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Did muslims kill those jewish people? If europeans killed them and they r feeling bad about it now let them them give land and creat isreal in their neighborhood. Why palestine land is given to them and they should become muslim worlds problem?
Isrealis are saying look i have a book which says that this land belongs to you. Ha ha funny..this make them expell millions of palesteinians and creat land for jewish people?

Most of these jewish people migrated recently isnt? why did they do That?
If you r saying that 5000 years before thier ancestors lived there they can go back now then remember every country will have history like this.
Also thier ancestors majority accepted islam and people living in palestein were their chikdren.
Even this doesnt give them right to come back.

Isreal itself created illegally. Palestinians hav every right to protest anyways.

The land belonged to Beni Israel, Quran and archaeological discoveries prove this claim.
Palestinians (Romans) came and occupied the land, expelling all its inhabitants to Europe and other parts of Middle East and North Africa.

there, history 101 made simple for you!
the problems is arab world is divided into small and rich nations and large but poor nations. if all the countries unite to become 1 nation of arabs only then it will be a powerfull nation.

Yes. You r right. Actually they want that way because arab world rulers just need money and appointed by thier masters
The land belonged to Beni Israel, Quran and archaeological discoveries prove this claim.
Palestinians (Romans) came and occupied the land, expelling all its inhabitants to Europe and other parts of Middle East and North Africa.

there, history 101 made simple for you!

Beni isrealis converted islam later and lived there. Isnt it. Just like saudi and other land near to it. Every one become muslims there.
also this is 5000 years before. How can these zionists come back now?

Its like parsis will go back now to iran and expelling muslims saying our ancestors lived there.
Beni isrealis converted islam later and lived there. Isnt it. Just like saudi and other land near to it. Every one become muslims there.
also this is 5000 years before. How can these zionists come back now?

Its like parsis will go back now to iran and expelling muslims saying our ancestors lived there.

Are you fookin stupid??

850 Thousand Arab Jews were expelled from Arabia and North Africa which migrated to Israel.
Not everyone converted to Islam.

Most of the pallys cant even prove their identity with any documentation, many of them were Egyptians & Syrians who joined the gold rush as wealthy jews displaced from Europe being to establish modern trade and industrial economy in Israel. It was a lucrative opportunity and many capitalized on it to occupy land and sell it at a inflated profit to wealthy jews.
Are you fookin stupid??

850 Thousand Arab Jews were expelled from Arabia and North Africa which migrated to Israel.
Not everyone converted to Islam.

Most of the pallys cant even prove their identity with any documentation, many of them were Egyptians & Syrians who joined the gold rush as wealthy jews displaced from Europe being to establish modern trade and industrial economy in Israel. It was a lucrative opportunity and many capitalized on it to occupy land and sell it at a inflated profit to wealthy jews.

From where r u getting your history?

Isnt those jews converted to christianity? later it was captured by islamic rulers and it was epicenter of islam. During this time many converted to islam there and muslims remained rulers of this place. So when was jews expelled? christian time or Islamic time?

These jews who were living outside for long time started migrating to palestine all over the world. Many times palestinians allowed them. When entire world was killing jews palestinians allowed them to come to their land. They even sold land to them.
But, So if many indians buy land in pakistan, we can declare that as India?
They sold land, not country.

If UN was not there i agree, Isreal has right to exist. Who won let him keep the land. Like time of Kings. Palestinians has the full right to fight each and every day. They wont become terrorists.

Israeli historian Benny Morris wrote:
But the major cause of tension and violence throughout the period 1882-1914 was not accidents, misunderstandings or the attitudes and behaviors of either side, but objective historical conditions and the conflicting interests and goals of the two populations. The Arabs sought instinctively to retain the Arab and Muslim character of the region and to maintain their position as its rightful inhabitants; the Zionists sought radically to change the status quo, buy as much land as possible, settle on it, and eventually turn an Arab-populated country into a Jewish homeland.

Palestinians did not know this criminal mind of jewish people. Also these Aliyas started just few years before palestians expelled from their homeland.
Genius what was Palestine before Ottomon Empire, Yes A Country! Ottomons did not divide it. Palestinian-indian cases are not the same. Ahaha delusional No Mugal-Muslim Ruler ruled, Muslims Ruled hindustan for a very long time brought you people out of misery poverty backwardness and yes Mughal nor Not-Muslim Rulers did not divide hindustan is a Fact. Open a Thread on this subject we'll discuss just one last thing the fact is it was actually hindustanis that wanted muslims out of their so called land we did not demand it in the first place you people forced and then when muslims minds were set and british divided us you people started crying.

I am aware that Mughal period was great for India but the period of Mauryas and Guptas in India is considered even better.That was the golden age of India.

Secondly , with everything good that the Muslims gave India , they also gave a lot of death, destruction and looting.
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How Indians defend Zionist aggression, it never stops to amaze me.

It surprises me that you are amazed.

Reasons for India defending Israel's actions

1) Israel's help in kargil war
2) Mossad's co-operation with Indian intelligence agencies to counter terrorists that kill hundreds of Indians every year
3) Technology that Israel freely shares with us - military and agricultural, that will help thousands of Indian farmers
4) Excellent trade relations with Israel
5) Around 60,000 Israeli tourists visit India every year and help develop the tourist economy. Goa's economy would take a huge hit without Israeli and Russian tourists
6) Similar mindset in both countries regarding variety of Issues.
7) Several Jews are citizens of India and call it home
8) Palestinians haven't done anything for us.
9) Hamas is a designated terrorist organisation

Pakistan's reasons for supporting Palestine
1) They are muslims

How many Palestinians came forward and helped you in wars against India? Do you see Palestinians demonstrating on the streets against US drone attacks on Pakistan? What's the total volume of trade between Palestine and Pakistan? Do you see Palestinians really supporting your cause in Kashmir? Yeah , once in a blue moon , their leaders do indeed say that Kashmir belongs to Pakistan , but an average Palestinians probably can't point Kashmir on a world map....
Do any Palestinians tourists visit Pakistan and vice versa?Actually I'm sure a few dozen Palestinians do visit Pakistan every year , only to join several militant groups that attack and kill your soldiers.

We support Israel because we are friends. You support Palestine only because they are muslims.
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