ALL religions had their bloody empires, and have different sects, versions, and even heresies; the need to have a new mega evil ennemy after the URSS, the adoption of judeo-zionist POVs after the emergence of the judeo-christianity and since the 19th.C. the zionist christianity, amplified and personified now in the evangelical pseudo-protestant church; the failure of zionists to create a judo-chrsitiano-islamic ideology that would ease the task of both usa/west and israel, and the discovery that "if islam cannot be included inside "our" religions, it is against us)...
now, from all the remaining regional or ambitious powers, india is the best choice:
the complex history of islam in india. the recent conflicts. the proximity to the "red" china and "red" russia and the necessity to gain proximity to both there regional powers. the nature of india, i. a democracy: nothing is more easier to manupulate than democracy, nothing is more easier to destroy and blackmail, because democracy, especially in an emerging country, is influencable. india is perfect, and usa (throu its media, intellectuals, "friends" etc...) will do its possible to "win" india.
islamic hindus conflict (wether real or only mediatic/perceived) is of prime importance to the usa strategy "about" (let's say it clear: against) islam.
isa have no problem with corrupt, terrorist, or pathologic psudo-islam. (see its allies). usa have problem with islam as a viable different civilizational model.
so for usa, it has everything to do with islam, and for usa, yes, pakistan, iran...ANY islamic nation trying to be fully independant and escaping the orbit of america (which means in simple terms, opting for america's ennemies : china and/or russia) are "terrorist nations". turkey is a friend only because it serves as a military base of NATO. if ever/when turkey quit the NATO, it will join the "club" as fast as possible
This is a most flawed and unfortuante opinion expressed by Asim.
Apparently, he has made this type of a statement to provoke and sort of soft soap you to stand up for the Ummah i.e. go ballistic against India.
no way. I belive only in Alllah and muhammd is rasullullah. nothing else. i'm not manipulable, don't worry. and I never base my POV on one definitive opinion, neither or emotions. I also know (i think) how much india is a complex country, and I don't belive that the mass of indians are easily fanatizable. (but that don't means that there is no prediposition against a "target" : it's human dangerously natural predisposition of poor, afraid or people under pressure)
BUT the question is about the elites. for this, i have no opinion.
As I have explained earlier, I do subscribe to the view that religion has nothing to do with our day rote. If it were not because of religion, then where would be what is today termed as terrorism? Some clever people have used this powerful vehicle called religion and manipulate it to make people angry, disillusioned and ashamed leading to this confrontation.
communists' terrorism. anarchists' terrorism. nationalists' terrorism. racialists' terrorism.
these are not religions stricly speaking (even if the communautarian and desperate effect is extremly strong as in extreme versions of religions).
terrorism is an act, a tool. anything may justify it. you can even invent justifications later. terrorsim is void and have any meaning. why ? it is NOT representative. a representative conflict is called WAR.
terrorism is basically atheistic (whatever the declarations and the apparences are): the terrorist "forces" the destiny (considered in all religions as written by God(s) ), he is sure to "go to paradize" or "save people" or... he have no absolute faith in a religion, but rather in HIS idea.
if someone belives REALLY in Allah swt, can he CLAIM to be sure to go to apradize for SURE ? can he be so much impatient instead of beign patient (and give himself time to think) ? can he violate ALL islamic jihad rules about the war ?
Palestine is a social problem.
this is either the limited marxist view, or the "machaivelic" zionist view (i don't say that you are either, just this view is expressed by both these currents)
so to begin with: social is related to a popualtion. population=>state. we have 1 state and 1 potential one: a JEWISH state (ethnically, legally, mythologically) and an arab islamo-christian "state" (same).
ok, we can take another perspective: palestine is more "wealthy" than morocco. yes. but we have no hamas, no islamic jihad, no fatah, no massive armed militant movements. (islamists are mostly politics, and terrorists are fought).
let's suppose that you give palstinians billions. some would shut up, but the majority would be still angry.
the falsehood of economical problem is shown better by teh decolonizations : the euro-imperialism brought materian modernity to occupied lands. the peoples however we not satisfied, otehrwise, euopeans would still be ruling india and pakistan and...
It a struggle between two COMMUNITIES for the right to live on a piece of land. I will not go into this socal problem here since it will be a digression to what I am discussing. But, it has been given a religious hues on both sides of the problem. And religion being a strong elixir, irrationality on both sides have led to "defenders of the faith" on both sides. And the schism has deepened and now beyond redemption.
israel is found on religious jewish POV. (history tells us that the canaanites adn philistins are autochtonous to this land, and the nomadic israelites have invaded it based on their religion)
palestine is, for arabs, al qods/jerusalem/yerushalom.
it was also a part of islamic lands (othoman empire). one argument used constantly against this is that there is no "religious" land. but israel IS a religious land as anyone may see... (but not speak)
sure, the religious factor have amplified the problem. but religion was also a part of the problem since the begining. in fact, in the torah, Yahve (jewish god) gave beni israel the land OF cannanites, because the latters were PAGANS.
If the problem did not have a religious angle, then possibly it could have been solved. Now, it is a Jew vs Islam pwoer struggle! Bring in religion and you can forget about any solution because irrationality surfaces (like Asim's post as if India is bedevilled by the Pakistan is an Islamic country. If that was the case India would be against all Islamic countries and which is not the case).
yes. 100%. religion turns a problem to an absolute problem.
but i don't agree about the "ir/rationality" ideas. wars are not rational. they are in majority emotive: ideology, religion. the only rational wars are defensive wars. but the israeli led offensive wars, and then arabs later.
yes, pakistan and india should keep religion out of conflict as much as possible.