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Back to begging from the IMF.

The problem with Pakistani Budget is that a large portion of rich Pakistanis dont pay taxes
Only 2 million Pakistanis pay income tax , compared to some 50 Million Indians , despite the fact that , here in India people earning upto Rs 180000 or 4000 USD are exempt from income tax

Looking at the size of Pakistan's population and economy of 190 Billion USD , atleast 8 Million Pakistanis should pay income tax

with additional income from taxes pakistan can withdraw support from IMF

Learn to read the articles before posting them here it what its says when you click it.
September 2, 2010

The IMF announced it would provide around $450 million in new emergency financing to Pakistan to help the country cope with the economic impact of this summer’s massive floods, which have affected about one-fifth of Pakistan’s land mass and left millions homeless.

Financing isn't considered AID but since it makes you burn its my pleasure to help u out.

Pakistan has admitted it is struggling to raise funds to stave off bankruptcy and may have to accept politically unpopular aid from the International Monetary Fund to ward off possible economic meltdown.

By Isambard Wilkinson in Islamabad

2:52PM BST 19 Oct 2008

A key ally in the US-led war on terror, Pakistan has not yet won concrete pledges to stabilise its plummeting economy.

The country is facing 25 per cent inflation and a plunging currency and needs up to $5bn to avoid defaulting on sovereign debt due for repayment next year.

The foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, said the "IMF was an option" but that no decision had been made yet.

First the article is from 2008 we are in 2011 second It dosent say any where even in that article that IMF is giving Aid to Pakistan as i posted above IMF giving Financing Of 450 million dollars after the floods of 2010 but numbers and thinking probably gives you headaches and if can make the head aches worse it will be my pleasure oh i am enjoying this so much.

Repeat of the same news

LOL read the date of the above article By JANE PERLEZ
Published: October 18, 2008

Its NEW YORK time American newspaper they also claim all the money paid for goods bought from Pakistan as Aid being given by the American Government.
If you agree with that then it can also be said that all payments made to India for its goods and services is Aid to India.

Has international community written off Pakistan’s over 60 billion Dollars debt for its commitment to war on terror? Has Pakistan discovered new oil wells to get rid of heavy oil imports? Have we got a solution to our crippling energy crisis? Has our GDP growth rate reached an overnight double digit target? Has US Dollar significantly decreased with respect to the Pakistan Rupee in the currency markets? It is unfortunate to say that the answers to all these questions are in the negative.
The question arises then is why Pakistan has abandoned the loan programme of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)? The reasons are more political than economic and this has not happened for the first time. Earlier regimes including Pervez Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif during their respective tenures, in their quest for political leverage, made tall claims to smash the ‘begging bowl’ but what happened thereafter is known to all of us. Every time we shouted a hollow slogan of self-reliance, a desperate Pakistan headed to IMF and other donor agencies with a bigger bowl thereafter. So, in effect our half hearted bids to self reliance left us in the quick sand of debt deeper than before.
Pakistan has availed itself $7.6 billion of the $11.3 billion IMF loan to avert a balance of payments crisis and meet its international debt obligations.

oh i see where you got confused when they said loan you call it Aid when they say Financing you call it Aid you having selective eyes sight mixing up dates and words to make your point only shows one thing you need GAVISCON.
Hi, I wanted to thank Mr. Perceptron for posting this article. This is not an India versus Pakistan thing, but rather a pure Pakistani corruption thing.

Pakistan has the lowest Tax to GDP ratio in South Asia, if not the world. That is why it is continuously running budget deficits, which have to be financed by loans. Pakistan currently cannot get external loans, and is printing rupees. Hence the depreciation in the Pakistani rupee, massive inflation, and crowding out loans to the private sector, and thus lower investments. This is basic economics, but the current government is too incompetent and corrupt to figure this out.

This article says it all, kindly please also watch the video. What a joke this country is in certain areas.

Pakistani Taxes Widen Divide Between Rich and Poor - NYTimes.com
People with Money in Pakistan are the ones Running the government they will never Tax themselves or let others come forward to challenge there authority

Well said.

There is absolutely no hope for Pakistan until these bloodsuckers are removed. Either they will go willingly, or they will go like Gaddafi.
This time i dont see any eazy loans coming pakistans way....their are surely gonna be some sour strings attached with it.
So much so about pakistan will not beg for Aid from IMF or pak govt. have said no to IMF kind of news. :P

lol and India must get AID to make wc in dehli !!!!!
Well said.

There is absolutely no hope for Pakistan until these bloodsuckers are removed. Either they will go willingly, or they will go like Gaddafi.

hmm you sound eerily similar to the occupy wall street guys...
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