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Baba Ramdev to address 500,000 Deobandi Maulanas

well they do listen to the yogi baba now don't they?
i am not into beastality and $hit like that...but would not link sexual liberty to animal behavior...two willing partners...is all it takes bro.
this ramdev baba should stick to yoga preaching...and should refrain from making political statements...and he's made plenty.

My point was slightly different - that wanton sex is appropriate for those living on the animalistic plane.

As regards political statements - it's a free country, and he's entitled to express his opinion (and you're free to express your disagreement).
Here is a personal account---

I am too lazy to practice Yoga myself. But my dad was diagnosed with diabetes 4/5 years back. He was also suffering from chronic bronchitis for several years. Someone suggested him to practice yoga and follow Ramdev's programs. He started doing it. At first I laughed at it-- all looked so bizarre. Now after practicing yoga regularly for last 3/4 years my dad has got some great results. His diabetes is always under control without medicine, even he eats sweets now. The bronchitis which was there for many years seems to be gone now and he looks much fitter than before. So getting the 1st hand experience I can say that it certainly has some good effects. But I am afraid my ponderous attitude towards yoga is still there--someday, may be at an older age....!!!
This person looks so unfit himself

anyway a person who starts his yoga by reciting vande mataram lolzz how can Muslims take his practice as an exercise and not something else

Jana half of Ramdev's body was paralyzed...he cured himself through yoga...watch his videos...his eyes flinch when he speaks...the remains of his paralysis...read more about him..as far as yoga is concerned...he is a genius.
How come he is in bad shape than? :undecided:

I suggest Martial Art over yoga. :tup:

yoga is for the mind spirit and the body...so is some of the martial art...yoga is for your own well being and not a fighting device...
I read somewhere though that beating someone up is the best way to buff up...but you can't do that now can you?
if that is intended sarcasm...then you are one scary person to argue with...!

:) not at all i was seriously welcoming him :) i liked his modest views although i dont agree with ramdev's statement about animal instinct viz viz
My point was slightly different - that wanton sex is appropriate for those living on the animalistic plane.

Halaku Khan....it never stops.
and it goes both ways...and your choice has to be static throughout.
I will explain...
afghans were asked their veiws about democracy....their general opinion was...that democracy is bad for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as it puts sex into your daily lives....now you can't dismiss that as a queer notion of a poor illiterate now can you?it makes awful sense.
democracy loosely stands for liberty...deep enough to let the like of michal moores of the world to fukc the ruling president over all in the name of the freedom of expression.
and it does end at the freedom of personal choice.
you can't be a quasi-fascist....when you get down to deciding the public's personal choices...you are being one...
so either you are a democracy with the sprakling ideals of liberty and personal freedom...or you are a fascist...or a socialist.

let the hawk perch let the eagle perch cus they would whether you like it or not...just make sure that they don't $hit the semi-digested remains of the last lizard they ate on your head...and hence the importance of the c**dom.

As regards political statements - it's a free country, and he's entitled to express his opinion (and you're free to express your disagreement).
quite right...but sample this...you are a baker and bake the finest cakes...you get famous...and you are to appear on your own cookery show...and instead of showing your magic with the dough...you start justifying the right of the bihairs to work anywhere in India...people would feel cheated wouldn't they?they din't put you in that position,right in front of a TV camera which has a billion people at it's rear end...to vouch for the Biharis and the marathis now did they?that is called exploiting your prominence...the babus do it all the time...if ye hate them babus...hate this guy too...but then your choice.
:) not at all i was seriously welcoming him :) i liked his modest views although i dont agree with ramdev's statement about animal instinct viz viz

for a moment I swear that I decided to never pick a fight with you...cus that would have been very cruel sarcasm right there...but you appear to be humane...
i dont agree with ramdev's statement about animal instinct viz viz
good to be on the same side on this one then ...
Halaku Khan....it never stops.
and it goes both ways...and your choice has to be static throughout.
I will explain...
afghans were asked their veiws about democracy....their general opinion was...that democracy is bad for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as it puts sex into your daily lives....now you can't dismiss that as a queer notion of a poor illiterate now can you?it makes awful sense.
democracy loosely stands for liberty...deep enough to let the like of michal moores of the world to fukc the ruling president over all in the name of the freedom of expression.
and it does end at the freedom of personal choice.
you can't be a quasi-fascist....when you get down to deciding the public's personal choices...you are being one...
so either you are a democracy with the sprakling ideals of liberty and personal freedom...or you are a fascist...or a socialist.

let the hawk perch let the eagle perch cus they would whether you like it or not...just make sure that they don't $hit the semi-digested remains of the last lizard they ate on your head...and hence the importance of the c**dom.

quite right...but sample this...you are a baker and bake the finest cakes...you get famous...and you are to appear on your own cookery show...and instead of showing your magic with the dough...you start justifying the right of the bihairs to work anywhere in India...people would feel cheated wouldn't they?they din't put you in that position,right in front of a TV camera which has a billion people at it's rear end...to vouch for the Biharis and the marathis now did they?that is called exploiting your prominence...the babus do it all the time...if ye hate them babus...hate this guy too...but then your choice.

I'm all for individual freedom. Children do need to be properly guided, but what people do as adults is their business (as long as they are not treading on anybody else's toes), and they will bear the consequences, good or bad.

If you feel put-off by Baba Ramdev's political views, you can stop watching. If there are lots of people who are similarly put-off, he'll lose his viewership. But it seems that his political views are not hurting his TRPs at all.
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If you feel put-off by Baba Ramdev's political views, you can stop watching. If there are lot's of people who are similarly put-off, he'll lose his viewership. But it seems that his political views are not hurting his TRPs at all.

I don't watch medieval lok-charcha... I read about it when his speeches make headlines...it comes in the papers so it's difficult ducking him.
and I am the top 10 percent of this country that had a decent domestic education to see right and wrong...in 32 bit true colors...doesn't matter $hit what the 10 percent does...you would still have a lady trying to expend state coffers for hers and her mentors statues
no bro...don't judge me from the lingo...try me.

Brother, you did not see light in my plain argument, so I don't think you would even now, but let me try you.

you hate condoms cus...
a)they have become a symbol of illegitimate and sinful sexual relations
do tell me before the advent of condoms...were there no illegitimate and sinful sexual relations?

Yes there were illegitimate and sinful sexual relations before condoms and that is why I mentioned it simply as a "symbol". The idea is not centered around condoms rather around the purpose of having condoms, which has become more of a medium to legitamize inappropriate sexual relations than being a protective cover against AIDS. No harm in using condoms if it is intended only to be a protection against AIDS.

condoms just have resulted in a lower pregnancy rate...something we Indians should welcome....
and there is a cool new disease it's called AIDS...it fukcs you over before you die eventually in pain...and the only cure is the hateble condom.

Yes, only if you indulge in illegitimate sex based purely on sexual desires. If you take sex as dinners, then surely the pregnancy rate is bound to increase. Then you look to condoms, but won't try to have self-control.

b)totally unnatural to use condoms.
is it natural to use air-conditioners?cars...mobile phones...or computers?

Yes I consider all of these unnatural (or rather things that take us away from nature), and try to minimize their use. We will be much better of without these electronic and mechanical devices around us.

just stand in front of the mirror and have a good look at yourself...god put meat on you to attract mates...he wants you to get laid....those broad shoulders and hoarse voice have more than one functions.

I see now why my arguments fail to make you think. You have a totally mechanical approach to this issue. Do not look solely to science for answers in issues in which dharma (I do not mean religion) is involved - for in such issues dharma takes precedence. If you want to upgrade yourself, go to the spiritual plain, else you will downgrade yourself to animal instincts.

And yes, having an attractive personality is not a bad idea. It has its place and relevance as well.

being on a forum...forbids us from getting into personal details...but I am positive that 99.99% would have sex more times than they'd have children.

Majority of them "have sex more times than they'd have children" because majority of them are either unaware of where to have self-control and if they are then they are simply unable to have some.

Even if 99.99% percent of this world's people decide to jump in a well some day, that would not make their decision correct, will it? Use your intellect, do not follow the herd like a sheep.
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Limits on sex

comes into play when you want to master Yoga. I guess martial arts masters also have some limitations like this.

For the common people like you and me, it's perfectly alright to have sex within the boundary drawn by limits of our body.

And how can we forget Kama-Sutra? Surely, that art and science was not studied for 'reproduction purpose'! :smitten:

Regards, Balance.
Yes there were illegitimate and sinful sexual relations before condoms and that is why I mentioned it simply as a "symbol".
take guns for example...in the hands of a criminal they kill...and in the hands of a law enforcer...they protect...condoms are used more by married people than in the perpetuation of illegitimate sexual relations.so it is how you want to look at something.

The idea is not centered around condoms rather around the purpose of having condoms, which has become more of a medium to legitimize sexual relations than being a protective cover against AIDS.
what is an illegitimate sexual relation?
the govt. of india was apprehensive about advertising condoms during the crucial 60s -70s and the 80s...millions paid the toll with their lives...I hope you don't undermine the importance of the rubber.

Yes, only if you indulge in illegitimate sex based purely on sexual desires. If you take sex as dinners, then surely the pregnancy rate is bound to increase. Then you look to condoms, but won't try to have self-control.
let me ask this straight...do you consider consensual sex between married partners a sin?
and what good does self-control in marriages lead to?
it actually leads to a divorce...if you have some idea of the law.

Yes I consider all of these unnatural (or rather things that take us away from nature), and try to minimize their use. We will be much better of without these electronic and mechanical devices around us.
i was hoping you could smoke signal me from wherever you are...do you realize that you've eaten elecronic bandwidth in your last post and will eat more in your next one too?the servers that would be used to direct your posts require constant air-conditioning...or else they'd malfunction or burnout...you don't realize that do you...it is so hard to practice what you preach brother.
your whole education has eaten up the states precious resources...when you could have learnt through personal experience without wasting away those resources...i am sure you don't sleep under a tree...
I see now why my arguments fail to make you think. You have a totally mechanical approach to this issue.
Do not look solely to science for answers in issues in which dharma (I do not mean religion) is involved - for in such issues dharma takes precedence. If you want to upgrade yourself, go to the spiritual plain, else you will downgrade yourself to animal instincts.
see don't talk in first person/second person when you are talking about whatever you are talking about..it is considered very aggressive when you engage someone like that...
your arguments failed to make me think because they have no weight.i believe more in Karma than dharma...it's stupid trying to have astral visions about others spiritual makeup on a forum.If you don't have counter arguments...saying that the other guy is a Adharmi is not a good comeback.
And yes, having an attractive personality is not a bad idea. It has its place and relevance as well.
I am sure you'd have your reasons to never go to a gym ever...mechanical things are sinful aren't they?

Majority of them "have sex more times than they'd have children" because majority of them are either unaware of where to have self-control and if they are then they are simply unable to have some.
you hate sex...fine...your opinion...but we can't impose ours on others right?have the self-control of not showing off self-control to others....people practice abstinence in regards to things that harm them...how does protected sex harm anyone?
Even if 99.99% percent of this world's people decide to jump in a well some day, that would not make their decision correct, will it? Use your intellect, do not follow the herd like a sheep.
I'd have been more precise if i'd have read this twisted analogy earlier...
Limits on sex

comes into play when you want to master Yoga. I guess martial arts masters also have some limitations like this.

For the common people like you and me, it's perfectly alright to have sex within the boundary drawn by limits of our body.

Each human being has various needs - Kaama (sensual desire), Artha (prosperity), Dharma (desire for natural righteousness), and Moksha (enlightenment).

However, depending upon the level of evolution, the emphasis is different. There could be some whose predominant goal is Kaama, and there could be others whose predominant goal is Moksha.

At different stages of evolution, the behaviors that are appropriate are different.
^^^ It is interesting to compare with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, described by psychologist Abraham Maslow in his paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" (1943):


Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The point is that different people have different needs and desires depending upon their evolutionary status, and there there are different behaviors that are appropriate for them.
Each human being has various needs - Kaama (sensual desire), Artha (prosperity), Dharma (desire for natural righteousness), and Moksha (enlightenment).

However, depending upon the level of evolution, the emphasis is different. There could be some whose predominant goal is Kaama, and there could be others whose predominant goal is Moksha.

At different stages of evolution, the behaviors that are appropriate are different.

There you are!

For a better target (say Moksha over Kama), one has to take out his interest from Kama and so, the limit on sex. Naturally, the advice from Ramdev Baba does not imply to everyone.

Thanks for making it easy to explain.
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