India enjoys support in Kabul from not only Karzai and his cabinet but many political elements that fought the Taliban, especially the Northern Alliance that was supported by Iran, the U.S. and its allies and continues to be friendly towards India. A strong, stable Afghanistan, bolstered by American military and diplomatic support, and further strengthened by an alliance with India, could on the other hand make Pakistan very uncomfortable indeed. India should take advantage of this historic opportunity to free both Baluchistan and N.W.F.P from Pakistan by giving total support to the Baluch freedom fighters and to the Afghan government, as Mrs. Indira Gandhi has changed the map of Pakistan in 1971. While Pakistan is continuously drawing the attention of the world about India's so-called 'injustice' to Kashmir, which Pakistan has invaded in October 1947, there is no reason for India to conceal the fact that Pakistan has occupied an independent country Balochistan in April 1948.
(The (Indian) author is a Professor in International Economics in Nagasaki University, Japan)