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Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

C.I.A. Missile Strike May Have Killed Pakistan’s Taliban Leader, Officials Say

WASHINGTON — The C.I.A. missile strike in Pakistan’s tribal areas on Wednesday may have killed Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of the country’s fearsome Taliban militia, American and Pakistani officials said Thursday.

Officials in Washington and Islamabad were scrambling to make sense of communications intercepts and other intelligence that seemed to indicate that Mr. Mehsud might have been killed in the strike. By Thursday evening, American officials said they were growing increasingly confident that the Taliban leader was dead.

Still, they cautioned that it may be weeks before they are certain, and they may never gain access to the remote location in South Waziristan to perform DNA tests.

“There is reason to believe that reports of his death may be true, but it can’t be confirmed at this time,” said an American official with access to classified intelligence reports.

Mr. Mehsud and his military network have been blamed for a wave of violence across Pakistan, including the 2007 assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the former Pakistani prime minister.

The militant leader also seemed to take pleasure in taunting Pakistani officials and holding news conferences to demonstrate the inability of officials in Islamabad to rein in his network.

Mr. Mehsud pledged to attack Washington, but American officials did not take the threat seriously. Still, his network is believed to have close ties to Qaeda leaders in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

The C.I.A. made killing Mr. Mehsud one of its top priorities this year, partly at the urging of Pakistan’s civilian government. Pakistani officials, including President Asif Ali Zardari, had complained that the campaign of missile strikes by American drones was killing only militants responsible for killing American troops in Afghanistan.

Since then, the State Department has offered a reward of as much as $5 million for Mr. Mehsud. The C.I.A. also began trying to track his daily movements, and American intelligence officials believed on several occasions that they had almost killed him.

It is partly for this reason that officials remained cautious on Thursday about drawing definitive conclusions. Still, their confidence that Mr. Mehsud had been killed grew through the day.

“Taking Mehsud off the battlefield would be a major victory,” said an American counterterrorism official. “The world, and certainly Pakistan, would be a safer place without him.”

The strike by a drone early Wednesday morning hit a compound in the remote village of Zanghara, in South Waziristan. Village residents said that day that one of Mr. Mehsud’s wives had been killed in the attack and that several children had been wounded.

Although President Obama has distanced himself from many of the Bush administration’s counterterrorism policies, he has embraced and even expanded the C.I.A.’s covert campaign in Pakistan using Predator and Reaper drones.

Pakistani officials publicly condemn these attacks, but they have privately given their blessing to the strikes in the country’s tribal areas, in part because the missile attacks increasingly have focused on Mr. Mehsud’s network.

The news that Mr. Mehsud might have been killed was first reported on the Web site of ABC News.

LOL He is not Dead... CIA already took him to Afghanistan for NEXT SESSION TRAINING!!

r u guys trust on AMERICANS and there reports that B.M Died ????? lol
Even if he is dead, someone else may take up the job. Ideally his removal should pave the way for his followers to take a pause, however given the way things have gone on in the past, I doubt this will happen.
"Ideally his removal should pave the way for his followers to take a pause..."

Can't flinch when you're the new leader. Not uncommon in criminal organizations for the new boss to be a real beast, especially to guys from the old guard.

Moreover, while not decapitating, there's no doubt that you erode quality of leadership as much as weeding the deadwood for new growth. There are reasons these guys are at the top and reasons why the guys who are now in line to replace a Mehsud weren't previously.

If they were the best they'd be at the front of the line in organizations as Darwinian as these.
Taliban chief Mehsud may be dead: US T.V, officials
Updated at: 0430 PST, Friday, August 07, 2009

WASHINGTON: The Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud may be dead after a reported drone strike, a US official said on Thursday.

If confirmed, the death of Mehsud would be a coup for Washington, which has placed a five-million-dollar bounty on his head and branded him "a key Al-Qaeda facilitator" in Pakistan's tribal belt.

"There is some reason to believe Mehsud may be dead but it cannot be confirmed at this time for certain," the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told media.

Pakistani officials on Wednesday had said Mehsud's wife had been killed in an attack from an unmanned US aircraft, which regularly target Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants in Pakistan.

A senior Pakistani security official had told media that the target of the strike was the warlord Mehsud.

US television quoted unnamed US officials saying there was no physical evidence but there were "indicators" that Mehsud had been killed.

The officials said they hoped to secure DNA tests, US television reported.

Pakistan on Sunday offered a 615,000-dollar reward for information leading to the capture, dead or alive, of Mehsud.

The burly Al-Qaeda-linked warlord, blamed for the deaths of hundreds of people in terror attacks over two years, has amassed influence from his fiefdom in the treacherous peaks of South Waziristan.

After an early education from a religious school in Miranshah in North Waziristan, Mehsud traveled to Afghanistan in the mid 1990s to fight alongside the Taliban movement as they battled for control of the war-torn country.

Upon his return, the Taliban in Pakistan were commanded by one-legged former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Abdullah Mehsud, who was killed when troops raided his hideout in southwestern Baluchistan province in July 2007.

Although relatively unknown at the time, Baitullah Mehsud -- now in his late 30s -- swiftly took his place and that same year he formed an umbrella organization of tribal militants named Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.

Despite a string of peace deals with the government, Mehsud set up training camps for recruits, and extended his influence into the districts of North Waziristan and Bajaur and nearby cities of Tank and Dera Ismail Khan.

Taliban influence also spread from the long-troubled tribal belt stringing Afghanistan to the picturesque Swat valley to the northwest, which had been a peaceful holiday spot popular with foreigners and Pakistanis.

A wave of attacks linked to Islamist militants has killed 1,995 people around Pakistan since government forces fought gunmen holed up in the radical Islamabad Red Mosque in July 2007, sparking militant retaliation.

The government has blamed nearly 80 percent of the attacks on the Pakistan Taliban, including the December 2007 killing of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

Infuriated after the Swat Taliban advanced to within 100 kilometers (60 miles) of Islamabad in early April, the Pakistani military launched an offensive to dislodge militants from three northwest districts.

Taliban chief Mehsud may be dead: US T.V, officials
ISPR denies reports of Mehsud killing
Updated at: 0600 PST, Friday, August 07, 2009

ISLAMABAD: The spokesman Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence Agency (ISPR) Major General Ather Waheed said the death of Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud has not been confirmed.

According to sources, ISPR spokesman said the evidences regarding the killing of Baitullah Mehsud, the Taliban commander in Pakistan, have not been ascertained.

Earlier, Interior Minister Rehman Malik was quoted by a foreign news agency as saying that Taliban chief in Pakistan Baitullah Mehsud was likely killed in pilotless US drone aircraft attack on his residence but he did not confirm the incident to happen through proper evidences.

It is worth of mention that Mehsud is wanted by Pakistani government on account of involvement in assassination of former premier Ms. Benazir Bhutto and other terrorist attacks while US government had announced reward of five million US dollars for this head.

ISPR denies reports of Mehsud killing
ISPR denies reports of Mehsud killing
Updated at: 0600 PST, Friday, August 07, 2009

ISLAMABAD: The spokesman Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence Agency (ISPR) Major General Ather Waheed said the death of Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud has not been confirmed.

According to sources, ISPR spokesman said the evidences regarding the killing of Baitullah Mehsud, the Taliban commander in Pakistan, have not been ascertained.

Earlier, Interior Minister Rehman Malik was quoted by a foreign news agency as saying that Taliban chief in Pakistan Baitullah Mehsud was likely killed in pilotless US drone aircraft attack on his residence but he did not confirm the incident to happen through proper evidences.

It is worth of mention that Mehsud is wanted by Pakistani government on account of involvement in assassination of former premier Ms. Benazir Bhutto and other terrorist attacks while US government had announced reward of five million US dollars for this head.

ISPR denies reports of Mehsud killing

Disppointing in the end ..........:eek:

would have been great to see his demise ........
I think death of BM is not much important , because TTP may have shourah which is responsible for major decisions , TTP have 25000 to 50000 thausand fighters which is big gurilla force could continue gurilla war upto 10 years.

We have seen in lebnon and gaza 10000 trained gurilla could not defeated so better all disputes should resolved through political dialogues.
We need to take care of this problem ASAP. These kind of groups can be taken out if government has the resolve.

The same kind of nonsense was said about LTTE but once government showed resolve they were defeated.
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We need to take care of this problem ASAP. These kind of groups can be taken out if government has the resolve.

The same kind of nonsense was said about LTTE but once government showed resolve they were defeated.

Sir Jee,

LTTE defeated after 14 years of struggle and with support of China ,India and Pakistan.

TTP is supported by India/Israel/US and Afghan Government we need to first break their supply line , which will be real challenge for PA and GOP.

It is very complex satuation, US created insugency in FATA to develop pressure for GOP to stop support of Afghan Talaban , which is their very old blame.
Sir Jee,

LTTE defeated after 14 years of struggle and with support of China ,India and Pakistan.

TTP is supported by India/Israel/US and Afghan Government we need to first break their supply line , which will be real challenge for PA and GOP.

It is very complex satuation, US created insugency in FATA to develop pressure for GOP to stop support of Afghan Talaban , which is their very old blame.

LTTE was there for around 25 years and was not defeated in 15 years but in around one to two years when the Srilankan government showed resolve and will to fight.

Remember it desn't matter how much support you get its you and your soldiers who have to fight on the ground. If government has the resolve and the military the will to fight then any threat can be taken care off. Guess Srilanka learned that after around 24 years of fighting.

We should keep this in mind from the begining.
Even if he is dead, someone else may take up the job. Ideally his removal should pave the way for his followers to take a pause, however given the way things have gone on in the past, I doubt this will happen.
Taliban's been on the backfoot ever since their retreat from Swat. Times a changing, and if this news is true, this will be really good for us especially when we start up the Waziristran push by the next summer.
Taliban's meeting regarding their new leader is going on in south Wazristan, why don't PAF drop some deadly bombs on them to ccrush them off. Media officials know the location then surely Pakistan Agencies must also have info on their locations so why don't they respond.
LTTE was there for around 25 years and was not defeated in 15 years but in around one to two years when the Srilankan government showed resolve and will to fight.

Remember it desn't matter how much support you get its you and your soldiers who have to fight on the ground. If government has the resolve and the military the will to fight then any threat can be taken care off. Guess Srilanka learned that after around 24 years of fighting.

We should keep this in mind from the begining.

Basically LTTE was created by Indra Ghandhi and after Rajiv killing India withdraw their support for LTTE. Pakistan and China supported Srilanka and provide them weapon and training to counter insurgency.

Agreed,political will is most important thing but in FATA insurgency is much more dangrous and complex.

TTP is getting billion of dollars for fight against Pakistan from enemies.

US wanted to deal with Talaban is Afghanistan but here in Pakistan presurising to flush them, which is double standard.

We should take decision on basis of our national security not only to comply US conditions, we should maintain our relation with asian powers Russia and China,Iran to counter pressure of US/India/Israel.
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