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'Azerbaijani people can see themselves as part of Iran only in a nightmare'

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I do not know where this Qaramanlu name comes from but the Karamanlı-Karamanlılar-Karamanoğulları Beyliği which stated themselves as a continuation of Selçuklu abandoned-banned persian language even on streets and bazaars and ONLY spoke Turkish.

Qaramanlu was a tribe in Qarabagh. Yes there was a prominent Karamanlu tribe in Anatolia aswell, but these Qaramanlus under Safavids were Azerbaijani ones. Perhaps they had the same roots, but in that case part of them must have migrated to Anatolia early on (actually it is said that the grandfather of Karaman Bey migrated to Anatolia from Azerbaijan as a result of Mongol invasions), while a part remained in Azerbaijan. The same Qaramanlu tribe of Azerbaijan is mentioned in Qara-Qoyunlu and Aq-Qoyunlu confederations.
turkmens are whiter 4 times than persians

Most Turkmens are people like Mongolian ...Turkamens arrived in Turkamanstan after 11 century .. before them the aria was inhabited by Persian and their nomad cousins Scythian for thousand years . later the turkic tribe dissolve
many Scythian tribe. These white skin and blond Turkamens or Uzbeks just have mixed blood from Scythian.
Most Turkmens are people like Mongolian ...Turkamens arrived in Turkamanstan after 11 century .. before them the aria was inhabited by Persian and their nomad cousins Scythian for thousand years . later the turkic tribe dissolve
many Scythian tribe. These white skin and blond Turkamens or Uzbeks just have mixed blood from Scythian.

True , scythians inhabited central asia before turks /mongols , and they were descendents of Aryans who at the time cyrus invaded the Iranian plateau among many other places ...
Most Turkmens are people like Mongolian ...Turkamens arrived in Turkamanstan after 11 century .. before them the aria was inhabited by Persian and their nomad cousins Scythian for thousand years . later the turkic tribe dissolve
many Scythian tribe. These white skin and blond Turkamens or Uzbeks just have mixed blood from Scythian.

i have to say you that turkmens dont look like mongolians , already turks were living that area last 3 000 years .. also sychtians were turkic people
I don't know where are you going with this? But if you are the racist type (the way you regarded Arabs in a degraded way implies that you are) you are not even worth my time. About the genetic markers, I must say due to interracial "mating" there is higher prevalence of more alternative forms of genes present in Iran, the prevalence and distribution of alleles A and B are 20 percent average on both alleles in Iran (which is pretty high), therefore in such society determining colour of skin and applying it to the population as a whole can be pretty idiotic! Because there are dark skin Iranians and there are light skins as well.

So next time before blabbing be careful on what you want to talk about, maybe check with someone? Because unlike you there are people who actually know what Genetic means! :)
if you want see racist type go look your persian friends ;) only i have showed him that turkmens were not yellow people(mongolid), that's all
i have to say you that turkmens dont look like mongolians , already turks were living that area last 3 000 years .. also sychtians were turkic people

Sorry but you guys have no valid Academic source to prove that ! All Academic source emphasis that Sychtians were Indoeuropian People close to Iranian . You guys really need to take some history course before using Internet !

Turkic Tribe just arrived in central Asia after 4 century A.D .
i have to say you that turkmens dont look like mongolians , already turks were living that area last 3 000 years .. also sychtians were turkic people

wrong all scholar around the world believes Scythians are Arian and even many of Them consider them as Iranic people .more importantly they lived in lands that Arian people migrated from there into Iranian plateau around 3500 years ago.


turkish tribes years later (millenias later) migrated to those area from far eastern part of Asia
i have to say you that turkmens dont look like mongolians , already turks were living that area last 3 000 years .. also sychtians were turkic people

Scythians were Iranian. I know you Turks like to falsify history, but no real scholar or source is falling for your lies.
turkmens are whiter 4 times than persians lol
R1b -37 % j2- 17 % G -12 % R1a - 9 % Q -5% N 6 % L 6 %

and persians :)(ARABO-PERSİANS)

if they are J2 predominant then they must have an Iranic origin as Two Y-DNA haplogroups are supposed to be connected with Iranian peoples: J2 and R1a1.

by the way let see this interesting DNA data about people of Azerbaijan
Another recent study of the genetic landscape of Iran was done by a team of Cambridge geneticists led by Dr. Maziar Ashrafian Bonab (an Iranian Azarbaijani).[77] Bonab remarked that his group had done extensive DNA testing on different language groups, including Indo-European and non Indo-European speakers, in Iran.[67] The study found that the Azerbaijanis of Iran do not have a similar FSt and other genetic markers found in Anatolian and European Turks. However, the genetic Fst and other genetic traits like MRca and mtDNA of Iranian Azeris were identical to Persians in Iran. Azaris of Iran also show very close genetic ties to Kurds.[78]
^ Iran: tricontinental nexus for Y-chromosome driven migration – Regueiro M, Cadenas AM, Gayden T, Underhill PA, Herrera RJ, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, University Park, OE 304, Miami, FL 33199, USA, National Center for Biotechnology Information
^ "Maziar Ashrafian Bonab"[dead link] — Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge . Retrieved 9 June 2006. Archived June 18, 2006 at the Wayback Machine[dead link]
^ S. Farjadian1, A. Ghaderi (December 2007). "HLA class II similarities in Iranian Kurds and Azeris". International Journal of Immunogenetics 34 (6): 457–463. doi:10.1111/j.1744-313X.2007.00723.x. PMID 18001303
Well I watch tractor sazi games on tv and never saw such thing .By the way if 10 - 20 people get arrested then maybe it's 10 - 20 are the one who do such things oinot 70.000 people .
By the way Tabriz stadium don't have capacity for 70.000 people

Because you live in the FRRRRREEE Iran as you know it better than us



Listen to The South Azerbaijan Wolves


I had other youtube links where earthquake victims were asked about their situation and when they started to speak ( Turkish ) they went off-air and other videos of how iran didnt cover much the earthquake in South Azerbaijan where 230 people died but when it happened in another region with 37 deads they announced 3 day mourning accros the country ... As usual videos are deleted by 3rd parties.

And iran rejected Turkish help for earthquake victims but victims say it openly on youtube that they never got visited or helped even after 8 days of the earthquake.

Please spread how '' Azeris '' love iran and they see themselves persian, they enjoy being called '' torke-khar '' and being showed as insects which feeds on persian **** ;)

Most Turkmens are people like Mongolian ...Turkamens arrived in Turkamanstan after 11 century .. before them the aria was inhabited by Persian and their nomad cousins Scythian for thousand years . later the turkic tribe dissolve
many Scythian tribe. These white skin and blond Turkamens or Uzbeks just have mixed blood from Scythian.
Mongolians are whiter than Indians ;) So is Türkmens...
Qaramanlu was a tribe in Qarabagh. Yes there was a prominent Karamanlu tribe in Anatolia aswell, but these Qaramanlus under Safavids were Azerbaijani ones. Perhaps they had the same roots, but in that case part of them must have migrated to Anatolia early on (actually it is said that the grandfather of Karaman Bey migrated to Anatolia from Azerbaijan as a result of Mongol invasions), while a part remained in Azerbaijan. The same Qaramanlu tribe of Azerbaijan is mentioned in Qara-Qoyunlu and Aq-Qoyunlu confederations.

From Wikipedia

''Karamanoğullarının kökeni Güney Azerbaycan'dan Sivas'a göç eden Hoca Saadettin'in oğlu Nur-i Sufi'ye dayanmaktadır. Buradan Alman Şehir devleti'nden boşalan Taşeli Platosuna yerleşmişlerdir. Karamanoğulları Oğuzların Salur[2] ya da Avşar boyundandırlar ''

By the way, whenever I visit differe Azerbaijanian news-sites or any other sites they work soooooo slow, are you guys having some internet connection problems?
wrong all scholar around the world believes Scythians are Arian and even many of Them consider them as Iranic people .more importantly they lived in lands that Arian people migrated from there into Iranian plateau around 3500 years ago.


turkish tribes years later (millenias later) migrated to those area from far eastern part of Asia

True , the scythinas played such a role in history the BBC made a documentary for them
Now it led to separatism and racism,as expected.Closed.
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