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Balochistan is of importance for US: Munter

Kashmir should also be marked disputed and subsequently liberated, the Kahmiris are muslims and don't like be ruled by hindus.
Southern India should also be marked disputed and subsequently liberated, the Southerners are Dravidians and don't like to be ruled by Indo-Aryans.
Seven sister states should also be marked disputed and subsequently liberated, they are Gurkhas and don't like being ruled by Indo-Aryans.
And I'm just getting started !

Ok let's see here, who rules (holds positions of power) India:
Home minister - Chidambaram (South Indian),
Defence minister - Anthony (South Indian),
Foreign Affairs minister - Krishna (South Indian),
National Security Advisor - Shivshankar menon (South Indian),
Reserve Bank Governor - Subbarao (South Indian)

And what was it - 7 sisters being Gorkhas?
Assam - Indo-Aryans
Nagaland - Tibeto-Burman
Mizo - Tibeto-Burman
Manipur (Meithei) - Tibeto-Burman
Meghalaya (Khasi) - Austro-Asiatic
Arunachal - Tibeto-Burman
Tripura (Bengali majority) - Indo-Aryans

None of the 7 sister states have a Gorkha/Nepali population. Please do some homework.

On topic, the US is merely using Balochistan as a trump card that it can use to extract 'do more' from Pakistan.
Oh boi... whenever the US gets curious, things start happening. Wonder what they got in store now. I think new military bases. That's the maximum they can think right now.
Kashmir should also be marked disputed and subsequently liberated, the Kahmiris are muslims and don't like be ruled by hindus.
Southern India should also be marked disputed and subsequently liberated, the Southerners are Dravidians and don't like to be ruled by Indo-Aryans.
Seven sister states should also be marked disputed and subsequently liberated, they are Gurkhas and don't like being ruled by Indo-Aryans.
And I'm just getting started !

This shows your pitiful knowledge from beyond this part of the world. Gurkhas are Hindus. South Indians are Hindus. East Indians are mainly Buddhists.Kashmiri indigenous population are also Pandits and sikhs. So why are you talking along the pitiful lines of colonial british who tried but failed big time and are now being reverse colonized? :lol:

Racial complex is only with you guys who are toeing the imperialist dialogue of some stupid race distinction whereas the subcontinental race is the same and because of its genetic loose structure, appears outwardly different in different regions.

But whenever you make a racial remark, you only make yourself a laughing stock in front of Europeans who just pat themselves in the back at how they successfully divided your mentality based on a distinction that only they recognize. And you're just making them even more smug by parroting the same lines.
from what i see in Karachi...even Muslims dont like to be ruled by Muslims.....the people there just want blood because their political leaders are fighting ......now there are reports of bringing the army in.....what say about that?.....I am a south Indian and am not worried about which race is involved in governance....the only thing that i care about is how my country is governed

You obviously did not see in what context this post was written. See my post again along with the high-lighted part and then you'll understand.

That also goes from Maritimer and Tshering22.
2 such statements in one day.....first of Balochistan and then about our Silk Road :lol:

i think the Americans do want to establish some kind of corporate footprint there, given the vast resources we have there.....but also, it could serve as a listening post on Iran. And if that's what the intention is, we should decline any such "projects" immediately.

the funny thing is --- it's Americans and not our own bugger politicians who are saying this. The truth is, Balochistan can (and will be Inshallah) the RICHEST province in Pakistan. Small population + sitting on billions and billions of dollars worth of minerals, 6 trillion cubic meters of untapped gas not to mention the Gwadar Port -- whose existence is the envy of even the industrialized world.

i think you guys should take his statement for what it really is; i dont think he was being provactive though obviously given the law & order situation in some parts of Balochistan it would be important to keep an eye out. Especially given that fact that certain enemy nearby countries have a hand in its destabilization. :)
This shows your pitiful knowledge from beyond this part of the world. Gurkhas are Hindus. South Indians are Hindus. East Indians are mainly Buddhists.Kashmiri indigenous population are also Pandits and sikhs. So why are you talking along the pitiful lines of colonial british who tried but failed big time and are now being reverse colonized? :lol:

Racial complex is only with you guys who are toeing the imperialist dialogue of some stupid race distinction whereas the subcontinental race is the same and because of its genetic loose structure, appears outwardly different in different regions.

But whenever you make a racial remark, you only make yourself a laughing stock in front of Europeans who just pat themselves in the back at how they successfully divided your mentality based on a distinction that only they recognize. And you're just making them even more smug by parroting the same lines.

Funny thing is tht its the indian army tht still believes in martial race thing... few years back they even issues notice tht muslims,shurdras not allowed/prefered to join IA... cant find the source(*will find it soon).

Heck just look at indian armys demographics... tht speaks for itself.
i think Baluchistan shouldbe marked disputed and subsequently liberated. the baluchis are a different nation from punjabi dominated peoples. also they are mostly shias and shias dont like to be dominated by sunnis, just like the muslims (ahmadi)

You ignorant bharati dont even know what you are talking about.

ALMOST ALL BALOCH ARE SUNNIS. Baloch dont get along with the Iranian regime in their Sistan-Baluchistan province in Iran.

Most Pakistani Shias are from Punjab and Sindh.

And shall we start a debate on the poor dalits who have always been discriminated by high caste hindus in hindustan...just forget about the non-hindus in hindustan.

All of india shoud be declared a disputed territory.
This shows your pitiful knowledge from beyond this part of the world. Gurkhas are Hindus. South Indians are Hindus. East Indians are mainly Buddhists.Kashmiri indigenous population are also Pandits and sikhs. So why are you talking along the pitiful lines of colonial british who tried but failed big time and are now being reverse colonized? :lol:

Racial complex is only with you guys who are toeing the imperialist dialogue of some stupid race distinction whereas the subcontinental race is the same and because of its genetic loose structure, appears outwardly different in different regions.

But whenever you make a racial remark, you only make yourself a laughing stock in front of Europeans who just pat themselves in the back at how they successfully divided your mentality based on a distinction that only they recognize. And you're just making them even more smug by parroting the same lines.
Hold on a minute, 'they are all Hindus' - is that the Hindu equivalent of the 'Ummah' argument?
The truth is, Balochistan can (and will be Inshallah) the RICHEST province in Pakistan. Small population + sitting on billions and billions of dollars worth of minerals, 6 trillion cubic meters of untapped gas not to mention the Gwadar Port -- whose existence is the envy of even the industrialized world.
Slightly off topic, but what would normally happen is that as a province/state becomes more developed and successful, demographic shifts take place as people from elsewhere move in. And part of that demographic shift is out of necessity - more development, industry, investment etc. require more manpower, skilled and unskilled. A small local population typically means that manpower comes in from 'outside'.

Barring ethnically biased policies by the provincial government in Baluchistan, a successful Baluchistan will not have a 'small population' for very long.
i think Baluchistan shouldbe marked disputed and subsequently liberated. the baluchis are a different nation from punjabi dominated peoples.

i think Bodoland, Assamese, Bengali, Tamil, Sikh Punjabi and Communist Naxalite land should be marked disputed and subsequently liberated. the Bodoland, Assamese, Bengali, Tamil, Sikh Punjabi and Communist Naxalites (among a plethora of other groups) are a different nation from north indian/hindi dominated peoples.

the poor untouchable dalits also don't deserve to be treated like scum by their brahmin masters

also they [Baloch] are mostly shias and shias dont like to be dominated by sunnis

wow great story; but you should first get your facts straight at least!

Slightly off topic, but what would normally happen is that as a province/state becomes more developed and successful, demographic shifts take place as people from elsewhere move in. And part of that demographic shift is out of necessity - more development, industry, investment etc. require more manpower, skilled and unskilled. A small local population typically means that manpower comes in from 'outside'.

Barring ethnically biased policies by the provincial government in Baluchistan, a successful Baluchistan will not have a 'small population' for very long.

the most important thing here is that the locals are enabled to have jobs and contribute towards their own wealth; so that "migrants" who are more qualified dont have to fill in the gaps.

the problem is the nawabs, they want to keep their people backwards and illiterate so that they can manipulate and control them.....just another case of feudalistic 'politics'

yes migrations do take place when there are ripe opportunities....thats a natural phenomenon. That's why historically, a city like Karachi was always the melting pot -- the 'mini Pakistan' -- because it brought in a huge influx of non indigeous groups like Pakhtuns and Baloch (many who are permanently settled there for generations)

i look at these threads on PDF regarding Pakistan and I say to myself --- this all goes down to the same damned thing:

kill feudalism; kill corruption; destroy anti-state elements; and most importantly, value education and demand proper (competent) governance on federal and provincial level

the benefits and fruit would follow

kill feudalism; kill corruption; destroy anti-state elements; and most importantly, value education and demand proper (competent) governance on federal and provincial leve..................

I would be ecstatic on any ONE of those things actually happening!
Better leave us alone!

American Ambassador Cameron Munter, who is on a visit to Balochistan these days, observed in a meeting with the Speaker of Balochistan Assembly, Muhammad Aslam Bhootani, on Thursday and later the same day with Chief Minister Sardar Muhammad Aslam Raisani, that the province was very important for the US. Mr Munter added that his country was ready to render help in technical and other sectors, as required by the provincial government. Envoy Munter’s remark about the significance of Balochistan to the US and the offer of help for its uplift that would entail the presence of Americans on the projects for which it would be utilised, have caused great alarm among the people, who are already concerned at the dirty role the US agents or the CIA’s contractors are playing in the province.

There are also worrying reports that he has not been only meeting leaders of different political parties, but also the nationalist groups. While contacts with political figures are deemed proper for a diplomatic representative, approaches to the dissidents who have picked up arms against the established government of the day could not, under any rule, be justified. This also poses a serious question about the circumstances under which the authorities, to be exact the security agencies and the Foreign Ministry, gave him the permission to have meetings with the outlawed, separatists forces.

One can well understand why in the eyes of the US, Balochistan holds significance. With the Chief Minister clearly denying the presence of the so-called Quetta Shura, Mulla Omar and Ayman al-Zawahiri in the province, the US should cease to have any interest there in the context of the war on terror. The fact is that it wants its agents on the ground to foment trouble in our neighbours and friends Iran and China as well as in Balochistan itself. That would enable them also to exercise its influence in running the affairs of the province, more particularly with regard to the strategically important Gwadar Port. In this way, the Americans intend blocking the legitimate Chinese attempts at having easier access to the world from this side. It is a matter of great shame that our leaders are facilitating the Americans’ designs not only against Pakistan, but also its closest allies, rather then preventing them to do so. Whether it is the turbulent Karachi, where Mr Munter also expressed the wish of the US the other day to play a role to sort things out, or the mineral-rich, strategically located Balochistan, where certain disaffected elements are disturbing the peace, the government should itself play a proactive role in restoring peace. We have had enough of the US help and cooperation; there is plenty of evidence spread over 63 years of Pakistan’s existence to establish how harmful it has been. We need no more of it. The Americans had better leave us alone now!

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