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The Azerbaijan Army is certainly more powerful than Armenia on paper, what do you think is the reason that allows hem to "occupy" 20% of your land?
Such things don't mean that much, Muslim Iran helped Armenia in our war and still does secretly. And who can tell me that they won't do in the next war? Iran is like Armenia's major way to outside world. Its a heaven for Armenians. And there is the Islamic Republic of Iran for you.

So use your logic.

The president of your country said " We will invade Iran and annex Iranian Azerbaijan" what do you expect us to do?

Besides, isn't it a bit hypocritical of you to say "Azerbajain" is secular and has good relations with Zionist israel, and then expect Iran to help Azerbaijan because you're a Muslim nation?
The Azerbaijan Army is certainly more powerful than Armenia on paper, what do you think is the reason that allows hem to "occupy" 20% of your land?

War is a high possibility. If you ask why not yet, I do not know. But time is on our side.

Of course todays Azerbaijan cannot be compared to 92.
The president of your country said " We will invade Iran and annex Iranian Azerbaijan" what do you expect us to do?

Besides, isn't it a bit hypocritical of you to say "Azerbajain" is secular and has good relations with Zionist israel, and then expect Iran to help Azerbaijan because you're a Muslim nation?

We don't have good relations with Israel because we are "secular". Because they support us.

Iran helping Armenia goes far back to Azerbaijan's relation with Israel. Iran begun to help Armenians during the first day of war.

And can you provide some source where the president of that time said a such thing? That is none-sense. We had so much issues.
We don't have good relations with Israel because we are "secular". Because they support us.

Iran helping Armenia goes far back to Azerbaijan's relation with Israel. Iran begun to help Armenians during the first day of war.

And can you provide some source where the president of that time said a such thing? That is none-sense. We had so much issues.

As the leader of Azerbaijani Popular Front (APF), the historian Abulfazl Elchibey, came to power in June 1992, Azerbaijan turned increasingly towards Turkey. Indeed, Elchibey was decidedly Pro-Turkish, secularly oriented, pan-Azeri and vehemently anti-Iranian. This meant that Tehran had exactly the kind of government in Baku that it did not wish to have. President Elchibey did not show any diplomatic tact either. On several occasions, he blasted Iran as a doomed state and predicted that within five years, Azerbaijan would be reunited. It remains clear that during the Elchibey's rule, Iran drifted towards close contacts with Armenia.

So what do you expect Iran to do when your president calls us a doomed state and says he wants to annex Iranian Azerbaijan? If you look at Iranian relations with Azerbaijan after your independence, you will see that we had good relations, we were one of the firsts (in fact i think the first) nation to recognized you and we immediately signed a lot of economical, political and cultural agreements, and then this stupid president comes in charge and becomes aggressive and anti-Iranian.

And then, an even worse president by the name of Aliyev came in power and now he is acting like the poodle of Israel.

I don't think Azerbaijan will ever get back its' land without the help of Iran and Russia and that will never happen unless it removes Aliyev is removed.
Look at this disgusting image on a Azerbaijani school book which shows Iranian land.

You can be assured that unless Azerbaijan seriously changes its attitude, Armenia will always occupy 20% of your land.
You cannot call Elçibəy "Stupid", whatch your mouth.

So what? Thats what is rightfully ours, our "Ata Yurdu", fatherland. But such things have never been raised against Iran, thats where I disagree.

And no one says Iran should help us, thanks.
You cannot call Elçibəy "Stupid", whatch your mouth.

So what? Thats what is rightfully ours, our "Ata Yurdu", fatherland. But such things have never been raised against Iran, thats where I disagree.

And no one says Iran should help us, thanks.

If he is not stupid then what is he? He was responsible for Azerbaijan loosing 20% of it's land to a weaker Armenia.

Azerbaijan cannot do a damn thing against Iran, lets say for a minute that your weak pathetic army managed to defeat Iran, what are you going to do? Force Iranian Azeris to separate from their homeland? We are Iranian that is it.

As an Iranian Azeri, i am telling you that i don't want to be associated with your pathetic soviet country.

It is a shame that your stupid soviet leaders were anti-Iranian otherwise Iran would have helped Azerbaijan, but because of what your president says, we had to help Armenia and i understand and accept why we did.
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