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Balkanizing Pakistan: A Collective National Security Strategy

Not everything in this world is a zero-sum game ; I never said that you cannot nullify Zardari's statement with opinions from the Pakistani political diaspora. But to do so would be living in denial ; I believe that u would not wish to be accused thereof. I am not putting a Luger to your temple to accept my statement. We can always agree to disagree.

You can put it the way you want to put it, but the language you used would make anyone who disagreed with you sound stupid.

The groups were created to get the soviets out of Afghanistan, in which many other nations were involved as well. If there was some ulterior motive to use them against any other nation, we didn't see that happening, so you can't claim such motive either. You can use the kandahar hijacking as an example, but that is an isolated example and you won't find any other such example.

I feel that such half-heartedness is what is proving to be Pakistan's undoing. We do not need any reasons to destroy the Taliban, as they represent an apostasy of Islam. Any pov that aligns with the "Strategic Depth" notion for asymmetric warfare is doomed for your Nation.

I do not consider myself a muslim (since I don't practice Islam) so any religious argument is pointless as far as I am concerned. I believe in the short-term, it might be beneficial for us to support Afghan Taliban. I also don't think they spell any doom for Pakistan in the short term as they are not attacking Pakistan in any way. But by in large, we should plan to destroy them in the long term. Remember, US used these guys when it suited them and it was accepted by everyone.
U wouldn't believe it, but during June 1940, Jinnah suggested the balkanization of India into Hindustan, Bangalistan , Pakistan and Dravidistan (as per his version of the TNT). Now i truly find it ironic that people aspiring to a similar pov as Jinnah for the current Pakistani state and then one of them gets called as "Quaid-e-Azam" and then the rest as third rate 'Journalists'.

Jinnah was talking about a united Pakistan; this clown is trying to stir up ethnic divisions.

Kevin Rudd for calling the Land of the Pure as a slow-burn humanitarian disaster ?

As SMC pointed out, KR was talking about the looming threat of water-borne diseases in the aftermath of the floods.

His logic is not Bengali, Punjabi and Tamil etc.

His logic is entirely based on playing up ethnic rivalries. This is standard operating procedure for Indian propagandists trying to stir up trouble in Pakistan. And he parrots idiotic statements by Shashi Tharoor and others. There is nothing new or original in his post which isn't routinely promoted by India.

This 'journalist' is a paid propagandist for India. Nothing more.

The author points out that the government in Islamabad has nominal control over the frontier regions; which is in fact true. They in turn spawn terrorists who keep blowing themselves up somewhere in the world.

While somewhat true, that is hardly an argument for breaking up the country.

The government is heavily influenced by the military

Judging by the popularity of Musharraf, most of the country doesn't seem to have a problem with it. The fact that the Indians don't like the Pakistan military is their problem.

which is 90% composed of one ethnic group, this results in unequal treatment of other groups which then express discontent as in case of balochis.

Once again, this is standard propaganda promoted by Indians and others to create ethnic divisions within Pakistan. Imran Khan stated this as one of the reasons for opposing the army's crackdown -- that it would be portrayed as a Punjabi v/s Pashtun fight by Pakistan's enemies.

The population itself is heavily radicalized from the days of the jihad and the government seems not to cure that by focusing more on education.

Again, although true, this has nothing to do with dividing up the country. It requires, if anything, a reeducation program to indoctrinate nationalism and patrotism instead of religious fanaticism.

And then there is the perennial obsession with India, that makes your military stick with assets like Haqqani. Like it or not Pakistan will have to give it up, or the war is coming to the other side of the mountains.

The perennial obsession with India is a reaction to India's perennial obsession with Pakistan -- from Indira Gandhi's meddling in East Pakistan, her plans to attack West Pakistan, continued support for ethnic separatist movements within Pakistan, and cultivation of Afghanistan as an anti-Pakistan proxy. Pakistani support for Taliban is a reaction to neutralize India's support for Northern Alliance.
His logic is entirely based on playing up ethnic rivalries. This is standard operating procedure for Indian propagandists trying to stir up trouble in Pakistan. And he parrots idiotic statements by Shashi Tharoor and others. There is nothing new or original in his post which isn't routinely promoted by India.

This 'journalist' is a paid propagandist for India. Nothing more.

Entirley based on ethnic rivalries? Its very clearly mentioned in the article what its based on, but if you want convince yourself that the author has an agenda in mind I can't help you. Here let me try...

Balkanization is based on the premise that the weak central government in Islamabad is incapable of governing Pakistan's frontiers, which have become the number one source of regional instability. The governing Punjabi elite have neglected the other three major ethnic groups - the Sindhis, Pashtuns, and Baluchis, primarily because a majority of Pakistan's budget is spent on the military rather than economic development, schooling or infrastructure. Only 2% of Pakistan's GDP, for example, is spent on education despite the fact Pakistan's literacy rate stands at 57%.

This 'journalist' is a paid propagandist for India. Nothing more.

Again, if you want to convince yourself that all articles criticising Pakistan are by paid Indian agents, you are being in denial.

While somewhat true, that is hardly an argument for breaking up the country.

Why do you think that truth matters to a foriegn journalist sitting half a world away?
You may not think of as the every other day bombings of your country as a problem, that is your prerogative. But when the terrorists trained in your territory go out and start bombing other countries, they will notice that your government cannot control elements that are threatening their safety, thats their prerogative.
Simple logic is, either Pakistan controls its fundamentalists--or someone else will have to do it the way they deem fit.

Judging by the popularity of Musharraf, most of the country doesn't seem to have a problem with it. The fact that the Indians don't like the Pakistan military is their problem.

You can declare Musharraf a living god for all India cares, that is not the problem. The problem is that millitary dictates government policies, and it is 90%(?) composed of Punjabis, who do you think is under represented?

Once again, this is standard propaganda promoted by Indians and others to create ethnic divisions within Pakistan. Imran Khan stated this as one of the reasons for opposing the army's crackdown -- that it would be portrayed as a Punjabi v/s Pashtun fight by Pakistan's enemies.

Correct me if I am wrong, but don't the sindhis, baluchis and pashtuns regularly point out the dominance of the Punjabis.

Again, although true, this has nothing to do with dividing up the country. It requires, if anything, a reeducation program to indoctrinate nationalism and patrotism instead of religious fanaticism.

Good solution, however the Pakistani govt spends 2% on education and more than double of that on defence, again since the govt cannot manage to re-educate the country, alternate solutions are being talked about.

The perennial obsession with India is a reaction to India's perennial obsession with Pakistan -- from Indira Gandhi's meddling in East Pakistan, her plans to attack West Pakistan, continued support for ethnic separatist movements within Pakistan, and cultivation of Afghanistan as an anti-Pakistan proxy. Pakistani support for Taliban is a reaction to neutralize India's support for Northern Alliance.

The isssue is not India, you cannot justify your association with terror elements like haqqani based on your perceived Indian obsession. Since your military wont let go of haqqani & co as a trump card while they continue to hatch terror plots from your badlands, and continue to push Pakistan towards a failed state, some other solution has to be found.
Again, if you want to convince yourself that all articles criticising Pakistan are by paid Indian agents, you are being in denial.

I am not saying he is an Indian propagandist because he is attacking Pakistan; many Western personalities do that on their own. I am claiming he is promoting standard Indian propaganda about ethnic divisions. That leaves open the question of his agenda.

Why do you think that truth matters to a foriegn journalist sitting half a world away?

Because his article is logically inconsistent and is little more than standard Indian propaganda.

You may not think of as the every other day bombings of your country as a problem, that is your prerogative. But when the terrorists trained in your territory go out and start bombing other countries, they will notice that your government cannot control elements that are threatening their safety, thats their prerogative.
Simple logic is, either Pakistan controls its fundamentalists--or someone else will have to do it the way they deem fit.

So, let me get this straight: he is claiming that, since Pakistan can't control its badlands, the solution is to break up the country. Right. Uh huh. Indian wet dreams...

The problem is that millitary dictates government policies, and it is 90%(?) composed of Punjabis, who do you think is under represented?

Pakistan has an all volunteer military. Anybody is free to join.

Correct me if I am wrong, but don't the sindhis, baluchis and pashtuns regularly point out the dominance of the Punjabis.

You are wrong. Some Sindhis, Baluchis and Pashtuns grumble about lack of representation. Just like some Tamils, Biharis and Bengalis grumble similarly in India.

I am not saying there isn't a problem -- every country has room for improvement -- but it is Indian policy to support and promote ethnic rivalries within Pakistan.

The isssue is not India, you cannot justify your association with terror elements like haqqani based on your perceived Indian obsession. Since your military wont let go of haqqani & co as a trump card while they continue to hatch terror plots from your badlands, and continue to push Pakistan towards a failed state, some other solution has to be found.

Pakistan's army and intelligence services are entrusted to look after Pakistan's interests. India is upset that they are planning two steps ahead of India in anticipation of the aftermath of American withdrawl from the region.
Jinnah was talking about a united Pakistan; this clown is trying to stir up ethnic divisions.
Jinnah very well knew when he supported balkanization of India into Dravidistan and Bangalistan, he did bring up ethnic issues into it ; Pakistan was only a special case of TNT, where the majority is based on Religion instead of ethnic origins.

So, indeed i do not see anything wrong in his statement, if Jinnah can support balkanization based on a theory of his own.
The Indian Bellicose is quite justified you see...

Despite hers best effort and 'strategies' to decimate Pakistan ever since 1947 and the failure of the Nehru-Mountbatten joint colaberations to see to it that Pakistan comes begging back to India in 6 month to be taken back into India, Pakistan has survived 63 years, leave alone 6 months.

Thats what gets to Indians so much. if Pakistan is to be decimated, India has to suffer the same fate! probably even before Pakistan... Strictly Strategically Speaking! no jingonism here!

The little success they had in creating Bangladesh will pay them a visit very soon, just let the US and ISAF roll out of the sand box :hang2:

As far as Zardari is concerned, he was never elected into power, only selected! (by the US) so dont act as if u Indians dont know it considering u have a brand new marital contract with the US:chilli:

Pakistan ZINDABAAD:pakistan:

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